Its twentyseventeen and we are still using imageboard software that was written by a cryptocripple in one night while he was high on shrooms.
There are so many different imageboard variations around, how come NONE of them caught on?
Imageboard software
Other urls found in this thread:
Relax, bro. InfinityNext is getting fixed as we speak. Just be patient.
there's no money in imageboards
It's not broken. It does not need to be fixed.
Imageboards are the AOL of the modern internet. Nobody wants to enter a negative-sum game catering to the most whiny entitled fucking morons on the planet
Lynxchan is less usable than what we run now, thanks to a really half-assed design.
Infinity Next has a really well-designed feature set but runs like shit, thanks to poor internal design.
uChan isn't finished.
werchan is a mistake, carried through to perfection.
I've heard from a reliable cabalistic authority that 4chan's software is the best imageboard software of anyone. But it's proprietary.
I've wanted to make IB software sans pajeet languages and shit design choices myself, but I get instantly demotivated when I think realistically about the kind of people it would house.
Mewch doesn`t seem bad, tho.
Hell, you can fill the bypass thing before uploading there.
I'd do it if I could make enough money off it to sustain it. But I don't want to be in a situation like halfchan where I'm always in danger of going broke.
No, you don't get it.
Mewch removed it from their fork for some reason but here's how it works:
In 8ch if you don't have a bypass, you will upload the file and then get a popup with a captcha.
There it will check before starting to upload anything, prompt for a captcha if you need it, and then upload.
Mewch runs on Lynxchan.
Lynxchan has been improving lately, so I should do a full re-evaluation at some point, but it suffers from spreadsheet-driven design. StephenLynx kept (or still keeps, I don't know) this spreadsheet with a list of features implemented in Infinity (what's now called OpenIB) and Infinity Next, and whether they've been implemented in Lynxchan. His goal was full feature parity. But he didn't have feature quality as a goal, so Lynxchan ended up with a useless version of Early 404, tripcodes that are incompatible with everything else, and a lot of other junk.
It's a shame, because Lynxchan mostly works like intended, unlike so many other engines. It's just that what's intended was often not well-thought out.
The main technical failure was that it liked to redirect you to pages that hadn't been built yet. That's now fixed thanks to the JIT cache in the latest release (which is really just a normal cache, it's Lynxchan's old cache that was unusual).
But I heard the main reason Holla Forums didn't try to switch to Lynxchan is that Lynxchan uses GridFS and that that's really inconvenient for the way Holla Forums's servers are set up. I don't know the details.
You. Why are you here?
to shit on you, because you deserve it
Don't worry, google data-mining websites tend to make money. I can't believe people still buy the impoverished 4chan meme, even post-moot. If it weren't making money then it wouldn't have been bought and nobody would bother maintaining it. It hasn't been a site run by a 14 year old weeb as a hobby in a very long time. It's been a business for the grand majority of it's existence.
Nah, it was because I made jim butthurt on twitter. It was the time he took over and was screwing up things like tor. I told him I didn't feel safe posting there when he asked me about a bug I reported and got mad.
And btw, I changed early 404 a while ago, now it behaves like the 8ch one.
GridFS was the reason given by copypaste in the secret cabal.
Yes, thank you for that.
Man, HW was too stupid to change 8ch's meme software and is too high on percocet to evaluate shit.
How hard is it to show answers without JS? It's fucking 2018 already and you cheap out on server's resources?
There's also
Though I've not yet tried it yet.
what are you talking about?
Could you share that spreadsheet?
I want to write an imageboard in Rust which will be the fastest ever.
th-thanks satan
Are you going to use zero cost futures?
If not it won't be the fastest ever.
Lynxchan caught on and it is superior.
Wouldn't expect a trumptard weeaboo to know actual Holla Forumsnology though.
Network effect
Recall human nature. Peer pressure and status quo determine most, if not all, socioeconomics at play determining technological adoptions. Imageboards were no different, it's a lost cause.
Some guy named m712 is creating an imageboard over at called Blazechan. It's supposed to be the successor to Infinity Next while being fast and having a clean codebase (at least that's what is says in the OP).
Its codebase is smaller than the Old Testament.
fuck off m712
I'm not that guy, but you'll still accuse me of being him anyway.
