(((The Guardian))): Meme warfare: how the power of mass replication has poisoned the US election

Spread from the bottom up, political memes are now a form of propaganda – and it’s killing our ability to intelligently orchestrate a political conversation

If you use Facebook, or Twitter, have a Wi-Fi connection, watch television or have been to an office Halloween party, you’ve probably encountered them: internet memes. These shareable, sometimes pithy and often puerile units of culture have emerged as the lingua franca of the 2016 election, and have given the American people an entirely new way of articulating their beliefs. Clinton’s top tweet is a meme. Trump’s taco bowl became one. Through memes, Ted Cruz was “unmasked” as the Zodiac killer. Jeb Bush’s limp plea for applause got him Vined into oblivion. Bernie Sanders shared a moment with a bird that blossomed into something out of Walt Disney’s long-lost Marxist phase.

Memes can be fun, or they can be dumb – but as an emerging medium, they haven’t provoked a lot of debate or analysis. In fact, they seem to defy scrutiny. And slowly, before anyone can even take note, memes are ruining democracy. Memes – from the Greek for “that which is imitated” – were once defined as being self-replicating units of culture. This included anything that could be learned, remembered and spread from one brain to another, such as the concept of god all the way to the popular Budweiser “Wazzup” catchphrase. Through the internet, the idea moved from the conceptual sphere into the viscous reality of data and pixels, transforming it into something more traceable: a segment of media that is copied rapidly. This includes images, text, video, a combination of all three and sometimes real-world actions.

Political memes have always existed. Recall Ronald Reagan’s Welfare Queen or Howard Dean’s euphoric howl. And of course, more recently, we had Yes We Can. What’s novel here is an inversion of control – political memes are no longer rare flashes of uncensored personality or intensely manicured visual messages. They are now born from the swamps of the internet in real time, distributed from the bottom up. They have grown into a form of anarchic folk propaganda, ranging from tolerable epigrams to glittering hate-soaked image macros akin to a million little rogue Pravdas.

Like me, you probably have more than a few Facebook friends who make it their life’s work to circulate political memes in hopes of influencing how you see the world. They are our deadbeat uncles, former co-workers and long-forgotten high school acquaintances. They are agents of nowhere, apparatchiks of nothing in particular. And through the raw power of mass replication, even their most insipid ideas are able to surface from below. By typing some text on an image and sharing it with friends, they too have a voice capable of reaching a critical mass.

The reason why it is now possible for Darryl from Accounting who hates “social justice warriors” to have the same communicative power as a television network is down to the DNA of the medium: speed and lack of gatekeepers. Memes thrive on a lack of information – the faster you can grasp the point, the higher the chance it will spread. They also favor extreme perspectives: a recent study from Texas University found that individuals who are socially isolated and more likely to be characterized as “on the fringe” have a greater chance at creating a successful meme.


Other urls found in this thread:

In order to grasp why this is so significant, we need to go back to the last time we were making similarly grandiose proclamations about how the internet changed everything. Picture yourself in the year 2010. The possibility of the Chicago Cubs winning the World Series is as depressingly remote as ever. Barack Obama still has that new car smell and is being hailed as the first “internet president”. The world is awash in a fresh wave of tech-centric optimism and the Middle East’s Twitter revolts have yet to burn to a cinder. It was a more innocent time, when Uber and AirBnB were still known as Ubercab and Airbed and Breakfast and neither had been blamed for homelessness, unemployment and the wholesale destruction of the working class yet.

I was a staff writer at Adbusters Magazine at the time – a radical, anti-consumerist magazine based out of Vancouver, British Columbia, that bills itself as the journal of the mental environment and got famous off their 1990s “subvertisements”. The art director, a few graphic designers and myself would often spend long nights in the office drinking beer and churning out content to fill the spaces that would be traditionally used for advertisements. We created memes, but not just any memes – political ones meant to trigger paradigm shifts that would upend the prevailing logic of late capitalism, such as this one: We called it “meme warfare”, a term that was originally coined by social change activist Andrew Boyd.

“Social movements cannot live by meme alone. Yet memes are clearly powerful –both analytically and operationally,” Boyd wrote in his essay Truth is a Virus: Meme warfare and the billionaires for Bush (or Gore). “A vital movement requires a hot and happening meme. Truth is a virus whose aim is to subvert the corporate mememachine with a sly guerrilla war of signs.” Much of what we produced was mischievous, maybe even poignant, much of it verged on self-satire but most of it was strictly for the LOLs; in-jokes to keep the blood pumping through those long and sedentary pizza-filled production nights. But every once in a while, the Adbusters office turned out something that proved to be profoundly effective. For instance, the black and white image of a ballerina gracefully perched atop the charging bull of Wall Street, while masked figures charged forward from the background. “Bring tent”, it read underneath, alongside the now famous hashtag that sparked the Occupy movement.

Back in 2010, the idea of using memes to political ends was still housed within a fairly slim leftist-activist corridor – it was a tool that seemed entirely of our own creation, and entirely under our control. We viewed memes as a vehicle through which activists could speak truth to power – they were molotov Jpegs to be thrown at corporate hegemony’s bulletproof limousine. Never in our most ironic dreams did we the think that the spirit of our tired, lager-fueled pisstakes would end up leading to a resurgence of white nationalism and make the prospect of a fascist America faintly realistic. But the internet is weird like that. It takes things and twists them. At their most basic, meme warfare presented an opportunity for individuals to seize control of the means of media production from corporate interests. It was a viral and open-source medium that would allow individuals to compete for attention against the all-consuming hydra of advertising, marketing and public relations.

