SOUTHPARK Forced to Re-Write Entire episode Due to Trump Win
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I can't stand this 'both candidates are so shit rip america' crowd. There's a lot of people saying that if Bernie was the dem's nominee then they would have beaten Trump.
It's fucking like Brexit all over again, democracy only works when the vote goes in their favour.
Did these niggers watch the new CiS Wars? Or is that sarcasm on their part?
The hypocrisy & salt are palpable. Then again, they're a bunch of jews. Can't say I didn't see this coming.
The fuck are they trying to pull?
I guess you haven't seen it. They think Trump is winning because of nostalgia goggles, JJ Abrams representing that with the new Star Wars being basically just the old star wars.
They don't understand.
A jew & a cuck, my mistake.
No he is just a cuck, the other one is the jew lol
I personally can't wait to see how the cape comics shit is going to take this.
They're probably going to have Red Skull get elected president or some shit.
We are living on amazing times, these elections allowed us to see who really was on the right side and who wasn't. South Park is dead to me.
He'll probably be made Secretary of State. And the heroes all go underground to fight Nazi America. God damn. That might make comics readable for the next 8 years.
These faggots have lost their edge. Fucking worthless cucks.
please let this happen!
They never had any real edge to begin with. It was always an illusion.
It really is a great litmus test, isn't it? So many unexpected people have shown their true colors.
South Park was generally always shit. It was just low budget, low effort shock humor fence sitting made to appeal to mindless normalfags like you.
I hate that I know this, but that already happened in the Old Man Logan comic strip. Then Logan went in and killed him with zero effort. Surprising, I know.
I've always had a soft spot for South Park, but this season has been really fucking lazy. They usually take the "both suck, so who cares?" angle, but this season they've been shilling pro Hillary fucking hard by chocking Garrison's (Trump''s ) rise up to extreme, hollow rhetoric and him not knowing what hes doing. The worst they've done to Clinton is take the Gas lighting angle, which is kiddie gloves. Which sucks because I enjoyed the last season and it's attack on sjws quite a bit.
Im not surprised to see Parker is a cucks either.
Correct me if I am wrong, but they've taken the piss out of Hillary. Basically saying that the Democrats should win, because Trump is a meanie, but Hillary is a useless and stupid bitch who couldn't campaign her way out of a paper bag.
To be fair, that was an alternate universe where every single Hero in the world Besides Logan was dead.
I think this is something to embrace. We took over the republican party by force, and if we are successful in the next 4 years, then we will maintain control of the policies they put forward. By saying "Thank god the DNC stole it from Bernie, Trump would never have won that fight." You can turn the liberals against their masters. Some of them might vote for our newly coopted party and others will opt to just stay home. Either way, we win from using this as a fracture point and D&Cing the DNC.
Stop projecting on me bucko, i don't even watch the show since 2009~
Can't tell if you were always a kike or just exceptionally retarded.
And I have never supported it. Because I was able to see it for what it was from the very start. Bottom of the dumpster fire trash entertainment for the average retards with shit taste. Which you clearly are since you watched and even thought it was ever good at some point in its history.
It's ok user, you clearly were a bit too thick in the head to see what what happening around you for a while, I don't blame you. Some people are just born inferior.
He just might have.
This election was about the white working class getting shit on everyday by the elite. To deny that is to deny why Trump won. Fuck the economy (although that helped) and fuck foreign policy. The reason he won is because he is turning the Republican party into a soft white nationalist party.
Whites are starting to wake up.
Plus a lot of the socialist kike's support was from millenials, and that young age group is historically one of the least reliable voter blocks ever.
fuck you
This has been really disappointing how badly they cucked out and went full bias about this election.
But then I remembered Trump won and it's chill.
Kill yourself.
I anticipated that the reason there was no episode last week was because they were simultaneously working on two episodes - one for a Trump win and one for a Clinton win. The idea that they put all their marbles into one basket is laughable, but for them to all be in the Clinton basket is simply uproarious.
You can taste the sphincter shattering from here. Every prediction still has him at 279. God DAMN these bitches are sore losers.
Exactly. He got his shit pushed in everywhere outside the NE, NW and midwest. That kike and his shit policies had no future, and hopefully after Trump takes over, the entire DNC gets fucked and dismantled, and those illegals they bused in to vote get thrown the fuck out.
Sorry to hear that, not everyone can be great like me.
South Park was great for the first couple of seasons before they started running out of ideas and mining muh current events for plot lines.
It's almost jarring to look back on it now and remember it used to have original stories.
south park used to be based, wtf happened to them? i guess the jews
Spotted the pozzed retard (you)
Yeah its really kinda bizarre honestly, usually south park is pretty on the money but this time around they seem so out of the loop…..
trump isnt winning because nostalgia, hes winning because white awakening
I remember South Park was always anti-christian, disgusting and liberal. Only kikes can write stories about "christmas poo" and shit.
Trump won because of the apathy induced by Hillary, not because of white pride. He won in spite of that.
But he did win, so there's that.
Why do kikes love scatological humor so much?
Brain defects.
Hello retard. The creators of the show are Jews. It's the only way they've been able to get away with mocking Jews and their religion in some of their episodes.
I stopped watching them after they trivialized NSA spying (which I hope Trump now uses to fine illegals to deport) but I might watch these election episodes soon so I can laugh at their failure to stop him.
Because kikes hate beauty, and shit is pretty much the antithesis of it on every level.
I still like Mr. Hankey and you can't stop me
Why are you guys even surprised by this.
The sole reason why Trump won is that he won by so much, that nothing helped.
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Fun fact: South Park used to be semi-autobiographical. Look back at Kyle in the early seasons and you'll find a constant stream of events that point to Matt Stone being a fecalphiliac which is all too expected for a jew.
According to Eustace Mullins, it's because parasites nest in filth. Also explains the nigger environment.
I've seen every episode of SP up until season 7 and I haven't watched since. I know I'm not missing much but early South Park was something special and I miss it.
So did they do the same thing they did when Obongo won, that shit won't be so bad and everyone is overeacting? Or did they really took the "HOW COULD YOU ELECT LITERALLY HITLER!!!!" route?
the episode is available on the official south park website now
lel they had no idea what they were doing
Cartman is supposed to be awful but people, kids in particular, ended up loving him. Cartman started using "jew" as an insult against Kyle. Kids start using "jew" to insult each other. The word jew became an insult.
I used to play online vidya and for quite awhile there jew was the top insult. I wonder how many people they inadvertently set on the path to being redpilled.
They might have a semblance of a point, but what are they suggesting? That people just accept things are shit now, and lie down to die?
So far hillary has hired gerald (a jew) to steal the "troll trace" software from the danish.
And then there is Mr. Garrison (a MtFtM transgender ( that was a weird couple seasons)) whois playing the role of trump with the slogan "fuck them all to death". At the end of the episode 2 weeks ago, they had garrison say "a vote for me is a vote saying the new star wars was good". Then there is the whole member berries plot.
So basically threyre saying that peopl want to go back to the good ol' days rather than "progressive" change, and that the election was rigged in trumps favor. Hillary ouright says it in the episode. But this is all within the first few minutes.
but do they cuck out in this episode or not?
I remember getting pissed at them for the Obongo shilling but the least they can do is give Trump the same treatment.
They just pulled out bill clinton and bill cosby. Take of that what you will.
Donald was wrong, it's been 24 hours and I'm still not tired of winning.
As in, in the 2008 Obongo episode Obongo is just a thief with zero experience but then says he still could try. And all the dems get drunk off their ass thinking it's the best thing ever and all the Reps get to shelters because they think it's doomsday. But at the end the reps move on and the dems awake from their hangover and Randy gets fired and says "This is your fault Obama! You fucking shit!". Does something like that happen here, or is it a 100% "TRUMP IS DOOMSDAY" shit? Because then that would mean they became a parody of themselves. They would be the Reps they made fun off in the Obongo/McCain special, but without the moving on.
The election was the media, banks, pollsters and Democrats living in their little bubble, to the point of enraging the electorate. If the DNC was conducted fairly Bernie might've won it all. But DWS couldn't help rig it for Hillary, and now they're paying the price for their cronyism.
I would say its a solid 7/10 on the cuck scale. Trumps satire (if you can call it satire) is right in your face, but hillary's is way more suble.
fucking hilarious that the jew who's married to a nigress is the least cancerous of the two
No, they think Trump supporters are the decadent ones who sit around all day remembering "the good times" and that this is why "Make America Great Again" is popular. They think people just can't handle all this (((change))), and that they need to start accepting it, goy.
