Why is this board so fucking negative all the goddamn time?
Why is this board so fucking negative all the goddamn time?
Other urls found in this thread:
Because life is negative all the time.
Because the majority of comics and cartoons are really bad, new user. We do not like things being really bad.
Another really bad thing is new people polluting the board with redundant threads and their stupid questions. You should rectify this by lurking a lot more or leaving and never returning.
Internet hate machine, and we left our Holla Forums is love at cuckchan where the nigger loving tumblr crossboarders are with redbixnood.
/a/utists who are really thirsty for validation but don't know that /a/ exists
Is it? I don't see it.
Welcome newfag. You'll learn very quickly what it means to hate and how hate can move mountains when placed correctly.
Yeah it's not as bad as it used to be. We're now getting threads that are about things besides bitching about SJWs.
You must have missed all the hype threads and comfy storytimes. Lurk more please.
Because everything is shit. Have you seen Marvel lately?
The entertainment industry is too centralized and overregulated for good content to be made. So only garbage is allowed to get made, as authorized by the executives who don't see much financial benefit in experimenting or working with creators with unique ideas.
They've started to, the sad thing is it is mostly for political reasons and we end up with those female created shows that are worse than flash animations. Sadly the actual talent is passed up for "muh vagina" at the moment.
because everything in life is shit star, thats why. unless you're born with 100% pure luck, charisma, and good genes, you might be able bodied but you're still in for a shit ride. the world should have fucking ended in 2012.
Feels good man.
Swing by Holla Forums then, we've been a lot more positive lately (that's all relative though).
I like Holla Forums the way it is, my only real complaint is that we don't story time as often as we used to.
Lot of storytimes tend to get ignored unless they're terrible comics. I should know. I've done several threads already. Resident Alien and Krampus/Trick R Treat stuff is all that's been really successful. We still have the regular DC Rebirth user though.
Because cartoons have been hijacked and polluted by liberalism and all its horrors. The medium is dead and full of niggers, faggots and other abominations.
Said the cuck princess
is that enough for you to be happy? do you feel complete? do you feel like you have a purpose and like you're valued in your family/community? do you have a passion? and i mean a real passion not a passion for consuming entertainment, that is not a real passion.
i like that detail, its like adding insult to injury, well done.
Comics have been turned into glorified soap boxes for out of touch liberal faggots to complain about whatever was in the news months prior.
Readers don't like being preached at.
They don't like being told to sink money into 3 or 4 separate titles in order to get the full story.
They don't like being told that to understand the full breadth of a story that they need to read one particular spider-man comic published in the 1960s like The Crime Master part in agent Venom.
They don't like it when that continuity shit is deemed important and other times is completely fucking ignored.
They don't like it when books are taken over by untalented hacks.
They don't like immersion destroying ads every other page.
They don't like how non-uniform trade dimensions are.
They don't like it when characters don't grow and develop.
They don't like it when stories are written month to month rather than before ink has god damn touched paper.
Many do not like officially sanctioned fan fiction.
Cartoons meanwhile both in terms of numbers of new ones airing and the average quality have sunk to a point that it is hard to even call it an industry.
Most are CGI or Flash rather than Traditional.
Noodle armed or grinning potato headed, flat, off model animated sewage.
Most can put out a quarter hour and call it a new episode.
And despite all of this many go on incredibly long hiatuses.
It is clearly one of life's great mysteries.
Of course. And the internet is making it really easy to fulfill it.
Unless we see a massive overhaul in the entertainment industry in the next few years, the most intelligent course of action going forward will be a total abandonment of all currently produced traditional media. No more cable subscription and watching TV. No more buying new comics. No more going to see movies at the theater.
Instead, our future will be in hording all the good shit produced in the last 50 years onto personal bunker drives and spending our free time enjoying backlogs long enough to last the rest of our lives.
Wish I could take credit for that user. The wiggle actually was part of the original. the original being fan-made porn of course
/pol took over
I wish
because only normal fags don't have anything to hate
that's because there is actually shit to talk about
this too, also DC
things are only picking up because garbage like squirrel girl and hellcat is finally getting the axe and new shit is coming out
that's because a board specifically for storytiming was made so it wasn't allowed
I think anons realized that was stupid with how slow the board got though
nice bait
Good edit.
uggh, I guess I was expecting too much of Holla Forums
You forget about the lurkers.
Lurkers are always at the very least twice the actual posters.
They see everything but never speak.
True. But wouldn't hurt to have at least a small bump to keep threads alive a bit longer.
well tv is dying off anyway thanks to the internet and streaming.
True as a former lurker myself I browsed a lot of storytimes.
Are we not allowed to have star versus threads here, or does no one care?
newfags need to be told whats what once in a while, and op seemed like a legit question
did you remember to say thank you?
they are allowed, last one was spammed by some alt-right mexican though
in fact I would venture to say most anons like discussing it
good man
storytime anons really appreciate it
I ask because I have been off and on in the threads over at half chan and they fucking suck. mexicans normies and fucking women.
Why do you guys have to bully Star?
maybe you should go back, sounds like your people
**She deserves it.
She deserves it for being a slut tbh.
I like seeing characters getting hurt/emotional, and she deserves it which is a breath of fresh air comparing to some (ex. Korra) who don't get their teeth kicked more than they needed.
Kora needs a lot more tho
As someone that does storytime shit, thank you as well.
Annoying piece of shit who deserves to be cucked.
Your welcome fam. You guys deliver a great service to this board.
Kicked, punched, and all that jazz. Hell a doujin made by Shindol would help too.
Was the comic finished? Been meaning to get into that.
