Ed Klein: Hillary cried inconsolably, blamed Comey & Obama for not doing enough to stop FBI investigation


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HAH! She didn't even recognize her REAL adversary, Mr. Jeb! (The Guac Man) Bush for secretly orchestrating the entirety of it to gain prestige amongst those fashy Ilt Raght folks so he can win the 2028 election in the name of the spirit turtle!
Slow an' steady, lads~

And people actually thought a woman leading would be a good idea?



Shh now, no tears. Only dreams.

Holla Forums might have made me paranoid, but my kikery senses are tingling.

Feels like they're setting up the Clintons to take the fall, and pre-emptively shielding (((themselves))) from the fallout.

She knows she is going to burn in Hell, that is why she is crying. lol




Doesn't matter, I pictured this being the case, so my confirmation bias leads me to accept this 100% as truth. The press conference this morning sort of leads me to accept this as fact, too.

she's acting like she won't get another chance to run. wonder why :^)

Right, it explains why they couldn't bring her on stage to concede

All her life she had one goal: Be the first womyn POTUS
Everything she did had that goal in mind
All the corruption, the deaths, the loveless marriage with Bill, the lies, the blackmail. It was all for that moment.
Make no mistake, I still want to see her in an orange jumpsuit for what she did. But when her voice cracked during her concession speech it actually gave me the feels. This was her life's work.
If decades ago she had actually picked the right side she might have had it. But instead she ended up being hoist by her own petard: Beaten by the very person she intended to be a pied piper candidate.

Even with all the rigging and everyone on her side, she still lost, by an inch. And now she's too old and too infamous for a third run.
I'm surprised she hasn't offed herself yet.


Well, that was obvious from the get go with the level of vitriol in this race. I'd have been shocked if she was that classy, and I'm sort of shocked Trump was as classy as he was. He had to be. Anywho, is right, she'll certainly drop out of the public eye. I half expect her to escape to Qatar or Saudi Arabia with Bill, but doing that would be akin to them leaving a giant "fuck you" in every future American history textbook.

what a strong independent woman

what kind of 'friend' would tell the media about a private phonecall?

And there was Hillary, who has chased the Sun in the Sky all her life, finally about to reach the Sun. Only to have it blocked by Trump's Eclipse.


This is the best day ever. I'm loving every second m8s.

Also this

He's a classy man. You don't build a business empire without having some class when handling people.

Women ladies and gentlemen.
Can't lead, cant lose, no grace, no qualities of a strength. It was only for the first muh vagina pres and it was a failure.

Cant wait till Trumps special prosecutor comes after her.

I meant practically speaking, she was a crying mess and people would see, so they waited until morning when they could clean her up

I get such a feeling of satisfaction every time I think about how many times this cunt has tried to run and how many times she has failed. Probably more than anyone at least in terms of quantity.


hillary is a mess

hillary is a mistake

hillary is a big fat mess

There's no need to feign class, she's a murderer and her husband's regime was responsible for our world's further descent into mayhem.

Expect Hillary to "disappear" soon as she escapes the country to avoid Trump's wrath of justice.

Webbum related^
PROTIP: put m. at the start of the twatter url, play the vid and right-click Save on it like so: m.twitter.com/PrisonPlanet/status/796490486823292928/video/1

the elite have no true friends

I bet you she called him a nigger.

That's what the special prosecutor is for and all his appointees. Now is not the time for her to fear. That comes later.

Poor spider lost a meal and now it shrieks, "Why did you leave me? For all I wanted was to digest your insides and suck the juices dry."

Don't forget that people around her has put that idea in her head for the last 40 years. Not that it was just her goal, but people WANTED and encouraged her to go for it.

Hillary once again confirmed for a unstable nutjob


The 90's were nice so people associated it with the Clintons. She had an incredibly easy road to the White House this election had she tried running on the economy needing improvement, but she felt she needed to promote the idea she was a third term of Obama and that his economy was doing fantastic so that topic was off limits for her.