This line of thinking was, in retrospect, breathtakingly naive. It assumed that the act of meme generation by a non-corporate entity would be innately good. Like many instances of the tech-centric idealism, it would unravel in spectacular fashion. It’s not that anti-corporate activists were wrong about how the internet could be leveraged to change politics – it’s that they were terribly right. There isn’t a straight, causal line connecting the Occupy movement and its many slogans with the neo-Nazi image macros that have been frogmarched out of 4chan to spread hate across the internet in support of Donald Trump. But they share some conceptual DNA. They are both indebted to Guy Debord and the Situationists, specifically the practice of détournement: hijacking expressions of the capitalist system and its media culture against itself. They both also share a deep cynicism about the mainstream media. But this is where the similarities end.


When appropriated by the emerging alt-right, memes become a different weapon. They call it “meme magic” – a phenomenon which has helped vocalize and activate the more extreme wings of the Trump base and introduce white nationalism to a new generation of disaffected nerds. Meme magic is almost identical to meme warfare in that it attempts to use shareable images and ideas in an effort to engender real political change. To date, their most effective memes have been those questioning Hillary Clinton’s health status. Google image search “Zombie Hillary” or “Hillary Short Circuit” and you’ll be treated to a series of imagery made up of equal parts blood and robotics. As explained by Andrew Anglin, publisher of The Daily Stormer, a faux-contrarian neo-Nazi blog, meme magic “comprises not only an attempt, but a successful attempt, to formulate a new culture for ourselves, separate from the mainstream culture, which is largely the result of Jewish social imperialism”.

In a post-truth landscape where distrust of the media has gone mainstream, nickel-and-dime propagandists like Anglin are able to resonate with an audience because they trade in the allure of dark fantasies that appeal to alienated young white men. When the activist left decried corporate control over media, its strongest arguments leaned heavy on well-plodded reasoning. Noam Chomsky’s Manufacturing Consent instantly comes to mind, in which he painstakingly examines the New York Times’ coverage of the Indonesian occupation of East Timor. The alt-right, on the other hand, is far less interested in thoughtful critiques and far more concerned with control. This mirrors the classic left/right divide of analysis versus action. While the left is typically comfortable with endlessly analyzing what’s wrong with the reality, the right seeks to impose their own reality, currently existing reality be damned.

Traditionally, mass media have provided a protective membrane between the public and overly toxic ideas. The mass effect of this delivered a relatively standardized view of politics and world events. For a number of reasons – a decades-long lowering of journalistic standards, the deterministic effect of ratings and clicks, and the generalized paranoia created by the internet, to name a few – this membrane has broken down. The recent #draftourdaughters meme provides an instructional example. On 16 May of this year, Hillary Clinton voiced support for legislation that would require women to register for the draft. This was largely received as a rare instance a bipartisan support for a purely symbolic gesture, aimed at promoting gender equality in the military. For a maverick like Ted Cruz, it was a chance for him to put on his daddy hat, lambasting the bill because it would “forcibly conscript young girls into combat”. To the paranoiac mind it fed into a conspiracy theory that the next world war is imminent. For the alt-right, it was a perfect opportunity to launch a “weapons-grade persuasion” campaign. The result has been a series of widely shared fake campaign ads meant to promote the idea that Hillary wanted to send young women to their deaths in a war against Russia. The imagery had a distinctly feminist flavour, with slogans like “He died for his country. Now, it’s her turn” and “Men make up 97% of combat deaths. It’s time to end the combat gap.” Those orchestrating the campaign instructed their followers to “Remind folks when they say it’s fake … It’s real”.


Memes control the tone of this election and will have a serious impact on the outcome.
The cascading effect of their influence is undeniable.

Perhaps this is all a just a garbage mirage brought about by this election cycle’s hate-bubble. But regardless of their long-term viability as a fringe pantomime, those meme creators are at the vanguard of a broad directional trend, and seem to be exploiting it with some measure of success. Irrespective of your personal political leanings, for anyone who thinks sensible dialogue is a critical component to a functioning democracy, there is a large problem to solve here. In his 1946 essay Politics and the English language, which scrutinized the connection between ideology and the proliferation of empty language, George Orwell said:

We face a similar challenge, albeit one that is punctuated with reaction gifs. If you look at the latest iOS keyboard update, complete with a massive repository of looping imagery, we can see how intimately memes have meshed with language, and how we face a far more daunting challenge than Orwell ever did. The tools we use to communicate are becoming counterproductive to actual communication. It’s only getting easier to spread lies and respond with shrugs. The internet has become an endless theatre of virtual conflict, one in which we are all either willing or oblivious participants, and like it or not, it is on this battlefield that the nature of our reality will probably be decided. There’s no clear answer to this dilemma save for one basic fact: those who value truth desperately need to find a way to make the truth more plausible.


Normie memes are so bad…no wonder they lost.


Holy shit. This makes Holla Forums memes looks good by comparison.

See this ain't somethin new
That's just gonna come out of nowhere, no!!!
This is somethin OLD, and DIRTY!!

TL;DR: Oy the goyim are revolting!


It's about to get crazy, I think.

Bottom up is bad. Top down is bad. Everything is bad… except for Jewish material products. Buy more stuff, goyim, and stop asking questions.

TLDR; oy vey! Normal people are able to share their thoughts and decide for themselves! We're supposed to tell them what to think!

Parasite meme for parasite people.

I remember watching an episode of Gordon Ramsay's Kitchen Nightmares (the UK version) and he was saying that you knew an area was filled with fags because they read the Guardian. I kek'd hard.

I seriously get a laugh out of how incompetent they are at memetics.

I like that

Is this real life?

amateur, meme should always reflect the nature of it world and it truth behind it. No amount of lies or believing a lie will outshine or bury a meme. No amount of studies or research will produce a quality meme.

What the hell are they talking about?

