All Jews

How do we redpill the "It's the Zionists, not all Jews!" crowd? All Jews are the enemy, not just the Zionists.
'Anti-Zionist Jews' are also the enemy. Most of them are liars, and those that are truly Anti-Zionist are still following a wicked religion.
We must get this message out: Anyone that calls them self a Jew, and follows the religion of Judaism, is the enemy of all peoples.

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You have to first get them to understand race realism in general.

The people who believe "it's just zionists" either aren't race realists or they're some nutty Christian Identity people who think jews is just a religion

Quotes from the talmud work best.

double dubs confirm beyond a doubt

I've gotten more normies redpilled on the jew through Revelation 2:9 and Revelation 3:9 than all of my other work about race, bankers, etc. combined.

How is it all the Jews when many Jews gave Trump money and vocally support him, and Trump has many Jews around him?

Do they practice Judaism? Are you a race realist?

Probably yeah

Could be a concern troll, but I'll bump for the sake of discussion. Of course not everybody is claiming all blacks are ghetto criminals, or that all Jews are calculating, usurious globalists who play both sides. These are strawmen to make it seem as if there is an irrational hatred where there is not. I have been reading rationalwiki and wikipedia to observe their arguments, they are all rooted in hyper-egalitarianism and "conspiracy theories", in regards to race, its implications, and "white privilege". Everything is a conspiracy theory, except when you agree with it.

There is no conspiracy, it is not an irrational hatred. The claim is that Jews are, proportional to their population, over-represented in many fields in foreign nations, push for specific agendas (while the opposite is observed in their own communities. Open borders, except in Israel because that's anti-Semitic. I read an article some kike rabbi posted whining about being at 75% 'jewish population', while they support Shillary who wants open borders from her own e-mails!), and exert influential control from their positions of power. Of course, the Jews are smart. Many claim that they simply value education and hard work. Many other groups do this, too. Whites do, as do Asian immigrants, on average. There are about 15 million Jewish people worldwide. The nation with the closest population to this is (save for nigger nations) the Netherlands (16.98 million people). I want you to go to this link ( and replace "Jewish ancestry" with "Dutch ancestry". Is there not an alarming trend noticed? Do you not question the motives of the Dutch? With such a tiny percentage of the population, why do they control this much? Certainly, the Dutch do not work as hard as others to gain such status, just from the sheer numbers, other people would have come in and competed with them, as well. Is this a recent trend? No, the Dutch (Jews) have been known for this throughout history. Nobody claims all Dutch people are manipulative, but try going up to a Dutch person and asking them about this great Dutch influence. You will be labelled as anti-Dutch. Other groups are capable of critiquing their own. Whites have no greater hatred for traitors of their own race and those who fall victim to the Dutch subversion. Certain, not all, blacks hate BLM and critique them. Again, minorities, but still many more so than the Jews who will critique their own.

Listen to Dr. Pierce, minutes, from minute 4 onward

No wonder messianic-jews tends to dismiss the "star" as their symbol and Israel all together.

Jews play both sides, Are you new? did you just came from cuckchan? are you an 7th exodusfag?
Vid related.
The Myth of the "Good Jew"



Focusing on the Talmud and jewish religion in general makes a lot more sense. It's a lot harder to get someone to question race than it is to convince them that a religion that says "kill the best of the gentiles" and permits sex with infants is pretty bad.

No offense, but your strategy sounds pretty Aut-Right.

Very simple, just read the history of the jews, they are the pest of the world wherever they settle, etc.

Reported for judeophilia.

you don't

just keep calling them zionists, and they will keep calling you anti-semites, therefore outing themselves

Try this OP. 'Hey asshole, that job you lost, it's because of these fucking guys'. See wot I did thar? I got his attention, then I interested him and deflected his double fury to a solution xD.

Man stop with semantic bullshit. YOU!!! are being a Jew by doing that. It's cheap con man shit. It's dishonourable and shows contempt for your fellow man.

IT'S THE FUCKING JEWS, and you have a wealth of material spanning centuries from which to draw upon. If you can't make your case logically, you need to go back to the drawing board and work on your rhetoric.

He is himself a Jew.

The star is biblical, it's found in the Acts of the Apostles 7:43 and is known as the Star of Remphan.

