Threads to see.
Apparently 4chan X (popular extension) will soon be suggesting alternatives to 4chan around next year, but Holla Forums will not be recommended because it has "reputation for raids on 4chan."
Threads to see.
Apparently 4chan X (popular extension) will soon be suggesting alternatives to 4chan around next year, but Holla Forums will not be recommended because it has "reputation for raids on 4chan."
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Nice joke you got there. Also why does cuckchan want to cuck themselves so much by supporting the cianigger A.I and doing image solving for it?
I'm not seeing the problem here.
Typical Holla Forums retardation.
Too be honest, he was doing a Terry Davis impression, although Poe's law is a real bitch sometimes and there are people legitimately this retarded on this board. Terry Davis himself used to post here but every fucking post that shizo made was a massive wall of text and nobody wanted to engage in conversation with him so he just left. Then there's MikeeUSA, not sure where that pedo fuck went off too but who cares
Tell me then, why does google continue to use image solving for recapcha even though scripts from script kiddies already have defeated versions 1-4 of recapcha? Who has to gain by collecting that data and for what purpose?
They can't recommend 8ch because you can't gain the same control of boards/mods to force your shitty agenda or shilling.
Nobody left on 4chan is actually going to use another image board. Either they stick with it because they think the bot/shill posts are real or they go to reddit.
why is hiro's answer to literally everything >server, server cost, server load
for every script that breaks captcha there's 10 million goyim that are doing google's work for free. they would have to pay 1000 pajeets to do that work and even at $1/hr they their kike overlords that really run the show would not approve when they have such a reliable system farming goyim already
Because he's a greedy fuck who wants to cut server operating costs as much as possible to increase profit margins at the expense of the site
Why am I even answering this? I haven't touched halfchan since 2014.
Once again we've proven too extreme for 4chan. We don't need any more 4cuck users here than there already are.
Do you honestly understand the cost of running 4chan? Moot has long said that the cost of running 4chan was far bigger than the revenue coming in from advertising and 4chan pass. Why would you believe that the cost of running 4chan is smaller now that Hiro owns it?
Good. Holla Forums is already at the verge of being unusable because of the amount of newfags and underages and normalfags.
Why doesn't he just sell the site if he's that concerned about the server costs?
Also, what's significant about March 31st (6 months from now maybe)?
Fuck of with this shit. I'm sure he bought 4chan because he's a really enthusiastic fan of English imageboards, and not because he had reasonable expectations of making a profit. How many naive retards can there possibly be in this world?
Can't they just use another captcha?
Not when they're being funded by CIA's spying program.
I don't think you know who Hiroyuki is. He was the orignator of 2channel. If there's anybody who understands anonymous posting, it's Hiroyuki who is a pioneer of anonymous forums on the Internet. His 2channel website was sold off and now he's got more time to do other things. When he saw that 4chan was for sale, he took the opportunity to take it on. I'm very confident that he talked with Moot about 4chan operations and financials before the transfer.
Remember that Moot has consistently said over the years that 4chan was running at a loss. It should not be surprising that Hiroyuki repeats the same thing that Moot has said for many years.
Then how did moot keep the site active? Holla Forums is still around because it is small enough that Jim, who has a significant income from other sources, can treat it like a hobby. 4chan has been way to big for that for the longest time, and moot never had a real job or any other successful business ventures.
4chan generates income. Maybe not from traditional ads, maybe not from membership fees, but there has to be a lot of money coming from somewhere. The site could not exist without it.
Did he actually try to be as wrong as possible?
I remember when 7chan used to temporarily close their site to prevent waves of 4chan users from arriving during certain events. Now I bet they will be begging for new blood.
Anyone still posting on 4chan isn't really worth our time if the fucking captcha was the thing that breaks them. Not the censorious lefty mods, not moot's cuckoldry, not even the endless flood of Redditfags shitting up the site. Nah it was just a specific version of Google's data collection system being depreciated, that's what does them in.
Holla Forums costantly raids cuckchan
What should we do if cuckchanners flood here?
Moot was willing to run it at basically zero profit for a long time. The Jewish Samurai is not.
I've deleted around a hundred spam posts from Holla Forums. Not posts that merely linked to, but posts with either a very specific copy/pasted message or one particular image file with a URL in it.
