Make a Damn Cyclical Edition
People probably don't want 4+ SJ threads at once and there's likely to be discussion about the show for the rest of the season, so a cyclical thread seems in order.
New episode tomorrow, how many DoA will Jack kill?
Make a Damn Cyclical Edition
People probably don't want 4+ SJ threads at once and there's likely to be discussion about the show for the rest of the season, so a cyclical thread seems in order.
New episode tomorrow, how many DoA will Jack kill?
Other urls found in this thread:
AS cucks you even when they give you what you want.
Why do this? Why kill the show's momentum?
We don't need a cycle, a general would be better. Mods should just enforce people to stay in one fucking thread.
General threads are shit that encourage name and tripfags and cancerous "communities."
General threads are bad, but that's what we need for SJ, as otherwise we get 10 threads every episode.
I hate cyclicals solely because they prune old posts which makes it hard to follow conversations.
Old posts need to die. There's no need to refer back to things said a dozen posts earlier. If you find the conversation getting repetitive, it just means you've said and heard all there is to say on the subject. Go to a different thread for a while.
There's 2 Jack threads that aren't past the bump limit excluding this one, and another that is past the bump limit that no one's using.
The thing is we basically do have a general that goes up every week, but then they hit the bump limit within a few hours and people make smaller threads like the one about the mudslimes. Those kick around for the rest of the week and then Friday/Saturday rolls around and we have one big thread again, and the smaller ones get forgotten and slide off a few days later.
Only if you force them to be divorced from regular board conversation. The differences from generals on say 8/v/ and cuck/vg/ are night and day.
This is only a problem if the board is too fast, which this board definitely isn't.
So I just watched the Spartan episode for the first time in a few years. I forgot that at the end they show the king many years (like 10+) after they destroy the beast. Do you think they'll tie this in to the new season or will it be forgotten?
Doesn't bother me, and I don't even watch the show.
It will most likely be forgotten but bringing back the spartans in the new season would be nice.
Considering 50 years have past, I doubt it. Maybe they'll do something like the last comic with bringing all his allies together for a last hoorah.
Poor Gendy seems he just woke up from his deathbed.
Were have all the flowers gone?
That Q&A session was chill, too bad the connection was shit at first.
You need to remember that they're essentially pretending most of the smaller events from Seasons 1-4 didn't happen.
This isn't Samurai Jack, this is "The Last Samurai" with a Samurai Jack themed setting.
Is there a countdown or something for when the episode drops?
Don't think so, no.
But if we know the exact time we can make one of our own.
it takes less than a minute to google "samurai jack countdown"
Thank God. Thanks Holla Forums, asking all the hard hitting questions, as always.
Is there going to be a QnA every week? I don't remember that question from the one before ep 1.
there was only one, before the first episode
Ah, then that must of been in the 5 minutes I missed when swapping from the Holla Forums stream to the AS one.
Delete the old thread after a new general is made.
Now shut the fuck up and discuss the show.
Examples, assuming this isn't mid-tier b8?
Startpage a shit, SearX is nice, but the default engines are trash and meddling with them isn't appealing to the average user.
The one feature I like on Google would be the News articles that pop up. I don't use them for actual news, but if someone mentions a celebrity that did something recently, an article usually pops up in that News section.
SearX is definitely the best search engine, though.
when does the magic begin?
When you use your sword to cut open the monster's stomach and let everyone out, you gullible motherfucker.
You know he won't provide any.
Oh look another Jack thread. I guess it's okay when it's something you like.
Fuck I forgot about that one.
Why was this show so much better at comedy than most comedy shows?
Season 1 Episode 1
If you can't stand the original series then don't watch the 5th season either
So who's ready to watch jack pet the wolf and massacare the other six cultists?
will somebody stream it?
for us third world fucks.
that wolf's DEAD man.
post reaction images, this shit is gold
i'm hyped
For those who wanted a storytime of the Samurai Jack comic, check >>>/storytime/8915
Please keep all discussion here on Holla Forums and leave the storytime thread for the comic itself.
