I don't understand how you did this. How against all odds did he win? I just don't understand. Everything was against him.
I don't understand how you did this. How against all odds did he win? I just don't understand...
An actual god helped us
meme magic
We are just the best, it's simple as that. You can't compete.
Meme Magic
We control reality now. It's that simple.
mostly blinding, seething eternal rage, tbh fam
He beat the house. He won a rigged system. He's a champion of the people.
Memes made it so
The White Man has finally had enough and is beginning to take a stand. I can't wait to fight back.
Meme Magic, and summoning KEK.
We are the spirit of the Reich, risen from the ashes.
Let us remember the lessons we've learned so they may not rig it against him next time. Tonight we celebrate. This week, we taste salt. In January, we begin Pepe & Wojak's White House Adventure.
We had help from beyond.
Current total voter turnout 119,441,107
00.48205722666%. % Turnout of VAP worse than worst ever(1924 48.9%)
You listening pol? This isn't over. The silentmajority has not yet spoken.
THESE are the times that try men's souls.
The real conflict, of course, begins tomorrow morning,
as the incumbent begins the process of shitting up the nest for his successor
and starting conflicts to ensure he cannot be removed from office.
Are you prepared? Are you vigilant for the false flag? it is coming soon.
Let's get a list going of things that are about to get better in Trump's America.
No more Mexicans playing shitty bean music when you're trying to have a picnic. No more walking to a store & buying things made in China.
I don't think anyone believes this is anything but the beginning, least of all Holla Forums.
No more helping your kids with their English homework and seeing blatant progressive indoctrination laced within every question and writing prompt.
forming public opinion.
the zeitgeist must be carefully tended.
love they neighbor as thyself.
do what is healthy for life.
Because he was right. And righteousness always triumphs over evil.
Information revolution unfolded upon the common people. IT was all laid bare for a time, how corrupt, backwards and broken it all is. Then Whites, as they have always done, responded.
The kike's meme god is dead. All hail Kek.
Divine providence smiled upon us.
No more Common Core math either!
This, I'm pretty sure moloch and YHVH did sudoku tonight
Guys, can we have a moment of silence for our man, George Soros.
Poor guy squandered a lot of cash in all this.
Once Trump is in, Phase II (OP. Swamp Drain) needs to begin. Ready yourselves.
No more media pundits running their mouths with a smug look on their face. After today, they'll look more like beaten dogs than anything else.
Thank you, Dawnbringer. This wouldn't be possible without you.
How much money did Hillary burn on her campaign? I want to put a numerical value on her being blown the fuck out.
How do we repay Kek?
I want to remain optimistic, but it doesn't seem likely. The kikes wouldn't let him on stage and give him so much media attention if he were legitimate. Moreover, all the women he's been married to are either often scantily clad, caked in makeup, and/or have plastic surgery. No traditionalist would promote such whorish behaviour.
We make the earth green again for the frogs by shutting down all the Chinese Factories that will no longer be polluting the planet once china realizes that can no longer make money selling to us with a 35% flat tax on their exports.
Think about that for a second; simply by having Donald Trump as President, the environment will start to heal by shutting down all those 3rd world factories. We've done it lads. We've literally saved the planet.
Okay! Let's make the world safe for froggies!
We're the favored children of a trickster god and not even Moloch can stand in his way.
I read about a rain of frogs in "The Book of the Damned" by Charles Fort when I was a child. Never thought I'd actually see one in real life.
This is so Surreal guys, So surreal, but we did it. REMEMBER
good man for this is the truth.. it has not finished it has simply just started.
The left and the establishment hated it so much that they screamed and cried and ranted until people just got so tired of it that they decided to vote Trump just to spite them. Plus, Hillary is a horrible person that deserves jail, not the White House.
Hillary didn't even hold a concession speech, she literally told everybody at Hillary HQ to go the fuck home. Hill-shills are so fucking butthurt right now, you have no idea.
Indeed! but now we can set about the new tasks flushed with Victory, which will surely serve to ensure our future success.
They fucking cheated and we still won. Fuck Kikes. Lol at their waste of cash trying to find Hillary
My will was greater and I observed a chosen state.
Holla Forums doesnt lose
The rich and paid off were against him.
