Get nice and cozy Holla Forums, Eddie Brock is back on the block. Don't give money to Marvel, though, they're fucking scum
Brock is Back!
Does anyone else remember when SJW was a term just used on Holla Forums? How long until Batman starts calling people cucks?
It was?
Oh vey! Bad goy! Vote with your wallet! at least you could send booze or food to the writer and artist by mail
He's Back!
We can pay the writer in the currency of memes and reaction images.
He is a big guy
this is practically furry fetish porn. nowhere else you see men that ridiculously buff
For you. for everyone
no you tard, its not about being or not being into manly men, HUMANS CAN'T HAVE ARMS THAT BIG. who the fuck is drawing this? rob liefield?
pic related is what that looks like to me. your picture however is less fucked, thats a more acceptable proportion.
It's a super hero comic, you fucking autist.
its still retarded as shit and poorly drawn
Did you complain about this image too? Brock is a fan service character for gays and western fujoshis.
the proportions are less fucked in that, the neck however is too long.
still less fucked than that retarded truck-armed brock or the cap america fucked up pecs.
Happy Brock's back. But damn are those arms ridiculous.
A new dawn is upon us, friends.
Feels good, tbh.
what a fucking casual, go to /fit/ no, really, you need to be in shape so we can continue to shitpost in this hell
I'm really excited that the artist of Luthor Strode is drawing a Venom story written by David Michilinie.
Good goy, buy those comics.
Read the OP, tbh, fam. We're not buying anything, just memeing.
It was a catch all term to describe the radical left that saw much use on Holla Forums with all this feminism needs to be in games and progressive indie game devs saying how racist games are because there aren't any blacks ect. It started catching on with mighty number 9's dina disaster, Femfeq, 5 guys burgers and fries and gamergate. Now its mainstream.
I kept reading it as THIS IS NOT A TRUCK.
damn, brock is hueg
Yes, we can. Not all of us, but it's possible.
wasn't there a photo of a model with a shitty costume doing the exact same pose?
Girly men, BTFO
Come on. To claim that this head position is impossible you must have poor spacial visualization abilities and grasp on anatomy. There is a reason why people who were first to shit on it were tumblr artists - most of them being women who lack fundamentals.
It was well done body paint.
kek, comic book women should be hot and comic book men like Brock should be hot as well.