WOW. I never knew Twitter could do that!

They're making their systems do shit it's never done before just to shill for Hill.

These kikes would cure cancer tomorrow if it meant getting her in office so she cam pozz the nation with rapefugees

Other urls found in this thread:

I'm not sure you can archive it, the spyder/bot the site uses would have to be logged into your account. But here are a few screencaps from different anons who confirmed they can see it too.


This is FUCKING disgusting. She has literally everything on her side. Jesus fucking christ I want leftist blood so fucking badly. Leftists should be tortured to death.

Wait. There's more.

I think Twitter is just going to ban all right wing politics after the election.


btw If you can't see it on your end try setting it to "United States Trends"

wtf im #ImWithHer now

can twitter be ddos just to spite them in their attempt to spread news?
Theoretically speaking of course

Since it was possible to DDoS Dyn.DNS and take down Liberia so yeah I'd say very doable with something like Mirai.

I too am now a #HillPickle #HeForShi #FirstTransPresident

Nov. 9th @ 12:01 any anons that want to be part of the largest DDoS in history, look for our thread. See you then.

I honestly think she will end up dead because the left keeps pushing people. At some point, someone will flip out and then you will either have copycats or other people following suit.

it only makes it more hilarious the election is a toss up right now

Someone posted a screencap of an user prediction from October 28th that predicted exactly what happened, and that it was Clinton's last ace in the hole. "There is nothing in the new emails that have influenced me/FBI to change original ruling." or some such. The thread was deleted. Does anyone have that screencap?

Hell, they subscribed my YouTube account to her, despite me never watching one of her videos or going on her channel ever

You do realize that congress is controlled opposition in this case? The FBI was specifically asked to investigate her for intent to evade FOIA. They weren't investigating her for general criminality.


The point is that normfags will see what OP's about, that Comey cleared Clinton of charges, and think that Clinton has done nothing wrong. It's outright deception.

I dunno what twitter normally looks like but this is what shows up when I go there. rt 4

@Ladygaga is also on the homepage. See what she's saying. Fucking manipulation. It makes me sick.

Trump is third row down. At least he's there.
Septime Webre, Artistic Director, The Washington Ballet

I think the whole Washington is in on this fug…

Fug sorry wrong thread
pls no gas

We don't have time to torture them user, we need to just walk them off the Grand Canyon so work can begin on rebuilding American industry etc.

.. could that pizza joint simply be the marxist establishment equivalent of sanic and spurdo?

Why are kikes convinced that people will vote for her?
They just doubled down on their pants on head retarded decision. They will fire up the republicans even more.

well you do have to make her narrow "victory" believable, just look at the new Fox poll, Killary is +4% and 1% above margin of error, what happen that made her rise? nothing. Only yesterday Obama sad that illegals can vote and not fear for the law, a former DOJ said that no Voter Fraud will be prosecuted. It's becoming more and more obvious that there is no Election, only a Jew Selection. but let say it is not rigged and the results are not already set on stone, This massive voter fraud can make Trump lose Florida and then the election, useless he somehow pull a Reagan even with the nowadays demographics all fuck up and blatant fraud.

I'm guessing he was threatened. Again.

I think we'll have the same situation as Brexit.
They'll cheat but the vote will be so hard towards Trump that even that won't help.
I've also got money riding on Trump so let's be optimistic

Anyone know what Ashton's brood mare said? Because I'm ALWAYS interested in a celebrity's opinion on shit they've never actually had to deal with.

Honestly the best thing would be to create a Twitter alternative and just force them out.

We should make a twitter alternative that crossposts to twitter so we can still harass all the media.

even better