They don't realize that it was our side that hated the new Star Wars because it was an uninspired kike rip off of the first one. They don't address the nigger or wymyn at all.
Also, they think us, yes us, are "trolls" who meme events into happening because "we're all fat, deformed, and hate everyone for picking on us in high school." Yes, this is what they think is happening.
Thanks for letting everybody know how 500% Holla Forums you are
Ok, rick astley's never gonna give you up juat started playing.
I saw user say this a while back and it really rang true to me - Parker and Stone just don't have any real political convictions, or at least they don't show them through the show. They just occupy a certain edgy "caring about stuff is dumb" position that often makes them right about things, e.g. latest celebrity bullshit is dumb, latest Apple bullshit is dumb, etc., and they make fun of whatever is easiest to make fun of. That means when it comes to politics, sometimes they seem right, sometimes they seem just like the rest of the propaganda machine. I think the show has been pretty funny for the past two seasons, especially that ninja-ISIS thing, so that makes it better than literally anything else on TV (don't watch anything else on TV obviously, or even South Park very often really) at least. I don't really care when they make fun of Trump or my point of view because I don't think they actually care. If it makes the show not funny to me, I just don't watch it. Analyzing their position is pointless because they don't really have one.
i honestly can't remember the last time i was this comfy
I'm guessing Cartman's subplot about rushing to Mars will end in an Aesop about not running away from fear but facing it, an allusion to how they feel about the election. Totally ignoring the Douche vs. Turd metaphor that suggests it's inconsequential.
Real easy to feel smug and unattached if your candidate won, not so easy when democracy doesn't work out in your favor.
they are nihilists with a wicked sense of humor.
at least it's better than Family Guy
Marvel is shit. DC delivered a pretty good election day comic with catwoman (even though Penguin said several lines similar to Trump) revealing to everyone that while Penguin might be a known criminal, his opponent is a sociopath and a murderer who killed a little girl to keep her from being adopted.
they literally say trump stole the election
Is is ok to be permanently smug? I feel like I've BECOME pepe on an emotional level & I love it.
If your smug lasts for more than 4 years, see a doctor.
Another user put it very succinctly: South Park takes an "ironic" position most times that whatever the showrunners believe must be fact, and they mock anything outside of that. NSA, Trump, you name it. Caring is dumb because they're always right. The show is, if you will, a "safe space".
Oh god, this is me, too.
Because they're degenerate.
Kek has manifested into reality. We're all smug Pepe now.
Go forth, and overcome adversity with endless smugness!
yeah they kinda forgot they they were making a joke
i just watched the episode and that's what i'm taking away from it
They think they're really cool for believing in nothing and having no hope. It's like talking to fucking emo high schoolers. I want to shoot them on sight.
Holy shit
more guro inspired than anything.
Embrace the endless smug
I think the episode is calling hillary a crazy bitch for thinking the election was rigged. But theyre also calling trump "an old man looking back on the good old days".
It's easy to be a nihilist when you're rich and famous. I'm one and I'm dirt poor, although the power of Memes has changed my thinking.
You're wrong. They represent Hillary as a smart , capable, strong woman who is going to enslave all men because Clinton cheated on her.
Every debate scene between their "Trump" (garrison) is Garrison the her saying shit that is supposed to sound reasonable and "qualified" to viewers. Everything out of their Trump is cartoon grade school humor.
Unlike a bunch of the other fags in this thread, I thought this show used to be pretty funny. Somewhere within the last 10 seasons it got taken over by women: they're the ones obviously writing the "jokes" now. It's all a bunch of fucking "memes" they rip off the internet for laughs from a female audience.
TL:DR this show is written by females and is cringey as fuck
Zero redeeming value, don't waste your time.
She's only had one line this season except for the newest episode, where she was revealed to be a figurehead.
You need to calm down. Yes, they're kikes, but at least make your assessment fairly. The whole season is shit, but it's sure not because of how they portrayed Hillary.
My mother always told me that if you hold your face smug too long, it'll get stuck that way.
They used to with their libertarian bullshit and it was pretty evident in the early seasons. It was still funny then. I think one of them (or both) got married and they had their balls squeezed too hard and just don't give a fuck anymore. Like I said, this show feels like it's written by a woman writing team who think the height of hilarity and wit is using a stale meme from eight years ago. It's the cringiest non-humor I've ever seen, and I've seen comedy central's other shows.
Speaking of which, when you're this fucking smug, watching Comedy Central's late night shit is HILARIOUS as they make terrible jokes about how dumb america is. Were these guys ever funny?
who the fuck watches south park anymore? south park jumped the shark a decade ago tbh.
this. you should be maga. not watching south park faggot tv.
if an user can't name something that user has personally done today (every day) to maga you aren't allowed to watch tv.
That episode with the poo and all the poo freaked the fuck out of me as a kid. Made me scared to watch that garbage because tehy always did unfunny plain unpleasant shit like that. Mind you I was a kid, but still, disgusting fucking kikes.
I suggest you take up philosophy as a hobby. Read Marcus Aurelius, Plato and Aristotle.
Your mind needs some work mate.
then why did they never suppor the libertarian party, why did they never speak up for Ron Paul. They are popular and have an audience, they could have helped their party a bit.
Whoah, calm down user. We both agree it's shit and that's what counts, right?
You probably forgot the scene; it was the one before the "My opponent is a liar" one where she's asked about policies and shit and it presents her as reasonable, if not unlikable and then it shows Garrison speaking to a crowd saying shit that's intended to highlight how dumb he is in comparison.
Exactly. My point is that rather than make Hillary a positive, they make Trump a negative.
they spent little to no time taking jabs at her. you would have to be a Holla Forumsfag to even understand them.
Just watched the fucking episode, i didn't remember this show being cucked like this, it was also pretty degenerate too, what is it with showing Butters wiener wtf.
But they don't really make Hillary a negative either. Which is why we started questioning this in the first place to begin with. And seeing as how they were banking on her winning. Yes, they believed both weren't shit, they were neutral to Hillbitch and really hated Trump.
Not politics.
South Park could have been a decent western shoter show but instead it decided to go politic. Because everything in America has to be about politics.
that's one thing i really noticed
there's way too many little kid dicks in this show
So when is the God Emperor's curse going to hit these faggots?
I didn't see it that way since this was pre MAGAsmug. They made effort to make her out to be "reasonable" and "qualified;" there were no negatives. The only thing you might say they made negative about her was the "hur dur turd sandwhich!" joke.
This pretty much.
You guys aren't disagreeing with me. I'm just saying they tried to make Trump MORE negative than Hillary.
Checked and keked
Parker confirmed bull prepper
I love current year so much
I mean they didn't* believe both were shit. That's just their cover to keep up their cool mask on. It's not a cool nihilist thing to support stuff you care about, you know. They should have gone all out with the Hill support instead of going half way there.
Well judging by those digits, any second now.
Yes, i'm just telling you they are faggots and this show is pretty mediocre dude, because I get the impression you still like it or have some sort of fondness for it. And it's really not worth your time.
Matt and Trey are up their own ass with how contrarian and alternative they believe they are. They think they struck gold with their brilliance because tumblr thinks every episode is an encoded brain teaser that's meant to be taken apart. If their young selves reincarnated into new showrunners right now, they would be mocking the way their are now. The key word here is pretense and Matt and Trey are full of it.
They've been inserting feminist shit for more than half a decade now. I remember watching the Breast Cancer episode and thought that one of them got their feminist wives to write it. I don't think that's too much of a leap for them.
I watched this recent season and found it much worse than any South Park episodes I remember from my youth.
The only even slightly redeeming aspect was the member berries, and even that couldn't just be a joke, it had to be tainted with degeneracy.
Like the scene where they talk about feeling safe again, and living without ISIS, and Stan's dad reacts as if that's a bad thing.
The reality they live in is already a living hell. It's going to be paradise & they won't even realize they're living in heaven. That is their living curse.
Man they could have made something truly special out of all the shit that happened. But they ended up with this nosensical garbage about "muh nostalgia" or whatever. Fuck they already had wikileaks on the show, why did they never include him? What about all the email shit? The FBI cucking out? The media going all out on Trump and all the celebrities and shit. Fuck, it's like they forgot last season. When they were fucking around with the SJW crowd. Like that WAS the reason as to why this happened. Tired of getting ignored by our goverment to favor city dweller millenial kiddies and also because anything is better that Hillbitch.
