Justice League Trailer
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Thread for this already exists.
That wasn't a thread for the trailer, that was for the teasers for the trailer.
And that's nothing but shitposting.
Everyone name one thing they like about the trailer
Fuck this gay fucking shit.
Why can't they hand the fucking films over to a competent director?
Why must everything be a cinematic universe? Why can't we have a bunch of standalones, and if they get popular, do crossovers?
Why must every single casting choice except for Cavill be trash?
Either shit-Barry acting in character for the first time and taunting an enemy he can easily beat then getting attacked while being cocky or Aquaman's outfit when meeting Jim being moderately decent.
They should of made colourful, fun films at the start then decended into greyscale edgy films to highlight the increasing peril of each enemy, but instead we rushed Zod, Doomsday and now Darkseid/Apokolips in 3 films, all who are big hitters.
Hell even if they just made the costumes brighter in color would be an amazing improvement. You can have a darker product and still have costumes with actual color that stands out.
I've said it a million times and will continue to, but they need to let Geoff Johns have more influence. He'd make the films highlight the eternal aspects of every character and do the action right, instead of re-imagining the characters and having 100% fight-scenes or quipping.
He just strips back every character to the base, which would make these films so much better as they can be watched in 20 years time and still be relevant to the characters.
Marvel films, while I hate them, do it well. They show the legacy character stripped down to basics, even while the comics are trying stupid reinterpretations.
Yeah Johns can do that well. But there would need to be someone else there to balance him out. Let him do the interpretations and maybe the costumes. But let someone else handle the script and story.
Of fuck off, all the best comic book movies of the 2000s were directed by Snyder, 300, Watchmen, both amazing films.
Johns is trash for a script, but he'd be good for the basic treatment and proofing other's work make it sensible.
It was alright if you've never read Watchmen, but it takes a huge shit over most of the nuances, especially considering the entire book is a critique of comics and superheroes, while the film plays it as noir superheroes.
user, if that one became full of shitposting, what do you think'll happen to this one?
I know what'll happen but the best we can do is report and ignore them until the mods get off their asses.
BO is pretty good.
Vol is trash.
She looks average
She's below average. Perfectly okay face. Terrible body.
You guys have sit taste. Mediterranean women are top tier, tbh. Israeli women are the best
Every single thing you said in that post is wrong. It's so wrong in fact that I'm questioning if you even browse Holla Forums. That you just came onto this board just to post such a terrible opinion. That is what your post makes me think.
Geoff Johns can't write. He's a cereal shoveling fanboy who's a step below Goyer in his hacktitude. His input won't help these films. It'd just make them worse by adding another fucking moron to the pile.
You're asking the impossible.
Does anyone care enough to put the animated theme over this trailer?
He's a hack when it comes to original ideas, I agree.
I only want him on the films because he's stuck in a permanent vision of the characters that is their original/most memorable incarnations.
He shouldn't be allowed to touch the comics ever again, but for a film that anyone can enjoy for the basic characters as an entry-point to comics, he's the better choice when compared with what we've been given.
Now that sounds much more reasonable.
that's a jew, user
also, i thought this movie was supposed to have "Don't save me, invincible son" in it?
Why are people so obsessed with that moment form Man of Steel. It makes perfect sense in the context of the film itself, the people who sperg out about it are on the level of people who freak out about Anakin saying, "I hate sand"
Because it is stupid and, arguably, has no impact on the story what-so-ever.
It's a scene where you think Superman's going to save his dad and you'll go "YEAH SUPERMAN", but then he doesn't, for absolutely no reason, and you go "Oh…Man of Steel…"
Yeah, it's not like for the entire period of the movie before that scene we were showed how his father told him that he should never let people know he was special, that he was like a god. How the fuck do you morons miss the entire story of the movie? The whole point of that scene was that he realized his father was right, that people wouldn't understand it. And in Batman v Superman we meet Lex, who shows that yes, humans don't understand it.
How was his father right? Don't say "well in Batman v Superman", because we're talking about the events of Man of Steel here. Which is it's own movie that's supposed to have it's own story.
If his father was right, then why did he get on the Kryptonian long-johns and publicly save the day? Why did the people of Metropolis thank Superman for saving them after destroying their city? If Pa Kent was right, they should've been burning him in effigy. Fuck, they had to address that shit in the sequel because it wasn't addressed in Man of Steel.
It's been four years since Man of Steel was released and I'm still waiting for somebody to explain what the fucking movie was about. Every fucking message the film attempts is contradicted or completely forgotten.
This fucking trailer is generic as fuck.
WB just pooped another turd from DC comics.
This is completely and absolutely true
Why couldn't he save Pa though? It's not like anyone would of really noticed.
Trailer is alright as is the DCCU.
Imagine if the scene went like it does but at the last second Superman says fuck it and saves his dad anyway? It'd be amazing and actually fucking hopeful. He'd finally get the be what he wants to be by fulfilling his desire to use his powers. Maybe even convincing his dad he was wrong and that people will love him. That they'll look to him for hope in the darkest hour. That's what Man of Steel should have. That's what we'll never fucking get because Snyder is a hack and Warner Brothers is run by kikes that don't know what they're doing.
I think the message of the movie is to ahítos the grave of your dead father
Earthling father:
Kriptonian father:
Donner's superman got this right, mainly because it was written by Mario fucking Puzo. Despite all his powers superman can't save his father from a heart attack. A HEART ATTACK. Which is a way to say that the is vulnerable to life itself. Snyder killed pa Kent with a tornado just to have a cool effect which made no narrative sense at all.
