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razer blades cost more than the razer :^) every fucking time
80 miles mate, that's pretty impressive.
How the fuck is another ship going to defend against that?
Shoot the bullet down?
What the fuck did they expect? There's a reason why most military projects don't use the cutting edge tech but something a little bit older and more proven instead.
And hillary and her supporters said the whole US Army, navy and airforce is not depleted and one of the best of the world.
Capable even to face rusia
Pretty much sums up what is wrong with every defense project these days. It wasn't "required" therefore one of the most common sense and basic capabilities was omitted. To be fair to the Navy though, congress basically forced them to build this gun. They didn't want it to begin with.
It has missles
Easy: don't have a ship. Just wax its ass with an ASM 1,000 miles out.
Russia wont even need to knock out their systems with their new cyber weapons
Gather around, story time folks.
The morale of the story guys, is Jews act as middle-men in the "Military Industrial Complex".
They add 'handling' costs to the parts at every step.
You are now aware that the US military budget is inflated by jews, and we're basically paying 2,000% more than what the gear is worth
Let that sink in…
I always assumed it was so the money could be funneled to the Pentagon's black projects. Which also have kike middle men
Maybe they send one ship armed with the gun, and one holding the ammunition like Soviets did with soliders in WW2
Your CO should report that to a friendly Republican senator to investigate. No doubt there would be a paper trail of his demotion. Civilian authority > military authority.
sounds ridiculous
No subversion in the US government right? :^)
Time to kill some "ayys".
Many many moons ago I worked at CompUSA inside the beltway.
Our "Government Discount" was a 300% markup. The feds don't care, it's not their money.
wew we are so fucked if hillary wins
Im yuropoor so its gonna be different but if ww3 breaks out and I have to choose between rusia and NATO…
hell im going with the cheekis
You know it's shit like this that makes me think that we can win and take back the Government.
These people are fucking incompetent.
Why aren't they investing more in lasers?
The only fuel you need is electricity. You could protect from EMPs using Faraday cage tech.
This is why cutting the US military budget would probably actually increase your operational capacity. Show them that the money is no longer infinite and they'll actually have to put some thought into arranging stuff intelligently instead of just shoving money at it until it goes away.
is it so hard to want neither?
I dont want to be in the (((burger))) pocket or the slavs potato sack
because lasers are shit
the best laser weapons currently available can overheat engines and shut them down or heat up missiles and blow them up
against flesh and blood targets they're pretty shit
and electricity is created with fuel
unless you have a reactor on board its gonna consume a lot of fuel
Welp, good night Sea Pyramid, you were an ugly shit anyways.
If hillary is prez, this natural born shitposter won't be fighting for the "allies"
I'll be ready to create ANNUUUUUU world without NATO, using my superior meme smithing abilities
Well yeah in a war you cant choose to remain neutral unless you have some disability or are a woman, child, old man…
just like my grandfathers fought just because of poverty and no work without caring about the whole conflict.
but yeah the ruskies are snowniggers slavs and I dont want them close to me
but neither the jews
That's a big gun.
Exactly. Treat ammo like fuel.
Oil is more common than a specific bullet/missile type.
And last I checked the laser tech was finally getting somewhere.
until they can focus a beam with enough energy to melt steel or burn flesh with one shot I woudnt count on it
Kek my grandfathers were similar
one got conscripted into the merchant navy because he was a sailor and another got re-positioned from a cozy job as a colonial officer in India into the jungles of Burma for 5 years
Um.. I think they can now user.
That's why I now use a safety razor. Cheap blades, same quality.
Resources had to be equally distributed, so concessions were made.
well show it to me
last one I saw was enough to trigger explosive tipped warhaeds but not enough to cut metal in twain
Far be it from me to excuse the Jews, but I know a lot of manufacturing companies have special inflated prices for government work. Particularly military.
Part of the reason your CO got demoted might have been budgeting.
A certain amount of money is allocated to the helicopter for replacement parts each year based on how much some pencil pusher guesses it costs to maintain.
If you find the same quality parts for a fraction of the price, all you achieve is next year the budget to maintain that helicopter will be lower.
If your CO can find the same part for ten times the normal price, they would give his bosses a bigger budget for next year.
With government funded projects the economics are completely backwards compared to a normal private company.
This is insanity.
This is like when the pentagon paid $540mn for some fake jihad videos.
Think of all the gibs you could gib with that, or better yet, repair roads or grant white baby bonuses.
This. Where I live its a hilariously common occurance that whenever a private company gets a government contract to do some infastructure work, it goes way over its deadline, sometimes by a year.
Government contract = guaranteed pay for minimal work
Did you also learn that you and your buddy are giant faggots for signing up to be Jew tinder in a real holocaust? No, of course not. You were protecting us… from… Canada invading? hahaha FAGGOT!!!