Also don't forget about >>>/storytime/
There's another book coming sometime this year.
well lets not go that far amputee chan doujin parody would be good tho
That or a sequel to Emergence where the group of kids killed the main girl get fucked up would be grand too
would rather not
Is the second pix Zarya from Overwatch and Pearl?
Nah, just Pearl ineptly chatting up a biker chick she freaks out about looking like her old dead girlfriend
To be honest it's pretty great given it's basically a space NEET being dragged out of the house and forced to talk to people
Too much counter-culture from Redwood's Holla Forums. That place was basically a hugbox where banning was common for showing any amount of criticism. You have to like Adventure time because its popular, or else you're a troll and need to be banned. Same with Steven Universe, and now Samurai Jack.
This place was meant to be a board with less restrictions, but during the Great Faggot Invasion after GamerGate you had a slew of people come here trying to act out and be edgy, thinking thats entirely what the old 4chan was when they weren't even old enough to experience it. Thats why there is shitposting, thats why sage is used exclusively as a downvote here, it's basically killed this board because they have no restraint and shit up every thread for every subject and our mod wants to be the cool mom who lets all these kids party and drink beer.
dubs of truth.
Thanks, professor.
some of us don't want to bump shit threads
Or maybe you're just a fuck idiot
You're a dumbass kid
That's not what several Samurai Jack threads in a row are saying.
That's because Samurai Jack is made by a man of the CN Cartoon Cartoons era, before Rebecca Sugar and Autism Time
If found refreshing that this Holla Forums has not succumbed to the starcucks invasion. Their reaching SU autism levels.
All fan fiction sanctioned or not, is just autistic ramblings of hacks and mentally ill people
But unlike other places, people here the series for the overrated shit that it is.
get back to cuckchan, starcuck.
you're not fitting in
Because seeing that Holla Forums is polluted with 30-something-old faggots who never got over perusing the Disney channel and are autistically head over heels for spic and LGBT-endorsing Flash crap is enough to make anyone negative.
Businessfag here.
The only way to fix the industry is by changing the executive's incentives. In free markets, consumer satisfaction is at all time highs because the executives are incentivised to produce quality goods and services or lose customers to their competitors. We don't have a free market of entertainment, and television has never been a profitable medium for cartoons.
Why do you think Dreamworks spends over 100,000,000 dollars on their movies, but is too stingy to spare Voltron any shekels? Because Voltron isn't profitable itself, it relies on Netflix subscriptions, not people buying the show itself like they would with vidya and movies. Their movies on the otherhand sell relatively well, and thus they're willing to shill out their money on something that'll pay them back tremendously. Same people, but different attitudes towards two distinct mediums. The solution here is to switch to TVOD. You know, the way books, movies and games are sold? SVOD has the same problem with cable, as it's still not profitable to the executives and studios. If you want executives to give shows high budgets, make sure the shows themselves are lucrative enough themselves to warrant that financial action. No competent executive wants to throw away large sums of money at something that isn't going to give them high returns. It would be senseless for them to do so from a business perspective.
But even if you manage to jump ship from television and Netflix, you still have one major problem. And this problem is the reason Games and Movies have been complete dogshit. That problem is the lack of true competition. That might sound stupid at first, but when you think about it. There's a lot of popular IPs people love, and therefore they have high demand. So what's stopping the executives from going,
"You know, we're the only ones who can legally make works of these popular ideas people love, we're guaranteed to profit no matter how lackluster we make them, and it would be needlessly risky and stupid of us to invest time and money into something that's going to give us the same amount of profit as we would if we just play it safe. And even if people write us negative reviews, it's not gonna hurt us. When we have a monopoly, we're more than secure."
And that's the mentality of Ubisoft, EA, Activision, Disney, Fox, Marvel and Warner Bros. among others. They make shitty decisions because there's no one to compete with them. You may complain about their practices, but they couldn't care less what you think, they've got legions of fanboys who'll buy from them nevertheless. The same thing will happen to cartoons even if you got them off television and Netflix.
What would happen without copyright is that creators would be free to work with other networks if their current one screws them over or gives them a shitty deal. They'd lose creators to their competitors who would then host their creator-sanctioned works, the fans would buy from them instead, and the bad press would dissuade creators and new consumers from working with or buying from them. It would make executives treat creators with respect instead of screwing them and sitting on their ideas to never be used again or turned into franchise zombies, which are a result of copyright.
And on a final note, SJW content would be non-existent. Sales statistics from Marvel Comics prove that progressive garbage flops. Therefore, it would be stupid for executives to waste their time on those cucks. The progressive execs might, but they'd just be wasting their money.
In summary, once you start selling cartoons on TVOD and circumvent or abolish copyright laws, we can have cartoons of a quality never before seen in animation history. Budgets would be sky high due to the new lucrative business model, competition would ensure that the best creators would be chosen, and executives would be dissuaded from being the tyrannical kikes they are now. Just like any other thriving market.
Opinion discarded
i can see how copywrite fucks over creators but would be the alternative that allowed creators to keep their ideas instead of forking them over or having them copied blatantly
Case in point.
Desperately, these faggots want to start a console-tier fandom war between everyone and everything. From the comic vs cartoons or anime level all the way down to an individual, fandom level, even a personal meta-level. This is indicative of migrants from Redwood's playpen. They have no passion for animation or what goes on in the business, they just want to pick a side and fling shit at each other.
Just boned Marco Diaz already
Fuck me silly, how far along is Star S2 now? Haven't been keeping up at all.
why Gems even need earth, like , why cant they just use a fucking inert dead planet like Mars?
S2 just ended. S3 confirmed with rumours of s4
See Star's hear break