Pulling yet another Bush-Al Gore

Even if Trump was to miraculously win the popular vote today, what guarantee do we have the he will secure the electoral votes required to win the presidency in Jan?


lol kill yourself
3 billion percent

If we kill enough jews he'll be president anyway. Added bonus: dead child molesters. It's win/win, honestly.

Literally none!


Obvious European is obvious. The electoral college doesn't get to just pick who wins. Christ, is that hard to understand that all 50 states have a certain amount of electoral votes?

The "popular vote" is fucking irrelevant. The only thing that matters is reaching 270 electoral votes.

I think it should be frowned upon (or maybe a soft ban from the FCC level that isn't enforced) to talk about the "popular vote" when the US doesn't use that system.

lel, no
We Europeans are awake and well and will waiting for MAGA win whole night.
this shitter OP is a kike

AWB would have never gone away, and .50 cal "sniper rifles" would be regulated as if it were a machine gun.

Trump has the overwhelming popular vote. The "votes" from illegals and from blacks who will be going to multiple polling stations are not valid. Every one of them is basically just the left refusing to count legitimate votes.

You can smell the desperation in this OP. We're gonna make america great again and there is absolutely nothing you can do to stop it.

Fuck off Chairm, the People are speaking.

Your salt must flow

You fucking idiot. I bet you think the electoral college is anything but just a way to balance out populations in the US.

Anyone that reaches 270 votes by winning enough states wins automatically, even if they lost the "popular vote" by 100 million votes.

My question is: what are prerequisities for 2nd tour to happen?

For what?

I mean, what states may prefer anybody else other than Clinton and Trump and what states are not giving all electoral votes to single winner?

Zero of them.

As for the latter, Trump may win 1 EV in Maine, will win all of them in Nebraska (the only other state where it’s split), and Hillary WON’T be winning 2 in Washington state, as two of its electors have said they won’t vote for her.

$00.02 has been deposited in your bank account.