That is one comfortable old man
Texanfag here. It may not be surprising to some but for those who don't know, Dallas is filled with mudslimes and almost to the degree that Amarillo is. Thanks to the Bushes, their Saudi pets have made those two cities shit.
Fam, my cheeks actually hurt.
Yesterday I texted everyone in my phonebook after I voted, "Voted first time in 10 years, the wall just got 10 feet higher, MAGA!"
I had to have a seat as I was "literally shaking" after voting, I had 4 picture IDs, and a stack of mail to my PO BOX - none of them have my home address and the Voter Registration office won't mail me a card for some reason, but I have the email/confirmation #. Had to argue with an ancient retard to get my ballot, finally some spic MILF just caved in and handed it to me.
I laughed reading the salt threads until I actually got a headache earlier.
I am in a fog, a smug fog.
Last season was shit and overrated no matter how much GG and Holla Forums told you otherwise. They made fun of SJWs in the sense that they were beating them up with oven mittens. It was tame and pathetic. PC Principal was a ridiculous excuse for an SJW caricature. They don't have the balls to show a rainbow-neon colored SJW cunt and they never will at this point.
Yeah that fucking bothered me. Yeah I know there are rich trustfund kiddies that look like Frat dudes and are SJWs but you know why they made him like that? Because making him a woman, even just a white straight woman would have offended their wives. Seriously.
The fucking shills deserve it.
They used to be neutral, poking at everyone. Now they're just anit-Trump shitters. I can't wait to see their reviews tank.
Which, when you think about it is pretty SJW-esque. Making the villain into a straight white man because anything else would be offensive.
Remember the Toleration-camp episode?
Why is the leader of the camp wearing a star of David around her neck, there's literally no reason, no mention of it and serves no purpose storyline-wise (except pointing out something).
You can pinpoint the EXACT moment South Park went to shit
south park was always shit. edgy middle school humor with one of the characters occasionally being used as a platform to show how fucking enlightened they are. basically family guy with a slightly bigger set of balls.
What year did Matt Stone get married to that bitch?
Hope Mr. Garrison fucks them all to death.
while i agree with your sentiment greatly (aristotle is literally the greatest man to ever live), i dont see the connection between what he said and your response
The Pip episode is still the best episode. I wish they had made more jokes about Dickens. I prefer obscure humor like that to the classic "lol everyones dumb but me because i know better ain't i such a nihilist"
Now that user has opened his eyes, it's time to explore further.
Duckman had more balls that South Park.
Duckman is one of the best cartoons ever made.
fair enough. might as well drop an aristotle pill while we're on the subject
>Again, the evil practices of the last and worst form of democracy are all found in tyrannies. Such are the power given to women in their families in the hope that they will inform against their husbands, and the license which is allowed to slaves in order that they may betray their masters; for slaves and women do not conspire against tyrants; and they are of course friendly to tyrannies and also to democracies, since under them they have a good time.
>He claimed that women are "more mischievous, less simple, more impulsive … more compassionate … more easily moved to tears … more jealous, more querulous, more apt to scold and to strike … more prone to despondency and less hopeful … more void of shame or self-respect, more false of speech, more deceptive, of more retentive memory [and] … also more wakeful; more shrinking [and] more difficult to rouse to action" than men
South Park has sucked shit since '11, who gives a fuck any more.
Our first attempt at reclaiming a meme. Turns out we just needed to make him a Natsoc.
No one, not even the creators. Fans have been waiting for it to get better for five years now.
Should we reclaim coolface next?
I said this as a way of not getting shouted down by leftards. It's cowardly to not stand my ground but it made them listen to what I had to say about Clinton's bad policies. I dunno, probably didn't work since most sjw's tend to be really dogmatic and just ignore her badness. Then get surprised when people look past Trump's 'meanness' and say that he will improve things.
That's why the media's claims that democracy failed when Trump won absolutely infuriates me. Democracy didn't fail. If anything, Trump's victory proves the system works. A candidate elected by the people against impossible odds triumphed over a corrupt candidate who was effectively appointed by her cronies in a breach of the democratic system.
Huh. No wonder they thought they had it in the bag.
Shit, that was actually a close call then. Did Trump really get less votes than fucking Mittens?
Actually there is evidence for that, look it up.
Dubs chain.
Holy shit I got it again. Thank the Emperor!
If you look at number of votes, yes. If you look at electoral college, no not really. Clinton supporters never really left their ivory towers of California, New York and other typically liberal places. She preached to the choir whilst showing characteristic contempt for middle America.
Thanks god dems are as retarded as the rest of the population. Seriously I think we all forgot how the electoral college works.
no chance tbh. fucking landslide. He's got over 300 with Michigan and NH if he managed to hold them.
how the fuck did she hold maine? And what the hell is up with Illnois?
He held Michigan, although the NYT refuses to call it. He didn't hold NH but it was very close
States that went blue only had big cities vote blue. Something has to done about that. They can't hand all the electoral votes just because one or two cities in the entire state went blue.
wow that show fucking sucked. they should have pulled the plug on it 8 years ago. It's just random, unfunny shit thrown together.
Proportional electoral distribution would fix that, but holy fucking shit would the democrats all of the sudden become states rights activists.
Massachusetts, Vermont, Connecticuc and Rhode Island are the only truly Dem states, everwhere else is red (some of the south is blue but I heard that had to do with niggers). Why are those four states so fierciely blue?
I would really like to see Trump fixing the voting system. Get rid of the electronic machines, all that shit.
I'm not a Burguer, can someone explain to me what the fuck is happening there?
I still have no idea how shillery went from having 57.4 millon to trump 58.5 million to magical in one hour witb 97% of the vote registered to having 59.2 million for her and trump not moving at all something smells fishy and i hope some of you faggots are looking into it, trump should of won the popular vote in a god damn land slide
Because they like the taste of shit. I know because I used one's throat as a living toilet Thrice, and he cleaned me out very clean with his tongue afterwards before I pissed in his diaper.
This was years before the redpill though
South Park went the way of the Simpson's in terms of how funny it is.
Gee user I wonder what.
Why the fuck are niggers living in the south? Isn't that the humid swamp and farmland area? What do Southeners and Rednecks do about this?
The rare and ilusive snow niggers I see.
It should've died the moment you learned that itr was a show from kikes for kikes.
There is and never was something good in it.
Im talking about at around 430 i was watching the google numbers he hat 58.2 million Hilary had 57.4 million this was well after the commi vote and 97% of all votes had been tallied i checked sgain at 540 and she was a million votes ahread out of no where somethinh smells fishy and when he wins i hope he investigates the strange numbers
Cotton fields nigger. Pick it up boy, pick it up. So they have their legacy there, and won't move to more nigger progressive areas because they are broke and despite being democrat scum they hate suburban niggers.
Right now the Fox and CNN polls just give her a 200k lead. And they still haven't called Michigan. Goddamn it I want my 300.
South Park jumped the shark for me when faggots in high school over a decade ago spouted memes incessantly from each new episode.
Do you not know anything about the history of the USA? Get a grip man
So those guys are the decendants of the massa niggers then?
and if they have written the shows left at least a bit, story wise, they're fucked. Sorry fags, can't stump the trump
This episode was really fucking boring. What the fuck is the point of having characters if you're just gonna use it for whatever even if it makes no sense character and narrative wise? I'm talking about Gerald here of course. How does any of this make sense? At least Randy's shift into a SJW was somewhat explained.
No exactly. Rewatching the first few seasons as an adult it was legitimately red pilled.
Now half their messages are a complete 180 of those old episodes.
They made fun of Republicans in the 2008 election episode because they feared Obama was gonna doom America. And well, now they have become the parody.
nigger tears and new england tears
Ever since South Park became hyper-detailed and stuffed with dramatic music cues, it lost the quaint charm it had and now it doesn't even have good jokes to contrast the drama-like direction the show has taken.
Member when Matt & Trey were just trying out weird shit because they didn't copy the news?
I know they tried this with Norman Osborne but it would be fun with Trump/Red Skull. I'd actually pirate and read. DC already did president Luthor. I bet they are kicking themselves for blowing their load so early.
