Enjoying those buffer overflows, Cfriends?
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The following are the only languages a white man needs to know.
Python is useful to know about, but it's not in the same tier as the other three.
This too, for certain use cases. Various assembly languages and GPU ones are necessary as well.
As a white man who likes C I'll give Racket and Ada a go soon. Maybe I'll like them too.
into the trash
Racket is really fun, Ada is a language that is highly performant but it's not for everything.
What don'cha like about Ada?
That it had government support? It's not like my current employer's going to let me whip out Befunge on the job. Language choice is pretty limited in the real world if you aren't driving the project yourself.
That it has a human girl mascot? It's an old language, before SJWs or furries.
That it has weird syntax? You'd get used to it in no time.
Fuck rust, only indian niggers and faggots would learn it
Is Ada an overly complex language? Not conceptually but syntactically, like C++. Meaning, there are thousands of little corner cases and different meanings based on context.
I don't get that impression at all from it, no. With stuff like "end if" and "end loop", it's clearly trying to be verbose and direct, so I wouldn't expect to find much confusion elsewhere.
I've yet to see an adafag make anything non-trivial with it so I assume it's a meme language. The whole ecosystem around that language collapsed and everyone abandoned it which doesn't speak well for it.
That isn't a sign of quality though. There's a big ecosystem around javascript, and it's worthless.
An ecosystem isn't a sign of quality but the lack of an ecosystem isn't either.
Have fun with ur hardware botnets.
Webdevs aren't people. In all seriousness though, worthless was the wrong word, I should have said shoddy. In spite of the fact that people use javascript, it isn't a good language. And of course, webdevs do not have a choice.
Perhaps Ariane 5 was not the best example to choose here.
Yes, not being able to catch conversion errors might not be a great example when portraying ada as reliable and safe. Flight software is complex and if not tested properly, it can ruin your day. Regardless of that, I still think Ariane 5 is a great rocket. From 2004 to now there were no launch failures.
Those industries have largely abandoned Ada, user.
you have no idea what you are even shilling about
Does every project that uses Rust have to obey the CoC? Why isn't there a de-leftified fork yet?
What are they gonna do if you break it? Send the SJW police after you?
Go ahead and make one.
lmao what a joke of a language
Holy shit what a fucking awful thread. At least my Rust shilling threads actually have a meaningful OP instead of just "hurr durr rust LOL".
And all you fucking retards that reply to such obvious bait should be gassed.
Did you pull this out of your ass or can you provide me with official documents that state use of SPARK subset of in those projects? I can't find them and I don't pretend to work for Boeing/ESA/NASA. Also I'm not shilling Ada. I was merely pointing out that people built non trivial systems with it.
What ARE modern flight computers programmed?
I've not worked on a flight computer, but I did some minor work on a battleship's navigation system in 1999. It was in C.
You'd all also be horrified to know that your dreams of a mission critical software sector where everything is super rigorous and disciplined are just dreams. They were an inch away from outsourcing that shit to Pajeets and I'd not be surprised to learn that in the years after they found a way to do it.
No, because I'm not a pajeet-tier programmer that needs the language to hold his hand, and it's not even perfect at that either.
RIP US naval supremacy.
You mean
Probably all Pajeet and Java now. Even C is too traumatizing to brainlets.
We're fucked in an actual war as our defense contractors are just parasites now while China is building things that actually work. While "actually work" is the Chinese definition, it's still more effective than a hole in the water filled with money.
That's why Trump is being autistic about making certain the US Nuclear arsenal actually works. I bet many of those systems are still coded in Fortran.
All of US missile systems are mainframes that use those large floppies and are always disconnected from the internet, much of the military still use DOS.
Fortran isn't memory-safe.
They should recode those systems in Rust.
And the code quality is worse than pajeet tier. Never send an engineer to do a computer scientist's job.
"In theory, theory and practice are the same. But in practice, they're different."
Computer scientists often can't into real programming
They use that stuff because it's simple. Those floppy drives have hard-wired control units, not a microprocessor. There are no backdoors and the parts are easy to fix.
I'm pretty sure they used the "whitest of the white" scientists to code those missiles. They're not going to fuck around.
Those systems probably don't even have spare memory to leak!
No, they're fine with hopelessly unfixable bloated shit. They use floppies in that system because that was modern tech when it was designed and tested. Imagine having to re-test something like an ICBM. It's a system that absolutely must work so any change means doing a full range of tests including actually firing them off. The cost is huge so it's a lot easier to just continue using floppies.
You were on a roll with C, then you fucked it up with the worst LISP