"Hmm, how about… Mexican"
This is a Disney Pixar movie but it looks like a fucking cheap ripoff akin to The Little Panda Fighter, What's Up, Frozen Land, etc.
That's how most recent Jewsney and Jewxar movies felt. Even the animation quality is sub par. It already looks dated.
Well, considering only Mexicans watch PIXAR Disney films these days it makes sense for them to be appealing directly to their core audience
Another flop incoming.
When did pixar stop making good movies and start making cheap looking garbage that looks like a third-rate knockoff of something else?
Did they even think this would make a great movie, or did they do it just because they wanted to virtue signal about mexicans and decided to go through with it whether or not they could come up with anything interesting?
Probably the latter.
Getting really tired this bullshit. It's just going to be some cheap slapstick comedy pandering to the Mexicans. Are there any other animation studios whose works I can watch?
Wasn't there already a 3d film quite recently about that festival of death shit or whatever?
PIXAR is pretty much Disney at this point after Disney completely subjugated them and destroyed their culture and identity and forced their talent to leave
Dreamworks is cancer
And Illumination is cancer
Is there some read about this?
Alright lads its time to take bets
How many "subtle" jabs at Donald Trump are going to be littered throughout the movie?
I'd wager at least 10.
You meant 10 thousand?
Cars, Toy Story, and The Incredibles have sequels on the way, what do you think happened to them?
I sure as fuck can't wait to see the protagonist run into a wall and say something like "What? What kind of person would put a wall here to keep people out?" and then cue the audience laughter throughout the theater because thats what audiences do in movies wither a joke is actually funny or not
They already made a sequel to Toy Story back in the 90s.
Are there some actual facts about people leaving?
That's the opening scene.
As a taco I feel offended as how shit this movie looks.
For shame.
[Citation Needed]
Which would be completely inaccurate.
Yeah we hate Donald Trump because he was rude to us, is like if someone insults your sister, it doesn't matter if the insult its true, someone just insulted your sister, fuck him.
But I never saw anyone supporting Hillary or Bernie in this side of the border, in fact if someone actually mentioned them was to point out how much worse they were.
Wrong, Disney made a Toy Story sequel in the 90s and PIXAR and Disney almost ended their partnership as a result
Then you're a fucking retard because Trump didn't insult you personally. Blame the fat cholos who cross the boarder illegally and wait in welfare lines, a lot of Tacos hate the cholos too.
Also you miss the point, liberals hate Trump more than Mexicans do and liberals will take any opportunity they can to take jabs at him even though Mexico themselves has a wall on their southern border. America can't have basic sovereign borders according to liberals because whites are evil or some retarded bullshit
The book of life did it better
Again, citation needed
I'm sorry, Mexicans work by blind rage in 70% of the time, but the wall is pretty insulting though. How? >>>
Do I blame him? Of course not, criminals like cholos, narcos and illegals are first, second and third place on Mexican lowest kind of shit but considering that something like an assload of taxes per every illegal found sounds like an incredibly feasible way to make Mexican government itself step up and actually stops illegals from crossing and in the process catch Narcos and cholos makes a Literal Physical Wall look like a petty move.
Nice try, puto.
As long as the wall doesnt fuck up the shitty desert ecosystem im ok with it
Whatever taxes are found from illegals are mitigated by the fact states like California spend billions annually on illegal immigrant subsidies at the expense of everyone else. places like California are very corrupt and we didn't vote for this to happen. And the Federal Government is getting fedup with how corrupt the Mexican government is and how little they work with the American government despite how fucking close they are physically to us.
The book of life was very confusing.
The first 15 minutes were good, then the next 15 are shit.
The the next 15 are good and so on…
It's not too much of a ripoff from what I've seen. I was impressed with the very last shot of the trailer. But I guess it's because Pixar had more budget than an indie film like Book of Life. The latter has it's own flavor and that's what I loved about it. The story taking cues from the Orpheus helps give it a genuine refreshing feel. Let's see how Coco goes. Also the people of the dead designs are ugly as fuck. Book of Life did it better.
Its not that bad, at least the secret mexican police isnt spying on everyone… right?!
The things I didnt like about the movie was maria knowing kung fu and the MC signing in english, hell he even sung a fucking creed song, couldnt they get the rights of some old taco songs?
It's only bad at the border right? I'm an American taco and my Mexican godparents usually visit their home country during the winter, but they usually visit the center like Mexico City. It's really nice there, but I haven't been in Mexico since 2003 when I was a kid.