Are these the fuckoff huge railguns with the sweet sabot projectiles though? that's a gun I can get behind in the modern world.
Well user..
Fuckoff huge railgun.
It got canceled
They built two, realized what a disaster they were and scrapped the program
Welcome to the military. At the end of the fiscal year they spend every last penny they were budgeted on anything, because saving money gets you punished. Whole damn thing needs a top down overhaul.
Russian destroyers have the range of 1550 miles.
Guns have been outdated since the 80s.
Where do you think they get their blood money from? Keeping us in conflict = more shekles
There are no black projects, everything goes to the Jew. The "black projects" is a hoax made up so the people don't question the massive amounts of taxpayer money disappearing.
The railguns are still under development at the Naval Surface Warfare Center.
The Zumwalt for now has the Advanced Gun System, which can fire guided muntitions using a conventional propellant.
Oh, you know for a fact that American rebels would be backed by Russian airdrops.
How Can Bullets Be Shot Down When Bullets Aren't Real?
No. It doesn’t. Cancelling this is the right thing to do. My money isn’t going to these faggots anymore.
Who the fuck uses guns in the 21. century
Yeah. I agree about the cancellation. Also, the guy who designed this should be fired.
user, do everyone a favor?
By squad or termination letter?
That is beyond insanity.
But the ship was designed for them when they reach a combat ready stage.
user, I'm fairly careful, and I counted them trying to track me through disqus (which I don't use), goybook (don't use either), jewggle (had an email account a few years ago).
Isuspect you are an older man, am I corect? like 40s or 50s? This is no longer the prodigy where you pay for your internet with the $20 a month you give to proodigy or AOL. EVERY bit of data, every click, is recorded, analyzed, put into a database, where it is then correlated with data that decides everything from how much you will be charged for car insurance to what various "lists" you are on for all sorts of things (I don't say that in the alex jones sense, I say it in the sense of…the FOIA that has proven yahoo was spying on all its customers for any use of particular words).
THINK user and spend time working on your opsec, because the Jews are spending a lot of time thinking about how to squeeze every last shekel from you.
Im interested, how can you view (on a per edit basis) if, and how much, a site changed ?
ah burgerclaps.
You don't get it, that republican senator is almost certainly getting kickbacks from all the middlemen in the form of campaign contributions and a job as a "consultant" when he retires.
Republican just means a different flavor of corrupt democrat; MAGA is the only solution.
Also, checkem.
stop watching youtube vids m8
You must support our military industrial complex, citizen. Thats why we spend your shekels to bomb desert. Or jungle. Or mountains.
Its not just "handling" fees. The government has contracts with the big companies (Raytheon, Northrup, Lockheed, Boeing, etc) that basically says "we will buy part x at price y whenever we need a replacement." The problem is the contracts were negotiated sometimes 30 years ago, and we were getting ripped off back then in most instances.
t. F-18 maintainer
Fucking hilarious mate i dont know how that made me laugh but i cant find my sides
Broken link and very fake looking thumbnail
mylar with dimples and translucent coating.
How do you make a bullet that costs 800 thousand dollars???
Lasers are memes.
Oy gevalt, goy, it's the goyim's money, you can't be frugal with that!
I'd bet good money that it costs them less than $50 to make a round.
You don't. You make a bullet that costs a tiny fraction of that and then kikes buy it and mark it up exponentially for resale to gullible goyim.
Reminds me of the nazi funded projects that were insanely stupid and did jack shit for the war.
1. The Gustav gun
2. The V2 rocket (which killed more people building it with slave labor than it killed in use)
The US is lucky it's not at war, this is Ludacris. Considering how shit our other military stuff that's in operation (like the Apache with its thousands of dollars per part repairs) I'm honestly not surprised that our country is in the tank.
That is a total rip off.
Agreed, the Gustav is impressive to look at at, but not usefull at all and a waste of time and resources. You have to remember however, building the Gustav was more of a dickwaving contest than an actual military project.
Lmao this is pathetic, this is worse than china-tier
Where were you when the US became a weak, innefectual banana-republic paper tiger?
Ovens on standby…
Cheaper than a cruise missile, but that still sounds like a rip off.
atm ships are only valuable for transport
See me in my office.
>Have f-18 sucessor that's actually based of the superhornet (as opposed to f-35) for multi role
>implying fusion is more than five years away
make it out of diamonds, then you keep the other 799 thousand
Our Maintenance Commander got an angry letter from DRMO in Arizona about circumventing official supply channels and they wasted time pulling the switching unit and billed out unit for time/switching unit "cost"
MX Officer tells DRMO faggot,
Sometimes shit works.
Sad but true. Every time we had money to spend, we did.
End of Fiscal year in Air Force I think was February, if we had money left to spend, every one got new furniture and some gear.