It's at least faster than a certain shitty templating system written by a certain brazilian which imports and parses the HTML as full DOM[1], inserts DOM between elements[2], and then exports it into HTML again [3] (parsing every template twice). It also doesn't have inheritance, so enjoy copy/pasting like a pajeet on every main template and modifying them separately when you're changing the layout.
Also, if I'm understanding this[4] right, LynxChan is serving static files via Nodejs after routing, which is exactly what Josh did, and which is also made Infinity Next get 30 load on the old VPS we had. This doesn't scale.
Are all turks retarded like this?
What fucked next up was 2 things:
1: no caching at all for dynamic pages
2: a retarded ass slow captcha being generated for all pages
I'm not even going to bother with the other opinionated bullshit on your post tbh.
Also, I'd like to point out the fact you are just cherry picking the disadvantages of lynxchan templating and ignoring all of it's benefits.
Benefits such as not having to deal with any bullshit templating system syntax and using pure standard html.
As to high-level template abstractions, one can use a template generator of sorts and feed them to lynxchan after doing so, so that's a moot point. I'm just not forcing any specific abstraction. Way back when I started out there was a dude called lleaff that did exactly that.
What about this one?
It's shit.
y tho
Hello Stephen.
Both things are correct, but you are missing the point. When I pointed the nextchan media server to a nginx reverse proxy, the load average dropped from 30 to 4. Those issues still existed, but this was far bigger. Also, who are you to know the bottlenecks in production? You haven't run an INext instance, I have.
What opinionated bullshit? I provided the locations for the source code in every single claim I made in the post (other than the copy/paste thing which you can see by looking at any LynxChan frontend). Can you counter any claims I made?
Hello again Stephen.
...that actually provides methods to edit the text stream (template) directly, instead of parsing it with JSDOM, selecting by ID and inserting shit inside tags, and then serializing back into HTML with a performance penalty. Not to mention, it moves some of the stuff from the view to template which makes for cleaner code.
But that just adds more overhead to your already slow templating.
Again, ignoring any benefit of the templating system I use.
No, it doesn't, because that's performed before lynxchan even reads the files. It just produces the files beforehand.
it was originally made by STI after moot deleted /new/ and /r9k/ at the request of his (((backers)))
the cripple built on it and added features like board creation.
What benefit? The only one you mentioned so far is "pure standard html" which is bullshit.
If you mean template preprocessing, you're missing the point entirely. The purpose of template systems are to process the template during runtime.
Well, maybe is not my fucking fault if the HTML standard doesn't provide any sort of abstraction, is it?
The entire fucking point of a templating system is to provide an abstraction over HTML generation. You're just doing a hackjob of regenerating a DOM which is actually slower than a real templating system. You don't seem to understand the overhead of JSDOM, but it does more than generate an element tree out of the template content.
I understand the overhead. The whole god damn caching revolves around the performance hit I CHOSE to take by using standard HTML and the DOM manipulation api for templates.
Which is why even with the performance it has, it doesn't present any problems.
Because I managed to work around the issues and kept the benefits of the approach.
- [X] Work around
- [ ] Fix
Daily reminder that Next on the beta site templated faster than Lynxchan could.
Permanent reminder next is fucking dead.
And? Does it change the fact that it templated faster? Stop strawmanning and being such a stubborn faglord, and admit that using JSDOM for templating was a bad idea. I've changed/scrapped code in Blazechan numerous times because people (including you) said the way I did something was shit, yet you dig your feet into the ground like a goat and refuse to admit that you did something wrong. It's not just me that thinks that.
Was it? Point me a reproducible issue that is caused by it.
There are many forum admins, hundreds even. Perhaps thousands. Some are used by actual businesses.
There are around 34 chan admins in the current year, that is, sites that even have a shred of activity.
here is no-longer a reason for alternative chans to exist because sites like 4chon aren't needed because the cripple had to made this fucking thing. Bear in mind, 4chon is the very reason Tinyboard came into existence.
Monsterchan doesn't exist.
Leftychan doesn't exist.
r9kchan doesn't exist (unless you count wizchan, but I'm pretty sure our Holla Forums beats them and wizchan is dying)
Holla Forumschan doesn't exist.