The media, the kikes, the SJWs, the cuckservatives were against him.
There was something that (((they))) had not yet accomplished, the nation, every citizen, still had the right to vote and not every single white man was dead/bred out yet.
The overconfidence kills the kike, like every time before.
The kikes had many peons, we had an ancient deity, a race, and a legacy behind us.
nothing was against him. he was winning from the start. the media tried to make it look like he was losing.
=Ignore this post I'm drunk as fuck
Don't forget the Pajeets using their designated poo magic to help the Don.
But the people wanted it. the people wanted it….
One stream in the zionist narrative has taken an alternate route, but it will nonetheless lead to the same shitocean.
Oh god, I want a copy so bad all of a sudden!
Seems like they would have some value as a collectible
Damn, nice pic.
The race was`t against all odds, only the corrupt MSN made it seem that way.
Damn, I do too.
This was all a plan to get the minorities to chimp out against whites.
Trump was a plant.
Also stop ISIS from smashing any more historical monuments.
Thank you for correcting the record. 0.5 shek–oh, shit. We're out of money. Fuck off, permavirgin. You're fired.
6 billion dollars
We meme'd. Humorful, tactful, sensible, memes. Memes so striking it penetrates all barriers and strikes through to the soul and raises the spirits of those who understand.
Do we need to repost Moonson video about memes yet again?
Exodus 8:4
Not first time God sent a plague of Frogs against the Establishment.
Except back then it was literally in Egypt, geographically speaking.
They died years ago. Here's a simple deduction, people eat food to live, people sacrifice food to the gods, jews stopped sacrificing food to their jewgod when the romans destroyed their stupid temple. So what does that say about the jewgod?
CTR confirmed for new careers in grocery bagging.
Funny, christians see frogs as neutral beings, but that are more commonly associated with evil than good, but I never understood that as, the only time frogs are talked about are in the old testament, and they are a tool of god.
You know what else is cool about frogs?
They become princes.
We learned to stop giving a fuck.
We memed ourselves into a non-canonical timeline.
I feel bad for the anons that are having to deal with President Clinton right now. They shouldn't have doubted Kek.
I mean she had a Beyonce concert and everything.
Those poor Beresteinian bastards.
If Kek was on our side then why did David Duke lose in Louisiana?
Because the conditioning is ceasing to work. The people you work for have nobody's interests in mind but their own. Life doesn't improve with liberal policies. It doesn't for anyone. In time, during his tenure, especially if you come back to this place once your business in ctr is over, you wil read up on a lot of things you were lied to about. From politcs, to history, to general realities about certain demographics. You will be angry, and rightfully so, but you will then be on our side.
Did we forget to send David Duke enough energy?
This. In effect, we hacked into the collective subconscious and imposed our will upon it.
Because Duke is a sellout and not the desired one. KKK has been CIA since the late 70s lad.
That is the power of a god of chaos and the frog is only getting started.
The galaxy will be great again.
Hail Khaos! Hail Kek! Hail Pepe
Hail the Aryan race!
Future fash until you die
and are reanimated!
It's meme magic OP. Meme magic is real!
It has been seen
Pretty fucking funny.
The cabal thinks they can get to him. They're instancing the indirect threat of an economic crash and will communicate it to him. We'll see how he handles it.
Nazis and Zionists.
Where Trump's politics hits the tinfoil wall.
Either things are not as bleak as some would have you believe (ie. elections are not completely fake, completely rigged), or they wanted Trump to win because he's part of the conspiracy.
You choose.
heart faith and steel
Everything except being popular and cool, which, you know, wins elections.
Pretty good, and not only those digits.
Although the statue does not spell Kek?
Hint from Hillary: Micah the prophet
Hint from Podesta: 14 fish
It might have to do something with our collective mental vibrations, when there are so many high energy anons focusing their mental energy on the same thing, each day for more than a year imagining Trump being the president, it might as well happen.
Hinduism proved the one true religion?
I believe that's commonly called praying. And I did pray for Trump
You mean the hieroglyphs?
Not sure how to interpret that.
And now we have a fucking WWE Hall of Famer as a president.
The hieroglyphs yes, I thought that they spelled something else than Kek.
Memetic Warfre.