The author fails to even discuss the origin of meme magick itself

the fucking chutzpah of this kike. it is the left which insists they can change reality by merely forcing everyone to agree with them - that men in drag are in fact women and at the same time there is absolutely no difference between men and women and niggers are not dumber than everyone else while intelligence is a social construct anyway and diversity is a strength instead of a source of conflict and dysfunction


Oh fuck, lol.

I'm fucking dying

They're merely moving the goalposts of reality.

The establishment is always 1488 steps behind the average shitposter. Sad.

Just a little more push, and the Israelites will name themselves.

Ron Paul was the first real meme candidate 2 years beforehand pushed by the same place that generates today's Trump memes. Leftists have this weird historical revisionism with the internet, they try and act like they've always been on the cutting edge and the majority only facing opposition recently, the reality is they're so obnoxious that they drove people to be more extreme and speak against them more openly.

Lol, the fucking audacity for them to project like that.

That's what the left does,THAT'S ALL THE LEFT DOES!


I love how these pieces of shit cannot make an argument without begging the question or projecting or any other form of extremely disingenuous posturing>

I'm so glad the legacy media is dying,more fuel, burn baby burn.

how soon until self-ovening jews?

We're not far off:

You don't have to make truth plausible you Leftist brainwashed fool. That's when you know you've been lied to by master propagandists like Chomksy.

leftists lack the cognitive ability for high tier 4D chess irony and cynism. The're so simple minded that they can not fathom the average meme.

Yeah, that's a fucking whopper. You've got to wonder if this faggot actually believes that.

Toxic irony, snarkgasm and cynical attitudes are actually a speciality of the left. They permeate large parts of popular culture which is why it's so absolutely cancerous.


I thought normalfags liked commies?

God damn dude, this is so salty I'm floating.

This is the numale. This is the Canadian.
He is not your ally.

That explains the salt…

It would appear this guy's entire career has been built upon whining about hipsters, but here are some of his other offerings:
Powerful Journalism.

I don't care to read anymore of his faggoty mewling, so I'm just gonna laugh from here on out.

Praise Kek


No, not really. They have a rebellic attitude and their humor and logic banter is pretty low level. I have yet to see ANY examples of good sarcasm or irony used by leftists to transport their views.

how's that bad?

And note this asshole used to work at Adbusters. Those who "rebel" the way they're taught are the system's most true believers.

oy vey goyim those right wing nutjobs dont even know the truth. diversity is strength goy.

Let guess, you're from Sweden.

We can't have the right political conversation if it's not carefully framed by Journalism graduates.

Just because you find them deficient doesn't mean they rule the roost on that territory. The Daily Show for example has very sucessfully conditioned it's audience to dismiss even basic bitch cuckservative ideas with derisive laughter and snarky quips through a structure that works like hypnosis.
Likewise, before GamerGate and the frogposter colonisation of Twitter the place was essentially ruled Weird Twitter like their personal fief where they could inflict their shitty absurdist humor and hipster commie politics on the place without any opposition.

Or in this case a film studies major.

You don't oppose what I've said. But conditioning and flooding people with shallow humor is not intelligent cynicism or sarcasm.

The great irony that leftists will not get is that memetic warfare/meme magic is yet another example of why Democracy is shit.

Leftists and libtards do not have a sense of humor, that's why they'll always fail at meme warfare. They'll attempt to explain it, but really they're just too dumb to get the jokes or have the capacity for making their own… you at least need to understand irony and self-deprecation to be funny. All women comedians can do to be funny is yell "muh vagina" - they mistake the responses they get for laughter…


Are you seriously shitting on memetic warfare?

Other way around I think.

People are too easily manipulated to put the masses in semi-direct control of everything. Really, this election cycle has killed my faith in democracy altogether.

So you're literally taking the position of the whining faggot in the article?


The faggot in the article is complaining about wrongthink. I'm complaining about how Hillary is a candidate at all.

Either way, the future is chaos and individual power to balance out the power of authority.

I'm personally glad for this, it's basically going to forever shatter the iron grip that government has over a population, which is precisely what that faggot wants, along with the participation of a compliant media complex.

Memetic warfare and meme magick is here to stay, the days of authoritarianism are going bye-bye. It's the only way you can guarantee corruption will have an effective check and balance on the extent of it's destructive capacity.

Top kek. You sweet summer child.

You had faith in democracy?!
Democracy failed in the 1920's all around the world hence the rise of Hitler & Mussolini. Democracy is and has always been a lie to make people degenerate and weak.

IDs dipshit. You're not responding to me.

I posit that since the Left generally favors Democratic (not US partisan but the Greek style democracy) control of government this leaves a blind spot that Democracy can be highjacked by whatever group enters the mass consciousness (in case of 2016 election Holla Forums memetics).

I'm I not being clear?

Whoever made this needs a long, barbell assisted drop with a short stop.

You sound like a fagot.

He's saying normies are fucking retarded and easily manipulated.

I don't know what to replace democracy with, any other system will be subverted in a few generations at most.


As long as the jews are controlling the FED and the banks is as long as they have control. I do not see that the jews lost control of the fed and banks.

>The alt-right, on the other hand, is far less interested in thoughtful critiques and far more concerned with control.

WTF. The Guardian is such a joke. It's no wonder they're losing money every year now.




Do these people understand how transparent they are? For fucks sake.

This. It's pure projection.

It's always sex magick.



Let us orchestrate the rules of discussion

3 viable systems.

this is for you:



I've smoked probably ten times more than this faggot and I still see the butthurt.

It's not the weed, it's the smoker.

And each will be subverted quickly. I'm leaning more towards a Chinese model personally.

Good mixture of centralized and decentralized power and ideological tests to ensure only true loyalists climb the ranks.

