Why do modern GUIs look so shit?
Compare vim 6 with an old version of GTK, which is pretty and minimalistic, to the grey nightmare which is modern gedit.
Can anybody argue that the second image looks better than the first?
Why do modern GUIs look so shit?
Compare vim 6 with an old version of GTK, which is pretty and minimalistic, to the grey nightmare which is modern gedit.
Can anybody argue that the second image looks better than the first?
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The only thing I hate about GNOME are the retardedly huge bars at the top of each window. It is possible to change it though.
I wonder how the person who chose that manages to breathe.
I came over from windows but even I prefer my GUI to be like pic related. No idea who would want anything more. No extra shit and since i'm on gentoo no extra configuration.
Also Microsoft Office Word/Excel 2000, 2003 vs 2007
2007 is horrible.
toolbars with icons + menus are superior to any other gui technique
let's shorten that to:
gray + white document area is superior to everything
oh, we have a nigger on tech
Anyone under 35 in tech should just be culled.
Fuck you my dude, I also use solarized if that makes you feel better.
White space. Huge-ass fonts. indeterminate function: is it a button? is it text? is it selectable? Who knows! That's half the fun! Nah fuck menus. Here's a oversized window bar, some extra vertical white space spice, and a enormous matrix of icons in a "ribbon' layout on your 16:10 monitor. Have fun dumbass! Fuck your useable screen space!
months ago an user here wrote a wall of text about "UI charlatans" and how they are ruining usability for the sake of 'innovation." In replying, another user linked an article about soviet propaganda and how it was not meant to convince but to humiliate, demoralize and spiritually damage the viewer through its blatant ugliness, falsehood and absurdity. He then explained how the latest trend of "minimalism" (done without any understanding of the classical definition of minimalism) and the flat cancer were designed to infantilize and humiliate the user, dragging their expectations way down and encouraging them to be dumb passive content consumers rather than understanding the computers they are using. Wish I had the screencaps, but there is your answer.
Those huge bars take up a lot less space than what we had before. Just compare old Nautilus/Caja to modern Gnome files.
I really wish that this was actually the case and that the flat fad was a product of a massive conspiracy, because that would imply that at least some thought went into making these interfaces.
Holy shit that font is ugly as fuck.
I've been using mousepad for a while now. I see now reason to switch to anything else.
Once you see it, you can't unsee it.
shit taste
Hi Michael.
white screens cause eyestrain and are harmful for your eyes; white backgrounds work for print only. Deal with it, faggot.
I'm an Applefag, so I predictably, I like the one on the right better. The title bar is way too thick, but I definitely like to see minimalist design for a text editor. I mean, with vim, what the hell do you need icons for anyways? I've never seen a vim programmer who did not hide those (same with emacs).
Textmate and then Sublime are too examples of minamalism done well. I am sorry that Gnome3 took that direction though, when it is clear that most of their users didn't want that.
I hate those too. But you don't have to use those applications. Geany, for example, has a great interface.
you mean TUI, right? right?
the left one looks like shit. shit color theme, shit icons that you don't need, shit menu bar that you don't need.
isn't vim supposed to be keyboard driven? what is all that garbage doing there at the top?
Surprised Ubuntu haven't renamed that, could be offensive to "Undocumented dreamers".
Vim users confirmed retards
This wasn't clear before?
Emacs can use Xaw/Xaw3D, and most software can still use gtk2 (as long as your distro allows you to choose Archtards not using abs miss the point). The toolkit does a lot for the global appearance (even more than the theme).
Basically purge gtk3.
Except in the first pic you get four bars and a shitton of functionality, whereas in the second pic you only get the functionality of the topmost bar. Personally, I'd hid the icon bar completely and make the menu bar global for all windows. You cannot use more than one menu bar at a time anyway, so there is no point in wasting space on all windows and the same time. Plus, when the menu bar is at the top of the screen you cannot vertically overshoot when reaching for it.
Just use dialog or zenity.
MacVim does not even have an icon bar in the first place.
Imagine being dumb and gay.
Simple explanation: they are geared for mobile users (read: touchscreens). You can see this disease infesting even Firefox ever since Australis.
The "grey nightmare" as you call it is designed to work with big greasy fingers smudging the touchscreen while the "pretty and minimalistic" interface is for a precise mouse click and KB shortcuts.
You don't like the aesthetics? You don't like the touchscreen idiocy? Then put your money where your mouth is and buy desktops.
Norton Commander was shit, I have no idea why freetards copied that then didn't copy Norton Diskedit which was fucking fantastic. It's still impossible to find a hex editor that smooth today. Whoever is about to suggest xxd please kill yourself before posting.
Yeah, mobile ruined the UI for every else.
