Holla Forums is mainstream propaganda

a few years back we were baying for the blood of the bankers ie jews after they ostensibly deliberately caused a financial meltdown and robbed the world blind

and in the wake of that somehow the mainstream media and diseminators of its propaganda ie Holla Forums has managed to shift the hatred of the out of pocket common man from our real enemy, the bankers ie jews who robbed us, to the brown people who are apparently taking our jobs.

if we weren't jewed out of our money and told to hate brown people by media puppets like trump and Holla Forums im sure nobody would give a fuck about brown people especially given that anyone whos even had a slight nibble on a red pill would know that isis etc is a mossad sock puppet and the "immigration crisis" is just jew media propaganda

pretty funny how the alt right is pretty much just a south park caricature of a redneck

oh and thanks for deleting my thread Holla Forums

you are just giving me more evidence that your site is just a giant feminist hugbox

probably deleted your thread because you are an ignoramus

you lost fag

nothing you say matters HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAH

Defeatist are the worst

Is Trump a jew supporter?
Is he a jew puppet?
Probably not
Was this election the most fun I've had in years?
We can focus on the jews when Trump is in office, right now it's party time

you actually picked sides in the sock puppet show?

i bet you think pro wrestling is real too huh?

Some people are Trump supporters, get over it.



the problem is that Holla Forums are giant hypocrites

also your board is cancerous

you spread mainstream propaganda, it's like having a board dedicated to "jersey shore" top of the board list

Did Hillary think she was going to win and sign CTR a contract that lasts still lasts after the election or something?

implying Holla Forums aren't paid trump shills

what the fuck are you talking about?
what the fuck does this even mean?

Listen CTR fag, we know you are angry that you your contract is running out soon and will not get renewed. You lost the election and since CTR hires alot of sjw students you probably also have some debt to pay. You are so much part of this system that you don't even know anything outside of it. I wish you luck but please take your last few days off or something. Don't be so salty!

Cry more faggot.

You cucks lost, get over it.

kill yourself

Even if they are… they did a better job than you losers did obviously.

Stay mad, meatcuck.

First of all if you don't like it here why are you here? You clearly are a newfag or something - just leave! Also I didn't even know Trump existed before he announced he is running for president. And third, this board isn't just for americans, it's about all of european (and other) politics … but not about faggots like you who get internet-PTSD.

By the way: President TRUMP

this thread is a mess, Jeb! are you the OP?

okay, it beats being a nigger vegan


Shitskins, kikes, and all other forms of cancer will be purged. Fuck off and gas a synagogue OP.

Go bump the Ursula thread if you're concerned about kikes and zionism, or better yet start your own thread on the subject. If you just want to bitch about some murderous crone not getting into the white house try here


so much cognitive dissonance lolol

Holla Forums you are as much a joke as you ever are




You stupid cunt, he played those niggers like a xylophone, outfoxed them at almost every turn.
Unless you're talking about his TV show, in which case, not an argument.
What universe is your tv receiving from?

Ok chief, no idea what you mean but ok

Can you really call yourself vegan with your high-semen dietary intake?

We do it for free, and we won

Bootybothered pindicks way out of their league.


how is cognitive dissonance treating you?

These seem lower quality than usual.

Did many at the office (basement) leave and new replacements hastily hired?

If that's true it's really something. Jews have voted majority Democrat for over 100 years straight, so Trump must have got, like, 3 jewish votes.







not very well i see

Well, at least it is clear where CTR went, Jesus Christ.


It's like you don't know the moderations around these parts is a fucking joke.

You smell really new there buddy.
Really really new.

Why are that cuckface and cunt guarding the tree?

Man you really corrected my record, I should have voted for Satan

You're so new it's painful. So outright here to reddit the place up. Just kill yourself. The alt-right a shit. If you weren't a freechling, you'd know that's the common jist around here. Cry harder.

are you implying over half of the people are browsing Holla Forums or are fascist now? And if they are, we should abandon fascism because it's now mainstream? Low tier shilling tbh


It seems that you're low IQ or something. Is it a hard thing to understand that endorsing a candidate doesn't equate to agreeing and supporting everything he does? He is the best and probably the most close to our poisition americans had in centuries. The other would have been Buchanan. in 2012 most of Holla Forums was on the Ron Paul train so what?

Do you suppose Holla Forums should have backed bernie sanders or something? Are you this new? You're either too autistic that you can't see shades of grey inbetween black and white or you're just a butthurt CTR who will lose his position because of the budget cuts so you try to prove that you are the best shill in the office.

Holla Forums still hates the Jews. It's just part of Trump's platform to bring jobs back from in Asia and other places. If the jobs return to America, great. But the Jews are still the main enemy. The main enemy is still out there. And until delt with, they'll rise again.

Take a hike, kike. You and all your shitskin golems wont be around much longer.

The Redneck is a projection of what leftists are really like.

1. Inbred - Jews and many minority groups are more inbred then Whites, and leftist perversion makes inbreeding more acceptable.

2. Dumb and uneducated - most leftists are dumb and uneducated, by virtue of being leftists and ignoring other opinions.

3. Drinking moonshine - Most leftists are heavily into alcohol and drug addiction.

4. Being without jobs - Most leftists refuse to do a honest job and would rather take welfare.

5. Being deranged and amoral - from walking around naked, to having many sexual partners to attacking innocent people, this is the modus operandi of leftists.

So basically, the stereotype of the redneck, is a projection of leftwing character traits on the American rural population.

That would be totally brilliant, if…..

Everyone here actually thinks the first buttton is true.

I wish

Quality work, I can tell it came from 4chan.

That wall of tiny ms paint text. Le sigh.
I'm glad xur still trying but this is terrible work.
Try upsetting your stepdad for a few months & get back to us.


English ! Do you speak it !

Fuck that was painful to read.

South Park is a caricature of their genuine grievances from the perspective of urbanite jewish mentality, with all the derisive mockery and barely masked contempt that brings with it.

Op is a faggot.

South Park is written by a kike and a literal cuck.

And how does the alt right concern us?

At least we ain't niggers.

Reminder the scum making these threads are muds looking for gibsmedat from whitey.

'Disliking minorities is evil' the post.

I don't think this is ctr. I see something of old in the shilling of the last two days. Maybe this is JIDF reclaiming their posts after those goys at ctr literally took their jobs. The pursue of shekels ends in an oven and not a moment sooner, my friends.

He isn't going to do any of that shit other than possibly lower taxes.

Blood is thicker than water, by the way.


The final CTR shill is trying to go out with a bang, I see.

Holla Forums of all places was right about what we needed for once.
>>>Holla Forums11199999

Because NOTHING is safe from killary.

OP didn't get enough sleep? Long night out rioting with his commie queer African American friends? hahaha you're a fucking idiot on so many levels hahaha.