HWNDUchan doesn't exist.
Monarchychan doesn't exist.
CartoonChan doesn't exist.
The reason the state of software is shit is because the need for new and exciting imageboards with unique administrators and experiences has been killed by Holla Forums. The cripple killed the ultimate creativity of the chan community by trying to consolidate it to a single place. Holla Forums, much like Reddit killed the forums of the past has quite literally killed the altchan community. Why create a chan for your niche when you can go to Holla Forums and make your own board?
And that is why our software is shit. Because the so-called admins have no desire for it, and thus, very few developers see a need to work on things.
I spent a year and a half writing a replacement platform for this place and when I finally emailed codemonkey with it, he said he wanted nothing to do with it because it wasn't MIT licensed, based on futallaby and so was 4chan, so by that logic 4chan can sue him. it was surreal lads. all that wasted time
Can you release the source code, though?
whats the point. seriously
None. Just do it.
imageboard admins will appreciate you
seriously for fucks sake we need it
Smugboard (
For smug I think we are waiting on the JS implementation of IPFS so that it can be run entirely in browser without normies having to install clients. #smugboard on rizon if interested.
I went to sleep, you fucknut.
How about slow ass fucking templating? How about your """"fast"""" Node.js without any frameworks got beaten in templating compared to a PHP imageboard with a fucking bloated framework that takes 47ms to boot?
Could we make Blazechan or Lynxchan use ReactJS so that we can finally look sleek and go mobile? (Browsing in the toilet feels cool)
Blazechan should be mostly usable on mobile, although there are some bugs. I'll fix them on the way.
cuck license
Hey Josh can I view an infinity next chan anywhere? Did you continue working on infinity next?
I'm working on Blazechan
And what's the issue that's causing? Oh, yeah, none.
Are we done here?
Is there a special procedure to follow to be this retarded? Because not even downers are this dumb.
Why do you people jerk off to template rendering speeds so much! Josh did it, Lynx does it, now the blazechan lad does it. It’s a goddamn imageboard. It writes html files to a disk. That’s literally all you have to do to make it work. But we need 6000 implementations of the same software in Rust, no, Go, no, Node.js, no, C, no, Assembly, no, Swahilian F. And each implementation needs to be able to do the most asinine shit, because as long as I can delete a thread at page 5 instead of page 10 and the other guy cant, surely I will be the savior of imageboards.
Nevermind the fact that my software “only” consumes 20% of my processing power at fucking 10 requests a second, or that my other softwares design philosophy is “build your own front end :~) its just a placeholder.”
4chan doesn’t have these problems and their code is a single file. One fucking 5000 line file for EACH BOARD. On dell servers from 2011. And they serve thousands of requests a second. And you know why they can do that? Because they spent time figuring out how to be crafty with deferred page writes and caching, not masturbating furiously to page load times and adding the ability to toggle your gay sex hats on and off remotely via thought. You know what their “cache” is?
No varnish, no memecached, no neural network to predict the next 10 years of posting and do it automatically. They dump the entire database to memory on each post. ==ONE THOUSAND REQUESTS PER SECOND===
Im not jerking off anything, I'm just calling fam's bullshit tbh.
php is a templating engine
he fucking ruined the site for months
This whole post gives me cancer.
Only retarded 14 year olds, like, say, STI writes to disk. Literally nobody with a brain their head uses a hard cache.
This is incoherent. Nobody even tries to compare dicks because of features other than Lynx and his spreadsheet.
Tell that to Hiroshima Nagasaki, he's begging for money and threatening to shut down boards because the servers cost too much.
Which is the uncleaned-for-a-year-glory-hole equalivent of a project. Have you ever seen the code (it's available online)? Would you be willing to maintain that file? And that's the old codebase, btw. It was rewritten entirely because it became dried vomit tier.
pajeet pls
Last I remember they are using Squid cache which is not a hard cache. So you are full of bullshit.
What the fuck am I reading? The whole point of caching is to reduce page load times.
No words. Educate yourself.
I hope this is satire, otherwise I hope you don't decide to reproduce.
Realistically though what more do you want from an IB?