At the end of the day it is the fault of the political left, and their radical open borders and anti- white agenda that created the alt- right movement and meme magic. They went down that path for whatever reason and therefor created the counter movement, which eventually takes over the mainstream. (every action creates an equal and opposite reaction)

I find it disturbing to the highest degree, that until this point in time they were unable to cope with the fact that they have to change. They have to change from the permanent attacking of our movement to finding common ground, to get togheter and start to create a 'path' where surely not all can agree on, but the majority can.

It seems the ability to reason and argue in a professional way has died. Sexism, racism, xenophobia, islamophobia and what the hell else makes it impossible to even begin to talk about the problems that so desperately need solutions.

The article even admits that autist social rejects wield greater power than they can dream of. Our level is simply higher.

Good memes are condensed truth. They are rapidly consumed by our minds, the truth easily gleaned. They constitute a language far more elegant and sublime than the written word.

Bad memes are nothing. Without the truth at it's core, the attempted meme is an empty shell which humans do not redistribute without payment somehow being involved.

Holla Forums is like my own personal though-augmentation. You glorious faggots have enough collective time and brainpower to bring me truths of the world infinitly faster and more conveniently than any other method I have tried (which includes newspapers, talking to normies, academic studies etc).

Holla Forums is the synthezisers, and Holla Forums has turned from the establishment to Chaos.

Kek speed to us all, may Kek have mercy upon the normie hivelords.

I was responding to anyone who in-turn responded to the subject matter, dumb cunt. Don't be pretentious.

And yes your argument is virtually indistinguishable from the position of the whining faggot when you strip away your preferred choice of euphemisms.

You are absolutely making the same argument, which makes you no better than him, only retarded faggots with no self awareness believe that switching out ideology changes how something functionally works and the moral content behind it.

Furthermore, I'll say what I said to the other person who replied, memetic warfare and meme magick is for the best, consolidation of authority in one place without contest is how this entire mess was created in the first place.

Only a naive cunt believes that ideology magically exempts people from becoming corrupted by power.

The legacy media and power structure governing the west is dying, and I'm glad for it, now those in power are subject to a higher level of accountability, as contrary to the implication of what you're saying, this has a lot to do with deceit and corruption, and the individual response to it.

Unless of course you literally are repackaging his entire argument and believing that the recent success of meme magick and memetic warfare has no relevance to pointing out obvious moral turpitude and corruption.



What do you know, turns out this fellow and I have mutual friends.

Pic related was a wild card meme for weedman but it worked…

haha holy shit
the Jew names himself

Wrong it took a major world war to defeat all 3. jewish subversion only affected the monarchy other 2 needed to be defeated before the jews could poison those countries.

Oh. My bad.

I this explains Hilary. (One l.)

This so much

I never thought I'd say this, but in a weird way it feels like memes are the evolution of conversation on difficult subjects. It removes discourse all together, removes emotion from the picture and leaves the viewer with just the truth. As normies have to do more and more complicated mental gymnastics to defend liberal world views, the more open and susceptible they become to red pills

We are winning

Wait. What? They thought they had monopoly proprietary over memes in 2010? That is some serious arrogance and ignorance. Right wing and leaning memes go all the way back to 2003-2004 4chan.

So, us?


The author probably thought the internet was a passing fad for nerds in 2003 and never made it past the AOL home page.

fucking Jews

The internet never existed to normalfags outside of instant messaging until 2008 if I recall correctly.

'member the early internet when it was 98% white males who used it? Compelling arguments being made in all media comment sections. Everything was logical etc.

Right, but the memes about blacks being superior athletes and le BBC? They promote these ideas as 100% truth.

This. These cucks think they're avant garde or some shit.

The internet was never good, newfag.


If you live in America get the fuck out and don't come back.

Normalfags think "meme" means "pictures with words on them".
I'm serious.
That is the only thing normalfags think memes are.

Search for anything and type "meme" at the end, you will only see image macros.


I'm ready now. To stab this faggot, I mean.

Fun thing, just search "jew" on google images. The goyim know.



The worst part of this analysis besides the lack of credit given to Dawkins and the overwhelming utilization of critical theorists, is that the author doesn't acknowledge the military has funneled millions into researching memetics over the past decade and forced the hands of dissidents to simultaneously hone adopt/transform this tech. He obviously doesn't realize the true 'enlightenment' on Holla Forums occurred in early 2015 with baneposting through the beginning of this year when Applied Memetics was discovered and anons poured over the powerpoints and publications, discovering along the way the power that memes have over external reality and the collective conscious. These kikes will continuously misinterpret the nature of memetics as most have no knowledge of information theory, no understanding of usenet or board culture, and most importantly, no respect for cultural traditions except blood libels and usury.

Those are called image macros. Fucking normalfags.

Holy shit, that explains so much.

mindguard anti-speech thought police rhetoric

They Live


Sucks to be you kikes.

Journalists are scum. Their job is supposed to be to tell people what is happening, but what they actually do - what they believe their job actually is and should be - is to build artificial walls inside of people's minds and control their thoughts. People can't know the truth if it's "dangerous" (to them), so they spin, they hide, they deny, they lie.

Anyone here who didn't get past the sub-header?

holy fuck, it is real

truly it is the year of the fire monkey


It certainly sounds nicer than "tell people what to think".





Hubris. All it took to start smashing away at the flimsy status quo were a bunch of autists with a vision that contained the light of a better world.

what the fuck is this horseshit?

I thought the problem was that to understand memetics you needed a heart and soul and kikes happen to lack both.

And yet they also like to think of themselves as being revolutionary and against the system.

Anyway, this whole piece reeks of confusion and a general lack of understanding. Some stuffy old bore bitterly complaining that "things were different in my day".

Boring, staid, slow-witted and confused. That is the modern leftist.

Their internet started in 2007, and never stretched further than popular social media sites and Youtube.


