Now that trumpf has won, you guys can shut up a bit about him alright? We can finally talk about other things now?

Now that trumpf has won, you guys can shut up a bit about him alright? We can finally talk about other things now?

Let's talk about Nietzsche first, why was he such an jew?

He's also the main inspiration for some jews such as Ayn Rand. Why do we love this guy again?

Other urls found in this thread:–slave_morality


Were you the guy who was gonna make the collage of Holla Forums being wrong about Trump?

Too early nigga, today is party time.

Let us bask in our victory, it's not even been 24 hours yet.

For a reason, he could see it was already getting cucked and we were abandoning our ancient values

And he wasn't wrong. We've learned from them and as a result we are achieving things for the first time in decades.

The only thing that matters is that we win.

I heard ctr kiddies touch themselves to trump.–slave_morality

If you really wanted to talk about any of that you wouldn't have brought up Trump at all you fucking transparent shyster.

The world would be a horrible place of selfishness if we were all like the jews.

Maybe we're the jews after all.

It will be nice to be able to discuss something other than the presidential election, though I can see that means the return of D&C threads all day, every day.

I will say only this: the best critique of Nietzsche is that by Oswald Spengler, particularly in Decline of the West, which I highly recommend.


Nietzsche is likely the philosopher that I admire the most, but no. Today is the day when we celebrate. We'll talk about other things tomorrow. Sorry user

He knew Christianity was dying, and he knew the degenerates were to blame for it. "God is dead," yes, but it was a declaration of despair, not joy.

In his later years of life he said that he was happy to hear that it legitimately fulfilled the lives of some of the people closest to him.

Relax dude, give the burger victory lap a couple of days to settle down. They deserve it.

But when things settle down we have more important things to discuss. Germany, Sweden and France needs to be memed along next.

Most people only read his deconstruction stuff, not his construction he did after.

Nietzsche just came to the natural conclusion that Jews are a succesful race, and praised them for it. He laughed at the way Germans seethed in angst and resentment against the Jews for their success - a kind of resentment that they had, ironically, inherited from the Jews themselves. He traces European slave morality back to the meek Jews who elevated their weakness as moral goods, and sees Christianity as having infected the European civilisation with submissive, life-denying idealism.

He is right, there is nothing good about fostering resentment against Jews. What is different from this, however, is recognising that Jews have aims contrary to our own. They are successful and doing things we don't like, but they are not 'evil'. Basically, the German antisemitism of his time resented Jews as evil because of their success, essentially turning German weakness into a virtue.

Also Nietzsche despised the fuck out of liberalism, what are you on about?

Nietze was a proto-communist and a mason.
Fuck him.

Absolutely, we can now begin talking about Melania Trump and how she'll be bringing grace and elegance back to the White House.

Answered your own question, race traitor.

You have no idea just neck yourself.

I'm already mad at trump, for thanking hillary for her service when he claimed victory :)

It's a stretch to say that Nietzsche hated Christianity. He just recognized that was dying, that it was no longer needed, that there were many harmful things about it, and he desired to vault humanity beyond it and towards greater heights.

He lieterally was a proto-Commie and Freemason, though.

Then again, Holla Forums is really the same nowadays.

White men believe in reciprocity, user.

You Jew Jews and Human Humans.

Pity is our weakness, when it comes to the Jew.

Nietzsche repudiated egalitarianism and socialist thought.

give a source, please

Can't accept the fact you just lost your job Shlomo?
Old habit die hard?


If you don't know why we praise him so hard either kill yourself or just read his fucking stuff!

I know you didn't read it yet because then you wouldn't talk such dumb ass bullshit about him.

I've been reading Nietzsche for the last few months and this user is entirely correct.
I'm glad for a Nietzsche thread since Holla Forums could take quite a bit from him. Except for the moral mongers, they'll keep moralizing everything. Keep it up christcucks.

Ya Dawg a society filled with immoral people will surely flourish

Things like family, chastity, loyalty. All spooks.

We need to learn to be more like the left, tbh, hedonistic, disloyal, promiscuous, weak willed. It's the only way to secure our legacy, wait, legacy is just a spook too.

