If trump wins I'll slit my wrists t.co
This is what you made me do, Trump. Hillary, you're dead to me. #CutForHillary twitter.com
If trump wins I'll slit my wrists t.co
This is what you made me do, Trump. Hillary, you're dead to me. #CutForHillary twitter.com
Other urls found in this thread:
Poor mentally deranged libtards
Remember to report this post and type "sticky this mods" as reason.
well what are you waiting for?
i'm waiting
Remember, Down the river, not across the stream.
let's do it boys
meme it?
Its not across the street, its down the road faggot.
Yes I know OP is not the person in pic
Low energy, fuck off.
We need some cool infographics about how to do an hero. We should invite r9k to this thread. They would love to use their suicide methods against normies.
Why is this stickied? It's a shit twitter account with an image pulled off jewgle images.
Why the fuck is this stickied?
Why cut your wrist when you can slit your neck?
lel all the butthurt ctr on this thread
Anons who's with me for some salt feast hashtag, a little Operation, I call it.
Is simple we use that hashtag to say things try to stirr up some controversy and make it trend, we know it will eventually get kidnapped by SocJus, but remember that they are suffering such a rectal ragnarok that it will be funny instead…
So, who's with me on this?
We can archive the butthurt for future laughs and also webms.
It's weird.
GOOD now you know how ive felt the past fucking year
Why is this stickied
ayy lmao
Can we call this Operation "Salt in the Wound"?
Mods are having a party as well!
Based mods.
Do you hear that?
It's the sound of no shills.
Go back to 4chan
Greets from Germany
Watched it all night long.
Are you sure there is but they are butthurt AYYLMAOO
Proper way is down the stream, not across the river. What a fucking faggot.
Holy shit, you're right. Aww fuck dis nice.
was going to say earlier that no matter the outcome, the record would no longer be corrected
it is bliss
kek my dog does worse than that when he's excited and I haven't clipped his nails in a while
lefties are pussies
t. Rhodie owner
Cut a little deeper than that… talk about low energy!
Seriously, those are more like scratches than cuts babe! :D
It's a peaceful sound
Fuck off.
Implying I'm a faggot.
How are we gonna encourage mass suicide amongst the dems? Show it as a form of protest?
#CutForBieber: Electric boogaloo
no nigger
actual CDU cucks got BTFO
I'm rejoicing with you, fag
omg don't hurt ur self :(((((((((((
erryone luv uuuu :O
Thank you.
We still have much work to do.
Cherish this beautiful moment, for it only belongs to the anons.
I've never seen a more asshurt mob of childish losers than the global Left. We put up with a decade of their Communist nigger/Jew dictatorship. They deserve every bad thing that happens to them.
They thought they were going to put 7 liberal Jews, a Muslim and Obama on the Supreme Court, and then start war with Russia for Israel, legalize 20 million illegals and import 10 million more Muslims.
Their dreams of a Left-wing autocracy died today.
Isn't Trump promised to put Hillary in jail when he becomes president of America?
Much respect to you! Job well done!
Do it, coeard. Remember to end up dead than some brainwave pranj
Hey mod, when're we gonna roll the credits?
Godspeed, based mods.
You're doing it wrong. You have to walk down the sidewalk, don't jay-walk.
Pol basically we made it guys.
Trump just made it.
Feels so fucking good.
Jeb! Well, done…
You're next up for liberation my aryan friend. Put your faith in kek.
hey head kike, clean the board
was going to happen sooner or later anyway
Some weak cuts there lefty.
Perhaps you need to trace along the tracks, and not across them?
Make Germany Great Again
Mach Deutschland wieder großartig
Fuck off nigger, there's still important shit we're working on.
Once anime finally becomes real.
But isn't already real? We used the power of memes to fight a satanic magic and save the world.
Nice trips, but don't forget there are no brakes on this train, the ride never ends, and you're here forever.
Wow based mod. Nice.
I pledged to commit suicide and stream it on Holla Forums if Hillary won and there was no resistance; now I get to see them do what I was going to.
Not with these trips they're not. Within our lifetime, perhaps in our children's, we shall see a world without jews.
Checked. And there's no (or very very little) 2D cuteness in real life yet. We can't just have the insanity without the rewards.
This is so classic it makes me want to weep.
Doesn't matter which way you cut your arms or even if you cut them off.
Just encourage them to slice everywhere.
t. sliced throat, arms, chest, etc. once before and still lived
It's hard to die.
No more shills, just unfettered meme magic to continue to restore reality to this timeline. Glorious.
What a gay. I know a few of us were just going to flop our cocks out for Holla Forums if so. You sound like a gambling degenerate. Fix yourself.
Peace has been restored, though it may only be temporary
Soon thereafter, it'll happen.
Don't be an unsupportive asshat right now.
I was going to do almost same, but all you fucks may have gotten was a headline
Crazy Orecuck man runs a muck with a knife, anheros after
You guys banned me a hell of a lot but you also unbanned me like half of the time I submitted a ban appeal and you did a good job overall as this board has been able to function well to help Trump.
You guys aren't too bad I guess.
Kek will never be forgotten.