A picture will always be worth a thousand words. These are just sad.

There is literally no quantity of murder sufficient for the press.

Praise Kek

It's like watching a cockroach work with clay. Worse than shit-tier. At least Holla Forums can recognize a good meme, so they steal and repurpose it, so there's at least something there. This, on the other hand? It's a memetic representation of their "journalistic" works, which complements the written work attached to it. A plate of shit served with a glass of urine.

Damn, that's deep. I think you discovered the true power of meme magic fam.

I want this as a quote in some history book in 20 years from now.


Pic related.

He who controls the memes, controls the world.

>killing our ability to intelligently orchestrate a political conversation
That's pretty telling.

normies need to BTFO on Trump's wall.

pics related

I'd remove the word apartheid. We want their reaction to be, "Well if Israel can do it so can we", not to think that the wall is bad.
Sure, but try convincing the majority of Americans of that.

Democracy is the worst system in the current age because democracy allows for the illusion of self-rule and liberty more than any other system, so it is brilliant for suppressing dissent and revolt. If you think 80% of people are for something, you'll be less likely to act or think against it. Even if 90% of individuals are actually AGAINST something, the media and other tools of information dissemination can tell everyone that 50-100% are for it and everyone will go with the "crowd", even if the "crowd" is a fabricated lie.

The best alternative is a benevolent dictatorship with absolute authority. A benevolent dictator will do what is best for the people. Any failure or shortcoming will be an honest mistake, as opposed to calibrated corruption. I would welcome Trump as a dictator. Even just as president he will dismantle the department of education and his most recent add calls out the globalists AND the federal reserve. If he were dictator, I have no doubt he would rid the US of anything not conducive to the citizens' well-being. Of course, it would be what HE thinks is not conducive, so there is room for error on that. However, he doesn't want to be dictator. If we thrust the dictatorship upon him, I would hope that he would enact policies that are designed to make the U.S. more conducive to an actual, effective rule by the people. I think we all know well enough that a democracy cannot work in any form unless people know what's going on and have the ability to think for themselves. Trump's abolishment of the department of indoctrination is a significant step in this direction, dictatorship or not.


Israel is worse then, because as far as I know, Trump's wall is not an apartheid wall. It is just a border wall. The reaction should be "Hey, all we're doing is building a wall, we aren't illegally settling and annexing Mexican owned land, unlike what Israel is doing in Palestine." But the normies are so far-gone bluepilled about Israel Palestine relations that they think Palestine is the seed of all evil, and Israel is the greatest country on earth of god's chosen people. It's insane. If you ever get into a discussion about the Israel/Palestine situation, remember to bring up Norman Finklestein, a Jewish speaker vehemently against Israel's treatment of the Palestinians. Also, Norman Finklestein's dad was in Auschwitz, and since the Holocaust is an entirely other discussion, just tell the normie that Norman Finkelstein, a Jew, says that what Israel is doing to the Palestinians is worse than what the "Nazis" did to the Jews. Let them chew that over for a bit. I'm so sick and tired of people defending Israel. And yes, I know Trump is a huge Israel supporter, but I hope he's got something up his sleeve about that that he's not telling anyone.

But meme was a thing before the internet, wasn't it?
From greek mimesis, meaning the spread of culture from repetition.

How the fuck we know that but normies don't, when that's what the thing has always meant???

Yeah me 2.
Its bizzar if yout hink about it they can do no wrong at all.
Even if a lot of jews pull some scam that is in the public eye (usually memory holed) you immediately get the "its not all jews" argument…
I wish I had the power to brainwash large groups of people into doing my bidding.



I remember Adbusters. I used to really like their subversion of corporate shit, but there was an annoying leftist slant. I remember a letter where the reader asked for more fake ads and less "activism", and they basically said no.

The whole thing was too pretentious, too inflated. Now this guy is mad that "Darryl in accounting" stole his thunder. Thing is, Darryl is probably more talented than him.

Now this "meme" with a ballerina on the bull - just isn't dank. And the design, complete with "Bring a tent" reeks of top-down, corporate/NGO astroturf.

BTW it would be cool if Holla Forums did "billboard liberation". Take corporate billboards and either make them 100% poz, or full blast 1488. I think Adbusters did a few of those.

You just know that some lib catlady has made that lame Trump duck tape meme, shown it to here lib friends who all laughed and thought it was the funniest, wittiest thing they have ever seen



memes can turn truth into lies and vice versa and we want to keep our monopoly on that

What conclusions did the military reach? Can you post something to read about it?



Go find the power points, or Cory Booker talking about the meme gap.

Says the lugenpresse with their "Trump is hitler" narrative.

It's time to remember the forgotten past and pass the torch to a new form of entertainment

If normalfags could easily understand what makes them tick, they wouldn't be normalfags. It's basically like the donkey that is easily lead by a carrot on a stick – it wouldn't work if the donkey had knowledge of what was going on and fully understood the situation. That's why they tend to fail to comprehend something like this. Most people are followers; the audience to a performance. They're pretty important to have around so it's equally important to guide them properly because it spells ruin when someone else takes control of them and turns them into a bunch of degenerates – then focus is shifted away from the creation of a better world to one of survival. Maintaining a superior culture is that important.

I know all people appear to be the same but when you see that inherently there is more than one kind of person out there then things begin to make sense. Perhaps the biggest mistake in centuries was the assumption that all men are created equal. It is not a matter of superior and inferior in this case but a matter of different natures and inherent qualities that make people better suited to particular paths that resonate with them. The synergy of different elements and recognition that all parts have their own function (and are not simply interchangeable cogs in a machine like that of the "Left" and "Right") is what makes a civilization and its culture great.

