$200 is a lot of money for a NEET guys. Should I pay it?? Is there a better way/place to learn it?
There's a lot of jobs offering Python programmers work in my area.
$200 is a lot of money for a NEET guys. Should I pay it?? Is there a better way/place to learn it?
There's a lot of jobs offering Python programmers work in my area.
you don't need that shit to learn python.
Well I need structure to learn shit. I have no more passion in life and it's hard to stay motivated anymore. I need classes of some sort to hold me accountable.
That's not really a cert, it's just a participation trophy.
If you need to hand people money to stay motivated, you aren't gonna make it.
Sounds like a personal problem and honestly, if that's really true you aren't going to be very good at this. Either get the fuck over it or give up now.
Honestly, if I saw that on a resume I think it would carry negative weight. It looks like something Pajeet would do.
I actually think the guides and stuff on Python's site are pretty good. I don't remember which I used, though. I'm like you as well OP. It's hard for me to stick to something. All I did was force myself to do 1 chapter a day. It was slow, but it worked for me.
Programming certs are pretty much worthless. What you need is a portfolio of projects to show you can program. Start writing stuff and put it on shithub.
No one as unmotivated as you will ever get anywhere in this field. Save your money.
Kids this days don't know what a PDF is.
I'd like to mention one exception to my previous post:
Java certs aren't worthless IF you assume that Java itself isn't. Any other programming cert is worthless, and will likely get your CV/resume sent to the circular file if you don't have a portfolio to back it up. A programming cert and a programming portfolio is worth the portfolio.
A reference to rule of acquisition #109?
Try getting an apartment and a girlfriend then learning this shit.
I'll try that then since you understand where I'm coming from. Thanks user.
Why do I need a gf?
Because if you're alone in that tiny cramped vermin-infested apartment your life will be stuck in a routine of go to work come home go to work and never get anything done. You need someone to hold you accountable.
read a book, work on problems
I disagree. We as men do not NEED women. What you need is strong work ethic. Find something you enjoy and do it. If you need to pay money for someone to force you, then you probably don't have a passion for it.
Fuck off kike tbh
What if I do it in a tiny cramped vermin-infested room with a mother constantly threatening tot kick me out??
You know she never actually will so you not only hate yourself for your lack of motivation but also feel guilty. If you have a girlfriend in that room the dynamic might change for the better, but if she has kids of her own there might not be enough space.
idk I already got kicked out once
Try modafinil
You can contribute to open-source programs without spending $200. Then you'll get your name in credits, and you can put that on your resume. Just look for a project that has bugs that need fixed, or features added, that you can do.
Whats a PDF? a language?
Networking shit needs certs and programming shit needs portfolio.
If you don't know how to pirate shit you should not be a programmer.