Disney remake cancer

Confirmed shit:

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What about Pete's Dragon?

Err, it came out last year. And it wasn't an animated film regardless.


So Big D has finally ran completely out of creativity and is autocannibalizing itself. I wonder how long they can go on before the end?

Disney is Pizzagate: Are we all overlooking the forest by focusing on the trees? From childhood, most of you or your children (if you have any) were subjected to Disney. Now, I want you to imagine disney as a pedophilic military apparatus which has been subconsciously programming you and your children: Is it a coincidence that Jack Dorsey, a public satanist, would be on the board of directors for Disney?


forever. it can go on forever. "the avengers meet the jedi", with cgi replicas of rdj and mark hamill, will be the top grossing movie of 2050. it ends only when earth ends, if then.


they've been plagiarizing for decades.

Plagiarizing is still being semi-creative. Now they just remake cartoons in live action. It's pathetic.

With how shameless and tasteless these remakes have been, this isn't even a joke. Disney will do it. They'll create a Kingdom Hearts'ish property where all their licenses can eternally cross over.

How much you want to bet they'll cram even more feminist poz into these movies to make them sympathetic?

That applies to every single position, fam

As if Beauty and the Beast wasn't bad enough. And you know they'll just make Genie a faggot and retcon everything from the Aladdin TV series. Say what you want, but that shit was good. And you can bet your ass The Sword in the Stone is going to be generic as fuck.

Hollywood is out of ideas and this is all the proof we need.

Kek, that shit is gonna flop considering we're about to go to war with Iran.

Disney must be destroyed.

I like Aladdin TV but it wasn't canon to begin with. They had a crossover with Hercules.

Doesn't Russia get all it's oil from Iran?

What happened to it?

Merlin is black and Arthur is a woman.


He knew they'd try to cash in on his death. He knew what the fuck was up. Interesting to know.

They'll find a loophole yet.

Fortunately, the Japs already gave us a female Arthur, so we've been given the chance to build up some immunity. Would've been so much better with the original concept, though.

Don't confuse the two. Saber is good because it's just a fanservice rule 63. The one we're gonna get gonna be pure sjw cancer.



merlin is not only black but is also autistic & it's constantly explained that this is where his magic comes from. every reference to merlin and every line he speaks delineates that he is autistic or black or both.

Isn't that the same actor who plays Martian Manhunter in Supergirl?

yep - it's him!

jesus christ

nah, the token autist must be young and sympathetic

I can already see it.

good for them, so what faggot are you really crying over shit color.

Maybe you should just type in your native language.

remember darkie

This is actually a pretty good thread, but the Common Pepe makes it look like a generic shitpost.

These live action remakes are fucking carcinogenic. I'm just waiting on one of them to bomb horribly like Treasure Planet did and end the trend forever.

Ooh! What if they remade Treasure Planet in live action?

Are you sure that Arthur isn't the black one? Because he is who stole the sword.

If they made Merlin black, he would become a literal magical negro.

Treasure Planet was great though.

Right, but it did poorly. If one of these movies fails on the level TP did, we won't have to see any more of these fucking live action remakes.


It flopped because it was a creative work and therefore risked its chances. All these remakes are conveyor belt products, meticulously designed and tested not to fail. Very much the same as with their identical capeshit and now starshit cancer - as you can see nothing can stop that, despite them being unabashedly awful. So any hopes of one flopping and stopping the trend are, at this point, dust in the wind.

It flopped because it was boring as shit for kids, I watched it as a kid and felt asleep, equally with Titan A.E. and similars.
I only liked it until I was 15.

I'm pretty sure that's like only half of what's been confirmed

what about the black cauldron remake?

ugh god, fucking millennials. Make a public service and kill yourself.

Now you're gonna tell me Galaxy Rangers was good.

Man I have a little sister and she was bored out of her skull with Treasure Planet.
's right
Kids just don't have taste yet, all they care is to be entertained.

saw Beauty and the Beast.

As much as I don't like Emma Watson, her plain jane persona appeals to every basic bitch and little girl to project themselves in her place.

