Press Secretary Milo Yiannopoulos

It is happening.

Everything else has come to pass, this shall too.

Nothing can stop meme magic.

fuck off Milo

Get out.

No better person to announce that BLM has been declared a terrorist organization.

Get in the bog, faggot.




fuck off

this isn't cuckchan gtfo with your gay jewloving


dubs denied. get that kike faggot inside the noose

fuck off fag


wishful thinking faggot. Kill yourself.

Nothing would praise kek more but you need repeating digits to appease him and for him to grant you your wish.

get aids and die already, faggot

No. Go away.

That's not Ann Coulter.

Fuck off cuckchan

I having a hard time choosing between a rope around his ankles tied to my pickup truck and an oven.

Now Trump can take Duke, and put Ron Paul as finance minister.

Fuck off you nigger loving faggot

This. Iron Ann is the only choice. Besides, there isn't enough money being WH Press Secretary for a kike like Milo.

that would be interesting.


TBH I would find it a great spot to put him in (Besides the oven).
A nigger loving kike faggot with a hard on for Trump dealing with the press would be great for the salt mines.
Or we could have a serious person addressing the serious issues that face our race

considering the bongs owe us for john oliver we should give farage a fast track to citizenship.

Back to TRS, fag lover.


TRS has put put Milo in the oven a long time ago and they have apologized for thinking that he was a good entry point (pun not intended) into our world view.



Kike Milo is not even a real Trump supporter – he said he didn't want to see him in the white house during a Joe Rogan interview.

Jew faggots get the rope 2nd after traitors.


Too little too late.

Keep in mind, it was their "1488er" slur that Milo used in his "guide to the Aut-Right", to explain that they weren't really racist. They helped create the cancer.

It'll be Ann Coulter and there's nothing your GRIDS-infected butthole can do about it.

May TRS redeem themselves then. Personally I am of the opinion that they have done more good than harm.

Like what? Convinced lolbergs to LARP as fascists?


For me personaly the TRS crew has supplied many hours of entertainment, TDS is a show which I enjoy very much.
I think that many lolbergs have come to see things differently though LARPING.

Entertainment is fine, but it's not really an accomplishment or anything of value in terms of winning.

The only difference is that they now see le ebin helicopter rides as the path to their favorite form of jew economics.

When it comes to the meta politics I think that they have made a great impact there.
Many hours of entertainment with the message of:
>Whites are a race the best race
I`m not a burger but my understanding is that they have been able to influence many collage going Whites into campaining for Trump. I think that is a very good thing.

Why are you hating on Attack helicopterkin? Bigot!

Trump has been elected, if all goes well then the kikes have a bloody nose and that is fantastic

Yeah, nah.

you helped get trump ellected and we thank you for that.
but the press thing, no
we still need you for the next goal to make europe great again.
you can be the next führers press secretery then

kid farming deflector

You want someone who carefully parses his words, is focused and able to stay "on message", and isn't accustomed to sharing *their own opinions*.

If Trump is smart about it, you wont have heard of whoever gets picked as spokesman because everybody you've heard about up to this point have been people who can't stfu about what they think. They had to be to exploit the media/hype strategy. Governing will be a new strategy.

Also, fuck off Milo

I hate the faggot…. but, this would be lulzy good.


Your pattwer won't work on the press dahling.