Anyone else thinks that on some level Killary also knew that getting the POTUS seat was the ultimate immunity shield for all the shady as shit the clinton crime cabal has done. And if the clintons don't get back into the whitehouse, their backers and or the fucked up shit they have done could catch up to them.

Those trips don't lie. Webm unrelated.


This is listed as unproven by Snopes, which means it's probably true.

Oh, i'm sorry, I didn't know it was the head of the FBI's fucking job to cover for your blatantly illegal, dumbass shit Shrillary.

I figured as much, there's a reason she couldn't appear last night, she must've been a sloppy, fucking blubbering wreck, mascara running all over her shit-filled pantsuit.

Now that this bitch out the way, how long until she shrinks from the public eye and makes crazy cat lady meme a reality?

Shhhh no tears, only dreams now.

You're the weak.

Hyperborean 5s confirm our Nipponese Origami Assemblage abetted his victory against all odds.

How long until she becomes a cat lady?
How long until Inauguration Day?

That's what you get when you sign a deal with the devil.

Hillary knew exactly what Trump meant when he said that at the second debate.


It's the year 2016, and that expression is now not so metaphorical ever since the spiritcooking 'lol its not satanism just performance art tho, you just don't get it lololol!' podesta email leak. What a year.
I like to think she pooped a little at the thought of justice bearing down on her and the Clinton Foundation.

My god that's amazing. What a spoiled cunt.

Anyone have a webm of part or all of the speech?



(((malzberg))). (((klein)))

I question whether or not her psychopathic mind is even capable of imagining herself on the receiving end of criminal penalties. Thus far the only thing she is crying about is the loss of political power for its own sake.



Please spread this you blessed shitlords. I love you all.

bigly. mawlzberg is a full on patriotic Israeli.

Then why did she call that woman thinking she could trust her?

Almost as a big a mess as her supporters.

Speaking of which, recommendations on convincing them of the Emperor's virtue?

Can we use her blaming Obama to have SJW cunts and niggers tear each other to pieces?

Well she achieved one thing: a perfect state of irony

Why do you fools engage these people at all?

Leave them to be broken among themselves. Only a fool tries to fix them. You see the threads here all the time. It's always the same story; an argument, a stalemate, and more often than not a damaged relationship.

Abstinence and patience is the wise move.

So the Obama-Clinton feud continues. Please Kek, let Obama be apeshit insane enough to NOT pardon Hillary as he walks out.

This isn't enough ammo to drive a wedge between them. Too bad we never got the mystical "Hillary calling blacks 'niggers'" tape that was so hyped up.

Don't feel any sympathy for these people. She NEEDS to go to prison and she WILL go to prison. I don't give a shit about her life's goals, she needs to go.

This is only the beginning. The cucks in our government will try to push Trump more into the center and soften up his stance on immigration; we can't let them. The media will try to apologize, but we can't forgive them, everybody needs to know how much they lied and how much they can't be trusted.

The democrats are on suicide watch, Trump will have complete control of the government and we need to finish them off. The republican party was turned from a cucked party into a dynamic, powerful party of nationalism. The democratic party is in shambles. Strike while the iron's hot.


Malzaberger looks like a guy wearing a convincing Richard Nixon mask

What needs to happens is a complete destruction of BOTH parties. Trump needs to crush the RNC from within and form his own independent nationalist party, and after that one becomes the natural leader of America, the plague of democracy will slowly disappear

Hmm, true enough that is likely more probable if we just go by her actual behavior so far.

And the thing is, the chances of the Clitons getting away with a lot of their shit would have been better if she didn't try to grab the POTUS seat in current year+1. They still might get away with it, but the chances of them slipping away unnoticed with their crimes was a lot better before their run at the POTUS position.

agreed, but the way to make that happen is to expand the control of the republican party and transform it into an unchallenged, nationalist party. By that time the republican party will be unrecognizable anyway.