Chapter 1 is done, I'll be doing the rest later…
I mean /storytime/ is great for archiving but people aint going to click/ read anything unless its given to them face value.
5.5 hours left to go, right?
It starts at 11 est
What is this, cuckchan? Whoever these people are, it's their problem and their loss.
I wasn't going to make another SJ thread here or derail this one with a storytime, especially considering we have 20 chapters of this shit… But hey, if you wanna mirror the /storytime/ thread here then by all means. Don't ask me to do it though.
This stream had the best quality last week:
Samurai Jack should begin in 2 hours and 15 minutes. Here's the countdown:
No just normal human laziness, its like posting a link to a pastebin so people can read your work and posting it in the thread as a green text story. 90% of the time people will read the story as greentext rather than in the linked story.
He's right, storytiming 20 issues in another thread is better, as this thread will explode in under 2 hours, meaning this thread will bumplock, meaning we create another one.
Storytiming it elsewhere means it can be linked for the next few threads, and considering how slow /storytime/ is, it would probably last until the 10th episode.
Don't be a fag.
By that logic, you won't stream this, you'll only want someone to mirror it live to YouTube and embed it in the thread.
Im not, im just stating from experience. The more convenient a thing is the better, when you're reading a thread an experienced user would just skim right through it, barely ever going back unless something doesn't make coherent sense. A simple pastebin link is going to pass under his radar, especially for people who are going to join the thread around after the episode. 80% will skim right pass.
There are people who do that you know.
The experienced user wouldn't wait for a storytime and get it themselves.
Also, there's a photo of the cover. The normal person, while scrolling down, would see that and pause for a brief moment.
And yes, I know they are, and that's what you're trying to normalise.
Then the storytime would not be for them, if they have no need to ask for it. But I get what you mean.
This is gold
My sides are in orbit, holy shit
Oh fuck another one
I don't think "experience" has anything to do with someone reading or skipping over a storytime. I see storytimes as both a way for anons to discover new comics and also the equivalent of streaming but for comics (instead of having to download an entire volume you can just read it page by page on Holla Forums)
I mostly just use in the context of time
Do you have the link to the other stream site? The royal something, it was called? I just remembered that this whole shebang starts in a little over an hour.
Shit these are better than they deserve to be.
I dig.
Just nut and bolt
stream where
can i trust that toonami one? their schedule doesn't mention jack
I'm hoping someone puts it to youtube stream, that toonami one isn't working for me. Just the chat is.
None of Toonami's official stream had jack last week. We had to watch it on other ones.
Didn't Gendy say some of the comics is not canon especially the Samurai Jane & Scotswoman one?
This will be the closest Reddit and Memey will be to being good. or the Adult Swim stream one? IF it's the Adult Swim one you're fucked.
Anyone got the USA one?
I don't think any of the comics are canon actually, especially considering the whole threads of time shtick.
There was another hosted by BN King, I dont have the link though
Do you have links to the other ones?
Haha this isn't true right? It'll show Samurai Jack right?
Someone post alternative streams just in case, also will some one with cable please do us a fuckin favor and stream it straight from your tv on cytube or some shit?
This is stressful as hell.
What a fag
If you're on Chrome try
No, it's just that the stream hasn't started yet.
Please tell me you were posting ironically
So it's supposed to be a black screen?
Then again I'm not even getting chat.
There are no viable alternatives anymore. Besides, I only use it for streaming.
Wait the Toonami stream started.
It's playing Kakyoin's death ?
Fuck I was not expecting that.
Use a different browser or update Flash. Because if all you're seeing and hearing is black/nothing respectively, Flash is broke.
The streams working now nigger.
Riiiiight. Not that most of those don't have some problems themselves but they all beat fucking Chrome.
I couldn't even use the hide/filter/report option on it, had to switch to waterfox
Like I said, I only use Chrome for streaming. I use Waterfox and Chromium for most of my shit and Firefox for business.
That's cold as ice, weasel.
That's the one!
So wait I can't just watch it on
Holy shit the Toonami stream lag.
