Oc story time

oc story time

Posting a 24 page amateur comic I made to jump in on a booth some of my bros had at a comicon. I was late finishing it though, so it has just been sitting around, not published to the public. I don't really exist on social media, but I wanted to share this somewhere. I'm hoping some of you guys will like it.





You should practice drawing everyday for the next three years. Then make it again and we'll read it.

Not everyone should draw

Yeah. I don't really practice that often… definitely not my day job. I'm going to finish dumping this though…thread's already here

You're not the worst artist in the world, fam. You just need to practice for 100000000 thousand hours.

kek, I'm saving this.


well. at least something came out of this.


Go read Squirrel Girl, fam.

Thanks for storytiming, haven't read yet. Will do so now.


no problem. it was my (probably masochistic) pleasure. if you guys thought my art was bad, wait to you get to my writing. awkward little statements like this are littered throughout.


Honestly got some quality reaction pics out of this, not bad, wasn't cringe worthy or anything. Just looks like a rough draft by an amateur, but I didn't notice anything particularly autistic.



OP, when can we get a sequel where this semon demon rekts that faggy normal demon?

For some reason, these all did my heart good.
Definitely no sequel coming up… this was a huge timesink when I was making it.

Oh well, I enjoyed reading what you made. Thanks for sharing, fam.

Glad you enjoyed it. Thanks for sharing your OC and everything.

The hatching turtle hydra looks pretty good. Just keep practicing your drawing skills consistently and you're gonna make it.
Writing is not bad. Normally this amount of words in a comic bores me quickly but not in this case. You managed to not meander and make nearly every sentence count. That's something that many professional comic writers have issues with. Just keep practicing.

What are these tings in her back supposed to be? They kind of look like those pins used by insect collectors to hold specimens in place.

Creating anything is usually laborious, and you won't get any better at creating comics if you won't actually go ahead and do it.

Made a banner.


Thanks for the compliments and the solid advice. I had some ideas for other projects, but I was planning on ditching them… maybe I'll give it another shot and try pouring some hours into it. (Focusing on smaller stuff. I'm impressed by the kinds of stories some artists can tell in 2 pages)

I feel unworthy. thanks

Keep up the good work

I haven't even read it, but I want to thank you user for actually creating something, regardless of how bad it is.

I like this. It feels like dream logic. The writing and art aren't perfect but they seem well thought-out, occasionally unpolished but not fundamentally flawed. The technology talk checks out.

I read the bubbles in the middle panel of the first page of in the wrong order at first. That didn't happen to me on any other pages though, even when it went from top-right to bottom-left.