If the crying libtards think things are bad right now, they haven't seen anything yet.


jebhead posting will never die

Two (((chosen))) reporters, tearing apart a (((chosen))).

I am perfectly happy with this.

Haven't seen that yet, likely never. If anything most of the MSM are still repeating their lying antics, profess that this is all somehow a shock that no one could have saw! Or trying to think of a way to double down further with their bullshit.

how do you change the character of every member of the republican party? Trump needs to become a full time member of the republican party, throw out Bushes and Romney. Otherwise the fuckers in the party will go back to their old tactics once he is out of office.

will the memes consume her?


She doesn't know it was Kek and his Mongolian shitposters

Those trips tell me yes, Kek will consume her, as he always intended.

he's right though. women leaders, not even once

uh oh. suicide confirmed. If she is human enough to cry, it means she is not a complete sociopath. Which also means that there is a legitimate chance she tries to off herself. Think about what said, there is literally nothing left for her. No place in democratic party and no chance at any future position in US politics. Everyone will forget her like yesterdays turd.

Hillary Version of Vid related when?



Low energy tbh user

Ed Klein literally says "What did she mean by this?" in the video

Thanks for the nostalgia, Hitler.

KEK > Satan

maybe she just doesn't think of it at all
think of it this way user

remember when clinton was walking onto the stage to give the concession speech and got on the podium and all those democrats were clapping for her for maybe 20 or more seconds?

i think they really overdid it
during or after that, I thought that they were just clapping even though there wasn't much to clap about to try to make themselves believe there was something to clap about, and all those others were clapping alot too, and they wanted to believe those lies

and so, in desperation, they lied, and the others lied, and they all tried to believe each-others lies as well to make himself and herself feel better, and by extension make the others feel better too

about what i expected

her life's work is kalergi / coudenhove, the hooton plan, CFR one-world tyranny of bankers, the eradication of white civilization, and the permanent conversion of all humanity into totally-dependent and powerless serfdom under one everlasting jewish dynasty. she would have no sympathy for you while destroying you, wiping your dna out of the gene pool, erasing your history, your hometown and your nation, and everything else you've ever cared about. please don't waste any sympathy on this fanatical and totally-devoted servant of absolute evil.

Underrated post.

She never saw it coming.

Shillary, pls.

It's almost as good as spirit cooking with a 5 year old girl.

Interesting point user.

Probably closest to the truth, tbh.

42 dimensional chess

I will laugh so hard if she runs a third time and loses to some trans mexican muslim woman because Hillary is too white.

She picked the wrong horse.

Women leaders are generally elected from the right if you look at foreign first world nations (oddly enough).

She should have been a republican and not betray white people the way she did. What an idiot.

Who are you kidding user? The bitch will either be long dead or in jail in 8 years time.






Still hasn't kicked off that Benghazi habit of hers.

100% THIS

The schadenfreude is so rich and filling, I won't need to eat for days.

100% THIS
dubs confirm

This is not true. The sociopath is capable of showing emotion, but often for the wrong reasons.

Let me give you a scenario.

The normal person cries because they have a personal connection to the dog and they are ashamed of their mistake.

The sociopath cries because they wasted $1,000 on a dog and because "everything bad always happens to me."


In b4 someone says the media is like a woman, malleable and just wanting to be led.

And like Icarus when he flew too close, her wings melted and she shit her pantsuit.

In retrospect it will be obvious that this was all part of his plan though. Trump even told us that we'ld get tired of winning, and who will be there to turn to at the end of it all? That's right, Jeb!

Is this copypasta? I swear you posted the exact same thing when Cruz dropped out too.

T-thanks, user. You've opened my eyes.

Cruz is a womyn?

Yeah, a stronk pornstar. You don't remember?

Hmm, it's bad form for her to be a sobbing wreck. I'm not saying I feel bad for one instant, but for fucks sake have some decorum. No wonder she wouldn't make her concession speech last night. Bitch is pitiable in the sense that this was her only shot to attempt her lifes goal, and not saying it was a necessarily BAD one, but it's like the little kid who finally realized no matter how hard he trained he would never become the astronaut he wanted to be.