I mean Jojo probably stresses it out more but it better not happen with Jack.
Try the Toonami stream.
No. Two best stream are
What about this though:
No it doesn't follow the same schedule.
There's are your only two options ever
Five minutes, lads
And neither of them is working for me… FUCK
Oh boy what is this 480p
Use a different browser you
Are you using noscript or something ?
is better quality, its the same guy streaming both.
Just use internet explorer, faggot.
I turned off uBlock and uMatrix while trying to make it work, those are the only security extensions I run/need.
This is a great joke.
Is the streamfag in this thread?
This intro is growing on me tbh.
Holy shit that's a lot of blood.
is jack kill?
RIP Jack
Rip Jesus.
nigga should of died from bleeding out holy shit
Holy shit the use of blood is really good here.
To be fair, blood tends to run thin. I've cut a sliver off my thumb (a few milimeters) and you'd be shocked how much blood you can leak out and how quickly while still being able to recover.
You never ever take a knife out. It can do additional damage if you're not doctor-careful and you also no longer have an object blocking blood flow, meaning you'll bleed out faster.
Oh shit guilt ghost
Holy shit, they are going buck wild with the blood in this show.
Hey its that dog
Some rambo shit
Wait, the wolf survived?
Oh shit motherfucker. Flashbacks.
Have grabbed a shaving razor and experienced the same
oh fuck
those fucking assassins can make a better aku than the new guy
Damn that was awesome
FYI licking your wounds is a real thing. Saliva has chemicals that promote healing. Just in case you ever end up in the wilderness with no other way to treat a cut.
gonna have to cap that on the next go-around
The more you know
Jack's about to kill 5 women, you guys.
fucking commercial again
i like how they went through the trouble of getting whatshisface back to play the Emperor
It also has mouth-bacteria in it that can be bad to get in a wound, which is why they say not to try sucking out snake poison.
Thanks for the tip man.
Also remember that humans are not robots when you're being chased by a group of assassins.
White wolf best dog
Equality in cartoons at last
DD best companion
Oh shit they're playing the Koyannisqatsi soundtrack.
Too bad it's not on Samurai Jack, it would have been fucking amazing.
7.99 for a pizza is horrible
Its a known fact that all white wolves/dogs are the best companions
This stream was not ready for 500+ people
So I just checked the wiki to verify and guess what I saw. Same voice actor.
For a second there when Jack was looking at the sleeping wolf, I was worried he was gonna kill it for its fur.
shit that's cold
no shit sherlock
was going to say the same thing
death is failure
Not just any human blood, samurai blood lmao
John Snow-murai would never kill his white wolf companion
I never realized it.
And again! These girls should be working for the Red Cross.
he's a total cuck if I recall
The deer are going to fuck
The people who introduced Jack to the future were dogs. He's nice to dogs.
Aw no not that stupid running with arms behind you bullshit
Nobody actually does that
here we go
It's to show they're tryhard virgins who know nothing about the real world.
Shits about to get real
I am so thankful they didn't have him just respond to them with
like the trailer because that sounded gay as fuck
Jack got over his bullshit about killing real fucking fast.
He just iced that bitch damn.
…okay what the actual fuck
Jack really has gotten out of shape in 50 years
First was that whole blind punching with no hits in ep 2
Now this tired panting midfight
You try being in regular combat for 50 straight years, even if you don't age.
…that went by fast
fuuuck these are too short
So is every episode gonna end with Jack on verge of death now?
All the episodes have.
well they were pointless
i like how he just punched one of them
like really
she could have dodged that
he didn't even do anything special
he just punched her
and she got knocked out
If he survived, she might be alive too.
they're clearly gonna be back
otherwise they wouldn't have bothered making jack fall
They got literally BTFO
Because Jack died with that fall, right.
Straight up murdered some bitches
Three confirmed kills and three others uncomfirmed, possibly alive (Ashi has the best chance)
when someone reuploads the episode, i expect you nigs to make a shiggy diggy may may out of that scene where he's holding the bat
How the fuck did Jack do so badly in ep2 with armor, guns, and a badass shortsword, and so well in ep3 with a few makeshift spears while naked?
the armor was slowing him down?
