It is imperative that we attractive more smart, capable ladies. This is not ONLY a boys club Holla Forums. We need conservative ladies with conviction.
It is imperative that we attractive more smart, capable ladies. This is not ONLY a boys club Holla Forums. We need conservative ladies with conviction.
I posted the pic because it was the only one I could find. A young woman is talking about how Holla Forums inspired her to become more nationalistic. I think it's important to share with you all. We have to stop being divisive with one another. Woman are good to have as support.
get fucked
I'm confused by your criticism
Fascism: It's A Girl Thing
kill yourself OP, jesus christ
this is why Holla Forums will always run out of steam and implode
what I am trying to do is UNITE people. WHITE PEOPLE. GUYS AND GIRLS.
you know. white guys + white girls = white babies
How are we going to perpetuate our fucking race is you guys are such cynical pieces of shit
I am not crushing or cucking on/for some random illustrator. I am trying to show Holla Forums that girls like her exist you morons. You guys are hopeless.
nice pic bro!
OP is a 15 year old boy who is letting his boner go to his head, or more likely someone from Red Ice shilling.
Doing just fine without your e-celeb bullshit
Yes. In real life. Not e-celebs shilling on Holla Forums
It may have escaped your notice but this is an anonymous imageboard where we discuss recent happenings and post memes. It is entirely conceivable but highly unlikely that everyone ITT is a girl. The sex of posters on Holla Forums has nothing to do with it. There already are girls here we don't need you posting this shit to tell us this.
What you want to do is put girls on a pedestal above everyone else because they are a girl, which is one of the things people most hate about women. It's in your OP. Literally the only reason you think this is noteworthy is the fact that she is a girl. Get lost retard.
That's all good and nice, but you know the rules.
whatever you say home boi
webm related
fuck off
Her interview with Gavin McInnes was cringey as fuck. She doesn't even understand the concept of hiding her power level.
really makes one pontificate
They don't exist here.
Dubs confirm. Shes not a lurker here, she's a lurker on cuckchan. Into the bog she goes along with the other alt kike trash.
We're not alt right. Fuck off with your eceleb bullshit. This is exactly how gamergate got coopted and destroyed.
Die in a fucking fire. Women shouldn't even be political, let alone fash or some shit.
ok you pieces of shit win.
just be careful because your cynicism is a double edged sword.
I literally wasnt shilling just sharing a fun girl. thought y'all could use some levity injected into the heaviness that has been this election . but you guys really are hopeles, humorless pieces of dog shit. back to fun chan I go
I think I'm seeing a trend here.
I guess it's okay, but it could use some honesty.
and stay there
Make sure to stay there and blacklist this board so you never come back. You cuckchan fucks are already ruining this board with your niggers memes and lack of awareness to kike subversion.
fuck all of you guys.
4chan literally single-handedly won TRUMP the election.
enjoy your circle jerk discussions that literally lead to nowhere. you impotent fats
This is why you don't share important info with women. Let's hope cuckchan continues to be the buffer zone.
*a wild, butthurt cuckchanner appears*
Ah, of course! Where would Trump be without the 20 pages of formulaic 'Holla Forums btfo', 'redpill me on X' threads, alongside the endless cuck spam and nigger memes.
no, we need women at home having babies and raising proper daughters and sons. politics is for men.
letting women have decision power is part of what got us here. some women also realise this and pray to repeal the 19th.
don't let the door hit you on the way out!
No fuck off you pathetic cuck. Women are NOT required in politics and should NOT be attracted to this.
The conservative lady is NOT one that would frequent a place like this, and NOT a lady that would do the things we do.
This is the most stupid thread I have seen today.
kil you're slef
There's something super ironic about the way Emily speaks of becoming redpilled. She reminds of that fed-informant kike weev.
and thus the kike outs himself
This isn't cuckchan. Where the fuck did you think you were? We talk about repealing the 19th all the time. This isn't some feminist hug box you stupid cunt.
This image annoyed me so much I made OC.
No thread about pedo podesta on 4chan
No thread about hillary's pedo ring
Redpill me on whatever Holla Forums thread
CTR nigger spamming
You won nothing loser, go back to cuckchan.
I agree with this video
damn, so many paradoxons in one sentence. Not sure our understanding of math and physics can handle this implosion of reality.
It's just mental makeup, user.
Kek, you even got dubs for the effort.
Girls are probably the most useful thing for redpilling normies though.
People who say 4chan won the election for Trump are our useful idiots, fam. We want the plebs to think that it was 4chan while we know it was us on 8/pol/
Mention women and MGTOW/INTL come out of the woodwork.
Level 30+ wizard, and all I want to do is make white babies, is that too much to ask?
At least I have Alfred Rosenberg to comfort me with his kind words of wisdom.
I'll give this a listen, but so far they sound fickle.
you are the same as a blue pilled normie
go back to reddit kido
just like your father told you
It's not your primary mission. It's good to have kids but your primary mission is to uncuck the country you live in. Sometimes family can be a restraint on your risk-taking. Translate your situation into something meaningful, user.
righto m8
Fuck off back to cuckchan then. We have rules here to prevent another fucking co-opt.
Does she mention 8/pol/ specifically? In that thread about McCuck attacking Anglin, somebody was claiming to know him, then a couple weeks later she was on his show and called him on it.
This, Holla Forums is not the place for this shit. And no, I'm not MGTOW, stop with this autism. Not everyone who is against Holla Forums turning into tupper ware party is a wizard. Holla Forums is chaos and anonimity, there are other sites for boys and girls trying to impress each other.