Politically Incorrect Open Inltelligence Community
Division 88
At the service of the West.
Truth, Justice and Liberty weren't.
dems defeated by online heroes with anime avatars
i love this reality
Holla Forums is always right
damnit I actually want that patch for my crew to wear on our motorcycle jackets.
Looks like KKKurrynigger was right after all. Poos are Aryan.
it's simple, all these image board autists actually got off their asses and voted for once
God wants goodness to shine upon the land.
It was another user who made this patch, I want one too, I am trying to find someone who can make for a reasonable price. But most places either sell only bulk or single vendors charge one internal organ for few pieces.
The salt on my kikebook filled with artists is glorious. Never been happier.
It's like you don't believe in meme magic
skip to 14:20
I was willing to buy a bulk supply and then send them out to Holla Forumsacks darknet style. but I found a site that does the vinyl patches for 7 dollars a single and it goes down from there.
Oh well.
White Power
Memes > odds
Every conceivable idea is in the realm of memes by definition.
Every social and political structure belongs to the realm of memes.
Every form of human power is expressed and channeled trough memes, from simple communication among soldiers to powerful symbols motivating the masses.
The answer is meme magic.
You fucking retards, he was expected to win all along. The one algorithm that never fails predicted Trump.
I'm quite curious as well given all the demonstrated rigging. Which means that Holla Forums was wrong and Trump was the chosen candidate or Holla Forums was wrong and there was no riggning.
This year we learned that
Voter fraud took place. Philidelphia voted 100% democrat and they probably thought it would automatically win them the state of Pennsylvania.
Trump's landslide was just that massive.
In the end, all is mental
They're rigging the popular vote right now. Somebody forgot to tell them how presidential elections work
When we invoked a god we made a pact. He would ensure that our chaos would be carried out. In exchange, we were to direct this chaos at destroying his mortal enemy Moloch.
When we found out about the Moloch Worship, we found a target of our chaos. From this, his deeds inspired Trump first to run, then to motivate others, to help them see beyond the control that the system had over them, to see the monsters that were in control and then attack on all fronts.
First we exposed their corruption
Then we exposed how tied to money they were
Then we exposed their childrens sex rings.
Kek witnessed all of this.
And he smiled.
On election night, he filled Americans everywhere with a terrible resolve.
And in doing so, he brought ruination the the globalist elites.
Bask in your new age. The old god is dead.
Long live Kek
or the trump support was just overwhelming
Damnit I really want to save that pepe, if only I had a vpn…
~200k popular isn't rigging, that's inside statistical deviation.
Or Trump was the chosen one from the tribe.
This was merely a test to see if we could meme a candidate into the presidency. Our goal was to identify any hurdles that may exist. The MSM reaction to Trump is one that was manufactured for our purposes.
Our opposition should understand the gravity of their situation. Every movement we created has been more than just chaos. It has been a calculated move played in the multi-dimensional game of reality.
Did you doubt the power of the God-Emperor?
or they tried to rig, but weren't expecting a landslide.
We did it,The God Emperor has won!!!
Now we must he must follow through on everything.
Moloch = MLKh
King = MLK
Kh = death
K = life
10 = work
4 = seed or desolation
We have actually done it lads
The meme war is won and the dark clouds of death recede prosperity awaits.
Fun fact. Did you know that the concept of money, or currency, is actually considered to be a meme developed by early (((bankers)))?
Rigged of course
All of these have one thing in common: they are the establishment
White people realise that the establishment is corrupt, rotten to the core and is absolutely against them. Why are cucks surprised? The white man is waking up.
They pushed us too far. And we stood our fucking ground. That's what happened my friend.
Or you focussed on the wrong person.
None was brought up on Trump that was on here, yet it was constantly shown that you only got to this level by playing Juden games.
Should keep looking and poke the Trump stack, you know the friend of Hillary like Poedesta?
It was destiny, mate.
Holla Forums list of accomplishments:
-Hacking the world soul ✅
-Space empire
Meme magic is a resurging force in the universe.
It has only brought goodness, that all those people burning money have become comparatively slightly weaker than before.
Even if only 5% weaker, it is enough.
The next target must be chosen and mission set and completed.
This must not stop - no politician is the answer.
