
If you don't want to be alone this election when the happenings begin, then you have to meet up with other Holla Forums anons. There is nothing wrong with meeting up. It's a risk but one worth taking. I myself have already met up with other Holla Forums anons awhile when I decided I didn't give a shit anymore and I just had to find another voice like my own.

Post what state you are in and what range you're willing to walk/bike/drive to meet with others then find others in your area.

Pacifists please stay out of this thread you don't belong here.

Other urls found in this thread:



Hey, if any CTRfriends want to get together and let bygones be bygones, I'll rent a limo to pick you up and even buy the first round!

I'll just need all your home phone numbers and addresses.

Not sure if this is a datamining thread or genuine though.

I told you pacifists to stay the fuck out. If you aren't ready to fight and die for the 14 words then go back to your comfort, car, television, media, food, etc. and leave us the fuck alone while we fight this war for you.


I already have my Holla Forums bros and will be fighting the moment the election is stolen btw.

The rest of you who haven't made this decision yet should do so now or you'll miss out on the fun.

Nice try, FBI-chan.

Some of us operate better alone, user. I wish you nothing but victory however.

Fuck it, I was going to make a thread like this yesterday but decided against it.

Arizona 50-100 miles. Have alot of supplies and ammo.


14/88 and good luck brother

Whoa, easy there fella. You're scaring the newfags.

"let's meet up guys, but only if you wanna go commit federal crimes with me. Otherwise your a pussy ass race traitor"

Did they tell you we were idiots?

Hey, we aren't doing shit if it's a Trump victory. It's only if Shillary steals the election.

& you are free to operate alone if that's how you prefer to operate

Best btw to meet up somewhere that is neither your home base nor there's, like meet at some half-way point.

Nice try FBI

i'll just look for the calling card when the shit hits the fan. i already have local allies and we have a rough plan in place. good luck anons.

we already have their numbers and addresses

hi fbi or sperggook

5.56 or 7.62?

Yes, 14/88 my white aryan brother. siege hail and let's conspire to commit violent criminal activity!

Michigan, Grand Rapids area. Figures I'm where the finally rally takes place but I'm too broke to go : P

No worries we got all their phone numbers, so you can call them if you want.

I might, spoof the DNIS!

1600 Pennsylvania Avenue
NW Washington, D.C. 20500

It's a large white house. Kinda hard to miss.

Go fuck yourself FBI. I'm not joining your entrapment attempt.

kek this guy lives with a nigger


oh shit, thats my address too. how the fuck are you living in my house without me knowing?!

I'm going to blast shadilly from my window and not give fuck about my neighbors. Follow kek

The basement, man. It's got a hidden passageway that leads to a bomb shelter and functional nuclear reactor. You ever read by the soothing green glow of nuclear fission? It's enlightening.