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I wonder why?

Who gives this kike the right to call states this early?

Not looking good. Virginia isn't being mentioned, I'm assuming late talk of it being in play has fizzled out? Ditto Minnesota.

Can Trump win without Pennsylvania?

I was going to stileproject while you qefree sucking on your momma's tatty. Low effort.

Globally reported for bestiality. You lose, CTR.

This desperation is lovely. Will you kill yourself after you get fired tonight?



Having a little fun on our last day of work, are we?

why would they kill themselves if Hillary's goons will do it for them?

You know I normally would object but this is a bullshit thread with no basis for Drudge's claims that OP has been posting in multiple threads so spam away cuckboy.

Florida plus either Nevada or New Hampshire. Easy.

Your salt will be delicious. Better get used to saying President Trump. Also better start working on your begging for forgiveness, not that it will save you.

If that map is correct winning the states you mentioned won't put him over 270.


Did they have that bus strike in Philadelphia?

got over yesterday morning.

We might as well let them have a little fun before they end up in a Jersey landfill.

Florida Michigan Washington Minnesota trump will win all of those and he will be north of 300 for it

Trump is going to win and there's absolutely nothing you libshits can do to stop it.

I could believe Florida or Michigan but Washington and Minnesota?


How many armed guards do you guys suppose he has working tonight? And by "armed guards" I mean "the best fucking mercenaries that money can buy."

The Washington State electoral college guy said he's going to vote for Trump no matter what the votes say. As long as he's good to his word, it's in the bag as a matter of course.

i don't buy that she's winning PA, cunt.

I forgot to mention it in my post, but ME2 is a given.


Minnesota has a lot of people pissed about their Somali problem among other things. Washington has a large conservative population that usually abstained from voting.

Believe it all, mortal!

Checking my own digits to say that will be Trump's final score.

As the soon to be commander in chief, I'd say the entire array of the US Armed Forces.

TWO EVs in Washington have said they wouldn’t vote Hillary.

1. Not that they would vote Trump
2. Not the entirety of Washington

No one said that she is. Most recent numbers put her up currently but that doesn't me shit. You craphead

the lack of exit polls is a bad sign for hillary

if it were in her favor they'd be blasting it from the rooftops

non burger here. What is ME2?

The separate EV in Maine.

Oh, my bad.

Impossible to say but we do know that he has the 1488th dank truck division deployed to Foward Operating Base Eagles Nest


Exactly. Where are the exit polls? they are so bad for her they are hiding them

It still takes 2 Electoral votes away from her, makes 270 that much harder

Weren't they also reluctant to show the exit polls for Brexit?

Still an hour until Indiana closes, and we’re first. I doubt they’d bother with EPs this early.

They can't legally be released until polls close.

They historically have always done mid-day exit polling. This year, none.

I hope they've got a lot of loyalty



no ballots have even been counted yet, it's just bullshit for attention. we've still got a few more hours before we start finding out anything concrete at all

I'd come in Tiffany




gibs sauce fgt

The problem is that liberals DO think that she’s strong, so they’d report the same.

Why did you make Colorado blue when its a swing state?

Exit polling is coming out right now

The exit polls for Brexit strongly pointed to a NO to Brexit vote. How wrong they were

Sorry I'm a faggot, I was mislead.

Some things can come out, and some states have different rules for certain counties, but generally, you don't get results until the poll closes. What they will tell you, is exit polls for turnout, and certain demographics.

There was no exit polling for Brexit, an exit poll is based on previous data for comparison

Wait, we still going to "clean" the streets if Trump wins right? Or do we have to behave?

As a brit I'll never understand why or how Commiefornia managed to get so many votes. Other than I assume massive fucking corruption.

Phillyfag here, going to vote in an hour, hopefully the people coming home from work can change that!

You can't Make America Great Again without breaking some eggs.

Ok, I'm not a faggot.. CNN were supposed to release some (according to infowars), but they are delaying. Wonder why?

Hate to call you a retard but the votes are determined by population, even without the beaners Cali was a huge population hot-spot, even more so now that they've taken so many in

There's your problem.

Their coverage for this election has been good.

Based on amount of seats in congress. All the midwestern states have no population, so they get 1 Representative + 2 Senators. They then get 3 electors, who vote how the state tells them to vote.

Commiefornia has 53 Representatives and 2 Senators. This gives it 55 Electoral Votes, voting in a bloc how the state votes.

Each state gets 2 senators. There are 435 Representatives, divied up according to population size (Each state has a minimum of one.) That brings us to 2 Senators for every state + 435 total Representatives, each of them all giving their respective states Electors for a total of 535 Electors. Add in 3 from Washington DC for some reason I forgot from US Government class and we're left with a total of 538 Electors.

(Also, Maine and Nebraska award one or two electors according to how some congressional districts vote, which is why Maine has crossed lines over it.)

The Electoral College System is a relic of our earlier times, where we voted for Representatives/Senators and then they all voted for President via a clear majority.

All we are buying is time unless Trump roots out not just the corrupt but the puppet masters of the corrupt who keep their noses clean and just use their wealth to destroy from afar.


but what the fuck is happening in florida

It's turning red, user.

Thank you, this makes it more clear. I still don't understand why so many people would want to live there though. I'm assuming a goodly portion of dirty fucking illegals and foreigns.

got a source?

I voted early so I couldn't tell you what the polling stations look like right now. Though there were commonly made pro-Trump statements by randoms all around, even some Mexicans. If our Primaries were any indication, this state is going to run red.



