What must it be like to have so little going on in your life that you feel like shitty social justice doodles is getting one over a generally mediocre TV show you can choose not to watch?
Nerds of Color
Gotta cash that soros check
Pic #3 would actually make a pretty decent JoJo character design.
Only because of the eyes could I tell they were asian otherwise I would have thought they were Danny Rand.
It's always been my rule to never trust a site or channel that has either nerd or geek in the title. They are usually fake, snobbish and pedantic over trivial things. So far, I haven't been wrong on that point.
Well, it's about time *somebody* did!
Right, fellahs?
Stereotypes are wonderful according to them and they didn't do jack shit when it came to the Ancient One played by a white woman, even with their autistic screeching, they just virtue signaled then moved on to the next easy target.
Couldn't even make a good design either
Asian American men aren't attractive or intimidating, hence making Oriental Iron Fist look like a slant eyed White . No different than how actually good looking Blacks in both live-action or not look like mutts at best (see Storm).
That makes me wonder how she ended up looking like she'x mixed when both her parents are black? Like her father's from Africa and her mother is some black chick from America.
We already have Shang-Chi. Iron Fist is the designated Mighty Whitey.
I thought Asians knowing martial arts was racist?
user everything is racist, and that's perfectly healthy.
Its a stereotype. The thing is SJW's are so obssessed with ending racism they become racist themselves and try to justify it as being good people. Its like why they call minorities people of color even though its based off of colored people which is a racist slur against minorities in the 50's.
It's almost like these people don't really know or read comics and are just complaining to complain.
Reminder: Critical Theory is literally just pseudo-intellectual whining given false credibility by bullshit marxist academia.
I'd be more concerned that the actor playing iron fist can't do fight choreography for shit. Scott Adkins costs too much or what?
What's the purpose of this image ?
I don't get it
Jackie and many other asian stars will often say "I don't want no trabble" in their movies. Which usually leads to action scenes of them kicking everyone's ass.
Don't be naive, they're fine with white women. The whole thing they're against is white men, they want every white man to be an emasculated cuck.
It was explained that part of her mutation gave her slightly Caucasian / Asian features.
They let it go of it because they knew it would have been offensive to the Chinese overlords given the Ancient One is Tibetan.
Okay fineā¦ But why is he surrounded by these random characters?
Because the hierarchy of badassness is
Except if we bring fictional characters into the mix then Kenshiro is the strongest
It's ideology. Like the Nazis and the Soviets before them, sjws place a higher emphasis on their ideals than actually accomplishing their stated goals. Since sjws basic belief system is "white men are always wrong", all of their arguments revolve around proving that statement. Thus, making an Asian character know kung-fu is racist because of stereotypes, and having a white man know kung-fu is also racist because its cultural appropriation.
And like all groups that put their ideology first, they'll be undone by it.
I wish they'd got Ray Park to play 'Fist, like they were planning to do.
Jackie is invincible when he is holding a baby.
Like James T. Kirk once his shirt is ripped, or Elektra in a warehouse.
There are still plenty of good comics
You can easily find them if you're not retarded
What's Dark horse been doing lately? I haven't been hearing much about them.
Africa is also extremely genetically diverse. There are black tribes with features that you commonly find in Eurasia, like straight hair, pointy noses, squinty eyes, and so on. Storm could be from one of such tribes.
Mignola stuff, Usagi Yojimbo, other creator owned titles, bunch of tie ins for films and video games, with some manga and European stuff on the side. They had quite a few decent books recently, Resident Alien probably probably being the best one. Dark Horse Presents is also the best anthology series as far as American publishers go.
For all the good books, they do have some stinkers, like Kate Leth's Spell on Wheels, but it does not compare to Marvel's shit output.
Usagi Yojimbo is still going?
Comics were never free of politics.
The authors were just better at hiding it.
I.e. They actually understood what the words "Subtlety and hidden meaning" meant
Yes. Sakai is in his 60s and he seems t have fun making it, so Usagi will likely be around for 20 more years or so.
That and they focused on delivering universal messages, rather than referencing flavor of the month social issue.
Huh. That's neat. Least the guy is dedicated and loving what he does.
All of those Characters are know for being total powerhouses
Guess it ties with the "I don't want no trabble" joke mentioned early
Nowadays they'd just bluntly say it was Trump and dispense with the subtle commentary about what we expect from our elected officials.
I am laffin
Man I love Conner Hawke.
Wait Ray Park was going to be Iron Fist?
Yeah but they actually explain that he is mixed race so it makes sense.
He was back when I think New Line Cinema had the rights, when his turns as Darth Maul and Toad were still fresh and before he was forced to play Rugal to pay his bills.
As a member of the Tiger Woods master race I'm glad I'm represented in comics.
