The time has come to cull the poltards from this board, they have shit up threads for long enough
Tech meta
Other urls found in this thread:
We should ban leftycucks for the same reason.
Holla Forums was shit from the start
prove me wrong
Not really, my forebears actually fought with the Germans.
Did something happen in last few weeks? Post quality has really gone to shit (it was tolerable, but now it's just awful). Did 4/g/ migrate here because of google captcha? I don't think getting rid of \/[a-z]*pol\/ is possible at this point, at least not without drastic changes in moderation. I propose e^n days ban for posting politics, where n is number of previous bans and e^(2n) days for creating thread with political content.
kys rulecuck
Even in the 90's there was politics in tech. Clipper chip,, crypto export ban, etc. What has changed is now people scream at you, do everything to silence you, and try to get you doxed/fired if you do badwrongthink. They can't and don't want to reason with people because the jews raised them to be purely emotional creatures incapable of reflection and thought.
Wait... When did that last part get added? Or was it there since the beginning and I was just blind? If that's what BO wants then so be it.
Typical poltard
What's even more important and telling is how much politics there is in tech nowadays. It's fucking laughable to separate tech from politics and i can only imagine that outsiders or Holla Forums are behind threads like this one, this board is slow as hell and very on topic. If anything, this board has the "meta issue" of being Holla Forums - GNU/Linux
Fagioli thread
Holla Forums has been and will always be present here. But why am I even responding to such weak bait. Rope yourself, fagit.
The only strong programmers here are hard right. I'm the guy that does all the high performance C entries for our programming threads and I'm full 1488 Hitler did nothing wrong.
If you want to be a self-destructive leftist faggot there are no shortage of places for you to go. But you shouldn't as they're poisoning you. Just try not to shit where you eat like they've taught you to.
That's not an excuse to bring off topic things onto Holla Forums. There is a video game board dedicated to video games. There is an anime board dedicated to anime. Politics and business policy is irrelevant to the discussion of technology.
Silicon Valley is no longer about tech.
This is like when people who scream about recycling and environmentalism turn out to be the most pompous and disgusting people. Self righteousness makes people blind to their faults.
This is also ignoring that you posted an anime picture along with your Holla Forumsing. The only thing worse would be if that blond haired fictional charcater had a penis and called itself a girl.
Technology itself does not have political beliefs. Planes transport liberals and conservatives, bullets kill nazis equally as well as communists, TCP/IP transports posts from Holla Forums and Holla Forums with same speed and reliability, video players play videos with Trump in them same as they play videos with HIllary. There is no connection between them, if there is, we need to update laws of physics, for example Newton's I. law to say: An object at rest stays at rest, unless in proximity of object with different political beliefs and an object in motion stays in motion with the same speed and in the same direction unless acted upon by an unbalanced force of same political beliefs. After all, technology is just applied science not some fictional entity with political preferences that you are trying to create.
True, but Holla Forums doesn't just encompass technology at the level of physics. The threads here don't begin and end at discussing OLEDs, transistors and FinFET processes, in fact those kinds of threads are very rare. It encompasses
who do have agendas and political leanings. Also, the industry itself is highly politicised with Silicon Valley corporations pushing their agendas, censoring dissent in increasingly powerful networks to the point where these corporations become more powerful that national governments, plus of course the privacy topic involving the Snowden leaks, the NSA and other alphabet soup agencies. Then there's the very large role of technology in surveillance states that are building up in a couple of countries, like facial detection and machine learning being used to perfectly track every single person in a given city, or predictive algorithms that are used by companies like Amazon who profile peoples behavior.
Really, the fact that i even have to list these things makes me think you're not from here. Technology plays a massive role in politics and vice versa, and this will only intensify in the future.
All this shitflinging really takes me back to the time of /new/'s deletion.
The most interesting thing happening in tech right now is its coordinated use to create some sort of mix between Huxley and Orwell.
Similarly, if you go to calguns or ar15 you'll notice the most interesting thing happening in guns right now is not a new flashlight attachment.
But you know this and you're attempting to purge right wing thought from all spaces.
Business and companies are irrelevant to the discussion of technology. Software is inherently technology and apolitical in itself.
That is all fair, but should these things really be discussed on board about technology?