Le reddit is that way -->
4chan isn't a single file. It wasn't even a single file before Desuwa rewrote it. In fact, the last time 4chan was hacked by some aussie, it was because they forgotr to delete a debugging file. Also, they template HTML to Redis. Indexes/catalogs/threads on big boards (Holla Forums) are cached to redis on a schedule. Moot talked about this somewhere but I really don't fucking care to go look it up.
but 4chan software actually works whereas Holla Forums software shits itself every other day
clearly, they have the better software
how do you know they do not use the same sort of 'ware?
well yeah 4chan's software is way better in 2010 when tinyboard was made it made 4chan look like shit, but then in 2011 since the great migration happened 4chan has had the best IB engine of anyone
Opinion discarded
ReactJS, AngularJS or Vue.js.
Whatever can make an app.
If you really want to mess with people, a replacement for
Reddit and voat are okay but they can turn to shit... fast.
For those who really wants to mess with reddit source code, try
kys tbh
is reddit legit open source or is that some old leaked build?
FOSS, with some proprietary parts. I think something about that changed recently, but I don't remember the details.
I know another site that's based on it, and it's not even a Reddit clone.
Didn't the original dev commit (((suicide)))?
I did say it gone to shit
Mewch is run by a goon fyi
Any forum with upvotes is irredeemably shit and nothing but a hugbox.
So, what I really want, more than anything else, is some textboard software (not imageboard, don't care about images) that's written entirely in not-php, not-python or any other bullshit, doesn't require javascript and can be run with nginx as the httpd and postgres as the database. That's all.
Too much bloat, go lurk for BBS or gopher.
well meme'd
Tell that to bunkerchan
What's bunkerchan, and does it need a graphical browser? Gopher and BBS can be used with a Commodore 64 or similar non-botnet computer.
Why not write it yourself?
written in unsafe c
Bunkerchan is part of Holla Forums's shitshow.
lol no thanks
oh does bunkerchan use lynxchan? is it modified though? we will never know because cuck license.
also i thought they made their own imageboard software called dynchan.
Blazechan is AGPL so it doesn't have this issue. Extension support was just added.
Kill yourself.
The argument is "There is no Holla Forumschan"
Yeah, because you have ways to know if the license was violated on someone's server, right?
If you can't even tell whether the software a server runs is modified or not then it probably doesn't have any modifications worth sharing.
Probably harmless, but in any case, easy to implement without violating the AGPL.
Sunshine worked by getting called for every post, but all the information it used was in the database. It could just have talked to the same database, without sharing any code, and it would have been AGPL-compliant while doing the same thing.
Point being: there is all kinds of shady, harmful and exploitative things one can do on a server without showing any trace at all to its users of being done.
And almost none of them are relevant to licensing.
But there are lots of changes that are relevant to licensing and easy to see and useful to share. Isn't 4chan based on existing software? The changes 4chan made to that are both useful and easy to prove the existence of.
That is my point. A license won't protect you from people who actually want to do harm you in this situation. Copyleft or permissive doesn't matter when there will be no consequence for someone doing malicious shit.
It's faster than your shitty Python, PHP and JS.
meguca has a text-only mode.
Check: Go with parts in C and migrating parts to C++.
[citation needed]
Meguca - Go
Nextchan - Python
Lynxchan - JS
OpenIB - PHP
*uchan - python
Go and C, actually.
99% of you guys are LARPers who couldn't even program Hello World in C.
also this
The web is lost, it's overrun with cancer.
The real fun is happening elsewhere, far away from you scum.
certainly can't in windows 7 and above
nntpchan has potential to open a pandora's box of shitposting, and it can't come soon enough.
werchan is the best imageboard software i've seen. if only the site wasnt a graveyard dotted with dick pill spam. , to see it if you want.
Am I retarded for wondering why we don't have a dedicated desktop *chan browsing program yet?
I have a private, but GPLv3, terminal application that I'm working on that is one. Right now you can just browse a thread. It can pretty much just draw post's images and texts and let you scroll through it.
It doesn't yet have support for updating the thread, writing posts, nor opening links yet.
What makes it better than the rest?
It's literally all about user interface design
well, go check it out.