Should be on the squad if you go to extremes.
He promised to assign a special prosecutor.
>if I just meme everywhere it will make me look like one of them
Come on now son, he made a pretty high quality joke right there until you came in and had to shit it up and make it low effort and gay with this "desperately trying to fit in" bullshit.
There are none here in my city. I shit you not that I am a lone wolf in this pack of drones.
Yes, I was going to take out as many as I could be for I ended it
Well I was going to turn on data management on my phone (and I always have a fixedblade knife btw) and go outside with a noose also in my backback and possibly kill a few before hanging myself. I was so nervous and tried to go out the door twice but my mom stopped me and kept her eyes on me the whole night and just talked to me to keep me distracted so I didn't do anything. Now Trump has won everything is going to be alright and I might still get to fight but from a position of legitimacy now, in self-defence, against the chimp-out.
I know that feel user. I've known that feel. Don't give in to the falsehood of happiness without sadness it's unhealthy and makes it worse.
Relish ya moment
How A Frog Cult Saved The World
Would make a nice book title.
I haven't slept in so long, I feel like I'm in some dream daze, finally able to relax, as tears of joy stream down my eyes.
No disrespect, sometimes it is best to go alone. Kek be with you.
remind them it is down the road not across the street
Same here, literally no other redpills around, would have been a lone-wolf. My only realistic choice for getting a redpilled friend is to make a tulpa one.
It's gratifying to know that my reputation for being a bit of a prophet will remain untarnished - AWM:
Youknocked it so far out of the court, old spee would even be proud. I love you guys.
"This is not even our final form."
Clear enough for you yet?
We have all done what we can for this fight, we have gained much ground this night. Tomorrow is when we do what we fought so hard to do, Make America Great Again. After that, we MEGA.
AWyattMann you're getting better with the fonts now, I liked the original style, and your fonts were shit when you first switched to computer fonts… it looks ok in that pic. I still have all the originals saved though and none of your edits with the computer fonts.
I am a >>>/fringe/ man btw, I gave so much of my loosh energy, and literally thought asspained leftists on the astral and did rituals to Kek all to help this along. I gave it everything I could and drained my emotions day after day into empowering Kek & Trump.
I'm losing my ties to the waking world too, obviously. I will hang for maybe another 24.
Someone in particular sent a shadow being at me and knocked me out for like 32 hours but I recovered. That was the worst spirit attack. Kek is stronger though.
Going to just repeat MAGA mantras until I fall out of my body and then find a comfy place in the astral to regenerate.
"Make America Great Again, Make America Great Again, Make America Great Again, Make America Great Again, Make America Great Again, Make America Great Again, Make America Great Again…"
Okay that one was pretty good, the rest felt like a forced amalgamation of ebin maymays in shoved in as small a sentence as possible. in poor taste ruining a good joke, but this one was actually really organic and fitting.
So stop now while you are ahead.
Are you being for real, or just having a giggle about it?
Tomorrow we'll awaken to the violence of the left gone insane no doubt. I wonder if any of them are at all clever and daring enough to carry out any substantial attacks (not just rioting but stuff like burning down entire forests, knocking out power grid, blowing up a dam, etc.).
Those checks are going to bounce soon.
You look pretty faggy. I can tell from your posts and from seeing quite a few faggots in my time.
Get memed, son.
Kansas fag here just reporting in with hot of the presses press new
Make sure they know that it's down the road, not across the street.
We've come so very far.
For real. I was having a meeting in the astral with some wizards when suddenly I got some weird vision of some older woman and got pulled away from our place to my own kitchen where a fairly powerful shadow being was. It got inside of me and did a lot of damage to my energy body, it was pretty painful, tried a variety of techniques for several minutes to destroy it before I finally broke it off, went into a kind of slipstream / reality warp a few times but kept getting pulled back to the kitchen, until I finally got rid of it and got back into my physical body. It was one of those entities that can influence shit on the electromagnetic frequency btw.
as a swede, holy shit my facebook feed is filled with cucks literally crying, i'm just posting how i won thosands of dollars by betting on trump
Some of the oddest folk. Bless you.
Huh, was it some kike you knew who may have been the reason for such a thing to occur? I am going to safely assume you're a fellow white maga man, so I'm curious about why in the world you'd get meme'd like that.
Maybe you fucked a kike jewess and she meme'd you?
heh, Canada is no different
Just have to keep going.
I usually don't take the alternate reality /fringe/ shit seriously, but I'll admit, tonight while I was away from the election coverage I was constantly trying to focus in the hopes of phasing myself into the Trump Universe.
This flag is an example of how they think. I'm too tired to shit along about it.
Dubs confirm.
Holy shit.
Trump universe is the only universe.
Lame and gay.
You're gay bro.
Could you, possibly, restrain yourself Holla Forums? I suppose they have no other way of shitposting. Power level involves boards too, you dopey shit eater.
Today it is fine.
Fringe has always been a pro-white and redpilled board but there have also always been super-degenerate "I'm learning magick to transform myself into the opposite gender / dominate the goyim / turn people gay" thelemites, wiccans, and other garbage also posting on the board since we have complete freespeech.