Their community has been dead for a long time. Check out 4/b/ if you've not seen it in a few years. It's just porn. There's no BOARD CULTURE anymore.
Holla Forums isn't quite as shitty as /g/, but the rest of the big boards (or big by Holla Forums standards) are either equally shit or worse than their 4chan counterparts. Small boards tend to be shit too. Every "alternative board" I've visited that isn't on lifesupport is also shit.
That's easy. The moderators will just---hahaha, what moderators? Now that it's trendy to not have any moderation because that generates more epic lulz for screencaps, people can do whatever they please and you can't stop them.
I probably started regularly visiting 4chan in 2007 or 2008, and when I went to Holla Forums it was just gore and CP. Porn is an improvement.
Moot is a shit-eating liar, and I don't think you know who Hiro is. No matter what actually happened he does not have a good reputation with the japs. He did not simply sell off 2ch, it was more or less taken from him after a scandal, where he was alleged to be selling information, and other shady practices.
I know this might come as a surprise to minors, but it used to be very common for people to host their own websites/services on their own dollar with no expectation of reimbursement, and it used to be A LOT more expensive than it is today.
I know the modern trend is that if you host a site you expect your users to pay for it but 4chan is old itself while being based around even older foreign ideals.
moot has said time and time again that 4chan is for him, he is/was a common lurker and poster on the site, he never had any other option than to pay for it if he himself wanted it to stay around. It's no surprise that the original daddy Hiro would feel the same way.
Look at all the trouble hotwheels went through for 8ch, what was it for? He sure seemed to like this place and wanted to do his best to keep it up, optimize it, engage with the community, and keep it as a service available, somehow someway.
Not every service has to generate revenue or even balance out, some people pay for things they want and somethime what they want is a public service or more appropriately a digital forum with different ideals than most other places, a place where you and the rest of society can engage in the truest way, separate from identity.
Basically ur gay
Yeah literal google employee moot, and disgraced former 2ch owner Hebrewyuki are just a couple of regular guys who love free speech. I bet Zukerberg and Jack Dorsey are operating at a lose too, because they just love their job as a hobby.
Moot worship has always been retarded, especially now. I guess a bunch of teens grew up worshiping him like he's their daddy just because he owned a popular website. You need to go back.
Give me the redpill on Mewch. What is it supposed to be, a imageboard dedicated to pic related or..?
I only know it from the extensive spam campaign.
Wow your name calling really convinced me, thanks for the high quality post.
If you don't want to believe that obviously corrupt people are just looking to use you for a buck that's fine. You still have to go back though. "Cuckchan" still persists a highly appropriate monkier.
It's one of the several goon owned sites that's being spammed along with doomsday mongering about Holla Forums.
People complaining about getting new traffic here, do you even use the small boards? Most of them would be a lot better if they had real activity.
You know, capcha is just a cheap way to maximse the effectiveness of its machine learning capabilities
I use the small boards. I prefer they get populated by existing Holla Forums users as opposed to 4chan. Take a look at >>>/biz/ and 4chan /biz/, and if you don't want to visit 4chan in the slightest it has the following
Get your head out of your ass. Your post was a typical "moot is so awesome you guys, he never made any profits or something" 4cuck post. You deserve all the shitposting your post was asking for.
I don't know who you're trying to convince or why. You'd do better in explaining your opinion than just repeating them. What I stated is pretty general, it applies to web services as a whole. I don't know why you're harping on moot specifically when this thing is more than common. 2ch, 4chan, and 8ch are not the only imageboards around, there have been and still are plenty of sites that people host on their own budget, even outside of imageboards. It's not uncommon at all to host something on a loss.
It's always shocking to me that people are baffled over the concept of paying for your own service, that there must be some ulterior motive. People parrot this kind of thing forever, without any kind of evidence to back it. Stupid if you ask me.
I think it's better than the opposite, like people using google services because they're "free".
Hasn't google announced that they will be discontinuing that version a while ago ? Why all the ruckus ?
We don't need newfags flooding here again, Jim should axe 90% of the dead boards to save bandwidth
You are ignoring the arguments in (Which also mentions that Jim pays for Holla Forums out of his own pocket.) Moot had no significant external income, and 4chan is too big to be financed by a single person.
retarded much?