People seem to not have seen this season - yes, they've made fun of Mr. Garrison (Trump) for not knowing shit about politics, but they slammed Hillary much more with all the "My opponent is a liar and should not be trusted" gags and the "Why did it have to be her!?" remarks that Mr. Garrison made when he tried to throw the election and was unable to because people hate Clinton just so damn much.
The whole nostalgia subplot is a mocking of the "make America great AGAIN" return to past glory mindset that permeates Trumps movement.
But Luthor is super smart. Cucked DC of today wouldn't want to imply Trump was a mastermind capable of fucking everyone's shit up.
One way to fix it is once population of a county rises x% above the the surrounding counties that one must take a portion of the electoral votes away from the rest of the state.
That's the sad part. It would be nice if they portrayed Trump as super smart, though because of how itchy the secret service gets about direct portrayals, they'll probably use a surrogate or not show his face each time, forcing them to make Trump a villain in the shadows like one writer did with Obama.
and you got dubs to top it off
That's the point, why would we watch it? The last time I actually watched SP was when tried that shit about having continuity. Which was last year, but I didn't watch the previous six or so seasons.
they are going about it in a pretty stupid way tbh.
What? So they can't really make their anti-trump shilling nomore? I mean like the obvious Marvel one where he was just Modok.
It's pretty good, but it's also EXTREMELY jewish.
Yeah, you know it's just more of the ol' "nihilistic with a wicked sense of humor" crap. And something tells me Duckman must have gotten BTFO for that remark later in the episode.
And if the show was running today, it would have attacked Trump non-stop. My eyes are opened to the full ways of the kike and their media control. Don'r worry dude.
They are the jew
I mean, if you really want a good example of an animator without political bias, I'd say Brendan Small's works are something to look into.
Home Movies and Metalocalypse, in my opinion, are free from bias on either side. It's just a guy who wanted to make some cartoons.
Metalocalypse is AnCap.
I can't handle all this smugness!
What does that mean?
Ah, okay. I mean, I guess I see that, but I don't feel like it's meant to be taken seriously.
Mr. Hanky really lost his shit.
Yeah that's the point. But if you're Ancap it's a fun show to watch.
Either way, Home Movies is my favorite of the two, and though I'm drunk and can't properly think of every episode, I don't recall any episode that dealt with politics in any way.
I'm sure he leans left as fuck. I mean, he's an animator. But at least he doesn't let it affect his work.
What's that? One of South Park's two auteurs is a Jew?
Maine splits electoral votes, and in the south end, D-Money, Shifty and Smoothy get a ride to the polls.
Remember that it was supposed to be Garison/Trump doing that in the original episode.
user makes a good point here. But didn't Garrison want to throw the election away anyway?
Chicago is not only full of niggers and spics, but is a literal commie stronghold. The same political machine that put Obama in the whitehouse, current gov is a kike and it's previous gov is currently sitting in a jail cell.
I thought that the entire shtick with the member berries were ridiculous in going after politics. hillary in every way was the status quo president, and even if you don't agree with trump, he wants genuine change. not the obongo change, actual fucking change.
to me, this season is just hilarious since you can tangibly feel how they have put in so much political garbage in there that they can't write themselves out of it with trump as president. the fact garrison was trump says it all: they had planned for this character to be a normal guy next season. in fact, they had already made him trump during the primaries since they all thought he wouldn't be the republican candidate. it's so fucking obvious it hurts. Now, they have to rewrite the entire thing they thought up. we'll likely gonna see garrison being a normal guy regardless, with some bullshit event where either the actual trump or something ridiculous like emperor palpatine or satan becomes president. they have written themselves so far off of reality that they can't possibly do real political satire with the story they written themselves, since that all hinged of shillary winning.
me, i just watch it to be amazed at the shit it became. they rehashed the ol' douche vs turd sandwich, but then go off the deep end and solely talk about one over the other, breaking the entire thing of "both candidates are bad".
hell, southpark could have been funnier than ever with the last happenings: we have a scheming, lying, coughing-fit-pants-of-shit-type, literally palpatine-esque villain character.
they could absolutely rek anyone with a bill clinton sexual predator scene.
but no, turd sandwich is to them the better choice, and they will make it fucking clear he is literally-hitler.
Ha, and Chicago was protesting today. Fucking shit they stole the electoral votes from the rest of the state and they have the nerve to protest about rigging and unfairess?
no shit, most of the southern border are illegals
wew never heard about duckman, no bully
Probably in this episode he would have changed his mind after being infected with member-berries or something . It would be interesting to actual get to see the original episode. This one feels like it had its plot botched up in some way, but you can't tell exactly how. The fuckers can't go and face the decision they made when writing the episode :)) .
We are the true counter culture, South Park is now as outdated as the Simpsons are, it's just false subversion. Fuck them.
the entire episode has the shade of the original in it.
garrison would have taken it regardless, and the entire episode is going for hillary being he underdog that saves the country. you notice that mostly when the electoral votes don't match up irl, and the current plot not being able to go anywhere at this point. they already made garrison a vomit spewing alien. What are they going to do, keep that image up for 4 more years?
Yeah they are too low-agency to move out of the south, and rich liberal faggots are too hypocritical to house them all in the Hamptons or whatever
this isn't the first time jews screwed things up with their chutzpah, and it won't be the last
kikes being anti-christianity is nothing to be proud off. especially back in the early 2000's.
This as well. Join or take over your shitty democratic party the way we just took over the republicans.
Did you ever hear of a show called "All In the Family"?
so matt and trey are pic related
Reality fucks their plans over . It's sweet. You can tell Trump was 'meant' to lose from the moment he was Garrison, and then return the guy to some form of 'status quo' .
It's also interesting how they newer attack their enemies directly, always trough some symbolic proxy . 'It goes without saying that Garrison is Trump, why even think about it?" . Really tells you something about their 'morality'.
They were always jews but at least early south park was enjoyable to watch when bored, now they went full kike and took the side of trayvon, didnt have the balls to make fun of SJWs and only took two light jabs at hillary before shitting on trump constantly. It really is an accurate portrayal of how the kikes went into overdrive and dont even bother to mask their shit
I missed the episode..
But when I was driving to the polling place I had Corey Feldman's "Take a Stand" swirling around my head in Randy's voice.
Should I seek help?
South Park has it's moments but it's gone to shit ever since it went away from cozy South Park to world happenings and total overuse of celebrities as serious characters. Pretty much like any show.
Total death was episode "Jewpacabra" where they totally murder Cartman's spirit and that was the only thing that kept SP alive.
Anyway, the production of early SP wasn't that expensive, considering what of software we have available today.
Anyone up to making our own series?
So what does this mean? Last time we talked about south park long before the elections you guys said that we should wait for the next episode before deciding if they are pro trump or pro hillary.
The kike looks especially cringey like some autist inbred Jew. No wonder he couldn't get a Jewish or White woman. Holla Forums needs its own television network. The things Holla Forums could satire and meme because of the current year crowd would make it the funniest thing ever. Start the show off with the otherkin shit leftards keep promoting and poke holes in all their hypocrisy and doublethink.
I don't think they write any of that shit at all anymore; while the past decade or more of their shit has been completely different in the carefree tone that made the first few seasons funny, these last few have been devoid of any jokes at all: they're trying to tell a multi-episode story instead of make us laugh.
unless you count cringey cat pop culture references comedy
This is what someone said from fucking 2011:
I laughed though: i laughed because I'm so smug from MAGA that I couldn't believe how incompetent the show has become.
remember they work for (((viacom)))
Niggers don't handle cold, and are prone to frostbite. But that's a social construct.
They also changed many characters to fit certain stereotypes. For example in one of the new episodes where people learn that cartman is poor everybody acts like it is perfectly fine and only cartman himself is a dick that makes fun of poor people.
But in one of the earlier episodes, like that halloween one where cartman dresses up as Hitler they all made fun of kenny being poor.
They were all dicks towards each other, but now only cartman is the bad guy and the others are saints.
They must be really desperate to live in Alaska then. I'm really curious as to what they're doing there to begin with.
>>>Holla Forums11198267
>>>Holla Forums11198281
Canadians are the snow niggers.
Yeah, this season has been really weak. Not that much comedy, the plot is a mess and the funniest gags have only been kinda slapstick. Garrison's "Oh geez", Cartman and his girlfriend whispering on the microphone, Kyle's dad hissing. They've completely failed at being consistent this season. Characters suddenly being extremely different compared to usual, shifting personalities in extreme ways throughout the season due to unexplained shit. Not even talking about the member-berry puke-a-thon in the latest episode.