The scenery is absolutely gorgeous. Just get out from the major coastal cities, and it's quite a land to behold.

youre correct southern cali is a big taco stand

Repeating integers.

from myself, ya better check em

That's good news for Trump, right? Could that statement be interpreted any other way?

I have heard the north is a lot less cucked.Still to me something like you're deserts, badlands and maybe the Montana (I think) area looks beautiful to me.

They will face judgement. By the ballot box and the rope. The privileged and the poor. All shall know the wicked and their ways. We will fight them on the boards, in the media, on the streets and in the corridors of power. There will be no place to hide. No location remote or shady enough to protect them. Justice will be served and we will rebuild from the ashes of their evil empire.



California has two massive metropolises that are approaching shadowrun "sprawl" tier in size. It's cosmopolitan as fuck. Lots of dirty illegals, lots of poo-in-the-loos in San Fran, lots of various shades of Asian all across the state. All surviving off of the coincidence that America's tech hub is located there and that tech is the only real industry we have left.

To be honest, if it were bad news for Trump, Drudge wouldn't have posted it.

Don't mind me, just checking all these sick dubs.

Good for Trump, he can win without PA if he wins FL and MI.


colorado is being rigged right now.

I heard a guy on the radio today say, that if Trump can crack any of Hillary's blue firewall states, it's over for her.

- Colorado
- Wisconsin
- Michigan
- New Hampshire


Low energy. Sad!

Theres a movement for north cali to break off and form the state of Jefferson. Really hope it goes through one of these days

Want to know why California is a degenerate hotbed?

More total degeneracy, but likely only average per-capita degeneracy.

Michigan is the path to victory, if he can hold Florida and NC and Steal away MI, its all over for her

Your pretty optimistic for a fellow Holla Forumslack. Maybe I've just been here to long.

I need to re-encode that with the higher file size limit and my more up-to-date encoding knowledge.

It's got a few things going for it

Excellant definition user you get a A for Holla Forums civics lesson.

nothing to see here goyim, nothing at all….

MI closes at 8, yes? So, bout 2 hours from now. Here's hoping they won't disappoint, they are in my thoughts and prayers.

So much fucking rigging going on, there are reports from philly and Trump himself posted about Ohio machines failing

And no shortage of trees, for dotr.

>Michigan not voting for Trump

We're talking about a place that's been decimated by greedy corporations moving production offshore, and an inner city in Detroit that makes all possible dystopian predictions look tame.

You'd better damn well believe they're voting Trump.

Actually I take that back, with Mexicans running the place, they'll probably deforest it… that's not going to happen though.

he deleted everything

Michanon here. I wore my maga hat to work today and got mostly good comments on it.

I wish them luck, I wouldn't want anything to do with those degenerates either.

Checked and I always put some stock in the CIA tests and stuff, although the story about all the faggot sailors settling there probably didn't help either if true. The place is fucking tranny central, they just can't magically spawn more in an area like that without some kind of outside influence.


Checking my own digits:

Is Kek speaking to us again?

Good. I'm not American, but it burns my ass seeing what's been done to the working man in Michigan. The heads of companies like Ford need to roll.

Sponsored content at the bottom of that article taking the fucking piss m8.

I can be a pessimist as we all can, but to be complacent in the face of the enemy is to neglect our duty; not only to ourselves and immediate family, but to our future children and those who cannot defend themselves.

First time I was ever complimented on my hat.

1987 was a good year.

I hope that jewish faggot never changes his web design, it's a throwback to the pre-normie internet

You underestimate the cucking of the white people in that state. They've been so isolated from the fuckery that is Detroit and what made it become what it is now that I'm seriously surprised Trump may win there.
I have a theory that when whites (European, American, any) get completely isolated from the hardness of life they self-regulate into fucking themselves over so they can feel the hardships again. It's the only explanation that solves why leftism is so popular in majority white, higher education demographics.

It really was and it was the year I was born

Isn't that when the Rothschilds closed one of their banks on Black Monday or whatever from Wolf of Wallstreet

I too. Hence the statement.

Not sure.

A fine year for the Malbec from Argentina. I have 33 bottles in my wine dungeon, worth over $200,000.

Don Jr is that you?

Nah, I'm just shitposting son.

What else do you have in that dungeon of yours? I daresay your wine has aged better than I.

First polls close in one minute.

Evening voters are good; Theyre late because of work.

i love this country,but im willing to let it go if it is what the stupid fucking masses want.

Scorched earth?

It's a good sign, because it means that Hillary isn't dominating the key states Trump absolutely has to win. If she were, they would be able to call the race early.

Trump ALWAYS Wins

user, one folk, one land, one leader.
If he says stand down, stand down.
He might say "TODAY I HUMBLY ACCEPT - coughglassnachtcough - THE DECISION OF THE AMERICAN PEOPLE…"

Very early, but we're off to a good start.

new thread

We wait. If there is proof of fraud we revolt

kill yourself for even wanting to live there commie cancer.

Fuck off kike.

Except for Nevada this is exactly my prediction

New Hampshire's going red?


That was supposed to be in the bag for Cunton.

Based Tom Brady.

Belichick is known for making great plays. Who wouldn't want to execute a sweet play with a high energy QB?


Don't expect an early Trump lead, the eastern lefty states are gonna be counted first. A New Hampshire win is a good sign. Only start panicking if Trump loses Florida.

New England remains as one of the last bastions of culture within the United States. It is commonplace to hear the term 'belichick play' in reference to something that happened perfectly in your favor.

bastion of anglo culture that is