I'm not sure how you can be sure of that, this is questionable too because what constitutes "external" and "significant". Does anything other than a personal job count? Like if they accepted money from relatives? Do the ads count since they're from a 3rd party? etc.
moot may or may not have generated "significant external income" on his own, but I don't think it would matter either way, it's a moot point. The site has accepted donations in the past from its members, it has had a long partnership with some digital marketplaces, been present at conventions, and more.
The point here being, they seem to have had some external income that may be significant, while not pushing them into "profitable", it's not unbelievable to imagine that it would push them close to breaking even, enough so that moot could make up the difference, annually.
This falls in line with public information, like average ad pricing, 4chan's advertised traffic information, commission rates for partnered marketplaces, etc.
The only information that was ever presented was and still is, this
all site statistics, not much about the users other than estimates based on what can be seen by anyone from the public postings.
I fail to see where anything public conflicting with anything moot has stated himself. I also fail to see why it's reasonable to jump to the conclusion that something exploitative must be taking place just because the revenue is negative.
People can and do act the way you do towards Jim for the same "reasons", no basis other than "they don't make a profit" and "I don't know how they make money elsewhere", and then inevitably, not giving someone the benefit of the doubt, "I don't trust what they say or show, therefore what they're doing is always automatically false". It's crazy.
As someone that frequents one of those small boards and witnessed it get hijacked by immigrants from /trash/ just last month, I'm going to disagree and call you a stupid fucking nigger
There should be a system in place for boards owners so that they can automatically prevent posting on their board if you've posted on another board that is on your own blacklist.
That would make managing things for the board owners easier in times of raids, but hopefully disabled most of the other time.
This is why I stopped using 4chan and came here.
This, specifically? Not the massive, poorly covered up censorship that's took place there since 2014? Not the open shilling that takes place on /g/ and Holla Forums? Not the constant lies from the administration? You came here because you're butthurt over using Google Captcha 2 for every post instead of Google Captcha 1 for every post? Go drink bleach.
Cool story
not an argument
Stay mad faggot
Manchild detected.
goon detected :^)
Because you're in capable of reading in-between the lines.
That isn't the only reason. If you are using this site then you should at least have some knowledge of how Jim acquired 2ch, and thus how Hiroyuki lost it. You are a moron if you post on the google volunteer work service known as '4chan', and you might be an even bigger moron if you buy a pass.
I want this stupid forced meme to die and all Holla Forums illiterates to go back to >>>Holla Forums
Except it isn't, and Jim might even be party to the shit that went down on 2ch, but did a good job of covering his ass. However, nothing about this site stands out as being particularly malicious, and even allows you to use tor. I can be reasonably certain that it respects user privacy.
Except they don't even pretend it isn't a service for their analytics, and it even started as a way to get free transcription work, which is why whatever you type for the 2nd word is irreverent.
I'm going to continue disregarding this sentiment as paranoia, until you can provide anything to back your claim. You can't form a basis on an assumption like that, just because you say it does not make it the case. Your poor jokes don't help you here either, they're just chaff. It seems like you're really wasting time more than trying to discuss anything or prove a point.
Likewise with most.
MikeeUSA was the shit. Been missing his posts lately. IgnorantGuru's too.
Putting actual google employee moot aside, let's get this straight:
That's the kind of guy you trust is just running a website out-of-pocket as a hobby? It doesn't seem at all plausible he's just taking advantage of a language barrier and fleecing moron gaijin because he can't do it in Japan anymore?
If you say so. We'll have to agree to disagree on this one, you feel one way I feel another, there's nothing really more to discuss.
I'm not bringing this up for your benefit specifically. Not everybody is as star struck as you when it comes to faggots who own websites, and I'm not going to let the meme that Moot and Hiroyuki are some kind of benevolent imageboard enthusiasts propagate. I'm guessing you're a ni/g/ger that feels the need to rationalize being a volunteer google employee.
Sure, whatever. None of what you said is worth opening discussion again. Not sure what your intent ever was.
If not here, what site are they recommending for /g/?
That's not what a shadowban is.
sure thing kiddo. /reddit/
Where did I imply the user wouldn't know they were banned?