"Coco el Loco have dream…"
"His dream is to impregnate delicious white lolis in USA."
Haven t been there since 06 but apparently they have an african/muslim migrant problem. The mexican president had a deal with obama to let them into mexico for some reason and they refused to work after a while and went on welfare. I heard things are alright if you're away from the city.
Huh. How bad is the migrant problem compared to the US or Europe's. How is the class divide? And how's the country?
By country I mean the rural area.
Some cities and just at the very border, actually except for the border cities the north has 200% better living quality than the center and south, shit Durango state is almost empty and everyone has a shitload of money because of the mining industry.
The center has big cities with big city problems and the south is full of poorfags who survive of tourism.
06 was an awful year.
Chihuahua City is fine, Durango and Monterrey have surprisingly high living conditions.
Not as bad, probably because until this generation of migrants no one felt entitled just because of their condition so they didn't got any special treatment, much less from the public.
Very divisive and all over the place. For example I earn 1252usd a month and that's enough to eat, gas, and some luxuries like a 60" TV, blu-ray, pc and such… now that I think about it life for the middle class isn't half as hard as they say people are just retarded managing their money.
Also, the government taxes you directly from your pay and the products prices.
Worse than the city, that's were narcos hide their labs
Some say they are from haiti and other from somalia, they got to mexico because obama made some kind of thingy that let those poor poor unprivileged blacks inside burgerland, now they are stuck in mexico because of trump, and the mexican goverment dont know what to do with them, so far they are only infesting the cities and towns near the border
Its spotty. I don't think the migrants are allowed or refuse the to leave the area that they were sent to and as to how bad, they started a small riot demanding more welfare money. There was a video showing the riot but I forget where it was. The rural areas are somewhat immune but from what my uncles and cousins have been telling me they've been getting immigrants from all places, but these are the only ones causing problems.
Mexico is a third shit world country with a lot of poorfags and richfags, north is rich, center is rich depending of cities or towns, south if poor
The immigration is not bad, compered to germany and shit, because the goverment doesnt have refugee/neet programs to sustain niggers, goverment arrests illegals, narcos rape/sell/traffic illegals.
mexico is the india of south america
Hi Venezuela.
haha no
No. Just watch anime like the rest of Holla Forums
Why do they look like that? I'm mexican and white af. I don't think Indios watch movies like this.
of course you are taco
uh what
Fuck you
What a disjointed mess. I mean, yeah, it doesn't give away the whole plot, but it doesn't make me want to watch it either.
Mexican is just a nationality? Wouldn't someone white from there be Spanish, therefore white? I'm not pretending like I know how this works but I'm pretty sure all Europeans are white
It just doesn't look like it should be animated to begin with. If it was live action with practical effects in the mix it'd still feel the same.
jesus christ how depressing
well if you're going to get into hypotheticals user
I like it.
But Mexico is a shithole and there's no way to look around it. Two words: Corruption and cartel.
you have to go back
Don't make me Holla Forums, I'll post it.
make yourself disappear tripfag
I'm about to do it.
That's silly.
those heads on skeletons bodies are ugly as shit
delete that garbage
fucking pussy ass bitch won't do it
Fine, you asked for it.
No disscusing
They redirect to:
>>>Holla Forums
or blame it on them.
100% confirmation bias
Believes in conspiracy theories that have no basis or which basis are circumstantial at best and completely ignore Occam's Razor as an option, or quote in circles or shows evidence that again proves circumstantial or can be used for the opposite reasoning.
There's no arguing here, whatever you post falls into their confirmation bias, just ignore.
80% confirmation bias
Besides no one really destroying you or stopping you from taking any measures to protect yourself.
Well, you know, you could just not let the TV babysit your children, since A) No one's forcing you to watch it. B) No one has censored any alternatives and C) Children of racemixed couples do exist and are probably making the show and D) Only you believe that's wrong for the reasons you think.
Despite A) Being constantly proved in nature that racemixing gets rid of the chances of inbreeding, halves the chances of hereditary diseases from both races and speeds up evolution to get acostumed to the current environment with only the first couple mutt generations having chances of dangerous mutations. B) Going against the right of free interaction at any level, a right that will always be open for you.
Also, you're inevitably part jew
It'll eventually ran out of arguments and degenerate into safe/pol/ace.
60% Confirmation bias
Uses empirical data to prove how any other races are more prone to commit crimes, the problem is that it blames that to the criminals belonging to other races, when the data it shows is usually anthropological societal studies that could easily be used to make arguments of races being mistreated by society and pushed to commit such actions and not actual genetic research to prove predisposition of illegal actions.