Hell, this is probably the first time she was ever denied anything major in her life that she just couldn't rub out. Maybe she will become a social recluse at this point and meditate on her sins.
Or more likely she'll just become a mob boss and be gunned down in a hail of fire from the inevitable FBI sting operation.

Xhamster paid her ten grand to play femcruz in a porno.

Hoppe trips confirm Hillary will suffer slowly till death from kuru while regretting her soft communism and pedophilia

not only should WE hate hillary, but democrats should despise her and her (((string-pullers))) too. trump very likely would have lost the general if the dems had just run an actually honest primary, or nominated any slightly competent or likeable politician. all their work and dedication, however misguided it looks to us, was wasted and ruined because the core of their party structure got subverted and rotted from the inside by a poisonous worm.

this. this user knows. sociopaths CONSTANTLY manipulate the people around them by being the most emotional person in the room. suicide threats for attention, all that shit.

Trips confirm she will be shot by FBI agents during a sting.

aaaaand thanks for reminding me ANOTHER reason why she needs a hemp necktie

slow and steady

-Jeb "Guacman" Bush, circa 2016

It reminds me of every story where there's an antagonist approached by some fortune teller (or something like that) telling the antagonist they're sick, evil, and if they keep going down this path, it will eventually bring them to oblivion. And instead of facing justice honorably and honestly facing their crimes, the antagonist keeps trucking until they meet their end in a horrific manner. It's actually pretty sad when you think about it. A lot of these people in power are sick sociopaths that have done terrible things, but this stuff is almost straight out of some biblical passage. HRC hit the point of no return and never looked back. It was probably the stress and her age that caused her breakdown on election night, but she's dying and she knows it.

There's such a culture of 'deny, deny, deny' in this world that it gets to the point where we just want justice, but the person in question almost believes their lies and carries on like Hillary did. But part of me really believes that all the deaths she incurred over the years flashed before her eyes and there was just a small instant moment where it hit her. That part fucks me up, because people like her could go to jail smiling like everything they were found guilty of wasn't their fault. But when people, and this applies to everyone here, including myself, really review their life in a genuine manner, it's a tough moment. She might lash out at Comey and Obama, but that's just her way of deflecting the real issue.

You don't expect that with sociapaths like her, but expect more of the same from the ruling class Holla Forums. Happened to John Boehner last year. He had this 'what the fuck am I doing' moment and fucked right off from the Senate.


Don't forget her puppet factor too. She works for someone as well. Probably why she instinctively blames various other psychopathic (((entities))) who you never see.

I think people, even if subconsciously, voted for Trump so that this never happens.

Xi is a grill.

Eh, I'm pretty sure she's a complete narcissist lacking empathy and that her temper tantrum was out of self-pity. I wouldn't get too welled up.

You watch too many kike films, Torcancer. The bitch is an unhinged narcissist psychopath. She deserves to be tortured to death for the treason she has committed over her existence.


The retard could theoretically be a decent pal, but looks like somebody prone to losing control. The cuck is never in control, though.

Hmmmm user I think I might be a pro-white sociopath. The way you describe that shit, it illustrates my thinking pretty well. It's a pretty subtle thing though and psychology is bullshit anyways.



i'd rather take over and reform the GOP from within, which is what Trump is trying to do.



A king has to have the decorum and the magnanimity to earn respect of his people and opposition, and by demonstrating class, Trump has won respect in the hearts of millions.

Noice. Didn't know that, thanks user.


Well she just threw what little chance she had of squeezing a pardon out of Obama down the toilet.

Pic related is my favorite of the whole election cycle.

I prayed for her, I hope you do to user.

I would pay top dollar for a vial of Hillary tears from the night that she lost.

I'll pray for her too. I'll pray that next time she picks up a Bible, she takes a look inside instead of throwing it at a Secret Service agent.

