Quick jew redpill thread

I have a buddy that I dropped the the Jewish question on. He is receptive but still claiming the Jews are the chosen people. Can we post anti kike infographics etc

Other urls found in this thread:


Not related, but where can I find the mickey mouse Merchant?

My usual tactic is to say "Sure, jews control everything, but they control everything because they work hard and are gifted." and then drop the subject altogether.

purple pills everywhere

A simple and hard redpill to swallow is a very simple one.

Do some research on the Bolshevik Revolution and where is spreaded it's tendrels across Europe (Poland, Hungary and Germany). This is the reason why anti-semitism grew and brought Hitler into power.

A bit of homework will undo the conditioning.

She looks like a non-ugly Chelsea. I didnt think that was possible.

If Jews are the Chosen, why have they been subjugated by every major civilization since the dawn of time?

If they work hard, why do they all work in fields that do not require actual labor?










The Begin and Sharon quotes are fake, and the Talmud pic may be full of errors (as is common with Talmud infographics, not sure if its the product of mistakes or disinfo).

Be careful what you post. You should delete the Begin and Sharon pics from your folder.


Ok Rabbi

So he's a Christian? Show him these pics are this video:




I can't tell if you're just uninformed or a disinfo shill.

Those quotes are widely known as fake, you fucking idiot. Posting them makes the other material you provide look questionable.


How the fuck would these pics red pill a normie? Fuck off with your bullshit.

Why, because they are the most damaging?

Go cry to a mod, kikel. Let them delete it if deemed necessary.


It's a guy that carpools with me. He is kinda dumb honestly, just in general but he is white so I try and help him. I mentioned something about the Jews controlling the media and he was totally shocked he had no idea. So I showed him this video. He is receptive but I'm going to have to take it slow

No, it's because they're fucking fake, you newfag. As I said posting them calls into question any other material you may provide.

See the Michael Scheuer thread, there are plenty of good videos there:

Documentaries on Jewish control in D.C.:


Israel's Attack on the USS Liberty


The Day Israel Attacked America





Dead in the Water


Ernie Gallo: The U.S.S Liberty: what really happened? What did not?


Ex-Australian Prime Minister Confirms Israel Deliberately Attacked America


I agree with the other guy, after a bit of research there's a lot of falsehoods in those infographs. If we wish to defeat our enemies then we need to do it through truth or else we look like hypocrites and phonies

Israeli communications said to prove IAF knew Liberty was U.S. ship


New revelations in attack on American spy ship

Analyst: Israelis wanted it sunk


Israeli Terrorism Against America


Assuming the (((research))) wasn't a plant. Tell me how to delete it and I will.

You can't once it's been posted. Delete them from your hard drive to avoid a future mistake.








user, I've been obsessing on how to bring this matter to the attention to fellow anons.

If Trump wins tomorrow, then the entire media and government is going to crumble. Jews left an right will be exposed in fraud, obstuction of justice, pedophilia etc – and I.mean big name jews, too.

WE NEED to point them out as much as we did before, and do it 1000-fold. Once the jew has been revealed, it is our duty to keep him in the spotlight before he slups into another crack. So please hoys, prepare them redpills.







how can i redpill my jewish friends? i have one in particular who is receptive to redpill knowledge, yet he is deeply engaged with jewish culture and has typical jewish mental illnesses. is there any point in trying to redoill him on his own people?


Good introductory videos on the JQ:







have your friend read Acts:13, especially line 46
while hes at it maybe he can read the whole book then reread all of The Bible

Maybe highlight the double standards between how Israel is treated vs western countries? I doubt you'd get anywhere though.

















He's right, which I was I made pic related back on 4/pol/.

I suspect that a lot of the issues comes from anti-jewish newspapers and leaflets copying each other and making mistakes that were repeated, back when it was much harder to verify. I know of a booklet that somehow mixed the "Vengeance Protocol of 1492" with Karl Marx's letter to Baruch Levy.

I was just scrolling through kikebook the other day when i found pic related.
Basically, the cure for AIDS and cancer as well as Ebola and swine flu is owned by the US government.

I looked up these patents and guess what? The (((inventor))) of the AIDS cure is a (((rabbi))). I haven't looked up any of the other stuff, but I won't be surprised if there are more Jews behind these patents.

I don't know where I should post this and I'm too lazy to make a new thread, so I posted it here

I find it pretty funny that they push for a lessening of the USA/Mexico border fence.

But at the same time are actively putting up more and more of their own walls in Israel.

Racist mother fuckers.


how do we know they work? I want to believe but it seems so outrageously out in the open

I want to erase 3rd world kids.

So that pic features authentic quotes?

He means to say that the said pic was made with the best information that he had at the time. He did it with what he found valid.

Yeah, I thought so. Just making sure.

Thanks for the pic.

To Verify, you need to find an old-ass copy of the Talmud (pre-1900 bolshev) as (((they))) might have edited and changed words in revisions past this era.

I don't know. You'll have to search for yourself. I found some info when I searched for the name of the inventor.

Yes, and almost all of them can be verified in the copy of the Soncino Talmud that's online (it doesn't include the minor tractates).


I don't think Stalin was Jewish, though I could be wrong. I'd be careful with some of these infographics.

He isn't, but there's a popular myth about "Dzhugashvili" meaning "son of a jew".

He was actually a pretty bad goy towards the end, which led to his assassination at the hands of the jews (or the god of the jews, if you believe certain rabbis).




Show him this.

Great stuff dude.

Get new friends, he may be fooling you and he really could not see you as 'friend', he could see you as a "useful idiotic good goy"