Great societies with high expectations produce greater people compared to those that don't (the prevalent orthodoxy, especially of today, demands mediocrity); a people/nation that maintain this highness for long periods is evolution. That's why anons (some of which have been around longer than chans have been around) are superior to all those faggots born on or who heavily mingle with controlled social media. (see first image) Our "fascist anarchy" where we have things like free speech and expression but violently beat down (or beat into shape) retarded outliers is what makes us heretical Spartans while everyone else is busy fucking little boys or niggers and circlejerking over their self-righteous intellectualism and culture of suicidal cuckolding.

this much projection, it's off the charts

For Right wing targets.
Its perfect for the left

why are the blaming us for popular memes?

popular memes wouldn't be popular if they didn't resonate

they resonate because they are the truth, and everyone knows it, deep down


I did nazi this coming.

People in the twitter comments were fuhrerious

Shit's gonna get real


capped. Second paragraph was good.

Remember, tomorrow this bullshit ends, so The Guardian and the rest of those kikes can kiss their asses goodbye

Go to vote and end this shit already

It's official:
"Some groups – Silhouette in France, for instance—have declared a 'Meme War,' or 'war of meanings' in their terminology. They spread e-mail and pamphlets that lampoon the U.N.'s proposal for a one-world democracy, a tedious exercise in rudimentary propaganda. With sophistries and doublespeak, they portray 'freedom' as 'obedience,' 'democracy' as 'tyranny', and UNATCO as the perpetrator of terrorism—an idea as shocking as it is reprehensible."

I voted Trump and turned in my ballot. I talked 5 friends into writing in Bernie sanders. I converted my family to the cause of Trump, and will swear upon my honor the truth of these things.
Lo, though my state be blue and my cause slim, let my brothers know I did my part for the God Emperor.
I held the line.

don't listen to this Goyim.



I voted Trump. I convinced my entire family to vote Trump. I talked several of my coworkers into voting Trump. I spent several hours today posting flyers about #SpiritCooking around the black/Hispanic parts of my town.




How do you stop a dictator from becoming a tyrant?

you only let royalty dictate

Been feeling this song for a while now….

shit tier,
try this, m8:

That doesn't answer the question, ivory towers do happen and royalty has the tendency to degenerate.

I hope none of you anons missed that little gem of speech.

My Brother! For all those who would do their part I would be honored to call brother. You have done your duty! I know that the God Emperor will hear of your work one day, and he will smile. Yes!
You have held the line.


How about this stupid 'meme'?

royalty has the least tendency to be degenerate (whites are also tempted toward degeneration - white rule wouldn't fix degeneration either; just the best option)

roaylty == racial rule

in Jesus Christ dwelleth all the fullness of the Godhead;bodily.

As far as I can tell the military knows but ignores the essential nature of memes as cultural units that can transform. They're treating them as advanced version of the propaganda fliers they used to drop.
Where can I upload 18mb pdfs in this shithole?

/pdfs/ or you can use and post the link here.

who forgot that I killed the former admin of >>>/fringe/ ?
I post whatever I want

Pretty much.

If you want to redpill normies on the wall, point to Israel's wall. If they make excuses, point to how many Americans were murdered by illegals relative to Jews by Palestinians. If they hate Israel, that's good. Don't do anything more because you've already won and move along and then get to gas the kikes later on. No matter what, you win.

What are you on about user?

I did this and visited the page on identifying jews which claims that scraggly, puby beards are a dead giveaway. AFAIK i'm not jewish unless my parents have been lying to me and I have a deadly case of pube beard-itis. Am I JEW?

Is this gigga nigga pretending that memeposting was started in 2010 by his possee of apple anti consumer hipster clowns? Is this faggotron saying that memeposting is inherently a lefty anti establishment weapon and we subverted it? Is this waste of space suggesting that memes are theirs and not ours?


Hope I remember how to cross-board link.

Leftists think they invented meme magic.

Very well-put. But oy vey goy, despite your eloquence, you haven't had your thoughts reviewed by the (((gatekeepers)))! I'm afraid then you're just spouting hate!

Beowulf cluster if you will

Let them think. The longer a leftist is wrong and running on bad logic, the better.


Do they even read what they write?

Na, they think they are genius Marxist lever-controllers deliberately orchestrating humanity towards a better version of itself

Real memes (in other words, our memes) are feverish blips of the collective consciousness that persist and spread because they represent an inherent truth. They spread voluntarily.

So disgusted at this article and what it's brazenly stating. I'm glad it brought up the discussion on the power of memes though, as user's thoughts are always interesting.

Please share your ideas/theories/random thoughts on memes, anything at all. Read through the thread and am hungry for more interpretations of what memes are, where they stand, and how they will influence in the future. Thanks


There were memes since Ancient Egypt Rome and China. You can still find those shit thousands of years old memetic graffiti and some are such that would look like they fit right here in modern times. Even then modern internet memes in the chan way are from Japan like emojis

If they want to know the real reason the can't meme, it's because they're straight fucking retarded or a liar. It's like a certain woman always said, a thief is always a leftist and a leftist is always a thief.

That is seriously a great quote, definitely going in my journal.

Really exemplifies the Judaic normalfag mindset.

And that's an interesting aspect about this; that the leftists who perpetually moan about the common good and power to the people, are inevitably the most selfish and short-sighted. This whining faggot is, as you said, fundamentally miffed that he's no longer the one in charge of the memes (he never was). He wants credit, he wants people to tell him what a clever and special and creative little boy he is, hence his boring blogpost sidetrack into his irrelevant past.

We produce memes, and don't expect individual credit. We're comfortable enough in our individuality to forfeit that kind of praise, and become part of a whole. It's an organic culture made of like-minded individuals, something these likes and normalfags can """analyze""", but never truly experience.

