My internet is throttling like fuck and I can't even watch youtube half the time now. My dumbfuck roommates are constantly streaming and gaming or some shit. I logged into my router's settings, but I can't find any way to set a max bandwidth or internet speed on people's connections. It's a Belkin. Before my new roomate came in, I was able to watch HD videos consistently. Now I can barely even shitpost half the time. Please save me from this hell! HOW DO I THROTTLE MY PAJEET ROOMMATE'S WIFI???
Fighting roommates for wifi
look up QoS in your router.
Give the exact make and model if you want more help.
hide ssid
change ssid
tell roommate it’s broke and you can’t buy a new router
This. You won't be limiting their bandwith, but all of your packets will have the highest priority.
Fuck, my router doesn't have this, or it's disabled in firmware. Belkin n300.
not an option.
You won't be getting qos on a shitty belkin. Buy your own router as a repeater with qos, hide the ssid broadcast of the first, give the new one the original ssid/password. No one will ever know but you will control their packets.
The "advanced" settings of this shitty router.
kek, this was my first thought. Problem is physically hiding or concealing it.
there are other methods, but a better router would be best
Sorry, I assumed you had your own room. If you sleep on the floor of a room with several other illegal immigrants, I don't think there is help for you. Maybe learn not to be selfish animals and share the internet on a time schedule.
Can you flush the firmware? See if you can put OpenWRT on there.
this is the best answer from user
there is a convenient link
Risky, but yeah, may be my best bet.
Install gentoo
Why should it be risky? If you follow correctly the instructions you won't brick it for sure.
At least you don't have snoring room mates
If he bricks it he definitely won't have a problem with his roommates jamming the network.
aireplay-ng -0 0 -a -c
This is what I do when my retarded roommate decides to Skype™ while I'm trying to sleep.
Don't be a pussy, where do you think you are?
>>>Holla Forums
Just buy your own internet you cheap fuck.
They just want to watch HD videos too, don't blame them.
Gaming is like a few kb/s,
stop being a pussy and deauth them
I just keep getting dropped.
not with livestreaming and voice chat and similar bs
Stop talking about it and put the alternate firmware on your router. You learn by doing, if you stand around dithering you'll never gain mastery over your technology.
Wi-fi is shit and prone to retransmissions causing excessive jitter. You should connect via wires. Stock router QoS a shit. You need router CFW. Learn 2 tc, htb, and fq_codel (protip: tc's syntax sucks).
This, it could just be wifi interference. Ethernet might solve your problem. Go be a good autist and run the cable to your room.
firewall the streaming service.
Simple as a fuck..
otherwise get a better antenna than your roommate.
Think about how wifi works, and that moving some centimeters might improve your signal.
Use ethernet you homo.
What are you, a faggot?
As a cokehead playing a Home Improvement guy once said, "More Power!"
Did user flash the router or not?
The thing is normies usually have 10 devices constantly connected because they are too stupid to turn off the wifi on their iphones and ipads when they are not using it, so it's likely that they are simply exhausting the wifi capacity of your router rather than your bandwidth. When I used to have this problem with roommates I simply filtered the MAC addresses of all mobile devices.
This is the only question that matters, because until he does it, no progress will be made with QoS.
Get a fucking cable. Never care about wireless issues again.
Did OP flash the router or not? That was the easiest solution to user's problem.
he's killing your wifi with his phone
on linux do some anti arp measures. I doubt it works on windows.
try the arp command on linux and restrict your connection to the router's MAC only. just search the command. poisoning happens when other wifi users tell your MAC that "site is unavailable".
Get a rooted android device and wifikill him back.
Pajeets are well known for their rooted android and "le hacker" attitude.
Route cable through existing conduits (power, phone, A/C) or just drill a hole and route cable along ceiling or baseboard. I've even routed it through attic once.
wireless anything is a terrible idea for anything interactive and streaming.
I wish wi-fi wasn't a thing, so people would actually bother wiring their homes with network cable instead of relying on shit-fi though niggers would probably use CCA.
electrical wiring + data wiring (shielded or not) = bad
you need separate conduit. I think fiber is not affected, though.
block their mac addresses in the firmware
I did it to my brother all the time
throw out your roommates
poo on they roommate keyboards an they will stop