He got over his angst.
I can't believe Jack and the daughters of Aku are fucking dead
Because in EP 3 Jack, knew what he was facing and was open to kill some bitches
He was broken emotionally. He manned up.
Have you never seen an episode of Samurai Jack before?
Cold blooded as fuck. I love it.
Jack had plenty of doubts about himself in ep 2. After the flashback in this episode he got a bit better.
He was caught completely offguard in Episode 2.
Is Genndy /ourguy/?
Are the Bogdanov's involved in the production of the show?
He had to get psyched up
We only really have the one confirmed kill from ep2
Jack came back from a knife to the stomach, those spear hits might not have killed them
I mean probably the only ones alive are the ones who fell, I get that. But no guarantee.
Fuck off Holla Forums
Some people get knocked out really easily and he punched her with the full force of his entire body. Someone who's 75 years old and has spent 70 of those years training is going to hit like a fucking train, even on a regular punch.
I wonder what kind of injuries they'll have from that height. Jack's clearly alive, but did the women die?
gendy is clearly hiding the fact that the bogs made all the ghost jack scenes
we need a webm of the frog
has it been uploaded anywhere yet?
You can't just take out a woman you barely know, you have to get to know them first.
10/10 episode. What the fug is gonna happen the next couple episodes?
user these are bitches, a completely different animal.
The other three took blades 6 inches wide to their center of mass and were abandoned. They're not confirmed kills but there is no way they survived.
Someone put Kek's face on the frog when the episode is uploaded to YT.
Or I'll do it.
my point being is that he wasn't even doing any fancy move beforehand, he literally just stood still and punched her
for amazing assassins, they should have been able to dodge a straightforward punch
I was thinking the same thing
He used the environment to his advantage in this one and got the drop on them. He took out 2 of them before they knew what happened and had a much easier time dealing with 4 opponents as opposed to 7. You'll notice that he intentionally forced situations where they couldn't overwhelm him or surround him by doing things like running up the tree branches.
Fucking newfags, I swear.
Reminds me of the winter portion of The Four Seasons of Death episode
All that work to make a super sword and have the best gorilla dude use it, Jack's sword just cuts it in half and he keeps walking
Jack gets his groove back. And his sword.
Dude, those were stabs to the center of the chest that pierced straight through. They're fucking dead.
Yeah shes dead
Jack didn't have clothes on
Jack has decades of combat experience
Say it with me
Oh yes I agree, and he kicked the other one in the skull so she's probably dead too.
I'd call you a shitposter but for this one time kek plays in your favor.
Trips confirm.
It's some trickery like he used in the Three Blind Archers episode.
The daughter expected him to dodge or block. A straight up blind punch was, doubtlessly, not something she planned for.
This. He got his groove and 1-on-1 back.
One of them is gonna be alive somehow. Not turn good but definitely live.
only a master in martial arts could dodge a straight punch, clearly
i'm surprised they made them this retarded though
There was one episode where he was completely naked, but I forget what happened. Did he fuck some shit up?
No, he spent the entire episode running around and hiding from embarassment
This shit was fucking awesome, it's so great. I'm sure Ashi is still alive, they may still redeem her, but my fear of this show going full SJW is pretty much gone since Jack literally drove his thick spearshaft through the soft squishy insides of these bitches.
With the youthful speed of a dude in the peak of his prime no less
He'd be KO'ing fucking Holyfield with a good hit at that rate, jeez
He chased down a little girl the whole episode.
i'm guessing that jack is probably just gonna take whoever survives and drag her along as a prisoner, for whatever reason
he was naked in the dome of doom and he kicked ass
he was naked in the episode where a little girl stole his shit, and all he did was run around, being a tranny and all
considering they didn't know what deer were, it's not exactly far-fetched.