I wish the Motorola Backfip type pointer was more popular.
But who is using gedit with a touch screen?
That's a nice guess but you're actually wrong. The problem is that you don't like one team's sense of aesthetics. It's not wrong to have a different opinion to the Gnome team but your idea of touch screens is wrong.
GNOME 3 advertises touchscreen compatibility without having a different UI for it. If that's not pozzing it for touchscreen users, I don't know what it is.
inb4 it's optimal for both touch and mouse/keyboard use.
*curses == gui
No it doesn't. It took over 14 major releases before they would publish a version that would bring touch support for gestures and multi touch to Gnome 3. That's three years of work before 3.14 where touch screens were not a big focus. If touch screens were the intent and purpose of Gnome 3, these touch inputs would have been a feature of the early Gnome 3 releases. So no, you cannot tell me that touch screens were the intent and purpose of Gnome 3.
I can tell you that the intent and purpose of Gnome 3 is the mouse. All the major elements of Gnome Shell and the design themes of the Gnome 3 apps are focused and optimized around mouse control. This means Gnome 3 was designed for the desktop.
This explanation never made sense to me. Can't you just write the core of the application independent of the user-interface and then just add the GUI as a thin layer on top of the wires? If the GUI part is kept isolated from the core of the application you could simply write a suitable GUI for every type of interface (desktop, touch, CLI) independently instead of shoehorning everything into a one-size-fits-none solution.
There's a program architecture that is intended to support what you're describing. It's called the Model View Controller (MVC) approach to program architecture. When you segregate the program concerns in this manner, it is very easy to write multiple GUIs for the core application. I assume that they don't do it this way, I haven't actually looked at the code to confirm that they actually use the MVC approach.
Then why is it so bad at it? See igurublog.wordpress.com
works on my machine
install gentoo
The title bar is useful you fuck. When I have tons of windows opened, it's helpful to know what one is opened where, instead of looking at the contents and trying to determine it.
That gray color looks odd for some reason.
That's a motif theme.
literally perfect
Only fatties are autistic about GUIs
look where you are
Really makes you think
you're the one posting like you weigh 450 lbs tubsy
Underrated post.
I wasn't the one who made this thread or contributed to GUI autism in it
Urgent warning to the Mexican American community:
It has come to our attention that the current U.S. administration has been, in a small number of cases, installing trojan horse programs on select machines for the express purpose of ascertaining user residency status. While we stress that we have only confirmed a few examples in the wild, this is a disturbing development. To determine if your machine has been monitored, follow these steps.
If the response is "No such file or directory", there is nothing to be alarmed about. If a file is found however, please immediately report this to your nearest police station, as a violation of your civil liberties and protected status under the Obama Administration Dreamers program.
but your massive lard stores seem to have spilled over into it
Can't taint what's already tainted.
>while they have
I wrote this, put a 45 second timer on a mouse click event in python, placed the pointer over "New Reply" and then shot myself in the head. I win.
Literally disgusting.
As opposed to a gear for whatever reason? You're just jealous you're not American.
What can be done to fix the situation?
I see lots out shilling for Qt on the internet, but the situation feels even worse than GTK+.
I just want simplistic predefined Linux-native, finished and maintained UI framework. Why the fuck is this not a thing in current year???
Sorry not Akonadi. I had something else in mind. Some new GUI thing that is used in new KDE software center.
I was thinking of Kirigami.
Look at that monstrosity. All that wasted space, oversized icons, paddings. I want to pluck my eyeballs out with a rusty spoon.
Said no one ever. WTF are they smoking.
All the UI people got hired by SV companies and forced to shit out webpages and apps built with browser tech. There was a huge brain drain from that space.
use FLTK
I think Akonadi pulls liqt5webengine which is effectively chromium as dependency, so it's cancer too.
*If you are in a dark room.
Thats actually looks great. Probably no wayland support ever and how well it integrates in Linux GTK+ environment. Not sure what binding it supports. Would love golang support. That one golang lib is dead.
why would you ever not be
i have a life
Then why are you here
i want to be cool with the other cool kids
You can still use athena or motif, you know. But if you want something for gayland, you'll have to open your buttcheeks reeealy wide.
Also, flatshit is unusable because it is mainly pushed by ad-serving companies (Google, Microsoft, Chinese computer accelerator antiviruses and shit, various Web design bureaus). The main purpose of flatshit is to distract users and to keep them clicking wrong buttons and staring at pages for too long. Apple somehow still does it the right way, because they avoid a burden of being an ad company by charging normies enormous prices for their hardware and "cloud" services.
Of all current OSes Haiku possesses the best window-based interface that JUST WERKS and it doesn't bloat itself too much.