#Calexit and Why We Should Support It

Alright faggots, I'm gonna tell you why this may be the best thing to happen to our country (rivaled only by Donald Trump's ascendancy to the Presidency).
California is seriously considering leaving the United States, and we should absolutely, 100% support/meme this.
"Commiefornia" is a festering, leftist tumor that has consistently voted democrat for years, not only that but it has 55 ELECTORAL COLLEGE VOTES.
You know what that means? If they leave, there may never be a democrat president again, PERIOD.
Not only that, but it's well known that California is a resource hog, meaning that if they became independent they would go bankrupt in MINUTES and the United States would have a huge financial burden lifted.
I'm serious, this is a fucking GOLDEN opportunity here. There are NO DOWNSIDES TO THIS!

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Meme it


wait, shit, didn't notice the thread already up about this. I'll delete this thread and go to that one.

I wonder if these dumb faggots will notice that it's suspicious that conservatives are also pushing for their secession. Probably not.

There is a downside. It could them be conquered (e.g. b China) and then we'd have a foreign land right off the cost. The only way this is reasonable is if the fault lines had California go under after they break away (i.e. we wouldn't have to help them).
Alternatively, if they leave regardless, it could still be a viable option if it was certain that the majority could be convinced to "wipe it out" should it come under power of a foreign nation.

Is that a commie star?.


That's why the US defends it and takes it back with many spics dead
Uncreative Liberals



Please for the love of god let California leave

but USA sempai, what about your gold minerals?

Wouldn't you need more wall?

We'll convince them to let us keep all the republican counties

The state is blocked off by the Sierra Nevada. Increased patrols would be mostly all you'd need.

Who's going to mine all that gold?
Also, anyone who studies history would know that a country which gets all its revenue from a single export always turns into a totalitarian dictatorship bar none.

^ or we could just do this

That means most of California except the shitty "urban" centers.


There's a reason so many pioneers died crossing the rockies, lad.

As Trump would say "See we have a lot of natural barriers so we may not need that much wall even"

Don't forget losing mexicans AND jews at the same time!

The sierra is the historic gold rush that we all know, but the majority of the gold (untouched mind you) is still just waiting in the middle of absolute fucking nowhere.

I'm torn over this.

do you know how many of the illegals in America are in California?

Pardon the ignorance of this canadafag, but I'm told California is pretty much America's pantry. Don't they produce most of the food you eat?

I'd be delighted to let sections of Cali secede

The Great Plains are our pantry. Cali is our winery. Texas/Oklahoma/Arkansas is our steakhouse.

California is only the wealthiest state because San Francisco happens to be where the tech hub is and because the rest of the country works to support their massive overpopulation.


I think there was another movie where california drifted off the mainland, maybe with Jean Claude Van Damme, but I can't remember its name

Nope, that's the midwest.
California produces some citrus fruits but we can just that shit from Florida.

holy shit liberals are fucking losing their minds

They also produce a considerable amount of berries, as well a lot of stone fruits that aren't peaches (e.g. nectarines, plums, pluots, apricots). Also a lot of mid-year grapes, carrots, and god-knows-how-many other varieties of produce.

Granted, I still fully support them seceding.

It's a great idea, and since Californians are retarded, we can produce some easy propaganda to get rid of these faggots.

Though won't the legacy of Trump?

Didn't the midwest originally produce most of that anyway but most of the production went to california due to subsidies or something despite them having to rely on a nearly dried out aquifer?

The only shit worth of value that will be lost from there is Berkley's Molecular Sciences related stuff. Some serious bio-nanotech research is done there, so the exact same sentiment is felt, I assure you.

You don't even 2D chess, faggot.

Kikes are trying to start a civil war, faggots, or at least propping up for it in case the Donald does something about the bankers/FED. The limp wristed faggots who would vote to exit are too low T to actually fight a civil war, but they'd try to lump other states in with them, "our vote alone doesn't decide the election" is one of their bullshit points. Maybe get Canada or Mexico involved if they can to make America more liberal and write some bullshit in history books about good goys winning because they fought against ebil waycism n white supremacy n patriarchy n sheit. Then all sides go into debt to rebuild and the cycle starts all-the fuck-over again and the demonic international banking cabal gets even richer.