We must create this world in our image.
As diseased and furious as that may be.
Deus Vult.
That fat piece of shit Michael Moore actually knew shti was going down.
He was worried. The MSM wasn't.
Politics are decided here. Not on CNN
Holla Forums? Been up for long? We all have
What should we call our ships?
SS Pepé
SS Ben
great our first two ships have aspic and a kike name
I knew it yesterday at lunch at 1:34 EST. Having precognition is fun.
I knew when all the didndus showed up to work yesterday morning. They weren't motivated.
Chaos helped us.
Holla Forums's memetic magiks is greater than (((they))) for it has untapped magiks so ancient and powerful no manner of sorcery through shekel propaganda nor jimjammery can rival it.
also white people are really, really really fucking mad
It's tough to beat a rigging, but we did it.
It's disturbing how many votes that criminal got from people who can't a) donate a dollar to her campaign b) show up to her rallies for fear of getting deported c) post anything positive about her on social media in English.
Nah Jew games.
America will now butt fuck exit off the world stage and allow Russia and China to grow as part of the plan.
We'll just clean house a bit then go lazy on account of even near peer military shrecking our capabilities, and the US domestic industry already having incorporated textiles and other 3rd world tier industry for their games.
Even more disturbing is how many people can't decipher "NARA enforces FRA and never was inquested by FBI over SAP" yet say criminal her.
Is that an Evola?
The Russians rigged it, duh.
In all seriousness, this has got to be the best year of my life. I spent today eagerly watching the results roll in and the shitlib tears roll out with my closest buddies, after celebrating the end of year 12 exams the night before. I'm truly in a positive place in my life right now, all thanks to you glorious bastards and the raw power of kek.
I'm having so many people ask me on the rigging right now about how Trump won if it was in favor of Hillary "You're a liar user" and how many are asking me about my infosec and how the crazy Ivans did it (Because most of the infosec stuff got taken down and people got to play paper ballot allowing for the best sort of rigging, the secretary)
You want to know how? This is how. Because theres still some good left in this world.
And its worth fighting for.
because there is a god
still can't believe it. 2016 has been quite a good year.
I wonder if krauts had a ride as wild as this in 32/33?
Kill yourself, rabbi.
Ah yes Jews are a threat and control the reigns of power, hence how my candidate got to power, by fucking over the Jews, and not because he fits their known plan to drop the US off the world like a cheap whore off the vernanzos.
Go ahead dump the copy pasta, do it fucker, do it!
what a time to be alive.
Praise Kek.
His plan is to stop prostituting the U.S. around to the highest bidder.
Which is also what the race of liars wants.
The US doesn't need the world, they don't really need us, and everyone is agreeing on that.
Which is fine by me, I like the Castle America plan ever since finding it in 97. Got enough good shit to not need more than officializing the Monroe doctrine via bullets.
Well when you demonize a people they rise against you, when you tell them they have no hope they give their energy to the one that says "Don't give up.". When you SJW nuts that CIS Whites are dead whe showed you the power of the sleeping White Vote.
And when the guy counting the votes bets his money on your economy failing, you know where its going.
Remember, Soros bet his money on the US economy crashing, not on the machines.
If the economy crashes, the fed goes down with it this time and it'll come back stronger than ever.
Like this is the point, use the US collapsiong to blockchain the world money supply.
Or does your it mean something else?
I've been studding since before Moot had to testify about Palin, this is one long but well laid out plan, and makes me fuzzy in the dick that PNAC is still working.
Just like in the days of olde, God has sent a plague of frogs led by a chaos frog entity to purge the corrupt pharaoh (Obama) and his devious witch (Hillary). Now Trump shall be the one to stand above the remains of the fallen enemies and lead his followers to the promised land.
You pay your taxes yet?
Then that plague is a warning on you, for disobeying the Living God.
Ignoring this means you are a Juden. Have fun.
They never anticipated the speed in which ideas would spread and evolve over the internet, circumventing their propaganda streams.
Look at how far we have come in just a year.
wtf i love life now
They stole Nevada with the illegal alien vote and Virginia by McAuliffe giving felons voting rights by executive order. And they still lost!
Voting rights for felons and illegals. How low will Democrats go?