I pray for her suffering. Justice must be done. The righteous heart deserves it.

Sasuga Yeb!

I am praying for Hillary. I also hope other anons pray for Hillary There are prayers about the destruction of your enemies in the Bible too, you know.

She is like the ugly dyke version of Kathryn Merteuil.

What did Bill get in exchange for that marriage?

The Rodhams were an old political family. He got her political connections and she got an up and coming young star.

There's another clique in town. They're not as fine honed as CTR and are playing the Concerned Trumpeteer card heavily.

This suggests there is a post-election (((plan))) being hatched.

Probably economic sabotage and an attempt to disable his defenses by demoralizing his fanbase.

Stay on the offense.



Hope those checks from Goldman-Sachs were worth it.

im betting it was huma, bitter over not being mentioned in the concession speech

Shit I could almost feel empathy for her if she was not the incarnation of evil.


I sincerely hope Yeb! will campaign again in 2020.
He (and to a lesser extent weirdos like Karate Hands Kasich) made this election more lulzy than all the previous elections put together.
I really hope we'll see a repeat in 2020…

Everything is suspiciously too good.

Twitter videos never work. Where's the webm?

Everything is suspiciously too good.

mp4 is in op

Someone needs to edit that scene into Trump and Hillary.

The God Emperor did warn of a lot of winning.

Love a bit of Dwarf Fortress ya nerd..?

From time to time.

Mein sides


The first female president will be future Press Secretary, Ann Coulter.

You still haven't figured out how these people work, brethren. Once the frustration settles down, bloodlust and vengeance will creep in.

The war has only just begun

Lel I started that maymay.
I like the way it's evolved.



Well to put sociopathic behavior into the Hillary situation to analyze it, this is what it means.
Hillary, if she wasn't a sociopath, would be crying because she has a great vision of America and had a lot of great policies that could bring positive changes to her nation and her people. If that were the reason for her crying, it would be normal.

But since we know that Hillary had no vision and most of her policies would be failures that are even obvious to her, she cried because she lost and because her cash cow died. She cried because she's not the first vagina president.

I'm not a psychologist but I am interested in human behavior and my exwife is a clinical psychologist. Basically, her sobbing and being inconsolable doesn't necessarily mean she's a sociopath or not a sociopath because we aren't really able to psychoanalize her.

But I think she leans toward being a sociopath for many other reasons. Laughter and inappropriate times and sadness for inappropriate reasons. Could also be the drugs she's on, too.

He president now, he has to give off a certain aura right now, especially with markets so jumpy. It was the right move, he always does this: OK folks, now is the time you can get on board, but this is your last chance; and when people don't, he slams them.

We need Spirit Cooking recipes that use her tears.

It's this kind of pathological altruism that got us into this mess in the first place.

You know this is EXACTLY how libtards think
"I don't care what horrible things those niggers/mudslimes did, don't you care about their FEELINGS!?"
"You monsters!"


nigger fucking please
once you get past the godawful UI DF is easy as fuck

Webm of voice crack ?

She can cry? I doubt it, i really do.

Campaign as what? A Democrat? You don't typically campaign against your parties incumbent.

It's poetic really. Like we're living in an Aesop. She manipulated events so that the election would've been easy pickings as a good vs. evil battle. And it was her hubris and disregard for the poorer people in the US, that have more things to be concerned about then safe spaces or cartoon frogs, that did her in.


Checked, would be the first and only truthful statement she's made all election cycle tbh.

I'm more surprised she could actually grab the Bible without collapsing into a pile of ash.




Cats? She will go


to Hell.

i heard the voice of murdoch chan in my head when reading this

Should have rigged harder!

TOPEST OF KEKS. But you know what's really going to be good? She's going to DIE sometime during the God Emperor's reign.


Apparently she's a drinker as well, so she was probably trashed and crying even harder that her crusty criminal vag didn't get her what she thought she was entitled to.


i added this woman on my fake kikebook. Her family members were congratulating her on making the porno.
