How to the counter the "obama is rightwing" maymay?

I talk to a lot of leftwingers who try to claim "Obama killed more Muslims than George Bush ever did, so you can't say he's soft on Islam/pro-Muslim". Also they like to bring up the thing about Obama supposedly deporting more people than Bush did.

How do I counter this? Where are these arguments coming from?

We know for a fact that Obama is a leftwing piece of shit who favors all of the evil shit we hate. Pointing that out shows that we (proWhites, "far right") are the underdogs against a seriously fucked up ideology.

So yea, how should I respond to le "obama is rightwing" maymay?

A lot of leftyshits will try to claim that there isn't a huge leftwing dominance in the media, academia and so on, basically to keep up their rebel image. We as "far right" pro-White nationalists need to have good comebacks to dismantle any of their arguments. We need to show clearly that leftism is hegemonic and is fucking horrible. Only when a critical mass of people clearly see this truth will we see the ability to make a change.

Or a lot of them will claim that the Democrats aren't really leftist, because they define anything not 100% utopian socialist as rightwing.

If we can kill the "leftwinger R independent underdog" maymay we kill a huge part of leftism's appeal.

You shouldn't try to counter that claim at all.

You should confirm it.

Obama is a Neocon and a neoliberal, everything left wing voters despise. Hence the only hope for change is Trump.

Don't focus on winning the debate, focus on winning their heart.

I mean, if their care about their precious Muslims lives matter and they claim Obama killed more, then ask them, why are you voting Hillary then? Do you want to kill even more?

Play their argument against them.

nah but Obama is a fucking leftist, he is just restrained from governing like a complete fanatic because the country is still around 50% conservatives.

People have to know that the left is hegemonic and we're fighting against it. I'm talking about real leftycunts who will never in 1,000,000 yrs vote even Jeb Bush-tier Republican.

Feminism, multicult, soft socialism and PC and LGBTBBQ+ and all the rest of it essentially are hegemonic ideologies, sponsored and spread by the powers that be.

This is a good point. But yea it's just important because otherwise the narrative will be that the left has never been in power. We need a massive fucking anti leftwing backlash or western civilization is completely fucking dead.

Leftwing ideology is hegemonic, even if the pure ubersocialism isn't currently practiced by Democrap politicians. They still pander to and give their blessing to leftwing movements, thus legitimizing them in the eyes of the cucked public.

they just think 'left-wing' means 'good guys' and 'right-wing' means 'bad guys'

Wew lads never heard that one before, but if I was forced to respond to that I'd ask if killing Muslims is part of the criteria of being right wing and watch that piece of shit wriggle out of that.

Then once that's over ask which party he was the nominee for and where they lay on the political spectrum, and then bring up Obamacare which is a prime example of leftism, and then keep getting more"examples" of Obama being right wing. Dispel their illusions. I find with leftists that they struggle with using facts and usually end up in a shit flinging competition.

This is a good talking point. Also pointing out that Bush is not fucking rightwing in any meaningful way is helpful, too.

Rightwing imo should mean caring about your race/your people (and thus the land they inhabit) first, above all. Authentic rightwingers are ethnonationalists who want closed borders.

Everyone else is some flavor of enlightenmentist/liberal.

I guess you've never really come into contact with a leftie. Just make fun of them and bully them for being lefties or commies or whatever. They don't think so reason and logic means nothing to them. They do understand feelings though so if you make them feel bad about being a leftie they'll stop.

This is what blows me away the most. The left is full of aging hippies and young faggots who wish they were aging hippies. They're so desperate to have the firehoses turned on them because it validates their shitty lifestyle choices. "Oh, I'm only a loser because the establishment is full of racist white men who want to keep me down." Ok, sweetheart.

Pretty much this. Say:
and then ask why they want another one in office (if they're hilldawgs).
If they're not for Hillary, ask them why Bernie sanders basically kissed the ring and knelt like a little bitch faggot while Trump fought against their ilk.

I have seen the obama B bad to muh muslims idea a lot

It's basically trying to claim "O those poor Muslims are oppressed even by Obama", which pisses me off because we all fucking know that Muslims are a privileged, pandered to group in America. We know Obama has always sucked up to Islam, hard.

So yea, it's more "muh poor innocent brown victims" garbage bullshit. I'm triggered by that shit.

Obama can't do any actual socialist policy because his overlords will never allow him to.

Banks and multinationals will never allow anything that doesn't benefit them and they own Obama completely. Even Obamacare was a gigantic blowjob to insurance companies.

If people really want socialism, then highlight it and make Hillary non-votable for them. They can't shift to Trump yet? Then they'll vote Jill Stein.

Highlight that the new fad for multiculturalism and minorities doesn't have anything to do with socialism. Point out that multinationals want endless immigration to keep wages low.

Pander to their belief that Democrats are merely the other face of the same coin.

Right-wing and left-wing are thrown around a lot. Just make fun of them for rooting for "muh political sports team" instead of caring about real values.

We need to expose the extent to which the govt is cucked and leftified. The left has to pay for its fucking crimes, and we can't allow them to keep on changing the definitions.

As soon as Stalin became hated and seen as a warcriminal, suddenly he was a "rightwing fascist" to lefties.

We have to villify them extensively, expose in detail how their fucking ideology has led to genocide and mass death and misery and war, all over the world.