Fuck, just Yolo then, I unno LOL

Your dubs mean that I cannot sir. Every get is a win for Trump. In short, every get is a MAGA get.

why would you think, during the celebration of the biggest wins the internet hate machine has ever had, this shit would fly?

it's a-moral retard, as in a lack of morality.
what you call "morality" are just values, values made sacred. Read up on value-theory.
While Nietzsche did point out some spooks and brought them down, he knew that we would be living with spooks no matter what (if he did actually read The Ego and His Own which is still contested) and made one of his own, the ubermensch.
Nietzsche was highly devoted to his family, always kept in correspondence. More than most can say these days.
If I remember correctly, he said something along the lines of Chastity may be deadly for one, another may need it.
that's very paraphrased though and sounds like ass.
he hated anarchists (sort of) and communists (very).
You really need to read Nietzsche before you start spewing literal shit.
If you had a chance to, I would have reccommended to ask any of his good friends. A gentleman through and through. A man to whom, friends were everything.
please just don't
if there will to be admired in man, it is in Nietzsche. Just read any biography about him.
and finally

good post

Thanks, I'm actually .
What's your political ideology friend?
Nietzsche/Stirner ruined most of my taste for the state/nationalism. I'm currently leaning to post-left anarchism these days (I'm just here for the ride and the liberal tears), but need to read up more on it before I actually subscribe.

I know that. I know what he means by life. According to him, living is tantamount to being a materialist, which is to be fulfilled by earthly matters. He loved the virtue of banality you know, just like the jews. He would fit well in the jewish community if he was jewish.

Yes, his hatred of objective morality is quite jewish, that's what I want to address here.

I use "liberalism" the same way niet used the term "virtue". He basically pushed for the liberation of human will, that people should choose their own truth according to their own will, and despised those who promote unobservable fact as truth.


So what the fuck do you call hedonistic degenerates who value absolutely nothing but pee-pee tingles, even if it means the destruction of their own country?

Those are Nihilists right?

Nationalism is the belief that your people and nation are objectively sacred, of course niet would hate it.

At the moment I'm reevaluating a lot of my beliefs so I can't say I'm in line with any particular ideology right now. I'm probably still on the right, but I'm not a purist or idealist anymore. I don't really care too much about where an idea comes from on the political spectrum, as long as its interesting.

It might be better to say 'content' with earthly matters. Not to expect fulfillment from them, and almost certainy not to expect fulfillment in a life after this one. He sees Christianity as devaluing this life, the one we have, by creating an imagined, ideal life that you can attain after you die.

Hatred? More like, there is no objective morality, so don't buy into anyone who tries to sell you their own morality and tells you its objective.

Sounds good to me desu.

If it's truly for their own cause, I'd call them Overmen.

Nietzsche described a similar kind of person, called 'the last man'. An undesirable result of nihilism.

So, the people on the left, especially the more deranged, are overmen? Because they're doing it to feel good, and that's essentially their only goal?

Shit man, where do I sign up, being on the right is fucking retarded, nothing but spooks and sucking cock for fake morality.

I love this board

He's not wrong, this is exactly what we should do.
We have to learn how to be nepotistic and must write our own religious code.
That's how we survive in a third world world.

Holy fuck, why are you interrupting our years day of celebration? You're the kind of guy who'd stomp around on VJ-day telling people to quit getting celebratory blowjobs because we've got to start concentrating on the Communists.

Plenty of time for discussing the Monster Hunter tomorrow.

I'm going to shitpost and try to get dubs, because I want to get dubs

CTR pls

I remember my first stroll down the philosophy section at Barnes and Noble

2/10 made me respond, OP

I can suck 50 dicks in a row, I am truly the Uber driver.

We're kinda there already. We worship an ancient frog based on numerology and only support whites.

Nietzsche was literally crazy and most likely bipolar. The only thing we take serious about him is the overmen dillema, and even then you cant take his word for it, you need to analyze it further to reach a convincing meaning of the ubermensch.

In which of his work(s) does he praise Jews? I thought Germans "seethed in angst and resentment against the Jews" due to their ideology of infiltration and subversion rather than some hatred that appeared overnight.

And this was Germany's view too, allowing Jews to be relocated to Israel until WW2 broke out. If anything, unbased hatred towards Jews in Germany was by those who were uneducated and were just told that Jews had contrary views to Germany but couldn't comprehend why.

How about no


That's correct. Content is the world I should've used.

I argue that it is natural and humane to have a mind that transcends materials. This is what defines a human, the most unique inherent characteristic of this species. It is a result of evolution, and evolution happens to sustain life, to so it can't be that there is no possibility that arterlife truly exists for humans. Only animals that can't see beyond here and now would be content by what this earth serves.

From the materialist perspective.

From a religious perspective, it is not their own morality if it's based on faith.

those are uh… hedonists. pleasure to a hedonist is the greatest value.

Nietzsche's overman is nothing like a hedonist, as a hedonist views pleasure wholly as THE good. The overman would be everything that rears and propogates a la the will to power. Achievement, ambition, striving.
Also don't think of power fully as might, but mainly intellectual power. Power over oneself.

Post-Left anarchism is a dumb name, but it is outside the political spectrum.I actually recently came to the conclusion that the political spectrum is a pile of bullshit. It focuses on an abondoment of morality and identity politics (and a lot more I likely disagree with).