I guess they got too cocky because he was unarmored and weaponless.
i get it, i'm just surprised that they made them this dumb to not know what birds and animals in general are
The point is he was able to move in rage without getting hit and deliver a punch with the full force possible from his whole body. He punched from a crouch for fuck's sake. He put ever muscle into the punch down to his toes. "Generic punch" my left nut.
Maybe he'll just brush off her petty attacks and tell her to give up. Then maybe killing her to finish the job for sure.
How old is jack ? Somewhere in his 70's ? I know he doesnt physically age but still.
Assassins trained from birth yet not knowing about fucking animals try to take down a master who's been training and honing his skill for 60+ years. I don't see how this couldnt have ended this way, like seriously.
got buried
Well somebody will have to dig it up.
Crazy cultists raising children in isolation tends to produce that sort of result.
They were prohibited from seeing the outdoors and were only trained to kill people.
They spent their whole life in a fucking cave being abused by Trigglypuff, it's understandable
He honed his skills prior to this season. In the 50 years between then and now, he had lost his way. He still got a bit stronger with learning new ways to survive without his sword though.
I really liked how they brought parts of the old show back in this. The throwback to the ninja episode with the snowstorm, Jack closing his eyes to hear his opponent's approach like in the archer episode, lots of stuff like that. It gives me hope for the future.
Jack's gonna shag one of them.
You mean he gave jack shit?
He was 25 when Aku threw him into the future (the dogs in episode 2 verify this). 50 years have passed since then (assuming by "50 years have passed" Jack means since he arrived and not since season 4 ended, because why would he be aware of the show?), so that would make Jack 75.
Extremely dangerous
Somewhat dangerous
Completely useless
Almost unbeatable
Looks like he's going to penetrate Aku's daughter with his magic sword.
It's all because he got his confidence back
He also was jumping pretty high though nowhere near as high as the Jump Good episode.
All of Aku's minions are dumb or over confident. They all have a flaw that Jack figures out and exploit or gets lucky somehow.
but they're not aku's minions :^)
In the end, they where robots after all. Metaphorically anyway.
Jack is a lot like Jackie Chan. His strengths are peculiar.
God above gods
Aku cultist assassins.
Someone, quickly shoop the JUST hair onto one of the assassins.
I fucking knew it looked familiar
That look of no fucks given until the tree breaks
For real though, a woman who'd never laid eyes on a man suddenly seeing Samurai Jack nearly naked, sweating, and kicking ass would have a fucking waterfall in her panties.
at least they got to see some sweet muscle's and a thicc body before they got fucking murdered the shit out of im talkin bout that fine ass instructor i think it's safe to say they've lead a fufilling life
Fuck off Holla Forums
ah yeah I forgot about that. I assumed he gained a few years afterwards before this season so I thought he would be older than 75. I have a hard time believing seasons 1-4 happened in only the span of a year.
What if the mother tries to kill Jack as a result?
I think Jump Good was put together so they could have an excuse to have Jack pull off the ridiculous jumps necessary for an animated action show. Also because it's fun.
Honestly those shots looked cool enough that I was fine with it.
it's more likely that she's already started training new recruits
Daughters/Bounty Hunters, whatever it is, Jack finds a way or has a friend.
50 years of "YOU CAN'T BEAT THE MASTER OF MASTERS" can make you not give a fuck after awhile.
But it's clearly Torquemada
Jump Good is easily one of the best episodes of Samurai Jack that I've seen. It has the best pacing, buildup, and a fucking amazing payoff at the end of it all.
I'm really happy Season 5 isn't turning out as some cucked to shit reboot, it's actually pretty fucking fantastic so far.
sans watermark
shit looked cool as fuck
just rearrange the trees into a chainlink fence and there you go.
what ghost hand
Yeah but in the new intro he says "fifty years have passed"… since what? The end of season 4? Even if seasons 1-4 didn't happen in just one year, they could have happened in a short enough time that he wouldn't have realized he wasn't aging. That's actually an interesting question - at what point does he realize he doesn't age? He could make it into his thirties and not aging could just be chalked up to being really healthy and having good genetics.