I think its laid out nicer and posts can be html or markdown, into which you embed an image either that you uploaded to the sites associated fileserver or just elsewhere.
that, without piling on disgusting javascript/html5 interactivity and the like, also.
good you told them off
this wouold make you the savior of imageboards though ^^
interesting, so this is actually a little browser ?
well meme'd
I wish there would be something similar to Tinyboard/vichan would be developed. I miss the traditional imageboard software, and I hope something like it would be made again to be more modern.
he's not in charge anymore ;--;
Most sadmins coded on PHP or some meme language with poor adoption. The greatest enemy will be the database and testing. Unless you have a really intuitive mind you can debug everything on your own but most memedevs fail due to clusterfuck development methodology.
I'm thinking of JSX + webML + HTML4 (to avoid html elements) but I thought why not write something "decentralized" instead? Like BT or Tor but uses UDP and file system/local storage as database so everything is archived instantly.
I started working on a textboard skeleton in C about a year ago. I should dig it out and finish it. Adding image support would be relatively trivial.
meguca has unit tests for most server functionality, including database interaction.
JS based or Python based?
You are in for a suprise, what cames next? I don't GNO
Who cares?
Both are shit.
Everyone was waiting for WebAssembly to arrive with compilers for C# and Java. We have WA now; we just have to wait for the compilers. The future of imageboards is distributed bytecode via blockchain.
Are you guys still playing the blame game? The switch to Lynx never happened, because many people where screeching about how shit the software partly due to the quality, the use of Mongo DB. There were more obstacles caused by it like the inability to simply backup shit if I am not having a brainfart.Infinity Next never got deployed, because Josh assumed that the Databases are good enough at caching threads and as a result it ate most of your resources as a result of it. This is why it choked as soon you had to deal with a large board like Holla Forums.
Every other software is either not available to any penny wise, a hunk of crap that has been written into a dead end or is fucking outdated. The most far spread choice for Hack which is Futaba+Gazou+ and something else is about 15 years old by now and didn't move forward much. Vichan and its derivatives and lynxchan will remain the most used IB softwares unless another one emerges.
So you like wasting your time then? Just go away. I don't go to halfcuck to shit on the people there either.
Nice meme.
It means morals have evolved and we have better technologies.
That's counter-productive. You have this fast near-native compile target. Why the fuck would you slap a bloated VM onto it? You realize clients would have to download (or at least reassemble) the VM or each page load?
There is little point in using WASM with GC-ed languages. Grow some balls and learn C/C++/Rust.
Tests are a meme.
Who gives a shit about bloat when considering the vast preexisting software libraries? Besides, how can something already in production be counter-productive?
You are a meme.
The people, that don't want to run a fucking OS-sized behemoth virtualized in their browsers.
The MEAN stack is also largely in production. Does not mean it's actually good, reliable or sane to maintain.
I don't think you have any understanding of what is currently happening. Enjoy your legacy browser and all that deprecated EMCA garbage in about 1yr.
I don't think you understand what I am talking about. WASM is there for performance - for fast AOT-compiled languages. Shove anything with a huge runtime inside and you lose most of the performance and now have to load a huge VM binary blob into memory on each page load.
In case someone argues for that bullshit vanity project: That City won't emerge or be founded strategic reasons that make sense. It is in fact planned on paper and since it is supposed to be in fucking Saudi Arabia, they literally building it on Sand. The energy situation will fucking suck, because it is powered with Green energy, i.e. the Energy of the Middle Ages. Have fun with black outs during Sand Storms. Neom is also going to have only 4 major sectors: Service, Retail, Civil Service and Technology. As far as I know, it won't grow its own food. This means it will be dependent on food imports from the outside, like almost every huge city. All goods that only "filthy hicks" make but are necessary for modern life like clothing, chemicals, machinery, minerals and fucking fuel have to imported into Neom as well. Watering all that shit is going to be a mother bitch. Dubai is already pissing away hector liters on keeping the Tiger Woods Memorial Golf course from withering in the blazing sun. These are not the reason why living in Neom will be hell. The reason is the lifestyle they are going shoved down your throat if you ever dare to move there. First you will live in a coffin of an Apartment and second all the Infrastructure, your living sarcophagus especially will be run by AI. All inhabitants will always be at the mercy of the machines some Pajeets at the designated shitting street (implying Globalist spend huge sums of money on software development) have programmed. If that thing fucks up for some reason, and it will, nothing in your Apartment or outside of it will work. On top of all of this, you will be crammed to together with vastly different people's. The only thing you will have in common with them is being r/-selected cucks who would be OK with fapping on the Job; If you happen to be exactly the type of inhabitant the city planers are looking for. This also means no social cohesion, rampant crime or tyranny and the population devolving into autistic morons. If you still consider moving to such a city, go to a camping store, get yourself some para cord and then hang yourself with it.