Well there was that whole episode where she had a bomb in her vagina, also the whole "My opponent is a liar and cannot be trusted" was pretty great.
criminally unchecked
>try to play the "fence-sitter mocking all sides"
Well, you can either face the fact that you inhabit an out-of-touch liberal bubble & attempt to change that or bow to the social pressure within that bubble, embracing it thus further alienate the majority who clearly do not embrace your dogma. And make no mistake it IS dogma. You are not the down-to-earth finger-on-the-pulse-of-America satirists you believed yourselves to be.
Esoteric: the dicks out for harambe by the boys was crypto-white nationalism, merely presenting anti-sjw/feminism; female-male: left-right; Kyle's dad both skypes and wikileaks. Mr. Garrison has ALWAYS been in-your-face uncucked (forget the puppet/tranny kink for a moment) – Bruce Jenner assuming his agency.
Or it's the confused mess of bad conscious THCtarians that finally bumbled into their golden calves and cuck threshold.
Welcome to the BernSTAIN Bears universe bitches!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It really funny though that their Genes are basically ruined forever. They will regress to the mean after this Generation.
The Jews are cucking themselves.
Maybe they shilled Hillary showing she would win, so that Dems would stay home and Trump would win?????
Seems to be the strategy. No one on the Left actually thought he would win.
Its a choice between two very bad candidates, goys!
All of my college "friends" were bernouts who 'hated" shillary for cucking (((bernie))) and said that Trump was the "worst of the two".
And what do you know, each and every single one of them bent the knee for shillary and strongly supported shillary when it came to the election. Because "omg Trump is just the worst!". I had them trying to justify supporting shillary because clearly saying a mean joke 10 years ago is way way way worse than the endless crimes and corruption.
These people are chronic cuckolds. They are completely brainwashed, I'm not even kidding.
They're talking shit. This season has been kind of shitty
This is the problem. Leftists are so mentally ill that they think saying mean things (which they are themselves guilty of) is worse than murdering multiple people and the massive array of crimes Hillary is involved in.
More proof that Matt and Trey can't relate to normal people anymore. This is a completely different duo than who showed up to that awards show on acid.
Texas, d & r rose in people voting in 16 with a bigger increase in d votes(I don't say voters because they're likely all illegal spics, dead and other vote fraud.)
Florida the same d&r increased, but more r voters.
cali saw a drop in d&r votes, with a bigger drop in rs.
I haven't check the other 47 states but I'm curious which states the 30 million extra votes were at in 2012 because they weren't in tex, cali, or florida.
Huge drug trade in Alaska, and for some reason it is one of the few places you can be a snitch and not get killed because of it.
they tried to Shill for Hill while being subtle about it by "both sides sucks, BUT…"and failed, like everyone else, miserable at it.
Free money
They do this all the time mate. Have you watched the first seasons? They have totally changed over time, in early episodes even Stan made fun of jews not just Cartman. Also they used to hate Kenny. A lot of shit has been rewritten to push certain agendas.
In the last episode of Fresh Off The Boat they were doing the 1996 election. The Chinese wife started as anti-illegal migration, but learned a lesson about them being poor people that want to work.
In the new episode of Criminal Minds they had a teenage kid (the killer) saying "Some politician said that we should kill the families of terrorist." and he was killing the families of his school bullies.
Thanks for the no source bar graph
Trump won because he got thousands of people into his rallies multiple times a day
New Hampshire here.
The short answer is that they're mostly white and people don't understand how bad things are.
i think they are just out of the hoop, they probably didn't even vote
which is fucking disgraceful, but not as bad as voting Clinton
Wasn't Garrison a tranny?
He went back a while ago
go back to cuckchan
Fuck that, we're the real culture. We don't need to be counter anything. What Jews do on the Talmudvision and the Silverstein screen is irrelevant subversive horseshit. We're in charge.
I honestly felt certain Trump would win when I started seeing this argument being tossed around by South Park fans that it was a choice between a douche and a turd sandwich.
They had no idea why anyone wanted either candidate and couldn't come up with jokes based on what either candidate actually wanted, whereas Trump supporters could do so easily. Showed the enthusiasm gap was truly real.
People are uneducated. The nanny state has coddled them so much so they only think about their intimidate gratification.
If only there was a/pol/ board for these cucks to use. Oh right.
Nope, it was just that people were blind because naturally people want to fit in. People are waking up and seeing these fags for what they really are.
I've felt for years that these guys weren't funny, or that they were targeting a specific good goy audience.
They've never been based. I remember being in 3rd grade when it first started airing and kids thinking it was funny because of all the swear words and toilet humor. The only people I know today who still like it still act like the children they were back then.
I won't lie, when I was 9 I thought it was funny because "LOL THEY SAID SHIT LOL!", but I haven't watched it since I was 9 because after that wore off I just found it gross and retarded.
agreed. last season was great, still could have gone harder but woke people to the sjws at least.
Most amusing was the jokes among South Park fans who actually understood the candidates' positions. They certainly gave them the right identifiers; as people pointed out, "a giant douche is EXACTLY what's needed to clean up Washington DC right now."
Also, I wouldn't be surprised if some of the stoner idiot fans who don't actually care about politics went out and voted Trump just because they wanted to see President Garrison on the show.
Stone is Jewish, and Kyle is a stand-in for himself. They do make fun of jews as well, especially the space jews in the seventh season, making the planet Earth into a entertainment show for money and sucking off each others aliendicks.
I think they've always been pretty based and try mock everyone evenly, as well as tackling topics that no one else will due to probable backlash.
They fucked up in the sense that they made Garrison a stand in for Trump, while Hillary was always Hillary.
Now, if they want to keep going with this continuity theme, every time they want to insert Trump into their storyline, it's going to have to be portrayed by Garrison. They've effectively killed off a main character, or they can't continue the continuity theme.
South Park was the last 'mainstream' show that I watched. This entire season had been grating on me, but this episode has finally made me realise that its glory days are long over.
They normally tried to play the 'neutral' line and make fun out of everything; and whilst at times that meant they supported pozzed up filth, the fact that they'd be mocking it at the same time was enough for me to let it slide. However there has been NO mention of Wikileaks, of Clinton corruption, of her frail health. The extent of their insults has been a title, and it was so forgettable that I honestly cannot remember if she was the douche or the turd sandwich. Doesn't matter; a 'rude' title and no mention of any of her myriad crimes is ridiculous, especially when you consider that South Park is sort of famous for taking even unlikely rumours about people and exploiting them for hilarity's sake.
Whilst watching the previous episodes in the season I figured the whole 'internet troll tracker' thing was going to tie in to the Wikileaks and her corruption; however it thus far has not, and the election has already happened. Even if they include it later on it comes off as obvious they did not want to make a potentially damaging joke about Hillary (even one with overwhelming evidence and a factual status); and that shows that they sympathised with her and did not wish to ruin her chances; which may have been acceptable had they not harped on about the Trump-stand-in Garrison, and made myriad personal attacks on the candidate to de-legitimise him, something they also continued in the most recent episode. They are portraying Trump solely as a 'protest vote' and something based entirely on a deluded sense of nostalgia (and they went to painstaking lengths to make out that nostalgia for the 'good old days' was retarded).
For these reasons I have lost interest. South Park prides themselves on "making everyone feel like we are attacking them directly, when we are attacking everyone equally". As shown with the absolute lack of 'real' critique upon Hillary, coupled with an overt attack and mischaracterisation of the-Trump-stand-in; they have failed here. They may have had future plans to mock Hillary in the later episodes of the season, but the fact that they deliberately held off commenting on huge issues (with great comedic potential) prior to the election shows to me a degree of collusion with a particular side that, in South Park, I find reprehensible.
You've lost your place of critical neutrality and humour, South Park; and as such you've lost me as a viewer.
When you think that the show started out as a crude humor for tweens and teens with completely random shit (aliens, kicking babies, velociraptors, elephant fucking pig etc. etc.) they've come a long way.
To be honest, I'm surprised because usually, Jews play both sides. Shouldn't be too hard for them to invent a fitting story.