Consequently, there's a large number of anti-white occultists that hate me and like to launch whatever attacks they're capable of at me.
Most of the anti-whites are too low-level to perform much but there's a few developed enough to pull some sophisticated magick ops.
What /fringe/ are you from? 8ch.net/fringe/ has a better ratio of redpilled to bluepilled fuckwads but fringechan.org has about the opposite. It's like bluepilled /fringe/ posters never had the thought that there is an element of esotericism within the mundane as well as the magical.
before it used to all be one board but after the insurrection most of the bluepills, thankfully, went over to .org
What? Well, at yeast full dumb is obvious.
I watched this film just last night. Mystic synchronicity. Shadilay.
I enjoyed the debating process. How about you?
Man I am so fucking glad you're back in the saddle.
It's an honor and a privileged to have you shitposting with us.
It triggers me to no end that that cuck is using a wonderful 2hu like Cirno for an avatar. In fact, it makes me sick to my stomach.
Nate Shitter btfo by A. Wyatt Mann
My favorite part of the webm too.
I think what they are afraid of is when we all agree. Sure, that's everyday in pockets. But, when all of /polo/ hits harmony. It is magic they have no idea what to do with.
Shit, I really am tired/
God it is great.
Thank you for your service in this war.
I love you all and am so grateful for this place where I don't have to hide my power level for just a few hours a day.
You fucking faggots and your meme magic
I think I was out for about five minutes. Dan pullled me from Hell. It felt like days.
Speeking of meme magic and salt mines
Be sure to buy and gift out suitcases for all you libshit friends
They'll come back. But this time it'll be
Somebody needs to tweet that pic at every journalist
They will try that the first day but not after action. That's not going to help much after those (((fearful))) first action in office. And, most of the world nodding in unison.
Trump Is Hitler Montage - Hail Victory Holla Forums
Waited months to be able to release this and scare the Skypes
My heart is bursting with love for you all. I love everyone here. What we've done is truly remarkable. God bless you all.
Should we do the pledge?
I swear I'm going to vote for Donald Trump!
卐 卐 卐 卐 卐 卐 卐 卐 卐 卐 卐 卐
They're there with you, but just to cucked and afraid to announce their true voting intentions. Many leftist will be taking hard looks at their friends and allies today, wondering which are the "traitors" among them.
You are the one who should be thanked.
Just don't anchor history threads now that there are no pressing issues.
As a none-american, I just want to thank everyone who voted and memed an avatar into being. May we have 10000 years of light.
No time to miss you. You. Stay here Stay right as rails and do NOT let them bend you.
Hello dankness my old friend…
I think it may be a good idea to start posting up redional things first, instead of outright/ You smell a bit alphabet.
Yeap. It's time to oil up.
The brain damaged of the system, a lost generationj of fools.
There are not enough mental asylums to treat them all, so there is only one solution, make the system spit them out, and clean itself from cancer.
That is the only true way, the way of old and how to build up a nation.
Globalize this, kikes.
Where had you been, faggot?
We are already anime:
Lewd. Please take that to another board.
Lost it… +2
What a beautiful morning it is.
I lost the definition. Happening has bought the world my definition.
I'm rad to go on no sleep if something kicks off.
Judgement starts failing first.There is some Kung-fu my resting head misses.
Now is the time to really rub it in and try to get as many suicides as possible. Think of the labor we'll save the RWDS.
We need a pic of a slit wrist with DNC-style (like the #DraftOurDaughters) saying
It's not over yet (this is important)
I'm ready to do ANYTHING to help HER
Are you? #CutForHillary
I like that as well. "I said that I'd rather die than have Trump as president. Now I'm ready stand by my word #SuicideForHer"
They want to start a hit.
There's a >>>/suicide/ board, y'know?
Also, assisted suicide just got legalized in Colorado. Time to move there and start a business.
Because liberalism is a terminal mental illness amirite?
I knew it. They're planning to pull the most unstable to upset this. More provocateur bisiness.
found a winner
holy fucking shit. that these people actually think this is a good thing just staggers me.
suggest to make a mine out of her, my salt-o-meter has me thinking she is a mother load.
Send them spiders.
More like salty victory
Remember: low-energy doesn't mean non-lethal
Way ahead of you.
Sure, using our old kind against us. That's been a tactic for a while.
You know what happens to them? Even from other networks. They show up and just get to be Holla Forums Still, hang loose.
Is it spreading?
I also sent Time against them.
Now that Cunton is out of the picture, it is only a matter of weeks (days?) before she's likely dead, she's no use to her demonic masters anymore.
And the silence of the (((Lügenpresse))) speaks volumes.
Let's see Trump close down some of these kike propaganda speakers. That is what I'm waiting for there.
Jew York Times, SEMIT magazine, Washington Cunt, you name it.
The alt-right will same more before the press. That disease.
Seems I am awake then. I sent Time to Trump's guards.
If other countries could vote they would elect a super conservative that would jail you and force you to undergo experimental surgery to fix your shit
RWDS are a real thing in many other countries
RWDS? Whats that?