You're literally doing their work for them by going along with this or making this thread, if you're not a shill.

Which would only support this idea.

I fucking love 2016

Remember when Texas wanted to secede following Obama victory back in 2012 and they laughed about it? Now it's out time to laugh at their expense.

* "Won't this hurt the legacy of Donald Trump?" is what I meant to say.

by letting a state leave voluntarily and peacefully?

His legacy won't suffer much to be honest. If he forces Commiefornia to come back he'll be known as the second great uniter of the Republic. If he lets them go he will be one of the few presidents who actually respected states rights.



I'm honestly unsure. But it means that some fruits would most likely become more expensive out-of-season.

#Calexit and Why We Should Support It

Fuck them if they want to leave they can walk across the border. The land is ours.

State of Jefferson. We are way ahead of you.

All the food they may produce largely stays in their own state or is better gotten elsewhere. (For example, avacados in Texas or strawberries from Florieda.)

Half the fucking state is built on a literal desert so they get their water from other states or Lake Tahoe. It's why you always hear of SoCal having droughts. There is no desalination in place because they determined that it would be more costly than doing this. And yes, desalination of sea water is costly, but they always have fucking droughts. Los Angeles and San Diego is a desert or semi-desert climate.

BLM calls itself peaceful and leftist libshits still support them.

I don't think it will
History will go down as Trump making the right deals, with an Independent California burning to the ground while America is made great again


Then yes, let them secede.

Israel used other's people money to develop some pretty advanced desalinization and water recycling techs the world have ever seen.

It's possible, if they get (((help))) at (((interest)))

I thought it was Cascadia

The man who invents a reliable and cheap method of desalination will become a modern Rockefeller.

Cascadia is the idea that WA, OR, and British Columbia could be their own fucking country or whatever. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jefferson_(proposed_Pacific_state)

let them secede and succumb to their own degeneracy and spics


Califuckoff won't happen though. There are many naval bases in Cali and I guarantee you the US won't let them leave

cali produces over 30% of the nation's food, dipass.

however i would be okay if Californias became america's (far right-wing, if we meme this instead) Belgium, if you will.
Could create an ethnostate

Except we destroy the natural fortress which is the U.S.A. Having a foreign nation next door to you and cutting off our access to the pacific is a terrible idea for both Trade and Military Strategy.

Instead, we will build a great wall. A big beautiful wall and we will get rid of the Mexicans.

This has a 0% chance of succeeding.
This will get be memory holed fairly quickly. I wish it would happen(at least SoCal), but it won't.

It went west because the okie retards in the middle of the country used up all their water and swarmed into the San Juaquin Valley in the '30s.

And they eat most of it themselves, we don't need California. California needs the US, but they don't realize it yet.

It's more fun making them do things they don't want to do like they did to us.

The only reason they're able to do that is through leeching of Federal subsidies, and of course other state's water. Without support from the rest of the union all they have is UC at Berkley and Jewllywood. And even then the only thing worth anything at UC at Berkley is their biological research at the nano/molecular scale.

commiefornia fag here. DO IT. Just let me in after you do it. I'll show proof I'm a shitlord.

Seeing as they'd make a constitution to mock the US's what do you think they'll put in it
I'll Start
1. Free Speech is evil and always must be stopped

bump for sticky
this sentiment will fade with time, seize the day

I'm not burger, but how they expect to do that if no state has a unilateral right to secede? Wasn't that the point of the Civil War?

2. The state has a right to bear arms.

I'm here in Norther Commiefornia, please don't kick us out. We can just purge the commies in the bay area downward to San Diego. The capitol was RED, blame the south!

Due to supreme court fucker and the like the Constitution is a "Living Document" which is open to editing and interpretation.

