Merchantland votes Trump

What did they mean by this?


why would they lie about it though? If anything, if they were going to lie, wouldn't it be the other way around?

This is a degenerate society.

We have to ask the bigger question.
Is Israel just a "genetic protection" nation the (((Investment bankers))) uses to lander money, exploit gov of money, though point for black market trade, and is truly home to subhuman (90ish IQ) as Holla Forums claimed, or people who really want the same for them selves (non gimmiedats, work with honor and meaning, better quality of life, improvements to there wall, protection.

Or all just some D&C shill bullshit the (((investment bankers))) can point too and say "Well, if you can do it, so can we!" despite how they do everything they say we cant and are racist for.

Pretty hot, tbh. I want to be cared for by a fit Israeli woman.

Kek. Nice try JIDF. Like the kikes wouldn't lie about a kike publication lying about kikes.

Feel free to fuck off to Israel and have a child with a Jewess.

Globalist Jews are crypto Jews or mind controlled livestock. Actual Israeli kikes are still slimy Jews but are completely open about it.

Jews jewing Jews.

Bingo. They play both sides.

The regular jewish american vote is like 9:1 against him.

it means I'm voting for Hillary

If that were true you'd be against ethnic nationalism, walls, and killing, sandniggers. It's implied that it's what kikes in your country tell you.

I don't trust anything the msm pushes. If it's not an outright lie then it's meant to frame the narrative in their direction. They could report the sky was blue and I'd doubt their motives.

That we got played and voted for their candidate.


You're still all getting gassed.

The only difference is we might try and figure out quicker acting agents. Quick painless death for the non traitors

No but seriously kikes just stay in Israel and stop subverting western/European nations, and we'll be good


Nobody. The Jews will learn to be productive self sufficient peoples. I mean it can't be that hard. They've been living off Europeans for thousands of years. They must at least know the theory.

The jews genuinely think that Donald might go full Hitler. This is them hedging their bets.
Thank them for their votes and disregard.

those nails. fucking cancerous.

Your average kike is a dumb piece of shit, but they're pretty conservative regardless. Which is understandable.

That combined with his love for a wall, something they have as well.

They're the icing on the cake. They're on some kind of fat, homo, nu-male shilldawg faggot. Take it all in. The disgust. The revulsion. Then you see the toenails.

Why, they're black with fungus. This fat faggot can't even clean itself? You look at the hands. Everything is lain clear. This fucking faggot styles his fingernails and toenails. He wears jewellery like a woman. What the fuck?

This is the enemy. For decades the government and the media has given it power, but it is a weak faggot piece of shit. No longer fit to be a man. It is only propped up by external forces that are falling. You can beat it. You WILL beat it. It is not a question of if, it is a question of when.

Learn how to defend yourself, teach it to your group. Anons on Holla Forums often talk about the NEED TO FORM MY RWDS. By now you should have a group of friends and family committed to self-defense and self-reliance. That is your group when everything breaks down. abc groups have been doing their damndest to infiltrate and destroy any organization devoted to helping the White Man for 30 years. And that only in earnest, publicly. You can come to your own conclusion beyond what went public.

I've been rambling. Tomorrow is Election Day.I've taken a couple vacation days from work, but it still isn't over. I'm showing up tomorrow as an observer. The election is going to be tight. That mean recounts and lawsuits and everything else. You need to be standing ready against the left's attempts to steal Trumps victory.

They love his beautiful jewish grandchildren. Truly Israel is our greatest ally.

Jews confirmed for based.

wtf I love Jews now


In the same way there are black people and there are "niggers" you also have people who are just jews and people who are "kikes."

There are jews out there who don't want to destroy western civilization or enslave the goyim - they just want to exist like every else.

Kikes, on the other hand, are usually rich, influential, very conniving, and almost always secular. They aren't even actually "jews" because they don't believe in anything. They just want to have a tribe to share influence with.


The actual power players are neither Israeli nor American nor Chinese nor anything. They live in Paris, New York, Brussels, London, Geneva, Hong Kong, San Francisco, Shanghai, etc. This is why this group of jews is called an "international clique," they have loyalty to no nation, only to their own internationalist tribe. The actual citizens living in Israel are just your standard run of the mill middle class kikes who run the deli down the street, they don't have any actual power nor are they in on the game. Jewish leaders been throwing poor jews under the bus and using them like pawns for centuries now in order to further their goals. Israel is just another weapon in their arsenal.

This is why many Orthodox Jews (who are often quite poor in comparison to other jews) are fervently anti-zionist. Being on the bottom of the ladder they are often also the victims of jewish oppression.

Israeli Jews have been supporting Trump with more numbers then American Jews. Israelis know what it's like to have wild beasts at the door that want to displace you.

This, there's a difference between the international Jew and the individual Jew. Israeli Jews don't like blacks or non-white Jews and like their wall. American Jews overwhelmingly support open borders, diversity, and degeneracy I would support a Jewish state for Jews, if they gave up their international agenda in Europe and the United Stated.

A problem is that still many individual Jews grow up in a culture that teaches them that a homogeneous society leads to their persecution. Many will vote and contribute to the globalist agenda even if it is not what they believe in.

Ever since Pence went to Isreal the fix has been in an it lookin bigly