For the most part the money wasn't necessarily wasted, but it would have been nice to carry some of that money over for a new maintenance stand with comfy padding and new hydraulics.
But yeah, the whole "If you don't spend it, you lose it" is a bullshit way to run an organization, especially those who PENALIZE you if you DON'T spend it - which also happens.
It's because theres minimal examination of if the budget is needed or not.
They just assume if it has not been spent it is not needed.
First the Navy changes jobs titles to gender neutral titles. Now their guns are literally shooting blanks.
Will Trump fix this problem?
it's a 225-pound, 7-foot-long piece of machined steel with 24 pounds of high explosive and trigger technology in it.
i don't believe $800,000 a round, but $25,000 a round seems like the bare minimum production cost.
I think its a matter of setup costs and the manufacturer demanding compensation for spending more than they had to.
They do point out in the article how the original production run was going to be massive and the ongoing purchases a lot higher.
But as the ship line was scaled back demand plummeted leaving the manufacturer with a production line that it couldn't make money off.
yeah, i mean if you ALREADY have the tooling, the staff, the R&D eaten, and so on, then your materials and labor cost is $25k minimum.
i see people in here talking about $50 a round, and you literally could not buy enough scrap metal to melt with stolen energy to make this projectile with $50.
So if we go by mechanic user's 2000% goyim navy discount that seems about right.
25,000-30,000 cost to build, markup to 40,000. 2,000% goyim discount = 800,000.
you still just assumed you got the factory, tooling research and development, and testing for free.
If the amount of money and people he hired to run his campaign are a bellweather of things to come, I will state yes for the record.
His long history in construction and contracting is also promising.
there's also that new stealth fighter that can be detected by 20 years old missile systems
I suspect there's more to it than high explosive and a trigger mechanism.
Since they're raging about how accurate and specialised it is.
So R&D may have been quite substantial.
To be fair. Stealth tech was always a limited time technology.
It was just a question of when everyone else would figure out how to deal with it.
As it turns out its actually very easy but radar technology wasn't cheap enough to make throwing lots of it out there feasible.
Since it turns out the easiest way to detect stealth aircraft is to use lots of radar points and have them share data with each other.
wow it is like democrats want to start a war to destroy the USA or something. Hmmmm…
Same story in the UK.
What's the point of making the most agile fighter in service if you don't have a gun solution in mind and when there are all aspect missiles?
That's a big gun.
Funny thing is the RAF demanded cannon be installed on the ones they received. Didn't care about anyone elses.
Problem is they're now bitching about it having bollocks all ammo capacity.
Your timestamp deserves a reply
No money for ammo, goys.
Gotta pay for sex change operations for King Nigger's tranny soldiers now.
at least that guy has a valid reason for PTSD
You can blame the yanks for that.
They've been obsessed with BVR missile airwar for decades.
We keep going "For fucks sake you stupid twats stop being stupid"
Niggers, do you realize that the experimental reactor being built in hope of achieving controlled fusion is 5 times the diameter of the biggest nuclear plant in existence?
We are probably a century before scaling this shit down to non-arcology levels and that's provided it's physically possible to do so.
First, the F-35, an aircraft the Chinese copied and Russians surpassed for a fraction of the cost and a tenth of the time, and now this. What's next? A tank made out of diamonds? Attack helicopters plated with gold? No wonder America's losing the arms race these days.
I'm receiving the standard enslaving student loan for my STEM degree so I'm very well aware of the difficulties in making fusion usable. Size is not even the biggest issue; it's the damn huge neutron flux that activates the shielding.
Don't call me nigger. It's degrading.kek
Just abduct some German scientists.
Free market weapons industry is a failure. Put the soldiers in direct charge of the designs and you'll see prices plummet and efficacy skyrocket.
That CO should have been promoted to 5 star general!
Its not the free market, its congress buying things that they dont understand. Even he Navy did not want this to be made!
The armed forces need more autonomy in buying things then they do now.
They did that once testing the AR-15 and look where that went.
That… May not be such a great idea these days, user. Germany isn't exactly the world's leaders in the STEM fields these days.
I wonder who is responsible for that.
this is what you get with the "free market", win a contract by lying out the ass about "projected" expenses and you then have access to the states never ending coffers of gold.
Military RnD should be kept within the military like the Manhattan project
you cant arc lasers, they are limited by line of sight
Change its trajectory. 80 miles isn't covered instantly. If trajectories were like unguess-able fractal patterns, long-range prediction-dependent artillery-like rounds become useless (without guidance).
I feel like this was way too accurate.
Sure you can arc a laser. You just need a gigantically massive gravity well to do it…
Get together with your CO and write a book/article, WHATEVER YOU FUCKING CAN!
don't confuse incompetence with lying about intentions
You need a sight line to use lasers. Naval guns can shoot over the horizon. I don't see lasers having much offensive use in naval warfare. Although missiles are very effective, you don't need missiles to shell a city. If they weren't so damn stupid about it, it would be more cost effective to use guns.