They won't.
Everyone who is already about loading times on /sudo/. You can't simply put a gorillion libraries into production and expect all rights issues and technical issues to magically solve themselves. If that's the mindset in software development, then I am glad that I am working in company that develops with only a handful of libraries per project.
You still think you can shove everything into a fucking web browser, because we definitely need the ability to run vidya in them?
Spotted the reddit/tumblr user. You don't get the purpose of *chans, don't you?
Do you happen to work for
Not Open Sourcing and loading it with trackers at the same time?
Terminal BBS and hidden boards are still a thing, but this place is better than facebook.
Its untrusted, it has upvotes and downvotes anyone can fuck with and on top of it is designed with fucking bootstrap which makes it look like a corporate business web app. Fucking kill yourself, my man!
Webapps? Fine.
Not FOSS? Iffy
Upvotes? This is where the problem starts.
Reasoning: Vote brigading, biased sorting algorithms, echo chambers.
If it is closer to Reddit... namefagging and inflated egos.
These are already being worked on, see
Now you get it.
It might not be the plan, but it is what will happen. I can't wait for Pajeet to load a whole Linux distro into my browser to animate a single button.
It is slow as shit fuck you
software that can seamlessly integrate all imageboards into 1. that would be big if possible. is it?
Tell that to Jim.
You know come to think of it a windows 10 app would be kinda neat.
How do I create imageboard based on this website?
Check again.
Someone got an installation tutorial for infinity next?
no money in it
It all makes sense now.
Rate LynxChan's 2.0 promo image.
Doing some tests with LynxChan 2.0:
It was able to serve 5x more requests than 1.9.
It was able to template's overboard with 50 threads 165x times faster than 1.9.
wew, what changes achieved this?
First of all, I started to pre-build the templates. Instead of parsing a document, manipulating it and then stringifying it for each page; now I parse it on boot, place tokens on the document, stringify and only replace the tokens on this final string when I need to build a new page.
The cache was changed too, instead of caching on gridfs, now I have a RAM-only cache on the central process that communicates with the other processes using a socket. Not only is faster, but it also eliminates concurrency issues.
we should just make our own imageboard software written in java
Someone started one but gave up.
I think it was called bruce-lee or something.
We should make one in pure blistering C
Done too.
Look for shamoasomething.
Not if you use japronto.
Trigger Warning: May cause autism fits for Brazilian viewers.
On your first point, you are still missing the point because you are still creating a DOM (half a browser) for each template (though it's at boot only now) which is inane. Templating should be replacing the tokens in the input stream and passing it to the output stream (maybe with small metaprogramming capabilities which are optional). You are still using additional code and wasting CPU cycles on something which can be done in the template.
About tokens on templates: I can only attribute your autistic insistence on PURE HTML to either a) a Parkourdude91 tier troll; or b) mental illness.
Nobody writes "standard HTML" anymore because nobody wants to write that shit. Even then I gave you a choice of doing which is still PURE HTML but the only replies you gave were "nobody's gonna write that" (???) and "oh wow that's so much better" (better than your shit).
Also, because of your abomination of a template system you can't really include other templates into a template other than loading the template and injecting into a div, and from what I can see PenumbraLynx copes by doing a pajeet copypaste.
Oh yeah, the cache. First I'd like to shit on you again by thinking that a database as a cache makes sense. Second, I cannot for the life of me understand why you are rolling out your own memcache, instead of using a well known, tested solution like memcached or Redis. Your cache will be slower because it is running inside of the V8 VM which has the interpreter overhead, and your cache has not been tested by anybody besides you, so nobody knows the edge cases and whatnot yet.