"Researchers" literally spent time and money to investigate what sort of person creates a successful meme. I can't stop laughing, holy shit.

So, according to the study, if you shitpost a lot and get tons of (you)s, then you're considered a high status poster. Their definition of "socially isolated" isn't well-founded.


fucking czech'd

infinite check loop happening


Holy fuck, CHECKED


Okay, I understand why the kikes hate memes and internet culture as it completely bypasses the propaganda and indoctrination machines otherwise know as television, radio, and magazines, I guess in that sense it's ruining the "democracy" they've been manipulating to fuck over the Western (white) peoples, but how are they going to manage to convince the average jack-off that a stupid silly cartoon frog is a white supremacist symbol and that individuals sharing news and information with one another directly is a bad thing in any way shape or form?

Do you honestly believe anyone else other than bitter ass-ravaged tumblristas on the internet honestly believe internet inside jokes are a "treat to democracy?" All Clinton and liberals talk about are how evil, sexist, racist, homophobic, xenophobic, etc. right-wingers are and that's somehow civil discourse but the average Joe-blow on the internet making light out of at least suspecting how fucked up things are in a way average people communicate with one other is the death of "our ability to intelligently orchestrate a political conversation"?

Give me a fucking break. Internet censorship is around the corner, I can feel it.

If normies were smart enough to meme effectively, they would not be leftist normies.

They don't have the spark.


Memes are magic, user.
Actual magic.



It isn't a meme.
Drumpf doesn't convey an idea. Its just a generally agreed upon pejorative nickname. Even Hillary's personal meme was better than "Drumpf". It conveyed an idea and thus was actually a meme not a nickname.


Fuckin' witnessed.
I genuinely would like Drumph if leftists weren't constantly saying it in their gay snarky voices. Maybe one day he should embrace his German roots and just go with it, if it came out of his mouth I'd be way more into it. It's not a bad name in any way.
I think I figured out why leftist memes are shit too: they wasted all their essence on degenerate "art" and sex, we've been hoarding our essence and only release it in incredibly cathartic and deeply moving memetic devices whereas they only apply basic repetition.

If that is not elitist, I don't know what is.

what? I thought it was just them trying to make his name somewhat german sounding so they could make the hitler comparison.

Nah Trump named the Jew (((Jonathan Stuart Leibowitz))) and he basically used the entirety of Jew media to take impotent revenge in the most petty and useless way possible.

basic bitch jewish anti-germanicism

No, his family changed their name in the 17th century from Drumpf to Trump. The idea behind the Drumpf meme is that Trump calling out Jon Stewart for changing his last name from Leibowitz is somehow hypocritical.

Yes, you read that correctly: For liberals, Trump's ancestors changing their name over 300 years ago is comparable with Jon Leibowitz choosing a more Anglican name for TV.

the jews could try ya know

NOT being evil

then they wouldnt lose everything

its that simple

revolutionary no?

Fucking amateurs.

Leftists always claim credit for and hijack the work of others, because they're incapable of creating anything of worth themselves. All they do is take, and this is why we despise them.

We Deus Ex now?

I giggled, but you still gotta go back

Holla Forums aren't really mutually exclusive from Holla Forums nowadays


You have five seconds to name a better meme than this

I wanna ride my reichcycle reichcycle

It's funny, because that's the exact opposite of what occurs.

ironic shitposting is still shitposting

Basically this

Now I have seen some claim that old Holla Forums was originally leftist,they don't even know how we hated minorities until the libtard chanology and other digg/reddit faggots came and took over.

Since when is the no two genders, no difference between the races, no Western culture, no history left a friend to reason?

It was all gamergates fault.
If only those stupid goyim stayed quiet and accepted their poz loads like they should have none of this would have happened.


it was pretty swank for a while

Goddammit Carlos.

Anchorman is a terrible movie.

(9/11 checked)
What's funnier is that it's 'the deplorables' that are the best at it.

Ya leftists start with ideology and try and change reality to it or just ignore and walk away when their ideology is confirmed wrong or reality won't bend.

Rightists start with facts and arrive at ideology to frame those facts.

The difference between alt right and center right is the degree to which you are able to embrace cold reality. Center Rightists won't admit the Jewish question, won't admit that men are better than women and should have sole leadership over household and society etc etc. Literally a new sliding spectrum of politics is taking shape. Not one of government freedom or economic policy but one in which your ability to deduce and accept reality determines your position on it.

Me too.

That image is racist :^)

This was the catalyst wasn't it.
Fucking gamergayte literally destroyed the kikes media control

SJW Law 3: SJWs always project

t. Vox Day

wew lad

More importantly, it implies that there have been any political conversations happening at all over the past 30+ 50+ 100+ years. with the exception of Holla Forums sometimes

This is because non-whites and irrational (AKA indoctrinated) whites are incapable of doing so. The only method of communication that isn't under the thumb of the (((media))) is memes. The reality is that memes use the same "programming language" they use, we just happen to be able to write a better program that over-writes theirs.

Holla Forums finds a way

This is why I love Holla Forums more than any other online community. This is the one place where free speech is properly employed anywhere on earth or in cyberspace.

What's worse is that the Drumpf=>Trump transformation didn't even happen with his family. It was someone else and they didn't research properly. So it's a non-meme based on a false premise.

They just couldn't let us have our bread and circuses. And now they're fucked.

Hardcore liberals seem to lack a sense of humor necessary to create effective memes. They're too afraid to joke about anything lest it offend anyone, they never get a chance to sharpen their joking skills because of that, and at some level their ideology is inherently grave and inane.