If you support Calexit what will happen is California as a sovereign state will ally with China and acts as a landing ground for Chinese forces in the eventuality of any conflict with them.
Best scenario, Calexit forces a civil war with California and mandates cleansing california of all liberals and then cleansing the whole of America. Send them all to Canada where they can't do any harm.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't you fight a really cool civil war to enforce the fact that no one fucking leaves the union ?
Yes California is a fucking commiehole, but it's also in the top 8 richest states in the world all by itself, its GDP is close to France and the UK. So wouldn't it be a really serious blow to
- American international stance ?
- American international power
- America Economic power

Let the commie go, and you let the real commies, China, take first place in the world order.


AK here, we gotchu back fam


Fuck off California, nobody likes you.

What's funny is 33.3% of Californians voted for Trump.
That's 1 in 3.

But these ideas are just echoed by morons and their friends, and no one tells them they are moronic.


Thanks buddy, I needed a good laugh, the Type 95 is really a cool rifle though. So I'd love to see them try, I'd jack one from the frontlines.

They're too busy playing around in Africa to bother anyways

Two state solution. Liberals all move to California, non-pozzed Californians move to real America.

Yeah a good split of the state itself would solve problems too.


Do NOT engage in partitioning. That shit will end badly for everyone.

This is great.



If the muds and homos in California attempt to secede, they will be declared traitors, a civil war will break out, and then liquidating them will become perfectly legal.

New flag proposal.

wTF I hate lincon now?

You're forgetting the best part.

Have you played Fallout New Vegas? Play it. California is a socialist organization there.

Some of the hardest core people I've met in California were Jefferson people. They've got good momentum, and for good reason.

The state assembly assigns only three representatives to the northern 26 counties of California. They are the ones pressing to secede, and would be a huge red buffer state on the coast. Besides, it's beautiful if a little arid.

We shouldn't just support Calexit, we should support every instance of the libshits wanting to chimp. The more they chimp the more they'll destroy themselves and give President Trump an excuse to declare martial law.

We need to play both sides in every conflict. We are the Jews now.

Not sure if that would be good for Trump's Legacy :^)

But meme it now and it will bear fruit anyways and also

They'll probably start succession after Trump's reelection anyways and probably railroad the Democrats somehow.

Checked and kekked.


The civil war was a mistake, the founders would have been all for the secession of states if need be.

Also don't forget that Cali's gdp is deceptive since it's fucking expensive to live there.


California cant secede because it was never its own official country like Texas was. I kinda hope if they do somehow secede, the fashy RWDS's take over and send all the spics-niggers-fags-jews to actual 'Arbeit Macht Frei' death camps in Death Valley get it?! then once the degenerate elements have been dealt with, We rewelcome California back to the U.S. and the problem of California will be solved.

As a Californian, you guys should consider how I feel!
Burn this shit state to the fuckimg ground

They finally get it! Finally get that NOT letting us leave the USA was the worst decision in our mutual history. Although they still dont realize exactly why…. but, baby steps.


Make it happen.

Shadilay, this user gets it! Its time to enact our own D&C

I support it. It removes a ton of liberal votes from elections. Then we can tax them for water.

Only downside is our flags would have 49 stars

You think that's why they've talked about making D.C. the "51st" state?

Let's just make Guam a state.

This could harm you guys badly in the long time battle against china. While in the short and mid-time deciding politics in the US for quite along time.

this song actually sounds good when I imagine killing Commiefornian Shitskins.
I'm not even a southerner Utahan mormon pioneer polygamist heretic descendent killing white southerners makes my aryan-american stomach churn but the thought of killing Mexicans/Blacks and hippy degenerate traitors makes me giggle like school girl.


I think the Japanese want Cali before the Chinese, so it's all good.

I know exactly what we need to do and I promise you this we won't be leaving San Francisco intact because it's pretty. The republic must be maintained even if we need to burn down half the damn state.

I gave them the national suicide hotline number and the address of a badly rated liquor store in California.