We finally have to hammer the story of the left's crimes into normie heads

He's a fucking Alinskyite. I didn't imagine leftists could reverse on that, but here we are.

So let them think he's right wing. Tell them Hillary is even more right wing. Trump has transcended left and right and Hillary is a neocon.

Leftists standing up for Muslims will be the death of them. Look what happens to leftists in Iraq and Pakistan. They'll be slaughtered someday.

rightwing = values family, nation, race and tradition, opposes foreign influence and kikey ideologies

leftwing = cool with anything that breaks down those rightwing values, literally cultural cancer

but he B a neoliberal capitalist who don't B good for muh brown victims

muh brown victims need more white blood and soil to satisfy dem

If u ddisgree ur racis tho k

Hopefully we can beat them to it. I really want a purge of the leftist scum.


Nobody liked George W.'s policies in the middle east on either side of the aisle, the fact that Obama has expanded on them doesn't make him right wing. It makes him an even bigger tool. He toppled these governments so that they could be swarmed by the poor "oppressed" Muslims that he relates to so much.

As for deportations, Obama fluffs the numbers like he does for unemployment stats. His administration counts the number of people who are turned away at the border as "deportations"


Is this as slide thread?
Because I haven't seen that meme pushed until this thread.

Honestly I kinda feel for actual leftists who don't follow group think and actually care about policy.

Neoliberals are far worse to actual leftists than cuckervitives are to us. Problem for them is that leftists are faggot who are easily co-opted because they're communal and sheepish by nature.

How to counter talking to children? For what purpose? Are you some vain, stupid little shit like them? No? So stop wasting your time. These fucking scumbags don't care about facts. They live in a bubble. It's echo time with them.

Point out Obama's Weatherman connection.

It's actually easy to do this. Just point out who's more likely to end up in prison for stating their opinions.

With executions and suppression. You cannot use words to cure mental illness.

Killing Muslims, although a thing of our past, isn't exactly a "right-wing" thing to do. That's the emotional perception of "evil right" libs have.

they're right in essence, but you can fuck them up still

since when did he kill muslims lol

It'd be more apt to describe them as neocons/neoconservatives.

It's been the popular establishment politics for a couple decades now.

So what?

It's a part of necon policy, which both Democrats and Republicans often practice, to want open borders, free trade, and more wars.

Those points those supposed left wingers you're speaking with are bringing up are irrelevant as to whether to consider Obama left or right wing as nothing people consider left or right wing is even being brought up.

If you want to seriously respond to it then pivot the argument to globalist versus nationalist. You could bring up whether it's better to have your taxes spent on your country or another country, and if they say another country then bring up the massive number of uninsured, the high college tuition, the homeless problem, and why it seems morally wrong to want to send poor American's money to other countries when it only is being used to perpetuate war and corporate interests.

Obama is not rightwing. He is hotwing.

Leftists never recognize the evils of their leftist faggotry. This is why they are the useful idiots.

In the US, Hillary is one of the greatest members of the Japanese imperial clan.

However, she is still much lower than the highest members of the Japanese imperial clan.

So, the Japanese headquarters of the clan always smiles for Hillary on the stage.

But the clan often ridicules her from the bottom of its heart behind the stage.

On July 6, Japanese Emperor suddenly expressed his future abdication.

It was an insidious blow on Hillary.

But Prince Mikasa's Funeral was actually another blow on Hillary just before the election.

Most of Japanese know that the Japanese establishment is always gentle and smiling but that the establishment is frequently egregious and is grinning behind the stage.

I dont believe Obama is a Muslim, thats 2008 tier Tea Party shit. He has been seen eating hotdogs and drinking. Tea Partyfags say he is a Muslim because they are scared or dont know how to say he is an atheist effeminate mulatto libcuck.

But historically speaking, those who have killed the most Muslims were Muslims.

And it seems the leftists you are speaking to are orthodox economic leftists, or so they consider themselves. These people have a largely materialistic worldview and are one step away from full nihilism. You probably wont be able to convince them of anything but you can have fun demoralizing them.

These are leftypol types, they claim X is or is not leftwing as it suits them. They decry "identity politics" but are more than willing to go to bat for trannys and are ideologically opposed to IQ and heritability. These people are fucking schizophrenic, they pivot on their own ideology for convenience sake on a daily basis.

Underrated post.

Who are you voting for?

That's funny. I never thought you would vote for the establishment candidate.

Well, look how many allies Clinton has compared to Trump. Clearly she represents the entrenched establishment.

I see your point, and politicians can be bought in a Democracy. However, Clinton represents the other side of that transaction. Her people don't have to buy power, because they already have it. That's the better position to be in, in terms of gaining and wielding power.

We simply change the wording to "Obama is Nightwing…the gay one with the gold braid, bare chest, and giant collar."

Heh, even their strawman of themselves is filled with self-hatred.

Well, deluding your pawns isn't smart.

Muslims kill more Muslims than anyone else (doesn't make them any less of filthy shitskins). They also kill a lot of non-Muslims. Obama supports Muslims in both.

Agree and amplify.

OK well you must not talk to "super independent and freethinking" lefties who like Bernie and Jill Stein (both kikes)

I see the idea again and again among "independent" types, a lot of left libertarians and independent people.

It's just a really annoyingly stupid idea.

good idea, thanks

Only thing more annoying than a leftist is an 'oldschool' leftist.