Now if someone could just make a edit making the scene similar to webm related.
I'll get to work on it. Give me a bit.
Hes talking about Genddys star wars series
Anakin sorta had the same thing happen to him and aliens called him the ghost hand
could they not have gotten someone else to voice Ashi than Tara Strong?
ah thanks
I think its someone else actually.
and speaking of which
The music that played in this scene was the same music that played when Greivious killed all the jedi
Jack could jump superhumanly far since episode 1, before he's flung into the future. The Jump Good was just there to show that even as the best human warrior possible, Jack still had limits (but he could exceed them under the right circumstances). It was one of the best episodes and showed how much Jack actually cares about the people he helps. They even reference the episode later when Jack and the Scotsman are dicking around showing off.
Thanks user.
I liked it because it was very traditionally-minded
He taught them to help themselves and left them to succeed or fail on their own merit instead of being the hander out of gibsmedat defense
Nah, it sounds like her. She did okay, but she's one of those VAs who distract me more than anything else. She's in too much.
your smug dubs will not go unnoticed
thank you very much
…and this is right after his little speech where he basically says "I seriously hope you guys don't do this." If the SJ team are doing meme references they're doing it right.
I don't want to get my hopes up, but god damn is this good so far.
Nah shes just lazy when it comes to range
not to mention a massive libtard as well
That toss was the best move move in that entire fight scene. Prove me wrong.
user I appreciate your efforts but man is that a horrible job
Yep. She's got fine range but she doesn't bother to use it because she gets paid regardless.
Proof: the punch
Thread poll: better/worse than original series so far?
I wonder how much you'd have to compress the episode to be able to post it here
I was glad Jack got out of the middle of them and took them one-on-one.
is not?
Can't make that judgment yet. The original series is too long and we're only 3 episodes into the new one. They're also very different stylistically.
It would probably end up something like this
user all I have is MSPaint. Here's try 2.
Kind of early to tell, and given the sheer amount of episodes in the original series compared to the three we have so far, it's really hard to say. This new run could still go very far south very fast, but it's at an all time high so far.
I'd say right now, S5 is on par with the best of the earlier seasons.
It was good to see him start to use his head in this battle, rather than letting them take the advantage.
It's much slower, but it shouldn't be judged in the same way. It's almost like a movie. And as the first 3/10 of a Samurai Jack movie, I'd say it's been excellent.
It's ten episodes, just 7 more.
3rd revised edition
use krita nerd you can draw things other than pixels in it
That's obviously unfair because you have 4 seasons of content vs 3 episodes.
The fights are a step up though. More anime -like sequences where you're fully aware of the fight all the way through instead of cutting to context-less moves is definitely appreciated.
Although I can't disparage your work ethic.
The premiere of the show was also a movie.
I like both as they both tell stories well.
He's saying he feels the same about Trump's presidency, clearly
wow sorry that was a quick job but I didn't realize it had turned out THAT crappy
The fights in the original run were less about specific moves or technique and more about Jack figuring out an exploitable weakness. They kind of made a point of it that Jack was so ridiculously competent that the fights themselves are boring, focusing on everything surrounding the fights instead. He had to be seriously downgraded to make the fights interesting.
The first 3 episodes of this season have a similar format to the premiere movie so I'd say that would be a fair comparison. In that case this season had a much stronger start, but one has to take into account the fact that the show now has 50 episodes of creative development and attachment to characters on its side.
I feel like the new season could almost stand on its own. New viewers could grasp the story but there is zero effort to establish the backstory, unlike the original run, which began every episode with exposition to set up the premise.
Why does the bat have holes in it?
and where did the rest of the spikes go?
To avoid wind resistance
For fuck's sake guys, constanzaface isn't smug assuredness, it's condescending disbelief.
Because the spikes themselves are blue.
Jack seemed really comfy this episode.
In that screenshot it looks like he actually did skin it
And is totally happy about having done so
So what was up with that insane regeneration Jack showed this episode? I mean he went from seriously knifed to a small stiched cut basically overnight while the daughters of Aku dug themselves out of the temple.