When it uses genetic research to prove predisposition it completely disaknowledges the impact of societal anthropology on a subject.
Tries to use examples of races behavior in other cultures either by geographically or historically under other standards to prove inferiority and changes in our perspective of those races, to put a contrast on this "Is like if I said that since women are being mistreated in the middle east or where mistreated in the 17th century and the 50's they deserve a better treatment than men now here."
It has the decency to aknowledge the existence of outliers in any race, the problem is that these "outliers" are actually a majority and they won't research the data that shows that only a minority of every race is a criminal.
They rarely devolve into nu/pol/ but can devolve directly to safe/pol/ace, sometimes in the same post.
but the burgers need their fix, user.
Yeah, The Book of Life, back in 2014
It was quite decent, and directed by the same guy who created El Tigre: The Adventures of Manny Rivera
Book of Life seemed pretty fucking horrible to me even though it had some fantastic designs. The majority of the movie has no real villain as they keep trying to show how the different characters are all wonderfully sympathetic, then at the end they pull out some random jackass to be their new villain for everyone to beat up on who you have no emotional connection to.
Dreamworks is at least decent about creating a plot even if they can still suck ass like with Inside Out.
I remember when I tried watching Book of Life and kept thinking they'd eventually introduce a challenge for the characters to face. Instead it's all just a complete walk in the park while they all pat each other on the back. Felt obnoxious.
It's something I've noticed in a number of movies that seem aimed at celebrating a group's culture. They get too involved in trying to have characters be built up, praising the old culture of theirs, and trying for little wink-wink moments that they forget to introduce a challenge for the characters to face.
Disgusting, isn't it.
Inside Out was Pixar, you dumbfuck.
Show how truly Pixar has fallen more then insults annon really.
Like a clock.
Pixar and Dreamworks look about the same to me so whatever.
Those guys at least recognize that they have do form some kind of villain that the main characters can try to work against in order to progress the story.
But he was the villain all along, they talked about him and his connection to the deus ex machina amulet
a clock at >>>/auschwitz/
Can't really blame him, there's not much difference at this point.
remember when animation had distinct artstyles
Honestly, I'm not sure if they needed a villain. It felt like a weird story about people. Even with the gods it felt like a drama between the two which I don't mind since you get mythologies like Greek where there is no devil figure and the gods just have drama and varying levels of jack assery.
So let me get this straight
due to recent events disney decides to throw some liberal appealing theme (poor little mexican boy you better feel altruistic goy)
and the boy STEALS a guitar like the filthy mexi he is but this is totally ok.
Why are we teaching our kids that its ok to steal shit as long a you're minority?
it's a part of his culture you white misogynistic male cis SCUM
Shhh don't think about that. Look at all this magical wonder and whimzy, goy.
My culture creates immense super battle cruisers with esoteric FTL travel, since we have long gone from our homeworld and live mostly on ships and mine asteroids, our mission is to seed life in the galaxy by terraforming other planets.
Odds are the dead guy is the father, so its not stealing
lel. They are the biggest retards in Spain. I can only hope they break off and try and form their own country. Those psuedo-Frog kikes can then go fuck themselves.
Book of Life looked lovely, but its story needed more refining.
I personally like Cartoon Saloon because of "The Secret of Kells" and "Song of the Sea". Eagerly awaiting "Wolfwalkers".
Its was just eye candy
Im Mexican and this type of shit makes me mad, this is just pandering at it's finest and i bet that it is gonna flop in Mexico just like Book of life
He did nothing in the story for the majority of the movie.
The main character was not spending the story working against this one villain, he was working against his friend as a rival for a woman's affection who just kinda goes "well ok then" gives up the MacGuffin which then is picked up by this guy introduced at the end.
I suppose it doesn't even really need a 'person' to be a villain, but there needs to be a clear challenge to be overcome by actions taken by the main character.
Much of the journey the protagonist in Book of Life does in the afterlife areas just seems done to show off some interesting sets rather than because it's helping to shape the main character. Like what does encountering his older family members do? There doesn't seem to be a lesson imparted by them to make him realize he should want to be himself and play music, he already wants to be the guitarist. He wanted to be the guitarist from the beginning.
Better stories normally have multiple moments that help to shape the character in a certain direction. Whereas in Book of Life there's really only the one major moment, the bull fight in the after life where instead of doing the bull fighting he does a song at which point everyone goes "yeah you should be a guitarist like you wanted from the start". It makes for a weak story just having the one challenge presented like that.