Better idea, start hanging rope everywhere, with some message like "grand opening soon"
Kek grows stronger. Congratulations burguers, you made the impossible possible.
Today humanity begins fighting back
Spotted the newfag
Right wing death squads son…
This is Pedowood material now.
Starting hitting the names.
No niggers allowed. Unless you're good at cross-documenting.
This is full pizza.
Nigger how old are you?
And true, im just here to enjoy some salt
enjoy the spoils, user. this bounty is big enough to last months, if not years. and remember to praise kek before partaking in the delicious gourmet of so many variations of the good old nacl.
Nope, they won't be back. Hillary is fleeing with the money that paid for their tendies. They are going to be on the street.
Tumblr on suicide watch
no way last time i invited /r9k/ anywhere he kept following me the entire year striking up conversations about stupid shit while trying to force friendship on me that was the most annoying year ever but i could never bring myself to tell him to fuck off cause i felt bad for him so can we please keep /r9k/ at bay?
Remember, it's down the road, not across the street, retard.
It's over. Conceded. I really love you all.
Was a bit irritated by the links at the end but you know what, anything that de-koshers the term "alt right" is good.
It takes a lot of courage to go through with it.
People who #SuicideForHer are really brave.
You are doing it wrong. Along the wrists you dumb fucking faggot.
I will praise kek every day for what has happened here. Not just the victory you guys helped secure in the face of overwhelming batshit insane opposition, but for showing the rest of the world that hope still exist. If and when the time comes to uncock my own country, it will be done on the foundation that was build here.
Who's first to have a tragic accident Holla Forums ?
Car accident for Mook?
Huma chokes on a hot dog?
Podesta slips and falls into a pizza oven?
Donna Brazil's seems safe she's already faking Alzheimer's.
What about the Queen Bee herself being no longer an asset but a liability to the NWO?
Thoughts, Opinions
that, or they should be accidented in a way similar to the plutonium poisoning way the russians like so much.
Hilary Clinton will die from *natural causes and stress*
I guess I had phimosis and my mother ordered the doctor to cure it without knowing I had it.
There's no room for pessimism in the year 2016.
We've passed the time of feels and entered an era of smug.
I kind of want a final destination ending edit with hillary and trumptrain instead of truck.
Unless those pardons come out. The Queen Bee might end up with a Joan Rivers style visit with the doctors. The Clinton Body Count might have her as the last notch. You'd got any predictions on pardons or "accidents"?
It boggles my fucking mind how a MEDICAL DOCTOR can fuck up such a simple thing. NO FORESKIN RETRACTION CAN BE NORMAL INTO THE TEEN YEARS.
lmao, guys on here praising the mods of all things, the love is overflowing, its beautiful
I'm restoring at the moment. I'll never get the nerve endings back but I'm going to get that silky glide I've never had.
what are you using? now that I'm not a neet I can buy this shit, tugging has only done so much.
polite sage
Soros is Palpatine (master manipulator), Hillary is Vader (top pawn), and Rothschild is Plagueis (financial supporter and banker)
if anything Trump is Luke looking to bring back democracy in a rigged system.
Make sure #CutForHillary reaches this faggot
You did alright.
Praise kek.
Problem with this analogy is, Hillary is frail and sits around while her staff do the actual work. Hillary is like the Emperor. And Vader would be someone who DOES THINGS. Maybe whoever coordinates the wetworks for her. It's multiple levels of Palpatines and there is no Vader that we know of.
Trump shoots first
Alright FBI, we are doing your job for you again
get on it
This is great.
Reverse enrichment.
Holy fuck that was so good
this is a world i want to be in
thanks Holla Forums
He's a fucking man and a half
stumbled upon while looking for source images to shoop something
CTR getting BTFO is the best thing.
I can just imagine a legion of greaasy shitters, sitting at their computers and now realizing that they are unemployed, permanently.
Imagine if there was a mass suicide of libfags. It would be like the 6 million, only it would be conducted by the liberals themselves.
We wouldn't have to waste a single resource on them. Let's not forget that some kike shill nigger scum still remains within our great lands. Celebrate today anons and tomorrow we get back to work.
Praise Kek
i wanna b ur friend :3
Sideways for attention, Down the road for results.
Honestly, Trump should be replacing many of them with anons. They have utterly failed their nation, and it took a rag tag bunch of shitposting, digging, raiding frogs to stop these vermin from destroying our nation and our people. They should feel same, and all those who had an opportunity to save this nation but chose to protect their job instead, should immediately resign.
grow it back, you lazy nigger
Memes aside, pink salt on grilled food is fukken delicious, might do a barbeqeue today in celebration
They will be back soon and in greater numbers. Their vector of attack will be, "It's been a week and the wall hasn't started building yet! AHAHAHAHA! Hillary isn't in prison two weeks in! AHAHAHAHAHA! You got duped Trumpkins! GET FUCKED!!!"
Just saying you all should be prepared for it.
that way is for retards.
foregen is the only true way to gain your real foreskin back.
There should be some sort of ticker saying roughly how many people just say it and how many people do it.
But I don't have $20,000 dollars!