I thought it had been at least a week since he fled the temple. Giant tuning-fork based explosions are not good for the structural integrity of ancient buildings.
You have been visited by the comfy samurai of good dreams. Time portals and good sleep will come to you but only if you post "go back to the past Jack" in this thread
Might be part of the "doesn't age" thing, which could make Jack recover faster. It also seemed like 1st part of the episode took place over at least few days.
Sleep Tight Pupper
This and also he's at his physical peak. It's also possible that he's come across something to improve his healing ability. Otherwise you'd think 50 years of injuries would have hobbled him by now. Maybe he's got something like Wolverine's healing factor, since that stop him from aging too.
You'd think they'd show the daughters of Aku with even a second or two of finally working their way out of the rubble but they basically walk out like it was immediately afterwards and no big deal.
go back to the past Jack
Get back to the past, Jack
I disagree, just look at this, it's just as I mentioned but just that little bit less fluid than this episode.
In fact, episode 1 of this season didn't have the level of fluidity of this episode either.
da fug
do you guys wait for moments like this
That's an exception because the guardian is a demigod.
All within a minute
Don't let your memes be dreams, kids.
No, it just takes about a minute to open and make that kind of shit. I already had a decent font so I didn't bother downloading a special one.
I concede, mine is shit
All of these are great though.
=Go back to the past, Jack==
Better, hands-down.
Whoops, I missed your point completely. I think the simpler style of the first run allowed them to do much smoother animation than the complexity they added for season 5.
I strongly suspect the season will end like so:
Jack defeats Aku and gets back to the past. And then defeats him there. And as everyone approaches slinging praise he slowly starts to age, and his clothes become bloodied. 70 years of combat and time catch up with him. He dies fulfilled.
That's a fair point. Don't know what they were thinking using Papyrus, but then again Jim Cameron's Avatar is one of the biggest-budget movies ever made and it used Papyrus too.
the music should play a little longer, use the clip at the end of each episode.
I've also got a suspicion that that's what's going to happen. Specifically, his father will see his son age 50 years before his very eyes. Not sure about the blood thing though, but it could happen.
The blood vessels in his eyes resemble those Japanese cherry trees (with the blossoms you know the kind).
Seems pretty fitting.
That seems like the only ending they could give it unless they pull some kind of twist. I would prefer if Jack used a little brains and went back to before Aku wrecked shit and defeated him when his father first frees Aku. Jack's aging should kick in during the fight so that it gets harder and harder as he goes. When he's done, he should attempt to explain to his father who he is but die before he can. That way, he saves the past from not just Aku's destruction during his childhood but the original time too. He dies fulfilled but it's bittersweet because only he will ever know the magnitude of his heroism. The last shot is of a statue erected in his image by his father who never knew who he was.
Jack will get back to the past, and be prepared once more to deliver the final blow.
Then Aku sends him to the future again.
"Samurai Jack" ends, and a new show launches called "Groundhog Future" will Bill Murray voicing Jack.
It will be Jakck going to the past, defeating Aku there, retire from fighting, and then live a long and happy life. He will also adopt white wolf as a pet.
Fresh memes for you Holla Forums
I like that first one more
first one is better
second one should be
It'll end like watching the first episode. Jack will warp in immediately after being warped to the future. And kills Aku immediately.
So Jack lost the sword.
Bets on whether he's going to get it back, or whether he's going to forge a new one like his father did instead?
now with 10% more memes
You guys know they can't actually go back to the past, right? It would be really weird to have past Aku voiced by the new guy. Jack's character arc will be accepting that he'll never go back to the past. The whole show has been emphasizing trying to get back to the past instead of just beating Aku now, and in the meantime Aku has destroyed all the time portals.
An user on another thred pointed out that he might be Honda Tadakatsu a samurai with the reputation of being invincible.
If we take what happened on episode 2 literally (Jack running towards this horned figure) we can imply he wants to catch up to him and be a badass with a purpose again.
