Here is how I vote

No democrat: anti-White, anti-male.

No non-White: stats conclusively show they judge and vote against Whites, it's not even close. There are a lot of piece of shit Whites in power but overall a high percentage will met out justice blind, this is not reciprocated.

No female: stats show more than not judge and vote against Whites, against males, a high percentage of females in government being man hating dikes and feminists.

Libertarian over republican: libertarian consider the Constitution in their deliberations, against taxes, big government, and tyranny, while republicans, like democrats, have no problem with any of those, so given the option for a judge or tax & spend position I pick libertarian over a republican, unless the republican is White and libertarian non White/messcan, as studies have shown even the small percentage of messcans that call themselves conservative/republican/libertarian when asked the follow up questions nearly all are no different than the rest, just calling themselves something they don't actually understand/follow. If it's a White female libertarian vs White male republican I'll vote libertarian since too many republicans are good goys.

Other urls found in this thread:

ps. I voted Trump and then followed the prescribed procedure for the rest.

Before anyone gives you shit, reminder to all that not every lolberg is Gary Johnson - a cucked out open borders activist.

Note: this is a blogpost.


Johnson is a faggot indeed but that doesn't make libertarianism any less cucked.

Also, reported for blogpost

I won't disagree with you, but one should read into each candidate's position first. I'd much rather vote for a libertarian who is against open borders than a good goy republican who will bend over for the ZOG

I voted no democrats, all republicans/cucservatives because they have better chance of beating democrats than others. there was like only one choice for Republicans in jewyourk

If you guys want to talk about how you vote
remake the thread here: >>>/polblog/ and then talk about it there, not here.

With your suggestion may as well not post at all, it's pointless to post to a dead sub that maybe one person will lurk with their only company being a search engine bot.

It isn't dead, it's brand new. The alternative is posting in a dead thread when this gets anchored. At least there you can talk for a while before this gets 404'd.

Or yeah, not post blogposts at all, that works too.

talk for a while even after this gets 404'd*

Except this thread isn't dead or anchored.

Oh yeah, also no if their last name (((echoes)))), same obvious issue; anti White.

The only conversation going on here is whether or not this thread is dead.
It will be anchored once a mod notices this shit. Hopefully you'll get banned too for sliding with your shitty blogpost, also double posting. We have IDs here, you know.

It's not sliding, I just voted, that's literally how I went about it, it's the last fucking day to vote and faggots like you are bitching about it. Go die.



Even for minorities who are nominally conservative, a lot of them still vote Democrat just because the D's offer free stuff and it's in their personal interest to do so.

Yep, stefan molyjew did a video on their behavior vs what they claim, they're 99% anti-American, them taking over WILL be the death of America. This place will be converted to shithole messihole.


Ron Paul: "Libertarianism is the enemy of all racism" (Ron Paul: "Libertarianism is the enemy of all racism")
"Libertarian is the enemy of all racism, because racism is a collectivist idea. Its that, you put people in category, you say "Well blacks belong here, and whites here, and women here", but we don't see people in forms, or, uh, or gays, you don't have rights because you're gays or women or minority, you have rights because you're an individual. So we see people strictly as individuals, and we get these individuals in a natural way, so its exactly opposite of all collectivism, and its absolutely anti-racism, because we don't see it in those terms."

Ron Paul: Immigration not solved by barbed wire, guns

Ron Paul is Anti-Racist
Ron Paul: I have always made it clear, and will continue to do so, that my message is based on the rights of all people to be treated equally.
Any type of racism or anti-Semitism is incompatible with my philosophy.
Ludwig von Mises, the great economist whose writing helped inspire my political career, was a Jew who was forced to leave his native Austria to escape the Nazis.
> Therefore, for me to advance anti-Semitism in any way would be a betrayal of my own intellectual heritage.

- Ludwig von Mises, Nation, State, and Economy, page 10

- Ludwig von Mises, Human Action, page 87

- Ludwig von Mises, The Ultimate Foundation of Economic Science, page 81

- Ludwig von Mises, Liberalism, page 139

- Ludwig von Mises, Omnipotent Government, page 263

- Tom Woods, Liberty and Immigration

- Official Libertarian Political Platform, 2004 election cycle

- Official Libertarian Political Platform, 2016 election cycle

Libertarianism is AIDS and faggotry.

Best strategy:

Did they endorse Trump?

For the ones where nobody endorsed Trump, I voted for the most fringe candidate possible.

If the most fringe is non White and they get in, Whites are going to have a bad time.