NATO Forces allegely go into high alert

On Stoltenberg
You live in a world where the General Secretary of NATO is a probable communist

Trump save us

That's a Britkike, and thanks to based civic nationalism, he really is 100% British.

Well anyway, that Anglo-German bridge over the Weichsel was build in a bit over 30 minutes.
Pretty neat, huh?

so much waisted money on (((military private contractors))) and (((their))) topkek weaponry

Well it turned out to be a lie. If people are too chicken shit to drop the bomb everything just revert back to flinging lead at one another. I bet you most nuclear warheads are in complete disarray from years of neglect anyways. I guess they turned out to be too financially impractical to reasonably maintain

I am Norwegian. This is true.

Stoltenberg was a KGB asset during the cold war, and very anti-NATO. His codename was "Steklov". As part of the political elite, it has been buried…

The reason why he got the job as a NATO leader was probably because of our INTENSE bombing for Killary in Libya, along with some very sizeable "donations" to the CF.

Given his record of being a total crook, it didn't surprise me at all that he went outside legal channels and parliament to bomb for Killary. The "Red Party" actually wanted an investigation and trial after the illegal bombing in Libya, but it was blocked…

You can call him our "Merkel"…



If the leader of our collective european defense is a fucking commie I might as well kms now

danefag here, we're fucked

That's just great. The fucking cuck in power here will most likely send some troops to help because he has no spine and follows whatever he's told from people who have more testosterone than him (which means every other men and dykes).

Guess it further confirms that WWIII will officially start if Hillary is announced as the winner.

Anglos just need to fucking get exterminated.
They occupy the country, "denazify" the people "reeducate" the people, disarm the people, slice up the lands, seize a shitload of resources, turning the population into "proper" people like the Anglos, aka, cucks, and then get bitched at for being too "diverse" and "inclusive".

Fuck you, OP.
Every and each cucked German is a result of Anglo meddling.
They are Anglos, that's why they are in the same troubles as all the other allied countries.

Kek already decided the winner a year ago. 7 is the most powerful number, and it said Trump will win.



If we went to war with Russia we would lose before our Troops got deployed. Why?

We've ran war games the last 3 years against Russia and lost 6 out of 8 times just because of first strike capabilities.

So heres what you do if WW3

Russia won't try to occupy the united states, they don't have the navy for it. The worst they would do is demand a cut of our shale to make up for what they expended.

What happened the other two times?

We scratched out a win with massive casualties

and both of those scenarios approximated high public support for such a retarded war

Wew, they are just ready to go right after the election results, expecting Hillary to win.

Reporting from inside a country in commieville:

All of the generals and officers have clearly been summoned to the capital. I've seen an unusually high number of military personnel today. Also the internet sucks. That's usually a sign something is up.

The final day is upon us, friend.

Electing Trump is the last chance for peace and the Russians know it. The leadership has to know that the US will either try to escalate tensions before Trump gets into office, or outright start WW3 if he loses and they get 4 years of Clinton.

Just assuming Russia is the one to start hostilities, what would most likely happen is them taking the Baltics in a lightning offensive in under 24 hours, and then suing for peace, knowing that neither the NATO nor Russian can afford a prolonged war.
But we'll see.

Russia will definitely make an aggressive move on Syria almost immediately if Hillary wins.

NATO can, Russia can't. However it wouldn't be "prolonged" in the classic sense. Russia would go nuclear instantly.

I would say pretty low, Russia has spent a lot of time arming themselves up against NATO, despite that, they would probably just do some alliance with neighbouring countries to Russia. USA influence is failing due to all of the corruption and degeneracy within the system. And NATO can't really maintain a prolonged war because of the divisive native population within each NATO countries.

Also Russia's nuclear war survival strategy is basically the ol' rope-a-dope technique. They've hardened and distributed their attack and defense facilities to be able to tank a first strike. Then there is their Perimetr system…

You may think it's bad in The West™, but the infrastructure (or lack thereof), demographics and domestic issues of Russia really, really don't lend themselves well for a war.
What they DO have the upper hand in is nuclear survivability, they have bunkers ready for, what, 40 Million citizens, not counting all the military ones?
Yeah, hard to beat that, especially when you let yours fall into disrepair or dismantle them outright.

Exactly, Russia has prepared vastly against nuclear attacks, and in the event of an all out nuclear war, the one who survives wins. The west got complacent and they will pay for it if they are stupid enough to instigate a war.

I wonder (((who))) could be behind this post?

Sorry bud, you threw the dice too, and will collect the prize whatever it is

You were defending Jewish interests, just like the US is doing right now you limey fuck.