Revelations 2-9 and 3-9 or Luther's "On the Jews and Their Lies" to convince Christians. Catholics praise some globalist kike puppet of a pope, not sure if you can convince them. Synagogue of Satan by A.C.Hitchcock is also a good book or video, but it's long and most won't read/watch it unless they've already started down the rabbit hole.

Many kikes know their god is Lucifer, but instead of converting to Christianity, they become crypto-Jews or fight you over it. Any good points you make, they'll just forget and ignore the next day and debate you over all of the same topics.

Many Muslims know of the Jews, but Muslims still follow Allah, the moon worshipping faggot pedophile.

As for atheists, I'd be interested in some ideas. They love to attack Christianity, but many of them would defend kikes or mudslimes as "just a different culture" while some ridicule all religions but never delve into specifics about the religions. They might know one or two bible verses to make Christians look bad, but they never seem to know much of Islam or Judaism. I think they'd be the most open to reading passages from the Talmud or Quran.

The problem with fedoras is they are the stupid ones who think themselves smart. I can understand someone not being spiritual or being agnostic. But to adopt the atheist persuasion, it takes a real idiot who thinks himself intellectually superior.

What do you call people who are culturally jewish but not religious at all and anti-zionist

I've noticed plenty of atheists will call themselves agnostic, but still be the stereotypical obnoxious fedora. I know they can be convinced, but only in a very specific way… like through their favorite plebbit or vidya gaym or MLP or some other degenerate shit.

I mean it isn't really fair to say someone is born into a camp and cannot escape it, especially considering modern non-israeli jews are mostly white(USER WAS BANNED FOR THIS POST)

allah is a moon god?
this is the first ive heard of this and if you could tell me more id be very thankful, when i google it it doesnt give any satisfactory answers
sage for offtopic

Their god is Moloch, not Lucifer, you fucking retard.


Meh, the Crescent of Islam implies so, but I say it's a facade. They're most likely a Saturn cult like the Jews, just look at the Kaaba and compare it to the Kikel head-box thing. It's the Cube of Tetragrammaton, and it's used to imprison spiritual energy, which is why Abrahamists are so spiritually dead.

Used to have a statue of Hubal in it

Yes which could support my theory. They imprison Hubal in the Kaaba, which seals its energy from the earth, but continue to visit Mecca to pray to the cube itself, giving the prison power.

Jews are exactly like a virus

Marxism/sabbatians/rabbis are the evil >DNA core

lol fucking babby tier.

They are simply scared that the US would stop sending them money and weapons if Trump came to power so they started sucking his dick just in case.

Said the guy acting like a total shill who doesn't understand the underlying force behind the names.

Not saying you're wrong, but the "Rosenthal Document" is a shitty hoax, and that's Javitz, not Rosenthal in the image.
As a god of the night, Kek was also related to the day - he was called the "bringer-in of the light". This seems to mean that he was responsible for the time of night that came just before sunrise. He was the god of the hours before dawn; the twilight which gave birth to the sun.

You know nothing.


We don't actually support Trump, he is just square one, and liberals have made a boogeyman out of him, once the election is over regardless of the result we'll continue with our activities

Be sure to livestream your suicide, kike.

Lucifer is a made up entity. It's just a cheap Semitic ripoff of the Prometheus story.

George Lincoln Rockwell thought the same, until he studied. Don't mistake ignorance for stupidity.

You haven't ever thought, that perhaps there is some truth to both mythos? You know, a common origin.. If a jew teaches that 2+2=4 after hearing it from a Greek scholar, it doesn't become a ripoff until he sells it.

aka Jesus
In Latin, the word is applied to John the Baptist and is used as a title of Jesus himself in several early Christian hymns. The morning hymn Lucis largitor splendide of Hilary contains the line: "Tu verus mundi lucifer" (you are the true light bringer of the world).[53] Some interpreted the mention of the morning star (lucifer) in Ambrose's hymn Aeterne rerum conditor as referring allegorically to Jesus and the mention of the cock, the herald of the day (praeco) in the same hymn as referring to John the Baptist.[54] Likewise, in the medieval hymn Christe qui lux es et dies, some manuscripts have the line "Lucifer lucem proferens".[55]

Ye but Prometheus is the OG Lightbringer, Lucifer is just a scapegoat.