Nothing political about it. Even if you have let's say a twitter bot that automatically responds to certain posts with political content. I will be more than happy to discuss inner workings of it and how to improve it. I'm not interested for what purpose or why you'll use it in the end, however.
Discussing architecture, protocols and performance/limitations is fine, discussing about why some people are denied to those services is a political issue.
Here things are mostly political unless you discuss about ISO, IEC, IEEE or other standards which are tied to that organizations.
That's mostly business and politics.
I've spend a fair amount of time educating myself about surveillance, software freedom, censorship and privacy issues. Those issues are important, but is Holla Forums really the place to discuss them? There is /poltech/, /gnussr/, Holla Forums, Holla Forums and many other places which would be much more suitable for discussion about such topics. Some of us just want to forget about political insanity for a bit and just enjoy peaceful discussion of technology.
I don't know what part of my post states that I want to get rid of right wing. I respect your views, but at the same time don't want to get involved with them, because I am not interested in politics.
Piss off, jew.
Yeah I know the game. It gets played here because the board owner falls for it. leftypol comes in and does the WHY IS EVERYONE TALKING ABOUT PANCAKES bit they've been taught to do until whatever thread with views they don't like gets deleted. But you're totally not interested in politics, of course. You just have to keep commenting about politics in politics threads.
fuck you
read: safe space
Yes, absolutely. The first two boards you listed are dead, Holla Forums has a completely different focus and is its own beast entirely and leftypol is your home.
All in all im tired of this thread, you faggots are not from here and it shows.
This is why we want you gone from out fucking board, you sub-85 IQ untermensch. Ive been on Holla Forums since 2014 and I'm sick and tired of the ever increasing Holla Forumstardery being pumped out by people who don't know anything about programming.
I hate Mozilla, SJWs, and foreigners too, but stop with the incessant urge to keep putting that shit on Holla Forums
No, my dear frog poster, you are not from here. There is no us vs them. There is however the Holla Forums community versus people who refuse to assimilate. You're just like the immigrants you complain about. Forcing yourself into places where no one wants you and then throwing shit everywhere, raping shit.
Board owner is a cuck and so are you.
How about:
get rid of the redditors
You lot are cancer on both sides.
It's an interesting theory but then it should work equally as well for deleting leftypol threads. I honestly don't visit any of those places, watch the news or actively participate in any political organization or group. Maybe it's time for me to fuck off from this place.
Fucking seriously. You defend this.
No, i don't defend this, i just don't agree on using censorship to correct it. Automoderation, nigger. If your faint heart can't take reading those posts, you shouldn't use a taiwanese hokaido carving message board in the first place.
Gee Bill, an anime poster AND a Holla Forums poster, it's almost like this is literally an op to shit up discussion on imageboards.
I think I'll just stick to the End(TM) and OH where all the cool peeps have left. Thank you and goodbye.
Go back.
Was that a wordfilter or did you write this incoherent mess?
Codewords to signal to all my homies that there's still places left, they just need to nut up and dedicate their time better.
If you don't understand it, just ignore it.
makes it sound like the cool people deserted endchan and whatever other altchan you were shilling, while you probably wanted to say that the cool people went to that place.
No, I meant exactly that.
Well, you mentioned Mozilla and SJWs in your post yourself, how the fuck are those two not Holla Forums related? Do you want a Holla Forums that's like 4/g/ where all the catalog consists of is distro threads, AMD vs Intel shilling, Nvidia vs Intel shilling and smartphone nonsense?
gas yourself kike
google hates black people
I want a Holla Forums where the people contributing are people actually doing things in the field, not some random posters who either: jack off all day/play video games all day/ debate endlessly with internet strangers all day/ some other loser hobby all day.
Like my mailing lists, but more accessible.
Knowing about SJWs does not increase my programming skill. Only thing it does it makes me depressed and makes me loose will to do anything. We really don't need to know about mentally ill people.
Well good luck with that shit, but i do things in the field and still im not an apolitical eunuch like your dream vision of the Holla Forums user.
Holla Forums detected
Read a book if you want to improve your programming skills, this is a discussion board.