I had a similar thought if that was why they were so pissed that Trump ended up doing well, but I seriously doubt it. Either Matt and Trey got old or deep down they were faggots all along. Their whole "oh we shit on everybody equally" shtick doesn't fly now that they spent an entire season on anti-Trump material and explicitly endorsed Hillary in the last episode, and they're trying to salvage the whole show, not just Garrison
And if they really were so hip with the memes they would have made the obvious Ben Garrison joke by now
They did for the Obama/McCain election. They had slight changes for the episode depending on who won.
South Park has always been degenerate. Making light of foul mouthed and disobedient kids, child murder, rape, living feces, the German woman is a scat fetishist and so on.
Its only saving grace is that it at least mocks both sides. But its a minor victory as it plays directly into that cancerous line of thinking "lol both sides are dumb, who cares? just have fun dude".
It wouldn't surprise me if next season they just pretended that Garrison was never Trump and inserted a Trump caricature instead. They'll be wanting to cash in on episodes where the wall, deportations, Russia, Obama's retirement ect will play themes. They can't have an episode make a semblance of sense where Garrison is not only the school teacher but somehow the President at the same time.
hits the mark very eloquently. There was a tonne of comedic ammunition that could have thrown at Hillary (health issues, emails, bill's sexual deviancy, arab masters) but chose to ignore it completely. Making it seem like Trump had no plans is MSM-tier candidate knowledge.
It's pretty good.
They engaged in the false neutrality of many liberals that thing they're above it all yet are more partisan than anyone else.
man, that is just fucking priceless.
can we get a just edit, please ??
i will tweet it to trey, better image here
If they rolled with the Star Wars #MAGA, Garrison taking the Member Pill could've anchored a decent, critical plot:
Too much to expect from Tongue biting Gary Johnson (((weedbros))), but they have the vehicle for mainline redpilling normies and renegged on it with so much material in current events its just . . . low energy. Sad!
I have seen a trend recently in alot of shows , where it is attempting to insult as showing people as (insert over used buzzword), but it only makes me like more.
For example the last episode where he was talking about putting his finger in a womans ass.
i love it, but im not in they way thy ant me too.
Another example is that piece of shit "epic" rap battles. i bit and watched the election one. Hillary was dogshit, but they tried to make trump look like a basterd, yet it got me hyped when it wasnt supposed to. then their mouthpiece came on at the end with,
they use abe lincoln to bash trump about potentially starting a civil war. the irony is lost on these morons. if your gonna watch it just watch trump. the rest of their videos are trash aswell
I wonder what will happen to this sort of media once they are free to write stories without the jew hand influence corrupting them.
Last night's episode wasn't funny at all. The only story line I find halfway interesting is the troll story and Cartman.
That was the part that rustled my jimmies. Fucking Lincoln started the Civil War
Are we generalizing now? :^)
The rest I get, but I don't think that you're accurately showing what Beauty and the Beast is about. The idea behind the story is that the quality of a character cannot be judged solely based on how they are outside. On the outside, Gaston is a great hunter, handsome, and a hero to the people. On the inside, he isn't actually that smart, is incredibly obsessive, and has an intense narcissistic streak. The Beast originally possessed these characteristics, and was cursed as a result into having an outward appearance that reflected what he was like within. However, by coming into contact with someone who was willing to understand him, he began to learn from his mistakes and grow into a better person. With the change from within, he was restored to his true form of a handsome, blue-eyed man. The interracial analogy falls apart for both this reason, and the fact that all of the qualities the Beast exhibits are ones blacks fail to.
This show is so bad. Beware the jewish tricks, South Park is potent mind control programming. The latest season is proof enough, but further analysis can be done on most any episode.
You're wrong.
Gaston is the male hero archetype; strong, charismatic, fiercely defensive of his people. He even goes off to save the dumb whore when she runs away.
Beauty is a strong independent woman; she reads books, she don't need no man to protect her, she is superior to all the male characters intellectually.
Beast is a violent savage creature. He is the quintessential mudshit terrorist… Only he is saved by Beauty's love. He turns from an evil creature into a hero because of kindness and love. … That ain't how the world works bro; yet not we know why most young women think it is.
There's also a heavy anti-Christian theme throughout the entire thing. Beauty and the Beast is kike propaganda on steroids.
Gaston did nothing wrong, the Beast was a raging nutjob who'd throw elderly men into the dungeon for no good raisin
fucking checked
It's where they came from. The wrong hole.
Can some now Amerifriend explain what both of them are like?
white people
no serious
What the fuck dude
>tfw there is a chance this is true anyways
White people
Rural population
Oklahoma is basically a big field with two major cities, one built on oil and one built on cows. It was Native American territory until about 100 years ago so there are a lot of casinos now too
There are blacks, they're just all clustered in one place really
Oklahoma is flat and agricultural, but OK City is a big cultural hub, large city, beautiful place, great barbeque. Think Texas, but with a lot of Native Americans. Oklahoma was the state we set aside to ship all the natives to. We opened it up for settlement maybe 100 or so years ago I think in a famous land run. Very much an industrial state, white aside from inner cities and native reservations.
West Virginia is incredibly beautiful, but very rural, only moderate sized cities. It's the outlying area beyond Washington DC, Baltimore, Philadelphia… it used to be a major industrial state, not so much anymore. Coal is vilified by dems, and West Virginia is sitting on top of a mountain range of coal. Letting that be exploited will help WV come back from its depression. It's very poor now, despite its proximity to the most advanced/populous part of the US. If someone (liberal citydweller) in America wants to make fun of a "backwater" person, they'll comment that he is acting like he's from West Virginia or Alabama. So, it's a stereotype among progressives. They're fed up, because they were made a stereotype by those progressives who took away their industry, in a sense.
pic related, WV has a lot of colonial heritage
jews always do that. draw together also did. do you see a pattern dude?
What this dude said. They are not "based" they never were. They are kikes that are selfish and only care about money and nothing else. They don't stand up for their party, their fans, their friends, fucking nothing but money and fame matters to them.
Just give it up. The show went to shit and these faggots are not worth defending. They don't give a shit about the show. They are middle aged and out of touch with everything and they have ran out of ideas. All they have left is South Park.
It feels like something is gone, like I had a car on top of me. I feel lighter and better, it's fucking great.
I hope to god you're joking
plenty of anime today is pozzed or just shit made to sell crap.
I though Beast was just a little boy when he got cursed? Wasn't his crime that he didn't want to trust into a weird bitch?
no shit it's made to sell crap. Also I'm pretty sure that is how it got pozzed, because when you pander to people who love futas and traps, you're obviously gonna put in some futas and traps.
Hospitality to strangers and the needy is a fine old european virtue. That fairy was sniffing out the aristocratic families that were harboring muslim blood.
Steven Universe was heavily inspired by Revolutionary Girl Utena. The anime had interracial lesbians fusing together.
Those people talk out of their ass. It was stuck up liberal students that are too lazy to get a job and pay for shit spouting this. Bernie is not only a communist he's also weak and meek as fuck.
That ticks people off on a mental level.
not to mention shit like yuri on ice. fuck its much, much worse and far more baity that Free.
She looked like a jew and his parents were dead. What did you expect dude?
Fuck you. I don't care if it's true. You might as well say that Adventure time is heavily inspired by Golden Boy. Either way, how dare you compare something decent to the results of the decline of the western world.
girl utena was shit and the animation was dogshit dude. muh artstyle.
One of the best posts on the board right now.
Its time for them to be too cool for school, let them.
I hope all the berniefags vote for some unknown communist party with zero chance of winning for the next 3 elections.
Don't forget, if you directly tell them that they are just willing to throw democarcy under a bus because their criminal didn't win they go full cuck and play defensive as fuck. Keep attacking using that and they will shut the fuck down. It's very kek worthy considering I got my FC's (FFXIV guild) youtube account shoah'd by pointing that out.
I imagine we get more stuff like Rick and Morty which started as a flash series on Newgrounds.
Honestly, things like free and Yuri on ice don't feel as soul less to me as things like love live or idolmaster. The gays can have their own little homo show where I don't have to see it, but when a stupidly large majority of any anime coming out is just waifu bait and lesbians hoping to cash out on the neetbux with dakis and figurines it makes me sick.
Nice portrayal but the image of white trash mothers bottle-feeding their infants mountain dew has forever soiled that state. Also, mountaintop explosion mining has got to be the worst idea for an industrial practice ever.