I still don't know why Nietzsche is regarded as so entry level. I've never heard people actually talk about him in real life. And when I have discussions online, pretty much every person (including myself) are either wrong or to being straight up retarded on the subject.

His eccentricity was fueled by his ideal in clash with his excruciating, constant illness.
Also a brain tumor. You should explain yourself more on what the dilemma is, Nietzsche explained the overman quite succinctly.

I believe he praises them in BG&G, but I might be wrong. Maybe The Antichrist?
Christianity itself is ressentiment against the Jews from its very creation. I'm pretty sure he said something a long the lines of that, but no rememberence of the why. Somewhere in The Antichrist also? It's one of the books I touch the least.

I'm getting tired of people saying faith this faith that as if a simple thought of a metaphysical world itself makes them transcend reality!
Nietzsche repudiates metaphysics itself for good reason. What's the point? We can not sense it, nor even comprehend it! What is the damn point?
Also lets be real, faith is just another word for conviction.

The Antichrist
Gay Science

Your thoughts have a Scholastic sound to them, am I right? It reminds me of the classifications of souls that Aquinas used, and his method for demonstrating why it is necessary that human souls exist after the death of the body.
Unfortunately when it comes to these kind of things we can only agree to disagree, unless our conclusions based on our assumptions can be criticised. If I belived in God, my other beliefs would be very different and probably similar to yours.
People tend to try to make moral nihilists acquiesce to their belief in objective morality by making a moral criticism of them, which is fruitless. The fact that it is discomforting doesn't make it less true, so I think people need to decide whether they want to promote a noble lie or if they want to criticise moral nihilism on the grounds that it is, in fact, wrong.

The point is we don't find a point in observable facts, so there is nothing wrong in believing in the unobservable. Man's thought is beyond their life which only lasts for a few decades and inevitably causes discomfort. Accepting life would be against our potential. In my opinion, our biggest potential is either to destroy life or to live in another plane of existence, there is logically nothing in between. We were not born to "live" like the animals, .

Of course, faith is conviction.

Just my own thoughts. I used to read a bit of Aquinas, but I don't remember that demonstration.

I'm not saying that you should agree with me, I'm just saying that the worldview of Nietzsche is very similar to the Jews, who are morally nihilists as well.

Dubs confirm MAGA 2016


The knightly-aristocratic value judgments have as their presupposition a powerful physicality, a blossoming, rich, even overflowing health, together with that which is required for its preserva­tion: war, adventure, the hunt, dance, athletic contests, and in general everything which includes strong , free, cheerful-hearted activity. The priestly-noble manner of valuation-as we have seen-has other presuppositions: too bad for it when it comes to war! Priests are, as is well known, the most evil enemies-why is that? Because they are the most pow­erless. Out of their powerlessness their hate grows into something enor­mous and uncanny, into something most spiritual and most poisonous. The truly great haters in the history of the world have always been priests, also the most ingenious haters:- compared with the spirit of priestly revenge all the rest of spirit taken together hardly merits consideration. Human history would be much too stupid an affair without the spirit that has entered into it through the powerless:- Iet us turn right to the great­est example. Of all that has been done on earth against "the noble," "the mighty, " "the lords," "the power-holders," nothing is worthy of mention in comparison with that which the Jews have done against them : the Jews, that priestly people who in the end were only able to obtain satisfaction from their enemies and conquerors through a radical revaluation of their values, that is, through an act of spiritual revenge. This was the only way that suited a priestly people, the people of the most suppressed priestly desire for revenge. It was the Jews who in opposition to the aristocratic value equation (good = noble = powerful = beautiful = happy = beloved of God) dared its inversion, with fear-inspiring consistency , and held it fast with teeth of the most unfathomable hate (the hate of powerlessness), namely : "the miserable alone are the good; the poor , powerless, lowly alone are the good; the suffering , deprived, sick, ugly are also the only pious, the only blessed in God, for them alone is there blessedness, whereas you, you noble and powerful ones, you are in all eternity the evil, the cruel, the lustful, the insatiable, the godless, you will eternally be the wretched, accursed, and damned!"
-On the genealogy of morals, -First Essay: Good and Evil, Good and Bad



NO SEASON 2 of this anime starts in 2 months :^)

In hindsight it isn't praise since what Nietzsche assumed about Judaism in Europe as a whole was made false.

Taken into context, he continues:

now have the ascendancy, nay, literally the supremacy, over Europe, that they are NOT working and planning for that end is equally certain. Meanwhile, they rather wish and desire, even somewhat importunely, to be insorbed and absorbed by Europe, they long to be finally settled, authorized, and respected somewhere, and wish to put an end to the nomadic life, to the ‘wandering Jew’,—and one should certainly take account of this impulse and tendency, and MAKE ADVANCES to it (it possibly betokens a mitigation of the Jewish instincts) for which purpose it would perhaps be useful and fair to banish the anti-Semitic bawlers out of the country.