Nah I got circumsized at birth, not teen years, in my teen years I was red pilled a bit due to 4chan and being in the debate team.
heres a question,
If a Jew is circumcised but grows his foreskin back, does that mean he still is chosen in the eye of Yahweh/Moloch?
Or does he have to retain his mutiliated schmeckle?
If so, that would truly be Jewing God.
whether they do us a favor or finally see reality or not I am drinking their tears.It is Glorious and a big part of the victory is anons going hard in the paint for what they believe in.WELL DONE !!! Power level EXPOSED!!! AHAHAHAHA!
My wife laughed until she couldn't breathe at that video. Pic semi-related.
Thanks based mods!
current day dick cutting isn't the same as the pact between man and god with the original circumcision.
It was a simple nick of the foreskin, but Jews being jews progressed it to cut more and more off the foreskin till we have the current evil circumcision.
Too bad they didn't go all they way to castration.
to bad Hitler was half jew and failed because of apathy or you wouldn't even be typing ;)
Someone shoop a nazi rally in the backround and fill the middle of the rope hole in with the madame president pic
trump is EU Luke not Disney Canon Luke
Mate, at least pirate Sony Vegas.
Trump won,
time to eat up
Is she reading The Prince? Based Machiavelli.
Salt Thread? Salt thread.
If I don't get a State Department job out of this when Trump has to replace all the fucking pedophile goons running around everywhere, I'm going to be plenty mad. Someplace sunny, with sugar sand beaches and sapphire seas, too, OK guys? Or I'll take Ulaan Bataar if that's all you've got left…
Absolutely delicious.
Don't forget to let pro-TRUMP comments on jewtube vids and pretty much everywhere you can. Remind them as much as possible.
That's been around for quite a while for various searches, if I remember correctly some of those were pretty funny too.
I am thirsty for their tears.
Yes, you have more shilling to do.
Some oldfags weren't banned and this place isn't enough r/thedonald yet.
You have more shilling to do for learningcode.
Thank you for your hard work so far.
>inb4 >>>/polmeta/
Maybe don't fucking derail a thread to attention whore yourself and get 13 (you)s???
Their anguish in realizing this entire time they were fucking failures.Praise KEK we memed you into a corner because of your own stupidity now look at you cucks, race mixers,open borders,anti white fucking losers you fucking LOST BIG!!!! and I love it ..PEPE smacked your ass down….now cry and let me drink the fruit juice of your defeat ctr fagliberalshitstainretards….the finest wine imaginable was made with your cucked tears YUM!!!!
They have lost america, (((they))) no longer have reason to come here.
Since when is having a president that doesn't owe anything to anyone a bad thing? These people are so stupid, my god! How can you conclude that having a president that cares about the people and is against special interest as bad thing?!?!
they lost they world control the banks (((they))) run are next.Expect em to flock to israel with their filthy asses which is great then we just arm Iran to take em all the way out.No more jew media no more lies just a natsoc world without those pos ever having media control to brainwash whites into thinking they were ever less than a fucking disgusting filthy jew or shit skin sub human.
He's a rich guy who will give huge tax cuts to the rich. He looks like he cares deeply about his own interest, don't you think?
Destroying Israel would be a bad idea. It is nearly impossible to wipe out an entire race of people, it's much better we have a containment area surrounded by people that hate them. Since Jews build nothing all we have to do is take away all the stuff we gave (((them))), and work to make sure (((they))) stay there forever.
Holla Forums, what are you doing out of your board?
we've lost 500 UIDs since the 7th
fucking hell CTR, rest in pieces
Look at all the salt in their faces, It just priceless.
Such dramas!
or germany…
Isn't it like 50k that actually do this each election?
FFS if Hillary got the throne, then not only you would be fucked but we as well.
Brainwashed sheep, sucking the kike tit
Guys, I'm really proud of all of you. It's been an honor shitposting and making this happen. Meme magic is the most powerful thing the chans have ever come across, and what initially began as a bunch of autists getting pissed off about censorship on an imageboard evolved into the election of Literally Hitler(tm) as president of the free world. This is only the beginning, and I wouldn't want to witness it with anyone else. I love all of you.
So you don't disagree?
u loose
Listen, babygirl, if the Trumpinator would care only about himself, why would he pick up a used up failure of a nigga off the street and give the poor man a job so he can pull himself up from the depths of despair? All of this waaaaaaaaayyyyyy before he was to become president. Why would he do such a deed if he only truly cared about himself?
Fucking God damn brilliant flick!!!
A few kb's to much to repost here
What Difference Does it Make?
I swear to god these idiots are like a tape on loop.
stop and consider for a second– do you realize that a few score autists managed to get Shillary to declare war on a cartoon front to where she gave a speech about it and dedicated a section on her website to it?
Yes, for a while this place could use cuckchan as our useful idiots to spread shit after we decided the strategy. That was before they were overrun.
Also, consider that the Jews admitted if Clinton had won, they intended to pursue a "scorched earth" policy and destroy Trump's businesses and any of his supporters that could find. I submit we should not let jews like (((tim wise))) off so easily.
His twatter should be bombarded day and night.