There needed to be more challenges presented to the main character so that he could prove himself and is it was it just felt like they were trying to give him a hearty pat on the back for being the same in the end as he was to begin with.
Is there any good animated movie set in Mexico? One that isn't pandering as fuck?
Also more skeleton porn please
I was just thinking about it and I bet I have a vague idea of how the Disney version will go.
They're doing the whole thing of the land of the remembered and the land of the forgotten. So I bet that the main character was wanting to become this guitarist like his dad and connect to him that way, but because "magical shit" he's whisked off the afterlife where he used the opportunity to meet with his dad and party a bit in this wondrous place.
But because the boy was the one person still remembering his father, his going off into the afterlife means there's no one left to remember the father now so has to go off the land of the forgotten which leads to the challenges the boy faces in trying to come back to the land of the living.
The big thing though, is I bet the end will have the boy singing to make people remember their family that have passed away so that the land of the forgotten begins to empty out and the afterlife can be a happening place with everyone, that way you get the nice Disney ending where everyone lives happily ever after.
So I bet the movie focuses more on the challenge of the main character needing to remember his ancestors to help with overcoming various challenges so that they actually relate the setting to the fucking plot unlike what Book of Life did.
Hold the fucking phone! Is Top Cat actually set in mexico?
Deepest lore I guess
The movie was made with Mexicans so same thing really.
Why does that kid own a Xoloescuincle? Aren't those supposed to be an endangered species? Or a chihuahua was to rasist?>>811447
literally copy paste book of life
What the fuck are you talking about nigger? Have you ever been in mexico?
There are a lot of shitskins but there are a lot of white people too ( mostly in the northern region ) remember that mexico had spanish, french and north american colonies
You should go and pick up a history book, you can learn a lot of interesting stuff user, like how dropping the nukes in Japan was actually the best option for Japan, US, England and Australia
None of these are white.
apparently pixar fans are so retarded, they think Book of Life was somehow a ripoff of Coco
Just because you skin is lightly colored doesn't make you white. Mexicans have some common ancestors, but they are genetically distinct from all other races.
Reminds me of those Apple fanboys who think that something isn't innovative unless Apple ends up doing it. Like rechargeable batteries.
the narcos are not doing their work
literal autism
Even if it weren't for Book of Life this plot has been done time and time again. They went with diversity over talent and now have a boring looking movie people have seen multiple times before.
But did those movies have Trump jokes? I think not!
He is in tacoland
To be honest here, the kids face looks ugly. There's just something about it that looks so off.
So, Guacamelee did a much better job then.
>Fucking dies
>Becomes a family man.
Really? I heard book of life did very well in Mexico.
I always thought it could have been improved if he has actually killed the bull during the 1st bull fight, maybe he gets the respect but he did something he thought was wrong for approval. It would have also added more weight to his bullfight in the afterlife.
At least he kindly visited the country, unlike Hillary who refused. Why? Is she afraid of a country filled with over 300 saints?
The other one was made in Argentina.
There, I fixed the movie.
Sounds dumb
are you autistic?
For shame, user.
I think it looks kind of cute. I mean they'll probably queer it somehow, hopefully not literally, but the concept looks harmless.
Wait a minute!
They deleted their post, but why even fucking bring it up?
Day of the Dead is an exclusively Mexican holiday. It's an edited version of a pagan holiday they had before Spaniards raped them and forced them to convert to Christianity.
He's mexican. Mexican are all ugly in general
The only thing that comes to mind is The Three Caballeros, which is a tour of Mexico and Brazil. Some nice art and songs, Donald really carries it.
How can anything good be set in mexico
There are some fun Hellboy comics that take place in Mexico, like the one where he teams up with three luchador brothers to hunt vampires. I think Richard Corben did the art.
It's ugly as shit though.
Hunting blood suckers as a luchador is a tradition
we wuz whites N' shieet
That's probably the best thing ever.
Fuck you, I love Corben art.
There is going to be SO much shotacon drawn of that kid.
doesn't look bad actually, might accidentally redpill some kids on bloodlines and ancestors "we are all a part of what came before"
Frankly I don't mind that lesson being taught to kids in this age of everyone is the same and the past doesn't matter and whatever you are is sheer luck.
What do you mean? As far as I can tell, there is little to non existent acknowledgement of the predominant Iberian part of the culture.
It's a good idea and you know it.