Do you agree with this?
How to fix IT
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Fucking dumb bitch doesn't even know the difference between an android and cyborg. Sage this shit.
Any differences are irrelevant to the point of fixing IT.
The fuck are you talking about? It's a direct criticism to the character of the author for holding an irrational bias against the majority employed in information technology. The author, it, has no argument by fact as to the quality of work accomplished by the current IT majority. It instead solely uses fallacious ad populum and ad hominem attacks as discourse to swoon the reader. This diatribe provides no evidence, anecdote, or statistic as to why its opinion is correct and should be favored over current practice. If it can't be socially inclined enough to understand the difference between an 'android' and a 'cyborg', then it surely demonstrates the incapacity to work well with others in the industry.
sage because this is a shit thread
i have an answer to this?
Can you do what those socially inept IT workers do, but better?
All anyone ever gives a fuck about at the end of the day is the finished project/products.
I dont give fuck at all who you are or how you look.
I care about what you are creating.
Deliver. The. Goods.
saged, reported and hidden
That reads like an user pretending to be retarded.
How do you deal with vocal roasties like her?
Shes 100% right, Stallman is a complete antisocial sperg. Fuck working with that insanity.
Fuck this shit, the first paragraph already make me boil. Some of us are not ugly by choice, but by disease. Computer programming is one of the things that keeps me from bashing my head into a bloody pulp at the next wall.
If you want to live in mud huts, eating beetles and wearing corded twigs then yes, I'd say it's spot on.
You're a beta male, kys
And you're a faggot.
She's right about the greats. They were regular Joes with big ol' brains.
Back in the day, Stallman was a proper lad.
No he wasn't, right off the bat he was a nutcase. That's why nobody worked with him.
Yeah, like Knuth. With his strange looks, stuttering, weird body language and habit of going off on wild tangents his listeners can't follow he's the epitome of normalfag. The bitch in OP's picture would surely have been all over this guy at a party. Can you even envision Knuth at a party?
Tits or gtfo.
Notice how this chick judges other based on how degenerate they are and how much they engage in an endless pursuit of pleasure? This chick is the perfect actualization of the modern world. Only concerned with "dating, getting laid, and going out on the weekends" instead of learning and acquiring new skills. Then she continues to judge the current technical excellence of Silicon Valley by if the majority of the employees are whores like her or are "kissless virgins". Sounds to me like she got rejected by one of these "kissless virgins", and/or is threatened by the ability that these individuals have. This degenerate whore sounds like a UI/UX designer or whatever the fuck they call themselves these days and is probably a, "HTML coder". I would love to put this cunt in her place.
These retards need to be expelled from the software development industry.
Polite sage.
She's right, you know.
Frankly I don't think Chad's should be hired either.
You get some oddballs, but even Knuth was probably alright back in the day. He's an old man now.
This is the most obvious troll I have seen. Is this on reddit or something? Also he's right we are all socially inept white people but damn it we're good at computering.
Also this guy is a wise man. Seriously these are great words.
Yep. And notice how what he's saying is almost the complete opposite of OP's image. Today he'd probably be frozen out by HR cunts like that and been a basement NEET. This kills the tech.
To put this in context, this was posted on a /r/programming thread about the Google anti-diversity manifesto. What legitimately scares me is that she got 170 upvotes for this by now.
Fortunately, a lot of people BTFO'd her and told her she was a bigot as much as the archetypes she had in mind.
I want to go on a tangent about how these people make the left looks really retarded as they complain about petty shit while there are really pressing economic issues out there to care about (people working at three jobs for minimum wage, the housing bubble, etc.), and I sometimes have a hard time believing it's not on purpose, but I will keep it short : Lots of Americans are retarded, but Californian liberals take the cake.
Why the fuck is anybody even replying to this?
She never worked a single day in her life. Every IT office I spent any time in (either as employee or contractor) had lots of married men, or just dating. Also, women who draw a lot of attention to themselves aren't welcome because that's not what the workplace is for. You get hired to do a specific job, not draw attention to yourself with stupid antics.
Because we all like to rage a bit now and then. Keeps the digestion healthy.
Sage for responding to a troll post, though
Anyone who says niggers, dwarves or whatever the fuck are so much better than men but hasn't started a company that only hires them doesn't believe a word of what they're saying.
normies hate us as much as we hate them
but why?
what have we ever done to them?
This is a really good bait or excellent red pill how women are degenerate whores and should not be in any STEM field.
"Normal" people don't feel threatened by weirdos. This guy is a former neckbeard trying to atone for his sins.
Wrong. Women feel threatened by everything.
Sage this shitty thread. It's been rebuked as nonsensical no-argument garbage.
I have no idea.
Person who wrote post in OP image seems to be concerned that they cannot manipulate tech people with their superior social skills and that they would have to compete purely on skill instead.
Just go fuck yourself.
why the fuck did you waste trips to bump this shit?
It's not really true. Normal normalfags have no trouble interacting with socially awkward and ugly men. It's really only one group that has, that is ugly women. I think this is because men are realists when it comes to partner selection, and so an ugly man will consider an ugly woman in his "league," something she will strongly disagree with. This creates a dysfunctional social dynamic.
I've noticed that pretty and feminine women usually are quite polite and professional with tech neckbeards, and I suppose this is because they don't feel threatened by them. But pretty women are very rare in tech, because they have lots of other easy-mode options. That leaves ugly and bitter women who resent their male counterparts by default.
You see, the problem is is that back in the day, this was what people made fun of, as it was the "bad" part of the left. However, at this point, as is with partisan politics, the left has become this shit. The sheer amount of people in western society who believe they are being "oppressed" because some dude was spreading his legs is ridiculous. I don't believe its really isolated to California any more, its everywhere.
Oh no these evil men must be hating their lives right now
The biggest way to shut these pasty white socially inept inexperienced neck beards up is to be better than them, not louder. A bunch of people in tech are either insane or giant dicks. There can be room for insufferable feminist too.
That's the problem. No one can compete with "pasty white socially inept inexperienced neck beards" when it comes to intellectual pursuits. That's why everyone else is whining.
She found out that tech isn't cool. Much like a female chemist I know found out science isn't fun. It is dangerous.
Is she confusing IT with software devs/engineers?
didn't read, lol.
Yes, but so are a bunch of people in this thread.
This thread needs more boobs.
Women don't belong in IT or coding jobs. They do not think logically enough.
This thread is now about the Ta-Ta Towel.