Grant Morrison got it right on all star superman #6 with pic related. Somehow goyer read it and even transcribed a dialogue, word for word, but didn't understood the gist of it. Not surprisingly since he is a hack.
It ended.
Barry Allen's skull screen saver
They're trying so hard to make people like Aquaman. It's a little bit embarrassing.
The Silver Age had something similar. Ma and Pa Kent dying from an infection they got while on vacation.
The difference was that Superman briefly blamed himself for their death.
That would be unheard of in the snyderverse. Feeling guilt from a death you are responsible for is beta as fuck, man.
Pic related. It's your favorite comic moment.
At the very least, this actually looks like a Zack Snyder film, as opposed to a "Zack Snyder trying to ape Nolan" film. It will probably still suck, but it'll be fucking dope watching while high on acid.
Go back to reddit and be sure to take your shit taste with you
Nobody does like him, except for that stupidly-done version of him.
BatB Aquaman is the only Aquaman that Reddit knows.
Just get the fuck out.
Oh, sorry, I wasn't aware that you have issues with English comprehension.
Nowhere did I say it was bad, I said it was stupidly done, as in it didn't fit the character at all, and made everyone think that's what all Aquaman runs are like, which couldn't be further from the truth.
It was fine for BatB, but is shit in the sense that it makes normalfags think that's what Aquaman is about.
No one does like Aquaman though, and that's a fact. It couldn't be more obvious they're trying really hard to combat his reputation of being the gay boring super hero.
No, please tell me what fits a crap character that was churned out by Mort Weisinger to captilize on the success of Superman.
BatB was the best thing to ever happen to the character.
You aren't doing much for the idea that people care about Aquaman when the only version you have anything good to say about is a goofy parody.
looks like it could have been fun if they weren't so afraid of color.
That's pretty true. But that is the only version I care about either.
What a waste of dubs.
Nobody cares about Aquaman. Nobody. Not even the insecure neckbeards care about him outside of needing him to be grim serious in a vain attempt to get people to stop making fun of their superhero books.
Not even I, who have every single issue of Aquaman ever published, care about him. He was a boring character created purely for financial reasons, along with the other Mort Weisinger creations like Green Arrow, TNT and Dyna-Mite, and Vigilante. While Green Arrow has made some head-way from being a Batman knock-off, Aquaman still hasn't escaped being a boring Namor knock-off that was created to pad out books.
Batman the Brave and the Bold is the only time anyone has actually done anything interesting with the character.
I try to be fair to Aquaman, because the "lol he talks to fish" criticisms are just pleb tier, but I'd be lying If I said I cared about him.
He's an aryan that rules 2/3 of the planet and beats up a autistic nigger in a scuba suit. What's not to love?
Why you replying to the same post twice nigga?
Peter David Aquaman was best Aquaman, and the Grant Morrison JLA version of same.
Until Erik Larsen pulled a Chuck Austen and erased everything Peter David did.
Really, was there any point to putting the one guy who hates Peter David more than anyone else on Earth on the book right after David, other than just saying "FUCK YOU" to Peter David? It's not like Larsen has ever exactly distinguished himself as a writer.
Did Peter David hurt an editor's ass?
Aqualad you're a flaming fa la la faggot and your husbando is the queerest cartoon character in all of DC, hell maybe in all of comics. Everyone knows Aquaman's a lame ass character who had to get power boosted i addition to a bad boy chad attitude adjustment just to make him look like less of an useless joke of a character, for yet despite all the gary stu welfare powers he gets he's still the epitome of lame and boring superheroes. Like who gives a shit about a dolphin humping hippie king in short shorts under the boring ass sea who can talk to fucking guppies. His
Atlantis "kingdom" is the most unimaginative shit ever, muh utopic futuristic fishpeople, like fuck off who gives a flying fuck about them , no one that's who, you know why? Because no one fucking goes there. Even the fucking niggertopia of Wakanda led by BDSM furry batman ripoff King Nigger has more relevance in its respective universe than fucking Atlantis. Mind you that coonsville is filled with selfish Kangs who never help no whiteys with their futuristic african muh dick magicks technology cuz the so high class and shiet, yet somehow fishman seahole chimpsout and kills innocent people more often than kangsville, sucessfully being more of a cancer in the world than le sophisticated negro space age ghetto.
Get a life dweeb aquaman fucking sucks fat tentacles up his butthole, mouthhole and peehole with his shit backstory, shit costume design, insanely lame powers (fuck his prima donna superman-esque ripoff powers, oooh look I have superstrengh like the other 9 billion stereotypical spandex fags, How creative!). Most of all I hate his autistic self absorbed edgelord holier than thou personality he gets everytime the kikes try to make him appealing to the normies, which ultimately makes him look like even more of an insufferable cunt.
Can you tell me a single personality trait that makes him distinct, likeable, distinguishable? He's bland as fuck hell most people don't even remember him, not even comics enthusiast remember him for anything else other than being a huge loser with the most laughably chum powers in comics history that no one wants, I'd even argue that rainbow man who shoots harmless rainbows is more fun and desirable than fishman the complainer of the sea.
There are no redeeming qualities to this character, none other than being the most hilarious waste of a character in all of time, spanning comic after comic for over 50 years wasting millions of dollars, countless hours across all the mediums he's been depicted on and wasting the time of everything and everyone who's ever come across this completely disposable fictional twat.
I don't like Aquaman, but holy shit you need to reign in your autism.
BATB Aquaman is a good character because he's just Brian Blessed in an Aquaman outfit.
Blaqualad? What happened to Garth? What happened to the stone cold playa who CUCKED AQUAMAN?
get out