Lucifer is Latin, so he is a Roman ripoff, though.

Is Kek or Prometheus older?


Kek, presumably. I'm not sure if the Ogdoad is old Egyptian religion or newer - it really boils down to that.

Not an argument.

Alright, fine. Jesus can have some respect from me, but fuck his alleged father YHWH.

I don't argue with non arguments, autistic frog poster.

the jewish war/child sacrifice god Moloch is "yahweh." always has been. Old testament is pure vile cancer and should be purged. Anyone who believes in following the old testament is a filthy fucking heretic.

Wir mussen die juden ausrotten.

Still not an argument.

Listen folks, Kek isn't a Lightbringer. He's more like the exterminator who kills rats, but he isn't the one who welcomes the family back into the house. Ushering out the darkness/false light of the Kali Yuga =/= Ushering in the Golden Age, but his appearance heralds the approach of glorious Dawn.

The characteristics of the third pair of gods, Kek and Kauket, are easier to determine, and it is tolerable certain that these deities represent the male and female powers of the darkness which was supposed to cover over the primeval abyss of water; they have been compared by Dr. Brugsch with the Erebos of the Greeks. In some aspects they appear to represent both the night and the day, that is to say, Kek is called "the raiser up of the light," and Kauket the "raiser up of the night." It is not difficult to see how these deities obtained these names, for Kek represents that period of the night which immediately precedes the day, and Kauket is that period of the night which immediately follows the day.

– Wallis Budge, E.A. 2003, The Gods of the Egyptians: Volume 1, pp. 285-286

Ye it's pretty much just semantics, but I wanted to clarify how it's possible for a Chaos God of the Void can also be a bringer of Light. He technically isn't a bringer of Light, but his role as the one who chases out the Night is harder for mortals to understand.

A lot of our compatriots fall for the "all X" meme because they are, in all frankness, too socially isolated to have personally met an honest jew or an intelligent nigger. I've met both; more importantly, the silent majority has met both. They will not accept any effort to build a better Reichtomorrow which violates the truths they know in their hearts. By infiltrating Holla Forums with stormkikes and zombies, they can sow internal dissent and conflict, while discrediting us.

Look at Trump's rhetoric: he doesn't hate blacks, or hispanics, or jews–he hates the niggers, the kikes, and the wetbacks and has, between the lines, indicated he knows the difference. He's a big man for you who will recognize greatness in anyone he meets who has it. Hitler was much the same.

Anyone who cannot recognize his true allies is a 5th columnist or worse.

Simple, whosoever denieth the Son, the same hath not the Father: (but) he that acknowledgeth the Son hath the Father also.
They're the part of the synagogue of Satan as long as their holy text is the Talmud and they do not accept Christ.

[citation needed]. As far as I know, the child sacrifice cults were against the religion of ancient Israel, and Moses.

You don't. I post anti-Zionism memes specifically to differentiate between anti-Zionism and anti-Semitism. You'll never get the average burger to go full blown anti-Semite, but you've really got a good chance to get them over to anti-Zionism. Just remind your fellow burgs that we gave $80 million to Israel yesterday, and that we're doing it again today, and that we'll do it again tomorrow. Link that with ANYTHING AT ALL DOMESTIC like the drinking water in Flint and then just let the hamster wheel spin…they'll put it together quicker than you think.

The best red pill is the one we think we're taking of our own free will, putting it together ourselves in our own minds.

Take your PR faggotry back to TRS.

vs. anonymous social signaling. It's getting old. Things will calm down a bit after a year of Trump.

Sacrifice has basically been in human nature ever since we came to be. God has always laid it very clear that the whole spilling of blood and burning of crops for him were always unpleasant and said he'd send a perfect sacrifice to save us in the fullness of time.

Not all Jews

You're a fucking mess. Reported for absolute faggottry

Moses didn't exist and if you want an example of how depraved and Kikey your precious ancient Israelites and their Jew God were, just read Exodus. Committing blood magic to kill the first-born sons of Egypt is exactly what I'd expect from those volcano demon worshippers.

Your theory sounds like bullshit. Any sources?
Volcano implies fedora, demon implies something else.. Which is it?