There is no need to discuss whenever Mozilla do something that isn't directly related to technology. When Mozilla chooses to send money to some SJW project, that's not relevant to technology. When a new Firefox has a screenshot button, that's related to technology.
You don't have to be apolitical, just keep your political shit where it belongs.
Mate, I've got politic beliefs and I don't care what your political beliefs are. What ticks me off is that there's no truth in politics and seldom true "discussion," as opposed to just fucking shit flinging and trying to "win."
Keep it to yourself and there won't be any problems.
There are some things that you can't learn from books. Discussion with fellow programmers about programming is a valuable learning resource.
Just fuck off with your censorship pushing
Then do it, there's no one stopping you from visiting the programming threads and they are fine as they are without having to have a "pls don't be racist :(" rule
Wouldn't it be nice if leftists took that position to tech. Instead we have browsers that will soon be inserting "fact checking" into chan threads. So we're going to talk about that, faggot.
Don't cause trouble. You're causing trouble and this shit kills communities. Holla Forums wasn't as bad as it was back in 2011, I know because I posted there a lot. Now it's all crusading and being fucking social delinquents trying to cleanse the internet of objectionables.
First it was anime posters and avatar fags. Next it was the /lgbtqpa/ faggots with their "boipussi" and traps aren't gay shit. Now it's Holla Forums.
This shit constantly derails threads and it's a problem. You're like throwing a Gucci belt in front of some basketball american drug dealers and wrongfully expecting them to not start a stab spree. Posting Holla Forums shit does the same thing. Look at this fucking thread, it's pure shitposting because some people feel like they're not welcomed, and they're right. Communities require a strong ethos and little tolerance to people trying to cause a fuss. You should know this well enough, because this is what the SJWs have done to technology. There's no "tech community" anymore because the original pioneers were too limpwristed to hold down the fort and not let invaders rape their children.
There's nothing wrong with anime, but moe shit is cancer and bazingles-tier.
It's a self proclaimed meta thread, and so far we have a consistent discussion going, where's the problem?
What shit? What do you people want implemented? What is so big an issue that automoderation can't solve? Why is it that you are never happy with a level playing field and want censorship instead? Mabye because you always lose on a level playing field. "Causing trouble" is newspeak-tier vague. You are the one pushing for rules here, at least be precise in your pathetic attempt at silencing everyone who you don't agree with.
nigga wut?
This isn't real life, this is a community. Stop trying to lump me into some enemy you've construed in your mind.
What does that have to do with anything? At least give me an answer if you're so different. Your kind isn't exactly unpredictable, you show up, bitch about "pol derailing everything" and then ultimately want to implement rules to ban any sort of political talk or even just meany words. You've tried it on pretty much every board on this god damn website. Why don't you just leave and go to any one of the billions of websites on the internet that do exactly what you long for instead of being assmad that this one doesn't?
It isn't about silencing anybody. It's all about using the boards for what they are. We have 100 different boards dedicated to politics. You feel possessed to use Holla Forums, the place that's dedicated to technology to discuss your politics. Discuss the technology, in Holla Forums not the politcs.
There is massive overlap, mostly because of the leftists in the industry, read the thread.
Then you should ignore the leftists if it doesn't directly discuss the technology. That picture you have showing the changing face of coding is irrelevant to technology. If there is a Rust thread, don't bother thinking about your enemy, the SJW. Either Rust is doing what it is supposed to be doing as a programming language or not, that is the technology of Rust.
Nah man
It's not as bad as you people claim it is.
That's what MITI is up to (the Orwellian Mozilla Information Trust initiative). They're going to add 'fact' checking to the browser so they can moderate conversations even on sites they don't control. They're going to be adding it to Firefox Focus first, but it will make its way to Firefox proper.
It's even worse
kicking out Holla Forums is like kicking out islamist syrians from EU countries. they will tell it's their country, shit in your streets then assault you
since Holla Forums is too dumb to get it, what I mean is that Holla Forums will simply claim that Holla Forums is their board, shitpost in it then spamreport and verbally assault Holla Forums posters
You guys really need to work on your lingo, it's a little to obvious im afraid
Because people like you can't be content until everyone is infected with your ideas. You are the problem. Why do you have to post your politics here? Why don't you just leave and go to any one of the billions of websites on the internet that welcome your opinions for instead of being assmad that this one doesn't?
endchan and overchan?
