You guys lost over 500 active users overnight

Wanna tell me again how there weren't any Trump campaign shills on here? .

I'm sorry, but what the actual fuck are you getting at?

500 CTR employees out of a job. I love it. First post is great again.

or maybe it has more to do with the fact that most of you are being total meme level morons and not actually focusing on important things like what to do now that the right has won. Instead you're all circle jerking each other like faggots.

The reason for the drop off is because the election is over. No one gives a shit anymore. I'd argue most of them fucked off to Holla Forums because Vidya is more important than the next 2 months of bullshit while we wait.

We were at ~3000 users when we started and ~600 posts per hour. We're fine.

CTR you're done dude. Idk if you just woke up from last night or what's going on but go check in with David Brock (If he's not too busy raping little kids with his boyfriend Alefantis).

No, you memeloving faggot. Its because we finally got a night to rest easy after a year of intensity. Don't worry, we'll be harvesting your salt for the rest of the year, kike

Nice try CTR. YOU LOST!

Of course there is more posters on a political board during an important political event.

And some of them leave when said event is over. A drop of 500 users doesn't seem that suspicious.







Got news for you, if you get complacent the jews win. Stay angry.

Also Don't fucking call me a kike you doughnut fucking American.

Firstposting has been made great again!

Or it could be that the election is over and a lot of people have no real reason to post on Holla Forums because of that. Just some food for thought.

Trump will make the economy great again and they will find work elsewhere, even though they do not deserve it.

IPs count towards the active user count for three days dipshit. That means the last time those 500 people posted was three days ago

I know you're mad, Holla Forums, but there are healthier ways to deal with your butthurt.

They didn't like salt in their scrambled eggs.


Why don't you already know that?


Thanks for the good news, schlomo. I've gotten a golden rope with your name on it.