If a board is raiding another board and the volunteers can't handle it, why not? What does this have to do with reddit?
You didn't really answer the question.
jesus christ just stop it
Stop what? I'm asking what's wrong with the suggestion. You obviously don't like the idea, it should be easy to make a response why. What's wrong?
I don't understand.
Pretty much this.
It came up in this thread it makes more sense to post about it here. Do you own that board? You seem real desperate to bring traffic there.
Dear newfag,
Please make a board, and fiddle with the settings. There, you should find some options to restrict posting with the goal of reducing spam or aids.
Like the early 404, or captcha per post, thread limits that can be easily activated.
Also as BO, or any bigger position that your usual user you can anchor threads, sticky them, or even lock them. In case of raid slowing down or stopping the board is far better then getting it all covered in someones paw fetish.
The cleanup afterwards is part and parcel of living in a shared image-board.
Thank you for experimenting with hate chan.
Additional note :
Any measure that a website uses to track you can be easily dodged, click-farms and such still exist. So your solution to inter-board wars is ineffective and hurts people who use more than one board. If you still believe that you have an efficient mean to ban people based on their web-history, please implement that in one of the existing board engines so that everybody can benefit from it.
However on the other side of the coins, the moderation tools on 8 chan are sometimes a bit lacking and sometimes a bit buggy. But my last observation ist a bit old.
Instead of just hurting some posters, this hurts all posters.
Explain yourself.
He can't.
These are the only tools that work somewhat. In a realistic situation a mod is not botehred by a tard who spams the content of his shitty meme with one ip.
He is bothered when more than a few ip start shitting up the board. In that case, without any limitation the board is quickly flushed.
This harms all users if at little effort anyone can flush the whole board like a toilet.
Bans & Delete are not effective, if you do not react quickly. Slow boards can get wiped in a matter of minutes. Short threads can be quickly remade, longer ones not. Thus an automated delete of short threads is less harmful than board rape.
Threads Limits are made to avoid the same issue.
Captcha per post is to avoid bots. They may work if no indians or serious AI are in the game. The spammer will loose more time for less result.
Remember that these things should be activated in special circumstances, not all time. Normal users should be able to bear this for a short while.
Also on Holla Forums there is a passive spam filter to avoid repeating post spam. (You can notice this by looking at samples of spam now having some random numbers pasted in them).
Registration less forums have only so many methods of avoiding spam. The solution that you have proposed does not help at all.
It would perhaps prevent a IT stupid troll board to piss of the board next one without proxyfagging. This does not correspond to what kind of trolling and spamming occurs on IB's.
The current state of the art for spam and trolls will ignore this thing easier than a knife goes through butter.
Good, we don't need cuck niggers here.
No, 2channel was taken from Hiro because he had signed it over to Jim. When Jim's company fucked up, and all of people's credit card data leaked, they shifted the blame onto Hiroyuki and ousted him as an admin. The japs didn't like Hiroyuki, but that doesn't make him the sole bad guy in this scenario. Jim and his Filipinos that wrote the 2channel donation software are incompetent fucks, and Hiroyuki is a kike.
For a more detailed timeline of events, this is basically what happened:
* Jim provides Hiroyuki with colo space in the early 2000s, in return he basically suggests the Maru/Ronin/whatever the fuck they called it, in order to cover server costs. The primordial 4chan pass.
* Said software stores unencrypted credit data for a decade, and also links posts people made to their real names.
* Hiroyuki signs over 2channel to Jim because Japanese law fucked Hiroyuki hard. Basically, under Japanese law, publishers were responsible for comments made on their site. In the US, you are protected from this thanks to Senator Wyden's amendment to the CDA, 47 U.S.C. § 230, but Hiroyuki got fucked hard by this. Anyways, he signed it over to Jim.
* Database gets leaked. Everyone goes apeshit. Proceed damage control mode. Hiroyuki is ousted as administrator. Codemonkey and NTTEC engage in some damage control about search engine indexing being data mining.
Tora3 is one of Jim's old "e-commerce" companies. He probably had some malnourished Filipino running credit card numbers through a phone line processor in batches.