If he didn't exist, then what's the point of relying on Exodus to back up what you're saying?

YHWH/Yaldabaoth. You can like Jesus all you want but the God of the Old Testament is a Jewish demon.

It's important to judge a race by their fan-fiction.

Exodus didn't happen either, but you should read it to know what slander those Kike rats wrote against Egypt, which explains why Kek is anti-Semitic.

How many jews actually follow the teachings of the tora? Very few.
There are talmudists, kabbalists, satanists, atheists and everything in between.
Many jews have put considerable distance between themselves from their rabbinical overlords, the problem is that every part of their culture reinforces an antagonistic attitude towards life (like circumcision) and the rabbinical ruling class has convinced the world to distrust all jews, which leaves jews no option, but to run back into the hands of their rabbis. Holla Forums reinforces this division every day and acts like a wall, that prohibits jews to come over to the side of the light and forces them back to their plantation. it's quite sad.

Everything Jewish is wicked. Their culture comes from their religion.

I don't really understand why you were banned

Moloch is another name for Satan/Lucifer. Some other names the Bible uses are Remphan and Chiun, these are all names for the devil. I have studied this quite a lot.

I'll be glad to see most of you civic "nationalist" faggots leave after the election.

Must watch documentary for every user in this thread btw

Don't forget YHWH.

I'll be sure to marry my daughter off to Tyrone with Anderson's help. Noone cares who the Jews are or what they hate when the whole parasitic race dies.

I haven't said anything controversial. The rabbinical class has for hundreds of years sought to keep jews separated from the rest of society to control and indoctrinate them. This is their powerbase and they protect it by creating boundaries and animosity towards jews. There is not one Rabbi who is unhappy about anti-semitism, anti-semitism is a jewish invention upon which everything they aim for rests. Open your eyes.


he's also a mongrel shitskin

What would you say to someone who was born a jew, but hasn't practiced in 10 years because I don't consider myself to be Jewish? I am a race realist, holocaust denier, and long time lurker. Would you expect me to gas my own family?

Gotta go vote, will be afk for awhile.

There many ways to win this game and there are many different endings. You want the "Congratulations, all Jews have been exterminated" ending. Fine, but don't pretend that this is the only way to win the game.

So whites and blacks are equal, because

Don't think we're playing the same "game" (((user))), seeing as how i'm not a civic nationalist jew apologist

Explains why they worship Moloch

No, no. We are playing the same game. You're playing as the unimaginative, twitchy warrior and i'm playing as a magician. It's a lot more fun, you should give it a try.


But user, i want to rid myself of jews, which for all intents and purposes would make me an antisemitic. You're saying you wish to get rid of jews as well? Oh, but user don't you know that's what they want.

Islam was invented by kikes, their holy book was written by jews.

When were they ever on the side of the light you historically ignorant cunt? They have been pulling this subversive genocide gig for at least 2, years.


But it's not all Jews.

Not to say any of the Jews are our friends, and more than the blacks are our friends. But not all Jews are in on the high-level conspiracies. That said, they'll still be given preferential treatment over us, and just like "moderate" Muslims they may not directly partake in the actual attacks and crimes, but may approve of them and help to cover up for their more dedicated kin.

What does it mean?

What's your endgame then? Put all the jews in Israel and hope they stop fucking with everything?

Civic nationalism has no place in Europe but it's harder to say that for the states.

Are there ANY redpilled Jewish sects?

What do other anons think about joining and seeking out leadership positions in our local churches? We can pace and then lead the congregations supported by meme's targeted at shifting christians to our position.

Religion is key to protecting our culture and we need shape it for the next generation.

The Anti-Christ is said to become loved by the whole world. Being handsome should help.
All angels work for God, including the ones who genuinely believe they have free will and decided against Him.
Winter Solstice?
He is said to entice people to sin without end.
Anti-Christ/Satan/Molech/Saturn/what have you.
God's always with us, so if this new prophet isn't, he is the Anti-Christ.
He's probably going to related to someone.
He'll probably be a VIP in the media.
Ayy lmao humans visiting us in the near future?
No idea.

someone in a thread last week proposed that the godhead (Kether in the kabbalistic tree of life) is divided in the negative tree, but one in the positive tree.
Moloch and Satan would be the two beings in negative Kether.