…don't they already? I thought the big warships were nuclear powered. Subs are.
That's fucking hilarious and reminds me of that thing where they design an APC or whatever its called and it ends up being a tank.
That Gorilla's design is based off of the troll in Pratchett's Soul Music.
Was he court martialed? You can't demote an officer without a trial.
This is why you take small steps, this giant leap just landed in a poisoned bear trap.
He was in the Israeli navy?
But user, there's fusion fuel that doesn't produce neutrons. You're right though, size isn't even really an issue, since the tokamak is a giant piece of shit that probably won't ever be finished. I'm hedging my bets on newer designs for electromagnetically confined fusors such as those by MIT and lockheed. These eliminate the precision issue required in polywell designs, making them 10/10 quality fusors.
80 miles is kind of pathetic for large caliber artillery rounds.
Apply yourself.
No most aren't, most subs aren't either
Hilariously enough, the ship is named after a guy who pushed progressivism in the navy hardcore
I remember hearing that the military buys masking tape for $100/roll. Truly absurd, sounds like Trump could turn a lot of this shit around with a similar plan to his vet plan (providing bonuses to people who find ways to cut costs)
It's actually in the hands of Congress and the Pentagon, both of which greatly enjoy the current budgeting system
Life imitates art
Not seeing it do either of those in this video. Just another case of "heat up a bomb until it goes boom".
Good. What were you expecting? Do you want it to give you a blowjob and make you a sandwich?
Lasers are made basically unusable by fog and adverse weather conditions. They are also really easy to defend against. Some sort of Aerogel or powerful insulator could create an impractically long dwell time for a laser.
dwell time means how long the laser has to be on the target for it to be destroyed
If Contra has taught me anything, and it has, it's that you repeatedly tap B with the laser equipped and Light Brigade everything with your gun-sword.
But does any of that change with the right energy output?
Artillery to this day causes the majority of casualties in war
Fucking jewish capitalism. Do you think russians would give a fuck about what the bullets are "worth"? Do you think chinese give a fuck? They would just use the resources and make them
We should just use jews as ammunition.
Cary Elwes character pretty much wrote the script IRL.
well if we believed the holocaust, it would indicate that they are highly incendiary.
I think that would be in violation with the Geneva convention.
I mean, no enemy of Europe deserve the horror that is the jew except the jews
you had me here, I was expecting a CTR/JDIF post
then you had my sides
There is rank.
Then there is position.
An O4 can fly a jet, or run the officer morale room's snackbar and bar.
Demotions don't all involve LORs and Article 15s.
Because they're inefficient as fuck, can't shoot beyond the horizon, and lose a serious amount of damage over range.
But that's where you're wrong, the idea of the Gustav is perfectly fine. A weapon that can fire explosives long range that, at the time, could not be intercepted. In todays world we have anti-artillery systems made up of gatling guns creating a wall of lead in mid-air to protect against artillery, in the 1950s France getting shelled all the way from Germany would have been an amazing feat because you lower your risk of losing aircraft and infantry.
Expensive sure but in theory effective. Had the railways not been bombed, it's range longer, and it's transportation easier the Gustav would have truly been a force to be reckoned with.
That being said smaller Gustav-like weapons existed in the 600mm mortar variant on a tracked chassis with a max speed of 12km/h.
Did they contract HP to do the ammo?
The Führer confirms the need for un-interceptable long range artillery -
Trump will fix this.
Praise KEK.
Couldn't the same be said for the German Surface fleet? They build massive expensive ships only to be either sunk by the vastly superior enemy or sequestered to port just like their Father's fleet in WW1. Resources/Money don't always go into what's best, hind-sight is 20-20.
Having said that you do have a point in that Germans loved to tinker about with experimental technology while other military's wanted what they knew was combat effective and would work. (Just look at how long it took for the M26 to into production)
My take? They were waiting for Trump. He has talked about how we don't negotiate prices with defense contractors before and how we are getting ripped off. They are waiting until they can haggle it to something reasonable. Could be totally wrong though, I don't have any inside knowledge.
I think I read something somewhere about lasers generating vacuum channels. Would it be at all possible to mess with the laser in such a way that it generates a vacuum channel around the destroying laser?
I have witnessed your double-dubs, fellow blade brother!
itt hipsters who won't just buy a machine that will pay itself in a few weeks because they want to feel like special snowflakes
Don't let your memes be dreams!
In war time, can the cost really be justified? Will it really take 800k to actually make the bullet, or is this just pricing issues.
$800,000 per round is bullshit, they should cancel it.
Trump should shut down the MIC but sadly he supports it.
Mention this story and that this shit needs to be addressed.
Thank god russia is not going to attack.