
I remembered this quote this morning when I woke up and realised that I've been fucking miserable for the past four years of my life.

Four years ago I visited half Holla Forums after some random happening, and was fascinated by the dissection of unfolding events and the logical conclusions many made I simply had never seen before.

I was completely blind back then, I had no idea how the world worked, frankly I didn't care.

I was definitely on the left and even argued with friends back in my home town who were fairly right leaning, and usually actually won by the way, just because I am lucky enough to be fairly good at arguing a point.

Why the fuck am I here? I only feel more hate and more helpless and more shattered every damn day.

I can barely even relate to my only friends and family any more, this place has virtually destroyed me.

Sure, I know the truth, and I know that Holla Forums does speak truth (apart from the crazies), but where does it lead me? Endlessly down the rabbit hole.

Worst of all I feel that it is hindering me from doing the one thing within my power that will actually help, finding a wife and having children.

I've been trying to date as much as before but I just can't relate to any half decent looking woman I meet, and when I do inevitably reveal my powerlevel it ruins the relationship, they think I am a monster.

It wasn't like this before… If it wasn't for Holla Forums I would probably be married by now.

Why do you do it Holla Forums? I need some hope, or I feel that I won't be able to help myself but either end it all or simply become numb to it all and play along with the brainwashed masses to at least try to be happy.

I guess I just had to get that off my chest, but surely there are others of you who feel this way too?

Other urls found in this thread:

You have advanced in your knowledge but you still think in the same way as before, probably because Holla Forums is not a philosophic board. You're still stuck in the hedonistic/utilitarian mindset that emphasizes pleasure and "good" over pain and "bad". Unless you escape this trap, you'll never be satisfied when stuck with the burden of knowledge.

I recommend really thinking about stuff like logic. Don't just read what some philosopher wrote, independently ponder what right and wrong and all of that actually means.

well if it wasnt for Holla Forums i would have wound up marrying a hobbit azn girl. Now i protect my white seed, for a woman i cant find. Not sure how thats improved things….

Oh yeah, and joining a church might help. Just make sure its not a shitty evangelical-type one. Orthodox churches are usually pretty good in this respect.

M8, even if the redpill doesn't hit you the consequences of reality always will. For Americans and Europeans especially it's pointless to wish for the blue pill now, it's well and truly beyond the pale. Just imagine you're a normie leftist now - they're collectively flailing around and losing they're shit because they can't comprehend that 'ugh how can people still not be progressive in the current year'. They're in pain except worse - even when something massive is happening they're so deluded they don't even know what it is. They're already eating each other and reality just keeps proving their explanations wrong. No one could honestly wish for this.

I don't know why I do it. I fantasize about death pretty much 24/7. The best advice I can give you is to just look at it all like a really elaborate work of tragic art, and appreciate the opportunity to experience it from a perspective that is completely specific to you.

No, you were just good at being a cunt.

Blow your brains out on camera right now
Or take it to >>>/polblog/

It's called weakness and you should probably go kill yourself. You are not worthy of the redpill, but you still swallowed like the little cum whore you are.

sage because I don't have anything to add to the topic, I just find it curious that embed related came out recently which uses that image for its album art. The majority of the songs on the album seem to be about embracing chaos and fighting to survive through it, which is different to their usual themes of demons and mortality.

addendum: while typing that out something came to me. I'm in the same situation user, except I realized that without Holla Forums i'd have nothing. I'm not even sure if I'm cut out for the life I should aspire to (wife & 3+ kids) I know I should because I'm the last hope for my bloodline to remain pure, since my siblings and separated parents have mixed. I know about the evils of the world and should raise the future generation to educate them. But I'm just tired and angry all the time, I haven't had a friend in around 3 years and when I do talk to normalfags I feel like drinking bleach.

We're all fucked but at least we have each other right?
unsaged because im sad now

No one cares about your shitty music, nerd

fight me dork


If you can't derive some amount of pleasure from all the chaos you're weak

Knowing how easily people including yourself are influenced by that which is around them is great
Realizing that normal people dance around their truths at almost any cost is fun to watch
It's even more fun when you can see the undercurrents of society starting to creep in

Humans are fun chaotic creatures with the most ridiculous rationalizations
Embrace this

A few days ago I woke up feeling alive for the first time in a long time. The tides are turning, and we're lucky enough to be a part of it. Chin up buddy, the good times are just around the corner!

Maybe I am showing weakness, but at least I'm honest.

If everybody feels this way then fuck, that's depressing.

Maybe war is the only way…

Find your willpower. Fight or perish like a dog. You are a bearer of the truth, but the question is, do you deserve do bear this? Even if we lose, we keep fighting, because it is the only way to stay strong and unwilling to submit in this world. If you value yourself, you will keep fighting. If you have a problem with people, learn to hide your power level and redpill those around you gently. It is how I morphed my social circle into right wingers.

I felt that about a week ago
I think this spirit cooking CP shit has really gotten me down, coupled with the ramping up of hillary posters online; I'll be glad once the actual election is over and we can actually start getting shit done. Once she is in a cell or hanging from a tree we can go back to working on other leads and getting shit done.
I really miss chimpout threads

Do you exercise every day? Do you read regularly? Do you wallow in doubt, or do you actually do things that you believe are Good? Do you regularly browse reddit?

