XKCD is With Her

Fucking dropped.

Kek willing, we'll have another face to add to the Stumped By Trump infograph soon.

Other urls found in this thread:


Is that the minute physics guy? What a faggot. Into the trashcan with him.

xkcd was never good

What'd you expect? This comic always seemed too snarky to be anything else?

Also being a physicist in the modern world barely means anything at all

Check the fucking catalog.

Hasn't it always been pretentious, reddit-tier garbage?

Xkcd is literally just stick figures with arguments written next to them.

Pseudo-intellectuals like yourself should be thrown off a cliff.

Ah, my bad, I searched 'xkcd' but that other thread didn't have it in its contents.

Mods pls delete.

The only person I've ever known to read XKCD was an autistic beta orbiting manlet who had to redo a year of high school. I suppose this explains everything.

naw bruh

XKCD has been a known liberal cuck for YEARS now.


Why are you guys surprised by this? You are just giving those guys fuel. It was pretty obvious that whoever draws those comics is a big cuck. Just look at their older comics, it's feminist propaganda.


The metric buttloads of asshurt tonight will be glorious.

Modern STEM students are heavily targeted by kike propaganda, what would you expect.


How long until the Trump curse hits?

Maybe his wife will get cancer again.

inb4 he gets Buckley'd

somehow I'm not surprised he looks that autistic and wears his pants that high

People vocally supporting hillary killington will either be remembered as the people who voted for the president who ended america, the last president ever, who made people realise their position and tear the country in half (faggots don't get the good half), or the one who willfully got in the way of the rebirth of america. Either way they're the ones who read about all the fucked up shit and didn't care.

Before this election I thought xkcd was for smart people and Dilbert was for dumb normies.

you fucking nigger, why?!

Half the people here can draw better than this guy. Seriously, counter-single images are proof of that.
The two most important elements of being able to make a good webcomic are these: you're a good artist and you're funny; he draws literal stickfigures so at the very lest the former is ruled out.

*very least

This needs to happen to everyone who put everything they had into Hillary.


We need to make a list, starve them out.

The whole free speech thing was just an excuse to teach communism and homosexuality to children. Now that they've won that battle they don't like the concept of free speech anymore.

XKCD has always been trash for people to massage their confirmation bias and get their smug on to the trivia they do know and to pretend they understand the trivia they don't. Oh I'm so smart because some elitist dickhead made some stick figures say something I read about in a popular science rag or had browbeaten into me by the student debt racket. Flexing your brain-dick and slathering it with smarmalade doesn't necessarily prove that you're intelligent, but it does prove that you have a confidence problem and need the validation of your peers. I'm sick of this crypto-superiority dripping in condescension masquerading as cutesy doodles. It's a tedious format that's insulting to the creative process and to the self-aware mind. Instead of desperately begging for others to validate your education, you could just derive satisfaction from demonstrating it in your chosen field. The act of publicly flaunting your education at the expense of those who are too poor for a degree and too smart for a loan only draws attention to your moral inadequacies.

Stick figure comics guy is trying to screw us out of a wall. He should be deported to Mexico City as divine retribution.

Dilbert is redpilled af.

It's amazing how similar redditdrones actually are. I know a fair number of them and they are all on the same page at the same time, and of course love XKCD. Hivemind is for real

another "clever silly" libtard.

Well said. I have met people who actually think that they are superior human beings because they had a trust fund or because they had a few years of college when they were 19 and 20. Somehow they still get divorced and drive like assholes while consuming the electric jew for their pre-made opinions. An unexamined life is not a life worth living and some of the most educated are paradoxically some of the least self-aware. They jump thru hoops to get validation for their entire life, so its not surprising that this desire for validation continues into middle age. In fact, when the vast majority of our population was agrarian I doubt liberal opinion was more than a circus oddity, the dominant opinion being primarily concerned with how to extract more resources from the various colonies of the Empire.

XKCD is trash, has always been trash, and the main audience are those fedora-wearing MLP fannypack-wearing autists I always see at my engineering building.

t. engineer

XKCD has fallen into the same trap so many other webcomic artists before him; he's making webcomics of things that would work better as blogposts.
Good webcomics work with as few words as possible, the goal of his are the words.
Take this Redpanels one, for example. It still works with the text removed. However, that webcomic is fucking nonsensical. There's nothing happening in any of these panels, it's just a guy talking.

It literally just is a blog. Webcomics were just trendier when he decided to attentionwhore.

Well fitted and non-tight pants give you the best mobility when worn high

drawing stickmen is literally the lowest form of creativity. only hipsters and other pretentious faggots pretended his work was any good. over 90% of which was a ripoff of other work.

No you can't. That's what all the street shitters are for.

That's funny, because linux is the operating system of choice for those who wish to give people helicopter rides.

I've only known liberals to read those. Personally, I don't expect much from STEM people. They get redpilled only because their life sucks, and they realize they are sacrificing all of their time for a cause that does not benefit them. Many follow a slave morality and are easily subverted by SJWs and Jews within an organization.

First Jew check is the ethics cuck check btw. They are always looking for the angle they can influence a person by.

Reminder that most taught knowledge is domain-dependent (ie. non-transferable, winning at physics isn't winning), high IQ does not imply common sense or practical wisdom (and may in fact 'protect' one from acquiring such virtues via self-deception and clever rationalization) . A flashlight does not see 'what it doesn't see' . And anything it does not see, does not exist for it. So called 'smart' people rarely have the serendipity to get outside their own heads, and, devoid of true education, we end up with a generation of clueless solipsists.

https:[email protected]/* *//the-intellectual-yet-idiot-13211e2d0577#.1yb0mcnvy


The Führer certainly agrees. Reich OS when?


Randall is a cuck, but you've got a bad case of the sour grapes. What the fuck is "practical wisdom"?

Mods, really?

What I've got, faggot, is a master's degree in abstract mathematics. I'm speaking from experience when I say abstract intelligence is overrated as fuck, whether any other high IQ fucker decides to listen to what I have to say is their problem.

If anything, smart people (in the sense of high abstract intelligence) envy successful people.
'Suckers like to win an argument. Non-suckers like to win' . The lucky eventually 'get' that they cant solve every problem by sitting in a room and thinking about it long enough. The rest continue in their hubris. What do you think leftism is?

Practical wisdom, or 'phronesis' , is, to put it shortly, knowing to get shit done. A combination of gut instinct and experience acquired trough trial and error (whether your own, or passed along as tradition), that gets results, regardless of what theoretical justifications you might come up with. It also doesn't lend itself to easy 'teaching' in the same way definitional book-worm knowledge does.

High IQ nigger here, can confirm that it has done me zero favors outside of getting into far-right philosophy. My parents should have never had me take that IQ test in elementary school, gifted classes were weird as shit and IB is a liberal breeding ground kike-tier sham. A "normal" education would have been better than those fucking pedantic advanced classes that cuck you to the educational system by teaching you zero practical skills.