If we had lost, the kikes would be having an orgy in our blood as in Berlin April of '45/
cartoon FROG
GTFO you outcast freak.
You're not adressing the issue though. I never said he only cared about himself. However, he does have a huge stake in taxes being low at his income level. He does seem to be putting himself before the nation in this case. Economists are freaking out right now, he will most likely be a disaster for the national debt. Also, he as boasted about bailing on failed businesses in time to get away with the money. He does that, he makes money by failing at business. What makes you think he isn't going to do that with the country?
its not hard to die, its just hard to kill yourself. im sure i could kill you quite easily, especially if you weren't prepared or didnt fight back
GUYS CALL SUICIDE HOTLINES AND TELL THEM "I'll NEVER need you guys again, my depression was cured by Trump" and give a long story. Waste their time. Make sure they are too busy hearing from Trump Supporters who have now finally and permanently been cured of depression that the libshits have nobody to talk to about their suicidal thoughts over Hillary.
Pretty sure you can do both, you'll likely be in your 40's before Foregen is done on the first human being.
Trump wins cry about it over yer little inter net lives on your social media and all yer hot spots like reddit fb blah blah you been nothing but sheep and now it is time for you to wake up to the fact your views you got from some kike prof are all lies I am drinking tears!!!!! you fucking brainwashed idiots its wake up call time if you still have liberal painted on you you are a loser and nothing special in fact you are a fucking disease of society created by jews yet to stupid to evn know it ….There is help out here and all of them voted Trump ;)
That is genius!
I wish I could answer a fake suicide hotline for trannies and convince them to kill themselves.
Because he doesn't only care about himself, he cares about his workers. I didn't evade the issue, I answered your question. You know how it goes, under-budget and ahead of schedule. That's what the country needs right now.
This is strange. Why are you complaining about Trump being president? Did you swallow the media's bluepill tactics? You know Hillary was not a good choice, right? It would have been Obama on steroids. She was owned by foreign interests. You know this, right?
This is delicious.
You can actually sign up for these anonymous suicide hotlines and be the guy who answers for them.
Halfcuck is still filled to the brim with ctr drones and nonymousse are gagging on their faggoty spam like good goys, all the while the SJW mods are circlejerking with the butthurt tumblerinas.
I've heard it before, even read the whole story of the jew who had Trump roll up on him playing it. Can anyone spare the link?
They didn't even use the full size image though?
Is there a longer version of this. Keep my salt supply going, anons
It's lovely.
reddit is a goldmine for this shit.
I cannot contain myself, I will get banned from reddit but it will be worth it.
Fucking ignorant nigger–the effective tax rate on the rich is hovering ~5% right now, due to the massive loopholes and complexities of modern tax code.
Meanwhile, many middle class or lower tend to overpay in taxes since they don't have the time/money to do all the necessary tax work to squeeze every dime back of of Uncle Sam.
A flat tax rate, even if it's lower on paper, would actually be much preferable to what we have now.
"Sometimes reality is worse than your nightmares"
To clarify: "rich" meaning the guys who can/will spend $1.5 million in legal fees to do the necessary work to save tens or hundreds of millions.
check out the nigger ladies reddit while you're there. i saved some stuff from earlier.
The double standard is fucking unreal. I wish they were right though so there weren't so many white-guilt cucks
MFW I need to get a new job.
please tell me you're kidding
he looks like someone just kicked his puppy
Trump is only president elect and the degenerates are so high energy they're lynching themselves.
Even if you were to give him the JUST treatment, it would still look pretty much the same.
Himalayan pink salt bought to you by based poo in the loo.
tiny penis
im sending this to my mom
The God Emperor delivers a four year supply of unlimited free salt to the door of every pollack.
Kikes in general are fugly inside and out, but Nate Silver seriously lost the genetic lottery. He's fucking chubby, weak, has horrid yellow teeth and has a habit of talking from one side of his mouth, and probably the worst fucking hairline I've seen in months. And I say that as a guy who shaves his head.
This is a weak lazy faggot who doesn't do a single thing to better himself. A stiff breeze would snap this fucking wimp in half.
He also lost the ability to create a reliable prediction graph. His charts were all over the fucking place. I hope his site gets shut down for being so fucking inaccurate.
God bless you.
guys, u know what 2 do.
we thouht fergizon was da start of da race war. but it was, just, like, da fukin precursor.
dis is da real deal.
I gut that race war van all fueled up n redy 4 dis, it's go time, we gonna mak america great agin by purgin da fegs n feminists n googles! get fukin redy bros cuz da skullz r comin 4 da fegs
Learn to fucking write
You talk like a nigger. ==LEAVE==
da fuck?
I know I'm not speaking to a veteran, but the sentiment oddly feels the same. Thanks for your service, mods.
Holy shit
I sorta like cartoon front. As in, she was fighting a war on two fronts, which any book on strategy ever tells you never to fucking do, one against Trump, another against memes.
The poor deluded fool, how could she ever have hoped to win.
Das it mane
Das it
We need a state for every race and nation in the world but for the Jews.