First is correct, second is not.
If you're incapable of defending your opinion in a free speech environment, that's your problem faggot
Im saging because this thread is shit. What are you even talking about?
I don't care about defending my opinion. There are pests and there is action to be taken. Getting rid of pests does not require defending your decision to kill living things, all it takes is "hey these things are getting the way, let's get rid of them." You are the one that must justify your existence here, not the regular posters.
Take care when fighting monsters, that you don't turn into one yourself.
This raid doesn't even sound like it's from here. Are these endchan faggots or PHP Pro's collection of rejects?
It's usually never actual raids, just a bunch of idiots with the same mindset posting the same dumb shit so much it looks like it's coordinated.
Yes they support anti-privacy laws as long as they come from ronald chump, abolishing net neutrality and shutting down the internet because drumpf said we need to fight ISIS, all while using windows 10.
I am a regular poster, and here for much longer than you two leftypol downies.
I think it's just leftypol with their usual spiel, they sound like this
Exactly! If it isn't technology, then it is irrelevant! That's exactly the point.
Ah yes the good old free market will fix everything NN war now.
I told you I was a Holla Forums poster, man. Now you're just being intentionally uncooperative. It's never been about right vs left anyway, you've outlived your use.
so which one is OH?
so which one is OH?
In the post you replied to, OH would be second. In the post I was replying to (assumeably your post), neither.
what I meant was
by "which one" I meant "what is"
Do you want the federal government to be your ISP?
Holla Forums doesn't support anti-privacy laws. they oppose government overreach.
As a PoC I'm sick and tired of racism. Is it that hard to implement a policy similar to that of Ycombinator's? Ban all hatespeech. It's not that hard and I'm really starting to wonder if the mods aren't racists themselves. Further why can't I talk about my life as a PoC coder? I see white guys doing it all the time here but when I try to they start shitting up the thread. Please post a ruleset on top of the page that explicitly welcomes minorities and other disadvantaged populations.
Thank you.
That's right fellow PoC!
I want Holla Forums to cater to us!
Holla Forums supports neoliberalism because they are even more easily manipulated than SJWs. And the latter are not posting, it is you Holla Forumsroaches who are the invaders lacking the empathy to recognize how those around you perceive you.
I'd rather have them here than you tbh
What do you gain from this?
Ty, this makes me feel more welcome than I have at any other point this entire year. Honestly it's a little depressing knowing that there are so many racists here. But I have a unique story to tell and you need to hear it so you can understand the issues with merit-based employment and discrimination.
I need my story to get out and to feel welcome. I've been discriminated against since day fucking one here as soon as I mention I'm a PoC and I'm sick of it. Simple as that. And don't even give me that bullshit that the code speaks for itself because it doesn't. That's code for alienating minorities or other disadvantaged programmers all under the guise of 'merit' which as a concept itself is actually bullshit as it's just an old white men's club keeping PoC's out.
Average bait 4/10
nice try
Here we go again. No one gives a shit about you or where you came from, you are anonymous. Just keep your opinions and ideas to yourself if they don't directly involve technology. The strife of the Plenty of Fish is not unique to tech and isn't directly related to tech. I can tell you about my time as an immigrant in tech, but that isn't tech. This is how hackernews got shitted up in the first place, by moving the discussion away from startups and cool shit to things that aren't.
For fucks sake, if this isn't bait keep it to yourself.
nigger nigger nigger nigger
daily reminder leftypol recruits redditors
daily reminder this is leftypol
Daily reminder no one likes either pol.
I think it's important to have serious convictions because without any you're just another existentialist floating through life and that is hell. One of my convictions is to bump this thread for visibility so other people may read it and form their own opinions. Hopefully, it will be against offtopic posters, but one can never be sure about anything.
That is a complete strawman of centrist philosophy. I'm an ancap and even I know that's not what centrism is about
All that's going to happen is that the Holla Forumstards will drive away most of the people with real interest in or knowledge of technology, and turn Holla Forums into another useless shithole. That's their whole game plan every time. They do it anywhere the mods allow it. Holla Forums is a disease, nothing more. Once the infection arrives, healthy people go elsewhere.