And look where Britain is today. Good job.

Allies ruined the west by virtue of being kile golems.
Germany would have been the savior of the west, but there is only so much one can do if one is up against countries the sizes of continents.

Not to mention getting fudged on Barbarossa.

The so called "D&C" will cease when Brits (who are the worst offenders in the whole ordeal) stop being golems.

The Raj is on your soil now, you lost all your fucking territory. A muslim is the mayor of London. Jews in the city cores, et cetera.

Stop with the holier than thou attitude and keep other Anglos from this bullshit too.

It was the Allies that did this. I'm the kind of guy the Anglos from back then would have wanted to exterminate.

When you are bellyaching about cucked Germans you are, by definition, not looking at Nazis/actual Germans.
But "Germans" that, curiously, have the same problem as Britan and co.

Back to britpol you fucking faggot

Nice. So just ignore the cucks and those that are left aren't cucks.
Great job, Sherlock.

suck some more kike dick faggot

enjoying young british girls getting raped by shitskins and apes your kike owned pollies brought in

you fucking faggot

What is the EU for 50 million, Alex?

Look at OPs filename.
A nigger is not a quintessential German.
A nigger is a quintessential Anglo.
Dresden was rebuild, your empire was not.
It slipped through your hands because you're self destructive and belligerent.

You wouldn't need Farage or Trump today if Allies didn't ruin the west back then.

You cannot kill Germans. One is speaking to you right now. You can give birth to Anglos in Germany, yes.
Hence the enormous amount of cucks in the country that have the same weakness toward jews and muslims like Anglos do, but, again, that's because they are Anglos that speak German and were born in Germany.

All who oppose Germans crumble and wither away.
Either you fight on the right side, or you will destroy yourselves for good.

That's not entirely true.

All the have is made to counter NATO tech. They don't have aircraft carriers, but they have agile destroyers armed with missiles, that will kill aircraft carriers 2000 miles away.

They also don't have advanced stealth tech, but they have AA that counters any stealth tech and can kill 10 cutting edge fighters in under 2 minutes.

And their ground game is ridiculously overpowering anything NATO has.

And the best part is, all their weapons, including nukes are highly mobile.

lol u fag trump is going to win

enjoy spoons not being legal

you faggot

If you let the Germans alone your girls wouldn't have been sex slaves to Pakistanis today you fucking subhuman. Keep sucking that circumcised cock and enjoy your caliphate. Don't forget to bin that knife too, humongous cuck.

Even better because he clearly wears a British uniform, and the one German in the foreground is taller than all the Anglos, kek

The EU doesn't have an immigration policy, and Jamaicans were already being brought in en masse in the 50s, before there was an EU.

That is a retarded scenario. You think NATO would just leave it alone in exchange for favorable terms and a timely withdrawal especially after all their bluster about utterly smashing anyone that messes with them?
If this starts it won't stop until one side is brought to ruin.



They sacrifice stealth for actual dogfight ability and they like to overengineer things.

One day I'm going to fly a Sukhoi or a MiG-29

One day

You think their stealth relies on material science and fancy paint jobs like western stealth?


Why are they allowed to hack like this?

Might as well do cool things when the entire concept of air-to-air fighting is outdated.

It helps sell other useful stuff like bomb trucks or SAMs, it's sexy, that's it

Yes those missiles will have a difficult time indeed.


Meant for



Russian AA missiles have actually double the range of these outdated things.
The fighters have to be supported by ground radars tho. Russian military is purely defensive, but there is not a single thing that can bring their defenses down.

It just shows off the capabilities of the plane. This thing can go 1v3 dogfight vs F-35 and win.

they have to look busy so the god emperor doesn't just immediately cut them all

Cant wait to see Russia turn all of europe into a nuclear wasteland

can confirm.

He is a hard-core cultural marxist.

DOTR can't come soon enough for some fuckers.

Can somebody give a detailed explanation of what this plane is actually doing?

I'm no pilot, but it looks like that plane is just fucking dancing through complete boundary layer separation. How is that even possible?

Nosed up rapidly, the wind resistance slows the plane drastically. Then the pilot angled left to avoid a stall, which let the plane literally rotate sideways and maintain control.

The end result is the Su-35 slowing down drastically while still mostly maintaining the same flight path. I figure they'd do this to evade a pursuer and let them get ahead of the plane, thus allowing the Su-35 to begin pursuing them.

Thing is, that much wind resistance causes major stress to the plane, so it's kinda dangerous and not something that should be done all the time.

Are you talking about Ukraine or Syria or something?

This is the part that blows my mind. I'm amazed it works.

Those ebil ruskies need to be "liberated".