You're going to say to me "Woah, user, that statement of yours is just stupid! Where would the Jews settle down in, then, if not in Palestine/Israel?".
The answer is simple: The bottom of the ocean, faggots.
Filthy attention-whore liberal didn't even mean it or they would have gone lengthwise.
they wouldn't even mention it if they actually were serious about doing it. They would already be dead and there would be no picture or argument.
This whole thing is so wrong. We cannot be telling people to kill themselves by slashing their wrists. We must let them know there is another way:
Bullshit those fucking rats would never afford you the same treatment the way I see it we are all better off if they kill themselves or fucking grow up get a job stop being a fag cuck and enjoy a family like a normal human.Sympathy is for the weak.
What a weak display of faith.
Thank you for all your hard work. I don't think I've ever said that to a mod before.
seriously he was the only one to properly address the Orlando shootings.
These libcucks are so used to labeling everything they dont like as raycust/sexust/homofobic/twansfobic that they forget that these are different words.
Maybe Donald Trump could fund something like this?
I think you skipped the explanatory link.
Not the original user that you replied to, but I'm currently using a device made by hyperrestore. It's a device that creates tension on the skin through a balloon or direct air inflation. Since I was really tightly cut, I have the balloon device. I personally recommend using it since it's a good device to start off with if your tightly cut.
I've tried a couple other devices, such as the CAT and the TLC tugger, and I can definitely say that the hyper restore is the most comfy and gentle on the penis. The other devices we're okay, but the circulation would cut off around an hour for me, and losing circulation is NOT what you wanna do to your penis. This never happened to me ever since I used it.
I've only used it for around 3 months, because I was using other devices/methods for around 6 months. But my skin is finally bunching up behind the glans when completely flaccid.
You can feel free to look up "foreskin restoration" and see what kinds of devices are out there. Not every man is the same, and you might like another type of device. But this is my own personal preference, because comfort is on the top priority for me. But hey, if you wanna go ahead and order the device I'm personally using, go to hyperrestore.com and order from them.
I honestly think that this kind of subject should be a thread onto itself. Teaching ourselves how to Un-Jew ourselves would really put the kikes out of a job.
and to think i used to be a bluepilled normie who did the same get angry when people try to help you
If anyone here wants me to…I can cut myself and take a pic with "Cut for Hillary" written in sharpie on my arm.
user, don't do that, liberals will do this instead of you. Meme magic has consequences, cutting hillary's name on your hand is almost like applying mark of the beast.
Are any liberals actually dumb enough to do it though? I doubt any have or actually will.
Nice, fucking finally
We had King Nigger for years and things only got worse, but no it be whiteys fault n shieett
Misspelled poz heaven
Underrated post. Holy shit, the memes.
This is nothing! On CNN they were interviewing one of the protesters in the street and she was complaining about how her friend was contemplating suicide after the election results. Her other friend is some kind of asian-Jew mix, as if Trump cares about them.
He transferred his debt to his businesses and filed bankruptcy. That's what he does. He will use his power to make himself richer and, get you in a massive debt and bail.
As a Canadian, I have to say the rest of the civilized world thought Obama was a great president. He wanted to get you guys a modern healthcare system like the rest of the world has and you shit on him. You guys look like you just love that people can die a preventable death "bcuz freedom lol". Hillary also tried to give you guys such a system, and you elected a huge moron instead of her. The whole world is looking at you in despair.
So close the loopholes! A flat tax is a shit idea. If you're not at least in the upper middle class and you defend a flat tax, you've been duped. The poor would pay way too much, consume less and the economy will stagnate. Most of the rich would pay less and gov revenue would fall.
Also, Trump is one of the people who abuse these loopholes and he bragged about it in your face during the election, yet you voted for him as president.
Good luck with the massive debt he's going to leave you with in 4 years, guys. He's going to bail on you, richer than ever, like he did in the past.
Please make this a thing.
MODS thanking themselves even though they shill us to death, banned Trump supporters, and push the Alt-Right and pedophillia anime like crazy
This is too fucking much.
I need more.
Social Justice Warriors React To Donald Trump Victory #2
holy shit, this is too good
especially that feminine man in the beginning
What kills me is the performance of it all. It's so narcissistic and artificial.
I would just like to point out that this place is a lot nicer since all the shills left.
Kill yourself to..w-wait a minute
hahahahaha noob you are not even trying
next time try cutting vertically and deeper you attention whore
Needs sequel with Hilary-1000.
We should edit that so the phone number is to one of those lulzy answering machines and then send it out on twitter
A few faggots but no, 7,8m dollars worth.
We need to chase fuckers down and destroy them.
kekekekeke that's good and all, but it's a new day, I want to see some win. Loal new sites with stories of mass faggot deaths.
Ah, I see, so we should have picked Hillary then? Oh no, wait, maybe Bernie? Oh brother, the shills are gone but the sadly bluepills remain. It's alright user. We all know how he was le evil debt causing nazi. That's why we picked him. Cuz we are le evil debt causing nazi ourselves.
why didn't you goys wait for the next Hitler?