Also, who cares? This place is a fucking shithole and it's filled with drooling retards just like 4chan. In fact, this place is probably stupider than 4chan at the current moment. Imageboards were a fucking mistake, it just brings out the stupidest drooling retards who like to retell the same dumbfuck jokes all the time. Even worse are those who aren't joking, they're just mentally retarded. There's nothing left, here or there.
I bet you're the type of nigger that would use one on social media.
Nice ad-hominem fuckhead.
Ok I'll break it down for you, you fucking dumbcunt.
Do you not understand how this shit is fucking retarded?
And to further prove my point, in order to have that kind of system to be effective, you would need to log the ip of every post, and keep a record of every post that's ever made.
Do you seriously not understand why that would be fucking retarded of an idea to implement on a fucking anonymous imageboard?
Why are you pretending like this is a debate you retard? I'm not arguing a position. Do you even know what an ad hominem is you massive faggot?
this is actually a good thing
I honestly don't want 4shitters to come here and shit up the boards any worse than they've already gotten after Holla Forums started importing crazies to the site.
The community here has gotten much shittier than it was years ago, but it is indeed less toxic than 4chan. There is also a reason why Holla Forums is Holla Forums and not >>>/g/, and that was because Holla Forums was a deliberate boardsplit to leave behind the shitposting low effort retards. Naturally there are newfag parasites who've been attempting to drag down Holla Forums into resembling /g/ all over again, but overall this is a more technology focused board than the shitposting cancer that characterized /g/.
The people who left 4chan for Holla Forums years ago weren't shitposting morons but people who genuinely gave a shit about tech. The people who are still in that shithole today are mostly part of the cancer.
That's true but, at first the ones that moved were the ones that were smart enough to see what 4chan was turning into and jumped ship.
When those people left, the only people left were either people too stubburn to leave or newfags staying because it's a meme site.
Unless you're on Holla Forums or Holla Forums you will notice that more often than not you'll see legitimate discussion.
But an influx 4cucks would do nothing more than shit up the site.
>There is also a reason why Holla Forums is Holla Forums and not >>>/g/, and that was because Holla Forums was a deliberate boardsplit to leave behind the shitposting low effort retards.
It's actually because of 8ch /g/ was being used for guro at the time, but it is useful for that even if it's unintentional.
I left because Holla Forums has a much higher ratio of loonix to smartphones. The overall state of the site was a nice bonus reason but I'm not sure if it would have been enough on its own.
But that's the thing, with Holla Forums, the shit/shillpost to serious post is seriously lower than 4chan.
That's easily explained by 4chan's size, without involving a decline or other kind of change. I left /g/ because I thought Holla Forums was better, not because I thought /g/ was getting worse.
But I had been using /g/ for maybe half a year then, which is too short to notice any kind of decline because seasonal variations interfere, so who knows.
A while ago on another forum I checked to see if the quality really had gone down because people kept saying so, and it turned out that the quality had increased drastically over the years. Most communities think they're going downhill.
The only decent places I know of are also so slow that you can visit them once a month and go through all unread posts in 30 minutes or less.
It would be easy to curb the worst excesses of imageboards with originality and word/image filters, and moderation that does more than just punish legitimate users while letting shitposters run free, but nobody wants to do it. Or worse, they think those things are bad and imageboards are supposed to be as shitty as inhumanly possible.
You're the second person to misconstrue what I said. That's not what I implied at all.
ips are already logged, there's no reason to use anything more than what's already there. You don't need the entire history.
Your made up solution is not my own.
Good or bad I think it it should be left up to the discretion of the board owner. I have yet to see an argument as to why this shouldn't be the case on 8ch, where boards are not limited and topic are not exclusive. People who think this is a bad practice wouldn't like the boards that enforce them so it should never be an issue for them, they can easily create their own board for the topic.
why the fuck are you here?
do you even know where you are? They used to call cuckchan the internet hate machine.This is not your faggot hugbox, if that's what you want go soypost on faceberg or larp on the communigger containment board >>>Holla Forums
the only thing "toxic" about this board is the ideological GRID you and your equally pathetic board rapefugee carpetbaggers spread through the cancerous posts spew forth. Get the fuck off my internet you millenial shitdick
Then you're saying that if for example Holla Forums got raided and this place was being spammed full of garbage threads and shitposts to an overwhelming degree, preventing anything even resembling normal discussion, nothing should be done about it and anyone who wanted to do something about it would be a redditor demanding a safe space?