About your API, or lack thereof: I retract my statement about the security stuff because Blazechan extensions are also allowed to import models and make database changes. But I still believe that you should create an API for your addons. It allows extensions to stay compatible across minor versions and allows extensions to build upon a clean base. Nobody wants to know about the internals of Lynxchan templating and how markdown is implemented, they just want to add a meme formatting option. Your current PHP-tier method for addons makes them break between minor versions which is very bad, and it also requires addon creators to know the internals of Lynxchan related to what they want to do.
also, lynxchan has ~31KLOC now? LOL
Lynxchan de_stroyed. Good job turkroach.
Sadly Blazechan also sucks.
Yeah, that 2s at boot is a really meaningful waste of cycles. Might as well use a transistor computer at this point. Yeah, lets just make people waste several hours writing hundreds and hundreds of tokens instead of automating that.
You are so stupid you can't even see how stupid you are.
Everything is untested at some point. Don't project your inadequacies. Unlike you, I can write working software. Also, I am rolling my own because of several indexing needs and to keep the stack simple.
Actually, its 39.1k LOC.
But you're already doing that by making them write . It's never been automated.
Microsoft pajeets can also write working software. (working) != (working correctly). Also I really like the amount of ego you have. Do you ever admit your mistakes?
Which are lacking in....? What have you checked out before deciding on rolling your own cache?
So it's even worse. Thanks.
You must have some brain damage, fuck it.
Feel free to bring up any actual issue you may find, like uguu did.
I am done with your retarded bullshit.
I did bring up real issues, like your API, which you still haven't answered. Why won't you help addon developers have a simpler interface and make them monkeypatch instead?
1: the function signatures very rarely change between version patches.
2: that would mean reducing what addons have the freedom to do.
3: no one that develops addons ever brought up any issue related to that.
They might still change. And this still doesn't change the fact that you need to monkeypatch functions and entangle your code inside Lynxchan core functions.
Not if you design it right. You can still allow monkeypatching with function hooks which take specified arguments and have special return values.
Maybe not now, but later maybe? When Lynx reaches more users/developers who want to develop addons, you'll eventually get annoyed autists bitching about how you broke their addon.
That's a lots of "ifs" for a really big amount of work.
IF it ever comes to that, I'll figure something out.
what's a large commercial foss forum software stack I can pretend to pillage and retrofit into imageboard software? extra points for pascal
When SHTF you'll get annoyed users/admins/devs. Building a stable base now will keep you from having that later on. But whatever I say will never penetrate your thick skull so whatever. Have fun with your vichan rewrite.
Imagine falling for a meme.
Chans have a big network effect, so even if you made a better one, that's not good enough for people to switch. It needs to be so much better that the features outweigh network effects. 8ch at the time had the significant benefit of having user-created boards, and thus a solution to mod abuse. And user confidence in 4ch was at a minimum because of GG. Even so, it's been how many years now and we still have only a fraction of activity.
I think a new chan would need to have a way of automatically copying content from bigger chans somehow. That way new boards could be bootstrapped with some borrowed content, so that they can have a hope of living. Otherwise it's just not worth it to participate in new, small boards long enough.
I made CLI program that watches threads for new replies and opens them in browser if needed. I was thinking of expanding it into a full-fledged browser, but if is doing it already no sense duplicating the work I guess.
But yeah a dedicated chan browser would be nice. The text replies on chans use very little data, the HTML and JS on top of that is a lot of bloat. Not to mention the JS is a privacy issue. Ideally the "chan" would just be a server with a well-defined data format (current JSON if cleaned up a bit would work) and something like a REST API that can
Then individual "chan browser" authors can handle actually rendering this stuff however they want as well as user interaction. In fact the mobile chan apps already do this, and it's a much better experience. Even more so now with how shit modern browsers are. The only "drawback" is that you won't be able to access the chan without the chan browser, but if for some reason you want tech impaired retards to participate in this model, a 3rd person can set up a web-based chan browser that takes data from the server and renders it in a browser. But crucially, UI and backend still won't have to be the responsibility of a single person or group.
More people should be doing this tbh. IPC is expensive.
Stripped down incomplete servers are fast. Who could have thought? Does it even have TLS?