Unless you don't admit that Europe is under Jewish supremacy now, what Nietzsche assumed about European Jews that they wanted to assimilate into Europe is untrue.

Couldn't find this quote in my translation, can you give me the page number/translation you used?

Again in context, this is what led up to that statement

with the characteristic occupations and the past of his people, is not at all used to being believed. Consider Jewish scholars in this light: they all have a high regard for logic, that is for compelling agreement by force of reasons; they know that with logic, they are bound to win even when faced with class and race prejudices, where people do not willingly believe them. For nothing is more democratic than logic: it knows no regard for persons and takes even the crooked nose for straight.

What Nietzsche observed in his time in dealing with his Prussian overlords may have been true, but I don't think what we're observing today from Judaism in things like the MSM can be considered logical in the slightest.

The passages didn't pasta well

Don't find a point in observable facts? What? Not everyone wants to abandon epistemology all-together just because they're a human interpretation of things if that's what you mean, the point in them is that as Nietzsche said: they elate our sense of power and control.
Sure there's nothing wrong with it, and maybe you even require it. However I damn well don't and I'd say you're a damn fool for believing in anything outside this universe.
Yeah everyone goes through their stages of nihilism. Mine had a good six year run.
…But how? Nietzsche did, and with all of the odds stacked against him. What does potential even mean in this sense?
I can't find it, but he sent a letter to a friend describing one of his worst fits of illness in his life, yet never yielding. With the simple phrase "This is life!" he would cast away all pessimism.
Even then, what is it to accept life? Isn't living itself accepting it without alternative?

good luck destroying the universe.
how even
Are humans not animals?

I think one of my favorite Nietzscheisms is
"Convictions are more dangerous foes of truth than lies."
But I wont convince you on this point I'm sure.
By the way, what religion to you adhere to if any?

Then you should be the destroyer of life. Deep in our mind, we're all the preachers of death regardless.

You used to preach death at one point of your life. You just got fat and lazy due to your contentedness and stopped questioning everything. Nietzsche and the Jews might say that this is a good thing, but I can't accept it.

Quite literally. A unique quality in us that can be developed. Nietzsche tried to ignore this quality by what he called "sleeping" in Zarasthura.

He was a pantheist, secular pantheist. Like the jews, he was trying to be content with what the world has to offer.

Like I said, man is not born to accept "life" or to "live". The potential of man is to be the preachers of death, this is our role in the universe. For me, to live is to take our role in the universe. We have the capacity to question everything, even beyond epistemology, so that's what we should do. Question everything, that's the role of man.

We can start by ourselves.

It's not for your materialist mindset to comprehend. Hell, no one comprehends it. I'm just saying that if there's any, then man has the capacity to live in it.

Animals aren't very self conscious and lack imagination. They were created for this life. We humans love, question, and daydream too much to live. Look at the chimps, they need no platonic affection for each other, they're fast learners but they refuse to teach their pals, they're perfect opportunists, perfectly suited for life on earth.

Not saying that he's right or wrong, but that's something a Jew would say. Looking at the connection between Bolsheviks, Mensheviks, and international Jews in general, I'd say that their world is without conviction.

Not quite relevant to this discussion.


dont forget to sage and report leftypol threads!

8 years of trump and 30+ years of a republican senate!

but yeah - you guys totally pwn us by making shitpost threads about

Are the Jews a barometer for every kind of thing that should be avoided now? Not that I even see how this particular example is really that true, given that Jews are half-defined by their religious commitment. Roman stoics taught being content with what the world has to offer, Buddhists trying to remove any kind of desire for fulfillment whatseover. I don't think you can really pin it as a Jewish thing, it's more of a human thing.

What does this mean? Why?

That's not quite true, chimps and bonobos and all other great apes show lots of affection and, if I'm not wrong, do in fact teach eachother rudimentary things. At the very least, they have the capacity to learn from each other.

Not that user but I think it is, it would open up the conversation a little by giving some perspective to your beliefs. I don't think he was asking to interrogate you, he's probably just as curious as I am.


I do think now that Trump has won and is relatively secure in his political position that we need to work on consolidating the newly awakened whites and normalfags that we have, and supporting similar types of political action world-wide.
We've spend the last year 100% trying to get Trump elected, and now that we have we need to push the advantage and keep escalating things as hard and as fast as we can.

Private Vices, Public Benefits

Wrong, he advocated for a spiritual caste system comparable to the Hindu castes system.