Except the only people on this board with knowledge about technology are right wing.
Only LARPing webdevs complain about pol as they're cucks.
Do you have any citations to back this claim up?
That's incorrect. And frankly absurd.
You keep saying this but without evidence. Obviously they're most likely to be right-leaning, as this is Holla Forums - but that doesn't make them Holla Forumstards. I hate Holla Forums.
You write like a fucking Redditor and this whole thread is a travesty, just leave already you fucking faggot
Go shit in your hat, Adolph. :^)
No I'm not "pajeet". Yes I'm Indian.
No I'm not a fascist. Yes I'm an egalitarian.
No I'm not one man. Yes I'm every-man.
And to all those that seek to divide us know that you will see hell in the next life.
Anway back to the topic at hand. I'd like to see generals provided for each Holla Forums related job such as 'webdev general' 'networking general' and so on.
Be the change you want to see.
Politics is allowed, including Holla Forums, but it has to be related to technology. I think I should start moderating it a bit more aggressively.
Someone decided that bumping all browser threads is the best way to complain about browser threads. Would an official Holla Forums meta thread be a good idea, as a place for people to complain about things being allowed/not allowed? It wouldn't be this one. I keep track of /metatech/ but almost nobody uses it.
This board is so slow that there's not much reason to worry about moderation or meta issues. This thread is by far the worst on the first 5 pages, carrying this on in a sticky or permanent cyclical sounds like a bad idea.
The only people that would appreciate a stickied meta thread are goons.
Daily Reminder, politics are for faggots.
We need to clearly define what "politics related to technology" means. What seems acceptable to me, is if we discuss about for example DRM in new web standards, introduction of which is a result of the politics of W3C. Or for example if there is some new bill is about to be passed, which directly influences users of the internet. However, threads like:
are a bit questionable.
Holla Forums is not slow. Slow would be having
No shit, who would use 2 boards for meta issues instead of a sticky? Only Holla Forums, Holla Forums and /a/, all of which use the meta board as a shitting ground. /a/ sometimes unbans people but that is extremely rare and 90% of the time they just self-congratulate themselves for the successful ban.
A meta thread with another OP wouldn't get as bad as this one, I hope, and it might stop people from shitting up the board in other ways.
Just in the past 24 hours, someone made a thread to complain because I deleted their tech support thread, someone made this thread to complain about Holla Forums, and someone bumped a lot of threads to complain about the number of browser threads. I don't know if that would have happened if they had an official place to complain that wasn't on another board.
We used to have monthly meta threads, but I think the BO forgot about them.
It wouldn't be stickied.
Nice job faggots.
Well either way, i don't think its necessary but if it's not stickied i guess it wouldn't hurt. Generally whenever you open a permanent venue for meta discussion there will sooner or later be incessant autists who are sworn to scream until some kind of thread is banned, while the majority and the quality posters won't bother with the meta discussion which makes the autists seem like they are in the majority
The Reddit thread was just not technology at all, so I deleted it. I didn't notice it before.
I bumplocked the Riseup thread a few days ago. Riseup is very definitely technology, but that thread is bad.
The topics of the CoC and sexual assault threads are ok as far as that rule is concerned. But the CoC thread got derailed into a meta thread, so I'll try to clean it up.
The VG thread is questionable but still technology.
Please report questionable threads if you can.
I didn't bumplock any of the browser threads after they were bumped.
Unfortunately for you, the right wing knows all about O'Sullivan's Law and while this type of shilling and deflection may have worked a few years ago, it is laughably transparent now to a plurality of the userbase. No, you commie fuck, unfortunately for you, the right wing is putting aside their sense of fairness and will engage your leftyfaggotry using your own leftyfaggot tactics.
Holla Forums is a Holla Forums colony and it always has been.
I'll agree with you here, but can you lads just chill the fuck out. Holla Forums shit ain't that bad as long as you're not fucking pricks about it and spewing venom everywhere.
1488 bro
It was pretty good for a while following the exodi. I can't remember when now, but at some point we started getting a ton of
>go back to >>>Holla Forums
posts. That was the beginning of the shittening.
I'm with you. Time to send those racemixing immigrants back to their turk-filled shithole!