You know how to fix your shit, stop procrastinating you little faggot.

Also this. You have to learn to accept evils of your being as a stimulation to become a better self. Do not let the world bend you, bend it to your will.


I have been trying to focus on these things recently without huge success, but clearly this is something I need to strive for more seriously.

You know I actually feel a little better…

White woman have bigger tits

There is something beyond the pain and despair. It's very hard to define or explain. It feels like indifference, yet it is not indifference. It is a serenity that accepts things as they are, and strange things follow. The realization that POWER now resides within you and that the power of the world and its Jews, sodomites and assorted evil is a illusion and a shadow. The acceptance of truth and the worship of truth transforms you from within. The despair, inability to connect with other people or find interest in worldly matters simply ceases to be a problem. You outgrow that problem and it simply stops being relevant.

You must keep going in the direction that you were led into following. To do otherwise is paramount to true death. There is no other option but to keep going, so just do it. Death is inevitable and it will come when it pleases. There is no need to court it.

This was never about mere politics. It was always a double edged sword, a twofold path. We have no need of normies, Chads, materialists and assorted deformities. The prime objective is for you and me to refine ourselves in the most vicious flame available on this earth, and either burn away or emerge like refined steel.

I've started lifting recently and it definitely helps, although I've got a fucked shoulder so I can't lift as much as I would like. Other than squats, what else should an user do to get in shape?

Arbeit Macht Frei user

Through Work Freedom

Only through challenging yourself to be a better person than you were before, will you be freed from the shackles of your broken mind. You are stronger than you know and what greatness lies within you and us all is merely waiting to be brought to light. Free your mind, free your body, free your soul, then free your people.

Shadilay My Brother, Praise Kek, for we have many challenges ahead of us, and we will need the light that hides within you to face them.

Sorry man, but there's no hope for true Holla Forumsacks not to become monsters after a time. Every one of us is or will be one.

Welcome into the Abyss I guess.


There is nothing that prevents a Monster to become Human again … it's gonna be fucking hard, though
and he will just be not the same as he was before


Thanks mate, you bastards have actually helped me out with this thread…

My late Aunt once told me that my name meant bringer of laughter and bringer of light.

Maybe one day we'll find a way, until then I can only improve myself, so I will stop being a faggot and do that.

gotta find one thats both not riding the cock carousel AND fishing for rich chads to sweep them away. Even single mothers have standards where i live. Not enough women, its terrible.

Its why alot of decent guys go for asian chicks who immigrate here, cant find any local women. West australia is terrible.

ignorance is bliss until the consequences of being ignorant catch up to you. imagine being caught totally unprepared for what the kikes are planning.

>…and when I do inevitably reveal my powerlevel it ruins the relationship, they think I am a monster.

bullshit, that never happend (or you're a super-autist who wouldn't be able to have a girlfriend anyway). fuck off and take your slide thread with you back to 4chan

This thread made me go back and explore just how I managed to deal with the truth. The quickest way I can explain it is that I really took in the quotes pic related and "How I learned to quit worrying and love the bomb."

It had a really profound effect on me. I reached a mental state that felt like I almost didn't care, except that I did. It gave me the state of mind to pursue to the truth with a calmness that at times seemed to ascend calm.

This comes up from time to time when people ask me if I'm ever tired of fighting, or say that they're tired of it. I always told them no, I wasn't tired of it. The justice that I fight for in the world isn't here yet, so I have to keep on fighting. If I ever get tired of it or stop, that justice will never come, and risk losing sight of it all.

And so I keep fighting. Fighting so that one day we'll no longer have to fight again.

That? That's easy cuck.


Depends on your definition of "in shape" and what you're trying to do.

Would also be worthwhile to look into ways to fix your shoulder issues. is it just immobility or did you break something?

If benching is bothering your shoulder it's probably because your grip is either too wide and your elbows aren't tucked, or your grip is too narrow which is causing too much stress on your shoulder/pec tie-in. Learn the technique, learn the mobility then apply it.

For general fitness or rather just improving upon your current baseline of fitness (assuming it's zero or close to it) anything from sprinting, chinups, pushups, dips, and variations of all those is a good start. You can get in 'good shape' by just doing these things at any public park with monkey bars. You can sprint around a track or up a hill.

To do anything about that you'll need to get a gym membership.

My advice for people who actually want to get in shape to improve their lives (not just for a race war meme) is start by focusing on hypertrophy (gaining muscle). Do this exclusively for the first year.

I would say start lifting 3x a week (Push, Pull, Legs) then start to incorporate more frequency.

By the 6 month mark you should be able to train each body part 2x a week.

I'd suggest sticking mostly free weights, pick maybe 4 exercises for each muscle group you want to work and cycle them each week. So you have a workout A B C D. As a beginner you can do a lot more variance. You can also get away with progressive overload (adding weight / reps each week) so I would suggest adding 5 pounds to smaller lifts (bench, rows, etc) and 10 pounds to bigger lifts (squats, deadlifts) each week you return to exercise A B C D and just focus on staying in the 8-12 rep range the first 3 months then switch to 5-8 rep range the next 3 months and cycle between the two.