Irving fag here. get me out, I want to go back to my home town. I hate being surrounded by pahjeets and muhammeds.
i liked the last part of the rapbatle
You had to post Dani.
Now I have to fap.
Is the Santa Fe restaurant still there? Some of my few happy memories are from that place.
It really is something. I'm the only Trump supporter I know and I've been smiling my ass off for the past 36 hours. Everyone around me who thinks the world is going to be destroyed are either annoyed, scared or bummed out, and I'm on cloud nine.
WV is white people
so many white people you can leave your doors unlocked all the time
they're super slow at everything out there, from walking to talking, but they're very nice
they're all uneducated around there, poor health for various reasons
"white trash" and "Hillbillies" are just a jewish meme. all whites in WV are 7 foot Aryans that work and coexist in peace.
who this?
Sadly, the only difference is the ratio. Whites are very luck in that regard while blacks just prove to us why they fall to basic jewish subversion so easily.
I stayed in Dallas for a couple of months. Was really surprised in the muslim increase.
man, when I had to move here to Irving, I went to a park I used to go alot to as a kid.
there was nothing but pahjeets in the park.
brown shitskins as far as the eye can see.
It's a miracle that I didn't see anyone shitting in the street but god damn this pisses me off to no end.
We're all Smug Frogs now.
Is this what happiness feels like?
So has a lot of porn.
Are you sure Steven Universe isn't heavily inspired on porn, retard?
I'm pretty sure Utena was mainly about aesthetics and prettyness in an objective form, unlike SU where beauty is only subjective because everything's ugly.
Holla Forums is always right
I didn't sleep due to smugness and fapped to animu in celebration and just a few hours after dawn I had my retarded liberal redditor friend and my normalfag friend messaging me beging me to explain to them what is happening since "I know how the current flows", since I've been right/pol/ is always right al this year. I'm redpilling people left and right (my familiy basically hates niggers and foreigners now). And I'm not even a burger. Embrace the smug and become one with it.
Dani Daniels. Google is a thing, m8.
Sorry, man. Wasn't trying to induce any faps but I can't blame you. She's one of the best… sad about the coalburning though.
I'm still going to download it. They're juggling a lot of plotlines at once, and the election one is shit, but the others have their moments. I'm not triggered by comedy writers being retarded when it comes to politics.
A coalburner.
South Park is poz'd.
Trey Parker and Matt Stone are 100% HillShills. They are completely out of touch, as is the rest of the mainstream.
The south park episodes S20E6-7 are about how backward Donald Trump and his supporters are. They equate supporting him to supporting the new star wars movie because of nostalgia. They think MAGA is delusional white people going on a nostalgia trip.
White people are the only reason the USA has individual rights. We are against disconnected, above the law politicians and collectivists bossing us around.
And as far as I am concerned the 23% of whites using welfare need to be deported with the rest of the non-aryans. Fuck all off you lazy/stupid niggers.
Political Ideology in America by Race
Race and Voting
Population Differences in Individualism
1. Welfare use
It's been a very mediocre season thus far, and this latest episode did nohing to change that. I won't watch the rest of it unless I hear it dramatically improved.
it's metal humor, metal has never really had a political ideology except "fuck everything"
I got the impression that Hillary was up to something evil and sold the trolls out to Denmark to protect herself from being exposed. Remember when Bill Clinton told Butters that Hillary was pissed and wanted to imprison all men? Maybe that was true?
Do a search for Metalgate and then go pop some antacid.
So, just watched the episode. I'm pretty disappointed. The AIDS bruises on Bill were pretty good, but that whole speech about how "we've treated women like shit and now they're getting revenge!" was retarded as hell. If they'd said "men have been treated badly by women and we need to get revenge," Comedy Central's studios would have been burned down within an hour of airing it. I don't always agree with Parker and Stone, but I've always been impressed with their even-handedness when it comes to issues. This episode was terrible.
yeah I know about metalgate
They used to pull no punches when it came to possible comedic events (fuck the muh old days of South Park, they were always doing current events narrative stuff based disguised in plotlines about the boys in South Park). The problem is it's like they are holding back, last season aswell. They are holding back for some reason, maybe they lost their touch of pissing people off? They don't seem to see the obvious jokes and people to piss on like they used to do.
There's no excuse for this mellow low-entertainment comedy-shit. Fuck, they are in a position were Comedy Central needs them more than South Park needs their network. There's no reason for them to be this boring and non-offensive.
Atleast the last season had some jokes in it. I laughed heavily at the Canadians building a wall and saying Americans wasn't allowed to see what was back there and Mr. Garrison had to get behind the wall by barrel down the Niagra Falls. Now there is no jokes, it's all vague storyline cliff-hanger shit treading water worse than a Lost-episode.
No worries though, we got MDE-World Peace to entertain us.
Didn't watch it yet, but from what I head so far they seem to be very salty about trump winning. They were definitely not this mad when Obama got elected back then.
It's okay, user. In fact, it's better than okay.
I think this is true. I'm in north MA very close to NH and since Lawrence is nearby everyone around me supports Trump because they know what a destructive shithole sanctuary cities become and how they eventually overflow into the surroundings. They also know how most of this was the result of the mills shutting down as manufacturing and small business in general dried up. Now if you head south of Boston or out west you get these areas where people have no idea about how damaging these subhumans can be as they don't actually deal with them and the only POCs are of the rare higher IQ bunch who escaped the herd.
So yeah it's basically the result of living in a bubble. The only solution is a return of pro-white propaganda or else these people will gladly let this entire place get cucked.
Marvel is releasing a Ms Marvel comic encouraging everybody to go out and vote.
They're releasing it on November 30th.
Yep. I noticed it starting a year or so back, there are fucking ninjas everywhere now.
It's really sad that the show used to be so even-handed, and now they're firmly in the same camp as Michael Moore.
I never even liked it and I couldn't give less of a shit.
I fucking hate edgertarians. These basic motherfuckers who think they are these profound philosophers.
Trump got raped last season, this isn't surprising.
Reminder that MLP is absolutely based and not pozzed in the least.
As far as educational entertainment for little girls goes, it's a top tier show thats strongly against degeneracy and had multiple episodes that absolutely BTFO'd SJW mentality. MLP LITERALLY teaches Holla Forums values, and it triggers me every time I see this show mentioned in such a negative way because of the adult fanbase.
I can understand hating degenerate bronies (especially the vocal shove-it-down-your-throat type) - but if you hate the show itself it just shows that you're absolutely ignorant and just hating on something because you were told to.
The creator went full SJW and got booted.
The funny thing is, Mr. Garrison is supposed to be Trump, and Clinton was herself.
Up until now, every president they had (Bill Clinton, Bush, Obama) was a real character, while the opponent varied. It's clear they were going 100% with Clinton since the start and meant to put Garrison back into his function as a teacher or a freak.
It's going downhill for them. They'll either have to replace Garrison with Trump this season or they'll completely lose the plot since Garrison being an unwilling president was a shitty gig in the first place.
Jesus christ…
They really are this out of touch.
But then they had to scrap an episode because they literally wrote it from start to finish on the assumption hillary would win, so I guess it shouldn't be surprising.
It's the level of sheer ignorance that gets me.
Considering the cross symbolism between Trump and Luthor shown here
And the fact that Luthor was US President at one point, I find it interesting that the issue of Action Comics that came out this week (Action Comics #967) revealed that Lex Luthor is destined to take Darkseid's place as God Emperor. Obviously there wasn't enough time to do this in response to the election's outcome.
That's actually 100% untrue. Faust left the show because Hasjew overruled her creative freedom on some accounts, such as making Cadance an alicorn. Faust also wanted the show to be even darker and more mature, addressing topics like "being adopted", but it wasn't kid friendly enough for Hasbro.
Thankfully the rest of the team that stayed is still really based, pro-morals and anti-SJW.
If I had a little daughter I'd let her watch this over any other western cartoon tbh. It reminds me of the 80s and early 90s where cartoons actually had a positive, self-improvement message. If you compare it to other modern cartoons, they're all about boys, fun, vanity…and oh what a big surprise, most modern women grow up to be vain, stupid bitches with no brains and no character.
Which is doubly ironic because they hate Michael Moore.
I hope this was just an elaborate joke, roping the SJW's in and then bam! The hardest ever punchline ever made.
I just can't understand why Cartman is such a fag now.
They murdered Cartman's character in "Jewpacabra" episode, back in season 16.
