Haven't been to the cinema in 10 years, will be going to see this.
Evan Garcia
Blood Father was ok.
Robert Perez
What in the fucking hell was Mel thinking? He's an over-dodger AND a faggot! And one of the shittiest actors out there!
This was a deal, wasn't it? "Oy vey, we'll give you a second chance, but you gotta do what we say and use OUR actors, goy!"
Logan Clark
Andrew Garfield is a kike as well.
Grayson Rivera
Jeremiah White
Fuck, I didn't even know about this. Thanks OP, I'll schill for based Gibson.
Julian Jones
I know. I typed "over-dodger" by mistake. I meant Mel's preferred term for der juden, which is "OVEN-dodger."
William Miller
Fuck Hacksaw Ridge and Fuck Mel, I thought better of him even after he cried and blubbered, then apologized to the jew, he cucked out for shekels.
Wyatt Barnes
I went to go see it. It's really fucking good. Oscar material if Oscars weren't culturally enriched. Regardless of any politics at all, Mel is one of the best directors of the century. Go see it faggots.
Charles Adams
First thing I thought. Why the FUCK did Based Mel cast this fucking kike as the protagonist?
Connor Martin
He's a good goy now, isn't he?
Sebastian Edwards
The premises of this movie looks awesome. But the fact that a faggot ass kike is the protaganist is the sole reason I will not spend a dime on this movie. Mel's one of my favorite actors and a damn good director, but I'm not going to watch this movie. It's typical jewish elitism, showing the kike as the only truly heroic, compassionate, peaceful man, while portraying all white males as evil murderers. It pissed me off just watching the trailer. If it had been an honest to KEK American leading man then I would have been first in line at the theater opening night.
Fuck the kikes, race war now! They are not American, they are not my Brethren.
Jonathan Smith
It sounds like fucking gay anti-gun propaganda. Considering that it's a Mel Gibson directed movie with glowing (((critical))) response, something stinks.
Xavier Price
This is Mel Gibson in a nut-shell.
He's a total cuckold that talks big shit when he gets drunk, then falls on his knees and begs forgiveness.
> “Not at all,” said a spokesperson for the actor. “Mel has even offered to convert to Judaism–if and when they make plans to marry.”
This is Mel Gibson. This is the Christcuck. He is not your ally.
Logan Wood
Forcing a kike to pretend to be a heavily christian man must hurt the kike-people really much.
They might even denounce him.
Hudson Myers
He's a shit actor, and Mel's on thin ice with the juden. Sacrifices must have been made to tell the story.
Lucas Reed
Saw it a few days ago. It was bretty good.
Ian Hall
I do not support pacifism.
Brody Morgan
Because he needs the money OP? Or because he just doesn't fell fulfilled unless he's part of the kike club? Seriously, who gives a fuck? It's going to be some, White people bad, apology piece. The kid they're making out to be the hero is literally, RETARD. Which is probably the secret appeal to you.
Enjoy the talking darkies and SEMEN AND FECE contaminate seats among everything else you might touch in there. Nothing but germs. Oh and eat some of that popcorn with mystery sauce on it for twenty bucks.
Parker Adams
Looks shit, faggy and unoriginal.
Just watch John Wayne fucking destroy some Koreans instead.
Jackson Flores
Trump's busy, nigger
Ethan Robinson
Robert Brown
Mel's big apology movie.
Jonathan Powell
I saw it today, it's pretty good. It's not an anti-gun movie, it's not a pacifist movie or anything like that, it's a movie about the power of personal conviction. Desmond Doss refuses to personally kill anyone but he's not opposed to the war, he wants the U.S. to defeat Japan, but because he made a promise to God that he wouldn't kill anyone he refuses to use a gun. But as a medic on the battlefield his courage made him do crazy things and he saved a lot of lives at the battle of Hacksaw Ridge.
Kevin Ramirez
Movie was great, Desmond T. Doss was vegpilled and put meatcucks in their place.