Thats a shame what happened to him. At least he got to play Snake Eyes.
Tiger Woods played Snake Eyes?
No, Ray Park played Snake Eyes in the G.I. Joe movie.
With Tiger Woods?
That would have been the hypest shit, Tiger Woods dual-wielding putters against ninjas.
this is just offensive in itself.
I bet in universe B they're complaining he IS asian
They sure are hostile about a white guy playing a white guy.
What about the Indian guy playing a Chinese guy?
Can't upset the chinese, bruv.
You can if you mention yoga.
You know, they do all these massive pushes for diversity, but they keep fucking up because they keep changing the characters.
It's like they can't treat niggers, chinks, fags, or bitches like they're people.
They just treat these characters like interchangable cogs rather than recognizing them as individuals that are unique.
Black Luthor approves.
It was weird the way everyone in the fucking city except Danny and the Meachums was some kind of minority.
These people should be shot.
Drawing ironfist without the mask is evidence you are without a doubt an irredeemable faggot.
It's like they want their work to be noticed but don't give a rat's ass about the character and franchise so instead of drawing something they love they draw something they can #hashtag for attention.
Look at how woke they are!
"Hey This Library" guy will forever be the best Asian Super Hero.
He truly was based.
Wouldn't be the silliest GI Joe celebrity cameo, probably.
These people are trophies to them, nothing more.
Guts has a cannon for an arm and uses one hand to wield a giant slab of sharp iron that weighs more than you and me combined like it's a Nerf bat. And even though it's a Japanese-designed medieval fantasy setting, everyone acknowledges that that's fucking extreme.
Kamina, on the other hand, is just a brave dipshit with an oversized katana he can barely use.
Why did this guy have to be Indian? I thought he was from K'un-L'un.
Also why was Bakuto played by a spic? That is a Japanese name.
I haven't gotten that far into the show so I don't know. Though it is hypocritical and funny. Apparently its wrong to have Danny be white but its fine for an Asian character to be played by a mulatto.
Kamina's whole deal is that he's the weakest of the heroes and his main strength is inspiring others, though
Have you seen the Death Note trailer? It looks like ass, but it's pretty hilarious to watch SJWs.
Animu characters like Light look Eurasian at most. Not just in hair colors, but also facial structure, legs, etc.
Not that it matters. The show takes place in Japan. Though L is actually like 3/4ths white.
Here's some chick explianing anime faces and races.
Also forgot part 2.
Fun fact Ohba said this on L's ethnicity
Just putting this down.
Not my problem if the Japanese recognize tbat Whites are the most attractive race on Earth.
Hey there leftypol.
Is this supposed to show so many animu characters aren't drawn with West Eurasian (if not European) features?
I've never seen a weeb be so wrong about something.
A sure way to trigger a weeb isntonpoint out all the animu characters who look like mongrels instead of actual Japs or Gooks.
Depending on which brand of ideological bullshit they're trying to push, Japan is either the most progressive and amazing country, or the most racist vile place around.
There's a reason why most SJWs just kind or pretend the place doesn't exist, and it's because it confuses the hell out of them.
It's leftypol memeing. You can't expect them to be funny and yet also be spot-on.
They're making a point that those are features all races can have or not have, dumb faggot.
Blonde and blue eyed Japanese cartoon characters typically are in the same series as characters with purple eyes and pink hair.
There is literally an alien from star trek in there and you still fall for what can barely be considered bait
Except no. They don't outside of interbreeding and/or artificial methods.
You look really triggered at pointing out that animu characters have a habit of being mongrels.
anons and their asian fetishism, I swear.
I know right?
It's almost as if they think sites like these were based off of Japanese forums or were originally places were people discussed anime or something
how conservative of you, user. You need to start being more tolerant towards newcomers. Times are changing, it's current year, after all!
How do you think those features came to be in the first place? Just saying
50 bucks says that user believes all different races were created by Yahweh
New World Niggers don't have light hair or eyes without Euro breeding. Japs don't look like the loads of animu characters without being mutts or seeing a doctor.
Yes you faggot. You fell for the bait and you keep falling for it
good thing you can admit that, not everybody would be as brave
acknowledging your shortcomings is the first step to recovery and improvement
responding to that picture was like seriously arguing against a Quentin or Truthseeker post, suck it up that you got the hook stuck in your lip, and move on
Yeah, sure was a lot of interbreeding and plastic surgery back in the day when these vintage pictures were taken.
Those people look mostly as described in the image macros, round noses, shallowly set eyes etc.
You can't even find proper imagery to back your shit up.
Meanwhile:>>817418 displays mixed women of which exactly one could be said to have "animu/cartoon doll" features, like a definded fine nose.
You simply have no leg to stand on. Please don't force your delusions onto others, it's painful to watch you struggle.