The music and songs were pretty good.
Beast wasn't shit.
CGI for furniture was bretty gud.
Set and costumes bretty gud.

Didn't like
two mixed race relationships - but at least with nigger bitches instead of bucks and white women.
Some random well dressed nigger in the village. didn't fit.

The wardrobe made three of Gasson's crew dressed into prissy french women - two screamed and ran, one smiled and walked away like a faggot - it was funny, we all laughed, I laughed.

BUT that same faggot at the end ball is dancing with another man. Got mixed emotions, and it made me sad that had to continue to push that shit.

Overall I was pleasantly surprised. I will never forgive Disney for ruining Star Wars, and all three previews had STRONK FEMALE GIRL WHO DON"T NEED NO MAN.
Transformers 6 - spic girl doesn't afrad of Megatron.
Smurfs 4 - Entire tribe of stronk femals smurfs
Wonder Woman - the only one I will allow, she's an Amazon, it's her culture to be a stronk woman who don't need no man, isn't fat, no piercings and likes cock.

Return of the Mary Sue preview. Kill me.

Not gonna lie, wasn't that bad. Watched it with my nephews and it was a decent family film with no degeneracy I could see.

I'm not even mad, I'm usually upset because this is pushe on kids but at least in my country this was rated 13 and up.


You can't, just don't buy their products and ignore them. You probably would be happier if you didn't worry about things you can't change.

At least half the theater was full of pregnant mommies, mostly Mexican, and kids under 10. KIDS ARE IMPRESSIONABLE. They didn't have to put this in the movie, but they chose to and did it.

It wasn't necessary.

Nothing that some buttsmack can't stop and that only if you're already a shit parent that doesn't spend time with his children making sure they'll be ready for real life that's still 100-1000 times the degeneracy that you see in movies.

idk maybe one of the writers has fag parents.

I still can't understand why soccer moms/tumblr/pol/ still tries to control what other people watch instead of making sure their kids are alright, then their kids turn into shit vandals and they blame everyone else.

Of course (((Hollywood))) will support whoever seems to bring more shekels and everyone knows that a landwhale can yell by 10 people and normies won't complaint, just focus on your kid.

I would hope that no one that browses Holla Forums raises any kids

No one on Holla Forums lets their kids watch disney kike shit anyway
Most Holla Forumslacks admit that they don't watch much tv at all anymore

Then why do they mess up with what other people do? Don't they have fucking kids to take care off?

Also, didn't Stalin admitted he didn't killed Hitler whenever he was at sight out of fear someone actually competent would get the leadership of Germany. Hitler lost miserably even before the japs so maybe he got something unto it.

Maybe because they care about their culture, country, and civilization rather than adopting a self-centered attitude. Maybe because they realize there's nothing benign or neutral about the mass media.

They didn't. Hercules TV had a crossover with them years after the third movie was made, and Hercules TV was barely canon anyway, what with Hades knowing who Herc was along with other inconsistent shit. Aladdin TV did a fair job of expanding the Aladdin lore and they even had plans to feature that shit in the third movie, like the revelation of Aladdin and whatshisface (Mozenrath) being brothers after finding daddy, but Disney said no. Also, I'm not sure how stupid or canon the Little Mermaid TV show is by today's standards, but I can safely say it was better than the two shitty sequels that followed the original film.

They'll probably make Merlin the woman like that shitty popular anime about wizards and demons (forgot the name) has been doing.

Its autistic enough to be true.

Disney is run by liches. No surprise there.

You okay?

perish the thought

No they weren't. Actual songs from the cartoon were butchered and new one were cringe cancer.
He was.
It was terrible. Are you blind?
You mean blue screen?

I already told you what to do.

you can't make this shit up!

Kek, I can't wait for this to backfire horribly for Disney.

Divine would be BEST Disney villain.
And he probably would have stolen the whole show.

Fucking redittors

They seriously don't get it?

that's all that has actually been confirmed

A single individual not buying there products won't do anything. I'd be much happier if this shit company was taken down. There must be a way to take down this giant.


Not now. We should have acted before.