That was pure kike's triumph over the goy episode.
How so?
Oklahoma is one giant farm. Lawton is full of niggers, but that's about it; everyone is are typical cowboy-farmer types.
America was never great! You dont own nothing, goyim!
OH MY FUCK I forgot about the comic world,
PLEASE PLEASE have Red SKull be elected and have Penguin the new Mayor of Gotham.
This is going to be hilarious shitfits for the next 4 years, 8 if the Democrats learn NOTHING from this.
Lex Luther did nothing wrong.
even the c plot with the gentlemens bill was shit as everyone knows being a m'lady beta gentleman with women does not trigger gina tingles while "sexual assault" does.
Fuck them, they're dead to me. Never watching the electric Jew again.
Speaking of it, I went to check G. Willow Wilson's, the muslim-converted white sjw whore who created dune coon Ms. Marvel, twitter just to see if she was losing it. Had a good laugh thinking about how desperate she must be.
that story doesn't even make sense
Well, this bitch wrote more "ebin" things like pic related. These people have no creativity or talent, they're hired only by nepotism and political ideology.
I'm not bullshitting, it even copied Utena's fight scenes frame by frame.
Animu was balls deep in poz before pozzing was cool. Sorry if the truth hurts m8.
They engaged in the false neutrality of many liberals that thing they're above it all yet are more partisan than anyone else. >The problem is it's like they are holding back, last season aswell.
Yeah it was obvious they were holding back when they had PC principal not be a rainbow haired she-twink. Having it be a frat bro showed they were not wanting to make fun of hysterical SJWs in a way that would actually caricaturize them.
They've done the exact same thing with Hillary, never daring to parody anything about her actions or policies the way they did with their Trump stand in.
When you start considering some things off limits, like those particular political issues SJWs and Hillary, it means you're gonna start being fucked when it comes to your writing. Everything starts getting stilted.
Is it going to feature a villain named Gerald Drumpf?
Speaking of no creativity or talent, you ever notice that lefty memes are just shitty imitations of ours.
Like they see ours, see they work, but being unable to create their own they just copy ours and make them retarded.
It's surreal at times.
We like to call it "homage".
frankly this same shit happened to the daily show post-2012
samantha bee and jessica williams started obviously writing half the show and they're not funny at all
Oil drillers mostly.
In both meaning of the word I guess, kek.
Isn't that the Canadian Primeminister?
Is this the whole "Canada building a wall" episode or something?
The anime in pic related ended with the good goy in pic related being sent to Nazi germay where he, a gypsy, and later on his brother stops Hitler from obtaining super weapons they could've used to win ww2 and then sneak out of the country.
I think that they used yesterday's rushed episode to set up another episode involving Hillary's revenge plot and Podesta's pizza, maybe also Soros.
They could do an episode about SouthPark-Canada seceding from the British Union.
Canada-trump will probably be revealed as not a nativeborn canadian citizen thereby being an illegal and garrison will resign, giving Canadian-trump power.
No, Ms Marvel is apparently so pathetic that she's just going to collapse in the middle of the street because a bunch of people told her they aren't interested in voting.
At least, assuming the news sites that tried to push the issue on November 8th back when it was actually relevant were telling the truth about it. Normally I'd expect them to come up with better lies, but…
nobody here better talk shit on DC because they NEVER fall for the feminist shit. Just fucking look at how sexy and delicious Harley Quinn is. They have female artists and even they love to make her as sexy and curvy as possible.
Not as pozzed as Marvel, but still pretty damn pozzed.
I just watched it.
It's the most cuckold thing I have ever seen. They even tried to tie trump with how Rome fell and we all know they fell because immigration. Don't even get me fucking started about how it's about being a cuckold to women. Let's just stop talking about south park unless it's about how cuckold and jew it is. Seriously, fuck it. The SJW problem isn't that bad yet they're making it out to be men against women and men must be cucks and if you don't, it looks stupid. It's the most rushed piece of shit ass kissing I ever seen. They're going full cut dick after trump won.
It was "Canadian Trump", they were still taking the piss out of him.
Other things as well, user, but yes:
They always were. You're just seeing the broad for her ugliness since she got caught without time fore her usual make-up treatment. South Park is pathetic and hideous, as always.
Sexy women has been a mainstay in comic books since their inception, seeing as the target demographic had been teenage boys. It's only recently that publishers have been going full haram on what is acceptable for women to appear dressed in.
i'm still not tired of praising
It feels like i've crossed world lines to a time where everything turns out better than expected, actual fucking miracles have been happening where people around me almost die in an event, but wind up just fine.
It was also animated worse
They barely had to work and still made it worse
Or are they trying to retire by driving their own show into the ground?
Or are they trying to retire by driving their own show into the ground?
how fucking retarded do you have to be to believe the msm?
fucking porchmonkey swear to Christ
Why didn't they take the piss out of Le Weedman Tradeu ever? He's way funnier that Trump or aall the other stupid shit they tried with Canada.
Wtf are member berries supposed to be, anyway? Are they a representation of (((them)))?
The small dots of niggers in Alaska is because of drug trade for anyone wondering.
You're completely right. I really respect this show and its characters. I don't often get to agree with the sense of morality that a show has, but I strongly agree with this one, and it does it in a very smart and entertaining way. The characters are really great too.
In the end, it's my favorite show ever, and has been for a while now.
I agree, I believe we really need to focus on video propaganda as well. Movies tend to form a huge portion of the normalfag's beliefs. Especially the young who we need to be targeting. Juxtaposing video a shitskin on white violence with clips of anti-white advocating public figures for example. Video of immigrants talking about all the free shit they get and maybe laughing about how they get to take advantage of it. Stuff like that.
…anybody ever wonder exactly why Japanese Animation is so desperately dedicated to producing red pill and whitefriendly material?
Me? I think they have known about the bullshit since the surrender. I think MacArthur sent them some critical information before he died.
I stopped watching after season three because I was finding the community to be complete and utter degenerates and I was getting queasy from watching each episode. I was also becoming one of those horsefuckers so I probably just needed to take a break from it to get my head screwed back on the right way.
Because the japs were, and to a large extent still are, some of the most nationalistic and xenophobic people in the world. So it would make sense these values are often represented in their media. If you want some proof of this go watch Mudazumo Naki Kaikaku, it's very funny, and I think accurately sums up a lot of their opinions about themselves and the world.
I think they realized that the surrender only delayed the annihilation, it didnt avoid it entirely.
user, it's been in their culture for hundreds of years, and once the west fucked them over in WWII and unfucked them afterwards, giving them an extremely prosperous golden age afterwards made them like the west. I don't think they are keen on The Happening. It's less the samurai hates the jew, more the jew fears the samurai.
Not only is he taking care of some other dude's kid but kid's a fucking nigger. oh man this is funny
Shut the fuck up carlos you dirty fucking wetback. The wall is going up and you're going back.
Can't believe no one gave you an answer.
Because the chosen people didn't have plumbing and would shit anywhere. This created major problems with human shit being everywhere stinking up everything. And this humor is created.
They have an obsession with shit and anal.
Considering south park is made for an American audience, jokes on king cuck of Canada would probably fly over the heads of a large part of the audience. I'm going to guess the majority of Americans really have no idea who the PM of Canada is.
Fruits that cause petty nostalgia and make the goym want to return to 'the good'ol' days instead of living in (((the current year))) .
Apparently they think the people who voted for Trump are also the ones who liked the Star Wars reboot, because 'muh nostalgia' . The whole symbolism thing is mangled as fuck, you can't make any rational sense of it in light of reality.
I think the episode would be better-constructed if Garrison was acting normally, and when Randy confronted him, Mr. Garrison would reveal he saw TFA, and actually liked it. This threw his self-doubt into question and he realized if J.J. Abrams could make a good sequel, he could be president. He would then say that the "memberberries" reminded him of why he started the campaign, because he wanted to change things. He would end the conversation with Randy by accusing him of making him doubt himself because he's so sure of what's best for everyone.
Later on, Randy would be depressed at the dinner table, and Sharon would share in his grief. Shelly would tell them that it was a choice between a turd and a douche, and she can't believe they're getting so upset and acting like children.
If the Aesop was "things might not turn out the way you like, but it's no excuse to bitch" this would have been an A+ episode. Instead, it's a D at best.
Fucking niggers and spics in Alaska? I hate this world so much.