Fuck you guys. You assholes have doomed us all. There is violence everywhere. USA is a third world shithole. You have put a climate denier at the top of one of the world's biggest economies. Climate deniers virtually do not exist anywhere else in the world. USA is uniquely stupid in that area (just like it is about healthcare, firearms, abortions, gay marriage, all things that were settled a long time ago in the civilized world). We are living in the most dangerous time in history and you assholes are rooting for the end of the world. Fuck you.
He who does his work for free
Does it most exceptionally
I made a poem for based hotpockets everywhere
Is there no human being behind the troll? You just really don't give a fuck?
wait… do you not?
Don't let them trick us into building (((Atlantis)))
I do and I've noticed that you have failed to articulate why Hillary was a better choice and not Merkel 2.0.
Not cool, user! Words hurt.
Wow, I didn't realize it before but Trump's a big guy
And all was silent…
Its beautiful ain't? We're watching the great cleansing of the gene pool right before our eyes.
Are there any good salty videos from those celebrities that said they would move out? I saw the one made by Miley and it was funny as fuck, but are there any other good reactions?
Damn, how can people hate him after seeing that picture?
She doesn't not believe in climate change, she advocated for a modern healthcare system, she doesn't believe vaccines cause autism, she isn't a sexual predator, she does not enable far-right groups and racists, she is a decent, pragmatic politician. Now, why is Trump not potentially a threat to human existence in your view?
Why would he be a threat?
he makes peace while hillary would have started a war.
Oh yes VERY important issue that we should all put over securing our country from illegals and fixing our broken infrastructure.
Come right this way, my man→
Climate change is not important to you? What the fuck?? Only in 'murka…
Also, your barking mad healthcare system kills thousands of people per year for the crime of being poor. Trump is a sexual predator, he sets a revolting example and should be in jail. Since the election, acts of violence and intimidation have been recorded all over the country by Trump supporters, also basic racism has come out of hiding. Even if Trump himself wasn't a dangerous madman (but he is), his election would be a terrible event just for how his followers can do.
Also, this board is an echo chamber full of tinfoil hatters.
My favorite part of this election is not just that Hillary lost, it is the knowledge that she has, for years, been trying to become the POTUS, finally rigs the election in her favor, and she STILL loses because a bunch of frog worshipers backed the meme candidate.
This kind of juvenile bullshit absolutely trivializes our message and our community. Shame on the mods for encouraging this. Leave this kind of crap to 4chan
The white race needs above all else functional and upstanding adults. We have plenty of edgy tenagers. Like I said, this belongs on 4chan, but not here.
Down the road, not across the street! Make it count!
MFW my legacy is fucked and all I have left is my sheboon wife.
Is anyone falling for this?
Where are you from? You regurgitate the mainstream memes like a good fucking goy here of all places, and think we give a shit? You don't quite grasp who we are, and that none of the idea's circulating in this part of the internet are satire.
Oh, also yes, climate change is not important to us, we haven't had more than 1-2 breads on it this whole year
I feel like we could meme something more fun. I remember a few months ago with got some sjwhales to shave their heads protesting some shit. We should bring that back
It's obvious. We meme them into shitting themselves via coughing fits. They're already acting like children, they might as well shit themselves like a bunch of infantile spoiled brats. We can do this easily by continuing to laugh at their tantrums and the shitting will happen naturally.
As an Australian, I'd like to say that Obama is a communist nigger who contributed to the destruction of western civilization.
How so?
I'm just a guy who is worried about the election of Trump (like everyone on this planet right now).
because you'd rather we vote in the pedophile satanists who want war with Russia? Get a life, man. In America, we have the draft, when it became clear that she was beating the war drum, most men of age immediately said NOPE and voted for the pacifist.
Is it me, or are the liberals the ones that actually think America is the only thing in the world?
He handed over a white country to foreigners like himself.
I was thinking that as I stored all the salt; liberals still do not understand that over 59 million Americans reject their ideology. They, under no scenario, stand for the majority of this nation. Arrogant fucking Marxists.
I'd say that goes both ways, but I'm pretty sure this race was only a close call because of massive voter fraud.
While I do believe in the superiority of my ideals in the advancement/evolution of my race and nation, I would never make the mistake of assuming everyone held the same belief as me. My resolution is confirmed through empirical evidence, truth, and common sense, not majority omnipotent ideal circlejerks (sheep being led, in actuality).
A large part of the work needed to be done now that Trump has shifted the Overton window is deploying subtle red pills which awaken the population to the Jew issue.
I agree that the voter fraud made the popular vote swing to Hillary by the way.
Happened, allegedly, before real results came in, but nevertheless, a weak pussy.
Spectral analysis shows punk salt is 98% nacl
Didn't even take a 100 years.
1933+88 years = 2021
It will be Heil Hitler years since 1933 by the end of Trump's first term.
You sound like you're jealous that no one responds to your bait. Well here's a (you) faggot
Sieg Heil
Heil'd and Check'd
The memes, jack. We are the Black Sun to the Swastika.
not if you want attention
it's what its contaminated with that provides the difference in taste
2% matters!
Excuse me, but if you save or post images of Suika like that one then she will beat you up.
About fucking time.
Hit the motherload here lads!