I like the anime. It is Fate/Stay Night.
They made Arthur a woman so that the Main Male Character is a Heterosexual Master. Saber/Arthur is just a servant, must obey his command no matter how powerful she was. Considering how many gays in anime, this is actually a plus.

Removing Women's Rights is how you stop Disney. It's no secret Disney is MAJORLY into appealing to women young and old. Just look at little twats obsessing over new Disney Princesses.

Because women have rights and don't need husbands to survive given they now work thanks to Affirmative Action FORCING employers to hire them? Women have disposable income. It's no secret that women are big money wasters so they buy into any inane shit. And in a cycle, Disney appeals to women so that they spend on Disney's shit and Disney will continue to up the ante so that more women and little girls spend on their shit.

However if you remove women's rights? Women won't have money and Disney will only make media that appeals to those who have disposable income. Back in the old days Disney had to make media that didn't portray men as emasculated buffoons who are too dumb to live without women (and even then they did a mediocre job of it going by Snow White who portrays the dwarfs as unable of looking after their own home). And doing that? It made Traditionalist Men want to fund Disney's shit.

But that's the past, as far as the present goes? Get rid of women's rights and Disney's Gynocentrism will die if they aim to stay in business. To kill Disney completely though? The entire human species would need to boycott the global corporation itself via simply making due without Disney's media or merchandise Cold Turkey.

I'll totally believe you, user.

I'm not sure if Stalin said that but if he did then it wouldn't really surprise me. Hitler made some major mistakes which pretty much costed him the war.

Wishing for a Wanda Group hostile takeover, chinks only care for raking fat stacks of money like the WASP execs of old allowing experimentation as long it can turn a profit.

That was an ironic joke, you autistic kike, because that's what will end up happening.

niggers confirmed for demons

This isn't going to go well for them, drag queens are the frontline of a ridiculous war between faggots, trannies and feminists and whichever side gets appeased the other two start crying and screaming.

How dare you insult us like that.

I mean them.

oy vey

holy shit are jews liches


well drag queens are usually gay so its not that far to assume.

The Jungle Book was absolute shit. I really tried to like it, but all I ended up feeling like I was watching a shitty Lord of the Rings movie, staring a single actor and a lot of CGI. And so much retarded shit happens in it.


In my experience, most drag queens are flamboyantly gay.


I used to live in San Francisco you shitlord

that's not helping your case

Well, that's at least 3 live action remakes with cute White boys I'll be looking forward to. Pete's Dragon was a taste of things to come.


Honestly it would be hilarious if this animation ended up being more entertaining than that movie.

Sure mate



Its horrifyingly amazing. Since Frozen and Star Wars, Disney has more useful idiots than ever before. They're basically closer to ruling the world than anyone else at this point and everyone is happily taking it up the ass.

No. No. That wasn't it since that one is actually entertaining. The one I was thinking of was some shonen trash with a giant pig that reminds me of that other piece of trash Fairy Tail.

Oh sorry ,I misread your post.
Merlin as a woman. Yeah, that sounded bad. Merlin, an archetypal wise old man, who spent years honing his craft, whose appearance was often wild, dirty and uncivilized. How does his core characteristics can be transfer to a woman?
Woman who does not work for their skills, they were born with them and they are fashion obsessed. And their "intelligence and wisdom" is extremely shallow. I know that art imitate life but still after all these years, why do they still insist that people should be accepting to "smart" female characters if they keep writing them these ways?

So Geppetto would be a while - or light-skinned Uncle Tom - savior who created a black body to be subservient - "call me your father" is coded language - in a story that teaches orphaned black boys to be grateful to the systemic narrative that placed them in a position without privilege.

This shit is never gonna stop now is it?

Didn't these already happen? I know people other than Disney have done live action Peter Pan but have they not done it as well?

Nope. Be prepared for a live action remake of a disney move every year now followed with a controversy of changing a character's race, sex, and sexuality.

I'm glad, just because you guys were being so mean to Emma



No I don't think Disney did a live action Peter Pan. Just curious what do you guys think of the Live action 101 Dalmations movie from the 90's. I don't know if you hate it for being a remake but I have fond memories of it. That and there was a cartoon series of the 101 Dalmations in the early 2000's.