Aku THINKS he has destroyed all the time portals but the Guardian (>>818380) is confirmed to be making an appearance this season
There were other ways to get back to the past too, like at least two jewels, a wish fairy, and so on. Portals gone doesn't actually mean he can't get back.
Hard to argue the idea when that pic is the obvious reference image for the animation team's horseman
So if it's him that puts Samurai Jack as being from the late 16th century at the earliest. Probably from 1600ish.
Jack seems convinced too given what he said in his visions. It's possible that Aku was just very thorough. Besides, all the time portals being destroyed isn't really the point. It's just an excuse for why Jack can't get back. My guess is the Guardian is going to have lost his path like Jack has.
He even has the flag and everything
The show was always based on real feudal Japan. Genndy's a huge weeb. This episode they actually referenced something explicitly Japanese for the first time (other than Samurai) - Bushido. I hope they never explain it and let it be one of those things that the fans figure out that adds extra depth.
the sword is too important for them to just handwave it away with a quick flashback and no explanation. he's definitely going to try and get the sword back, unless they give a good reason form him not to.
That makes sense
i dont imagine Genndy is too autistic about the dates, considering that Jack is confirmed to have come from a time where vikings, shaolin monks, pre-islamic egyptians, and robin hood lived simultaneously.
Anons, the trailer had more bants that a daughter of Aku was saying that wasn't said this episode. Obviously at LEAST one survived.
That's true, and Aku's presence on earth may have altered the timeline somewhat.
I don't understand this meme
it was the club, he was having a hard time with it because its fully metal
last one that was screaming at him went down conscious, will probably be the only one alive, and its the one that struggled obviously
I mean, I understand it's origin and meaning, but I fail to see why it gained notoriety.
And yet a waif of a girl was having no problem with it
Because it's really bizarre. It almost seems like it has some meaning so your brain tries to parse the word salad and comes up empty. It's humor from the absurd.
lel, this episode just aired on Toonami.
it's clearly the mouthy one at the end that survives, she is the one they focus on in the first episode
thic is cancer
begone thot
That's right. It's spelled THICC
she wasn't fighting against 3 at once defensively
the club swings slow so you can defend with it but good fucking luck finding an opening in your enemies defenses 3 on 1 with it
he probably means BBW, it means fat as fuck
Go back to the past, jack
The figure is Honda, BUT jack isn't trying to be him. Honda was an excellent warrior who excelled above others. His career was one filled with many victories and he was known to be an invincible killing machine. Most who heard of his triumphs and his status named him something close to "Death".
In Samurai Jack, its a simple little thing really Jacks just out running DEATH. The show even puts it out there in his hallucinations that Jack or some part of him wants this to END.
I say it's the part of his mind that's telling him to keep going and not lose who you are. It guilt-tripped him into going back and "saving" the village, and when he appeared in episode two, it showed him the way to the temple to try & lose the cultists. Really, the second Honda shows up, the fog clears up just a little bit to show the temple behind him.
Chapter 2 of the SJ comic is now up, see >>>/storytime/8943
Personally I like to think Jack's world is different because it's more linked to spiritualism, in real life it is humans who make gods who, in turn, "dictate" how their cultures are supposed to be, and as such they are subject to change, but if there really is a giant bird who dresses like an Egyptian, or a muscular dude who uses a horned helmet and is really swole, such cultures are much less likely to die out.
I wonder if Jesus exists in the Samurai Jack universe
for comparison's sake, here's the battle with the scotsman, which is much less dynamic, but stays interesting through character interaction.
This is the best explanation I've heard yet. That makes perfect sense.
Because Adult Swim is nothing but pozzed jackasses.
Or worse, the AS fags are trying to force Genndy to add a stronk female lesbo hero into the show to become the true hero of the story and they're trying to fuck with Genndy until they win. But let's hope that's not the case.
He still looks relatively good, but his hair is depressingly white, but still, the guy does a great job at preserving his appearance. If not for his hair he'd almost look just like he did during his hay day with Space Ghost.
I can't decide which I like better. Thanks anyways anons.