But then again we are on a site where even the owners have said that it's within the rules to doxx other board owners and publically organize illegal real life action against them.
But what does this have to do with Reddit? For a board that seems to dislike Reddit so much there sure is a lot of focus and advertising for them here.
You people are the worst. The irony in shouting "safespace" while complaining about an entire website, would you have a problem banning anyone with a reddit cookie?
I want to discuss technology, not politics. If I want to discuss politics, I will go to any of the boards that are dedicated to politics.
But that is already happening???????????????????
eh that's because reddit is a bad website. The community is just made up of the retards who'd actually sign up to something genuinely worse than a comment section.
Compare to something like stackoverflow which is a much better site but the community is the problem.
Get fucked kid
Why are you responding for me?
>larp on the communigger containment board >>>Holla Forums
Good thing they don't like the idea of coming here, we got enough fatties as is.
Unfortunately, technology is become mired by politics. Codes of Conduct, corporate behaviors, even programming language preferences are all politics driven rather than dependent on the merits of the technology itself.
Board owners do not have the right to view the posting histories of their users on any other boards, and for good reason. They only have power in their own limited realm. Why should a board owner have the right to ban people for a post history they can't even see? This would mean that board owners gain a small slice of global power. That's not only counter to the one-site-many-communities purpose of this website, it's mildly exploitable for nefarious purposes. Board owners are not vetted, so giving them the ability to see every board a user has posted on is not a good idea.
The only connection that they have to technology is because it is drama involving so called "technology companies". The topics themselves do not focus on the technology. I'm happy for you if you want to discuss this all day long in any place that isn't Holla Forums. If it's not technology, then please don't bring it here!
I'm explaining why I'm here.
It only applies to the board they own, it's not like the user is going to be banned anywhere other than the board that is owned. It's anything but global, the posting history wouldn't need to be exposed to the owner, the server should handle it in the background, in the same way the modlog is done, anyone can see it but not everyone can see all the information, it's hidden by the server before being returned.
Pretty sure he's not denying the toxicity, but disagreeing with the premise that toxicity is undesirable. You must be a newfag. Image boards are the last place on the Internet where web 1.0 culture still exists. That user is right. If you disagree this is not the website for you.
Okay kiddo, whatever you say.
I never said nor implied that toxicity is undesirable. Work on your reading comprehension retard.
Tell me major, is your foreskin intact?
I never implied it you massive faggot. I simply pointed out that this community is toxic in response to someone else whining that migrating 4chan users might make this place toxic. How fucking illiterate are you, you dumb shitstain?
So you basically said nothing of substance. "who cares if they're x, we're already x" so profound, and far from true. If you appreciate imageboards you should have been the first one to tear him down for crying about [shitlib buzzword]. If you're too autistic to see how cuckchan's userbase is basically goons tickling each other's prostate and that an influx of them here will permanently redditize the board, you're a fucking imbecile.
Judaism confirmed.
You are acting like Holla Forums is somehow different from that description.
Holla Forums is pretty awful.
Do you honestly believe that Holla Forums is not Reddit? Did you forget that we're currently in the Holla Forums subreddit?
more is less
No, Holla Forums is not good, but is exactly okay. Hackernews is awful. SomethingAwful is awful, but not 8ch.
Dude, Holla Forums is an imageboard. Imageboards are inherently awful.
why? recaptcha was always the most goy captcha in existence. it's been blocking tor for over 10 years now. not always straight IP block, but even when it didn't block you from being challenged, it would give you some gibberish ambiguous words to type out. and now with the image captchas it's just as bad. recaptcha is not even a real captcha, it's just a goy massaging tool. the WHOLE point of a captcha is that you can do it as many times as you want and it will still block a reasonable amount of bots. recaptcha choose instead to just straight blocks IPs and failing that, give them an almost impossible challenge. the new recaptcha is even worse, it's harder for everyone unless you have some kind of cookies that it can use to profile you over long term usage. anyone who cares about privacy has no long term cookies or tracking information.