As if that somehow changed the fact that she ugly and talentless.

It's a generic kidsflick. It's not pozzed in any way and made without any agendas except to make money.

And then crossovers with star wars and capeshit


I'm glad people get to see how shit her acting and influence are now

and her nonexistent tits


Disney was too busy shitting out those 3D Tinkerbell movies


Divine said a lot of foul shit that would have SJWs keeling over like those fainting goats.

SJW don't care about any actual fact or details, it's the very process of virtue signalling that's important to them

All thanks to copyright. Boy did lobbying pay off for Disney.

what do you mean?

Plz no…no…not that one…please…have mercy! It did nothing to you leave it alone!

I didn't notice that one. Oh fuck. With the Beauty and the Beast movie looking to be a success, I can't face this world knowing that the beauty of Aladdin will be tainted by this pile of crap which will effectively be used to snuff out best Aladdin character Eden.

So basically disney is going through a
renaissance of absolute uncreative shittyness.

Yep. This is what happens when you raise a generation on their movies believing that Disney cares about them and can do no wrong.

People only liked her because she looked pretty.

probably when Disney lobbied to extend the already problematic long copyright term, to extend it all the way to fucking 'lifetime + 70 years' in 1998

70 years is a good term for copyright.

She's 4/10 user

Feels good man.

Wait 6 months

Wasn't Hook a Peter Pan live action?

Yes but last time I checked it wasn't by Disney. That and it was continuing the story of Peter Pan rather than adapting it.


>Michael Keaton May Play the Villain in Tim Burton’s Dumbo
Was there even a villain in fucking Dumbo? I can't remember.

The irony is that it's because of Disney and their meddling in copyright law that Robin Williams was able to do that


Nah, probably not. Got shit like this that comes up sometimes.
Isn't Jack Dorsey the Twitter guy?

Pretty hard to miss. Did you see how quickly they started making deals with Carrie Fisher's estate to use her likeness for the next Star Wars movie?

Literally the next day.

Don't underestimate Disney's greed and evil.

She's not best character. She's best villain… Fuck I loved her so much.

There wasn't. The world was essentially was the villain since everyone looked down on Dumbo.

Not it's gonna be a white male :^)

That's why they made the Sorcerer's Apprentice with Nicolas Cage.

Its going to be the ringmaster no doubt.

…I though there was only one sequel.

Yeah. There's the second one where Jafar comes back and so does Genie (as voiced by Homer Simpson because Disney and Robin were having a spat over how much they were marketing his role or something despite his blatant protesting against doing just that) and Iago gets stuck between not getting fucked over by Jafar and living it up in the palace by getting in good with Aladdin and the princess. I dunno, something along those lines. That movie was a musical pile of shit.
And then there's the one where Aladdin finds his pa, as voiced by that dwarf from LotR and I think Davey Jones from Pirates of the Carribean, the leader of the 40 thieves. Then he angsts about his daddy issues for a little while and ultimately ends up joining them for a time until he has to deal with some big gray dude that wants to usurp Adaddin as the king of thieves. He's basically just a big barrel of salt that manages to Hitler his way to the top with a catchy musical number, what else. Cue the Disney death scene for his treachery, although no less brutal. 7/10, it was alright.

Could have sworn I heard that Ursula wasn't going to be in the remake period.

Now that's a fairy tale

More Peter Pan? This has more reboots than Scoby Doo.

All of them already happen, many also made by Disney.

er, no

none of them were made

Just the Aladdin exemplar

Are you fucking retarded or just fucking retarded?

That's because its world is already loosely fleshed out, it's all about the adventure and excitement, and the main character's whole deal is never growing up so it can stay the same ambiguously kid-friendly property until Disney takes its clammy mitts off in another few decades or so at least. What I'm wondering is how they think they're going to handle the indian tribe scene.


Seven Deadly Sins
I know how old the post is

Not when it's 70 whole years after the creator dies. If Orson Welles lived to be 100 years old (/died in 2015), Citizen Kane would've been kept in copyright binding until fucking '2090 (or, 73 years from the current year onward). Mein Kampf just finally came into Public Domain last year.