Basically to get from

nothing -> beginner = do anything

beginner -> intermediate = progressive overload

intermediate -> advanced = phase training

advanced -> elite = micro cycles within phases, individual differences

for anyone who isn't doing anything the best thing they can do is to do something. It's really that simple and don't worry about if you're doing it perfect or not, you'll get better and we all sucked when we first started.

saus or more on girl?

that's what you're interested you fucking faggot? the point was in 2nd pic

holograms s/t was better

but on topic, the simplest advice i can give you is - if you haven't already - stop smoking weed (and jerkin off, and eating soy-covered, artificial flavouring/colouring-laden food, or whatever other estrogenic things you're doing to yourself), start lifting heavy weights at least 3 times a week, eat healthy, take vitamin d/fish oil/maca, and read thus spake zarathustra by nietzsche and/or ride the tiger by evola.
and get your mind out of the hedonistic mindset where life is about pleasure and fun - life is a struggle to be fought daily, and conquering your former self, bit by bit everyday, will bring you true joy.

follow the will of your superego.

discipline > motivation
self-improvement > self-acceptance

ya bb :>

OP first of all learn to hide your fucking power level.

this is because debating with normies does not work. your so-called successes as a leftist converting redpills to leftism were an illusion. leftism results from belief in the media-goverment complex. you were just reaffirming what they heard on tv. redpills like me who here someone going off about something they heard about tv hide their power level and pretend to agree.

always chip at the edges, not the core. otherwise you will be unable to have any friends or be active socially. it is ok to be a little edgy but full on nat-soc will get you shut down. remember everyone you talk to has been indoctrinated from birth, and watches 4+ hr of tv a day. even if they do not watch tv (((disney))) owns most of the entertaintment. you cannot overcome this indoctrination in a 15 minute discussion. they must learn to search for facts on their own.

i do not have a choice. once you see the truth, you cannot go back.

This right here.

Logic and reason will not convert the vast majority of people.

You need to:
1. Master persuasion (google Dilbert persuasion reading list)
2. Chip at the edges like user here mentioned. Use high level persuasion, and socratic method. You CANNOT give them the answer. They have to 'find it' on their own.

You don't have to pretend to be a leftist. You can say you're more rightwing on things, but left wing on other things - don't get too much into your deeper beliefs about it, unless they are on the same playing field.

Master persuasion, and the socratic method.
Logic and reason will fail.
You have to become the propaganda.


Sounds like you broke your old self down without building anything in its place. Can you really just wash away all that you thought the world was and expect to be happy with what's left?

I would guess your issue stems from seeing the problems but either lacking the knowledge of solutions, or the will to implement those solutions. I would seriously recommend you take a hard look at what's important to you and why. When our race is on the precipice of destruction how do can you find yourself unable to carry the burden of being one of the few who can truly make a difference. What you consider a burden I consider an honor, to protect the culmination of tens of thousands of years of culture and evolution.

For me happiness doesn't cut it as a goal and driving force. When you know what you're fighting for and why, your will is unbreakable. When you have this level of certainty and you use your efforts to make your goals come to fruition, all of those things that seem so significant will come to you without effort.

lov you user, but this is a slide thread.

Until tomorrow is done, we need every swinging dick in the field shilling for Trump!!

hey you've been sad for years, let this wait for one or two more days and then we'll be able to devote our attention to helping you!

Until then


Find a woman thats worth a damn. I told my current girlfriend that the holocaust was a farce on our second date. Stop dating liberal women. Dont be a faggot.

I wish I lived somewhere all women weren't liberal women

come on


Quality screencap.

Holla Forums is not a dating service.

Ignore this faggot. Quit alcohol, weed in moderation or if eaten is fine.

Visit /fringe/. Try the greenpill on for size.

Im with you to an extent, OP. However, keeping the Matrix theme, setting beyond the veil is better than ignorance, period, 100% of the time.

If you want to forget about the real world, you night as well become a NEET and play vidya and watch anime all day until the day you die. Whether you do that, or live a normie life, either way, you aren't living a true life.

Given time and study, you realize that occult stuff isn't a meme. Eastern thought has helped me find balance and comfort in a chaotic existence. I'm at peace, happening after happening. I can hang out with normie friends and I can run a successful business and outwardly live a normal life, even as internally, I'm barely a part of this matrix of a world, because I see beyond the veil.

It's doable. Over time, it even feels low-stress.

Seriously, it's fucking Scotland (I'm not Scottish). They're almost as bad mentally as Sweden if not worse in some ways.

I'm dating a girl at the moment who's working in a bank on her placement year in industry with university (she's studying business). She's pretty conservative and traditional (and very proud of her homeland) so I'm willing to bear with her more bluepilled aspects because there's definite redpill potential over time.

She hates the job and I think it's redpilling her on the "corporate career ladder" bullshit. She only has to do it for another 6 months so is sticking with it. But my point is, in some places your only option is to find a lib and convert her slowly. Count yourself lucky user

War is was always the only way