Most of their humor today relies on force and control. They cannot poke fun at anything, only attack it. Make a joke at the expense of an ally, and you are branded a traitor (unless, of course, you are eating one of your own that has stepped out of line). Mock the enemy too gently, and you are accused of "humanizing" the "demons." Liberal humor has developed a distinctly unpleasant character because of this. No thought, no, well, humor, just supposedly powerful people pointing downward and laughing, pointing across and threatening, pointing upward and screaming.

I'm willing to laugh at my heroes, and laugh with my enemies, if there is genuine humor involved. There were a small number of acceptable liberal memes early in the election. I didn't pay much attention to them, but one I remember was the twitter meme of comparing Bernie to Hillary, portraying Bernie as a cool, genuine guy, and Hillary as a fake asshole. "Asking your homie for a ride - Bernie: You want some gum nigga? Hillary: You got change for gas nigga?" That kind of thing. It's not anywhere near our level, but there's a real joke in there. But now? The memers have either joined our side or become completely demoralized, and all that is left is shitty faceberg-tier macros, CTR kikes pretending to be black, and the utterly embarrassing propaganda of SNL.

This is, I think, proof that we are on the right side of history. Not too long ago I was a brainwashed half-liberal, yet I still had my universal sense of humor. I know that if my heart was in it, and I put my mind to it, that I and many others like me could have created truly effective memes and psyops against Trump. Let me reiterate: as a 100% committed Trump supporter, white nationalist, fully redpilled race-realist Holla Forumslock, if I had wanted to, I could have found the material necessary to meme someone else into office.

And yet, I didn't, and nobody else did either. Nobody with even the tiniest fraction of our meme energy tried to fight Trump.

Because deep down inside, the best of all of us know he's right.


I'd say you're too optimistic - memes don't need truth to spread

Sort of.
Dawkin's invented the term 'meme' in his book The Selfish Gene; partly with reference to the Greek mīmēma or 'imitated thing', but also for the similarity to the word gene. In the same way that a gene is a self-replicating biological entity, memes are self-replicating ideological entities, and both are equally capable of evolution.
Memes copy themselves from brain to brain just as genes reproduce from cell to cell. But they're not always copied perfectly, that means over time different strains of the same meme might develop and if one is 'fitter' - say. a catchier tune or a more convincing political theory - then it will be favoured by natural selection and out-compete the meme it spawned from.

So it isn't how true the meme is - just how well it spreads, or rather, how infectious it is. One meme might spread because is it truthful and positive and improves the lives of those who experience it … but another just spreads because it is 'easy' and appeals to our baser instincts, e.g. communism.

The laughter I gave to him was so sweet that everyonr around me got diabetes

Oy vey goy, we cant put 4 of our side of debate to argue their point against you on TV anymore . Thats not right

shiggity diggity

Never has the machinations of propaganda revealed itself so strongly as in this election to the point only a fool, the most foolish of fools, would blind themselves to the sheer bias and malicious media machine of the mass media and its greatest allies. But the old machinations of propaganda are vastly inferior, for they are obsolete and owned by (((them))). (((They))) are too wicked, weak. Now is the age of the meme, and its masters reside here. Expect no election won again without meme masters and their ANCIENT magics.



Obama hate the internet because they don't have the same monopoly like leftist have monopoly in the corrupt media, Obama is trying to control the internet to try to make them become CNN, Huffpost, gawker, salon, buzzfeed and all this garbage made by leftist

It's CNN, Huffington post, gawker, salon, washington post, Buzzfeed, all the leftard corrupt controled websites who are easy to see with Hillary Clinton in the wikileaks


A present for you, user. The site wouldn't let me post, earlier.

You know as they say - don't bite the hand that feeds

Making the masses think memes are just image macros is a deliberate operation to undermine the populace's resistance to real memetic conditioning and future warfare.

I thought the ((())) was for jews. Who owns The Guardian? I asked that question in another thread but I got no answer.

fundamentally speaking, it *does* have to do with gatekeepers/gatekeeping to a pretty large extent.

basically what's changed since the TV-IS-#1 age is that back then you had this screen in your living room that could only tune into one of, what, 5-10 networks in a decent sized city or metropolitan area? that's all you had. and whatevr was put on that screen was what you had the choice to consume (or turn off, unless of course you live in the world of 1984 where IIRC turning off the telescreens is a felony or something)

anyways, once the internet got going and the whole "information superhighway" thing evolved into having a whole lotta "infotainment superhighway" going on, basically the fundamental difference in the nature of the internet vs the nature of the TV comes down to that a4mentioned "gatekeeping" thing.

see, back in the 1960s your screens could only show you content that was literally pumped out into the air by giant transmitters that could only be afforded by bigtime companies/corporations. these tv signals, just like radio signals, are literally around you everywhere, and even right now regular TV/radio broadcasts from the 1960s are prolly out there in deep space still floating around somewhere, maybe even discernable to aliens who discover them 50-100yrs later [and if my example here is bullshit we dont need a technical readout on the degredation of TV/radio signal quality as it travels out through space]

once the internet got big enough to where "everyone and their mom" was LITERALLY on there, television screens had to compete with computer (monitor) screens… and the design of the internet = instead of those 6, 10, or (in the age of cable) hundreds of "channels" that could fill up your screen with content/info, anyone on the internet could theoretically publish a website/piece-of-media/whatever nad theoretically have it viewed by an audience of millions to billions if they ever happened to come across it and see it.

ergo, nowadays the internet has allowed us "great unwashed" commoners to fill up people's telescreens with stuff that WE created. it doesnt have to go through corporate/broadcasting gatekeepers who decide what goes on TV, literally i could make a website and if it ever "went viral" a billion people across the world could consime my content over a course of time that's stretched out way longer than any simple 30-60 minute TV "program"

so the fundamental design of the internet where your sacrosanct infoscreen/telescreen/whatever (at least the internet enables orwell's vision of bidirectional telescreens to work, eh?) can be "programmed" by anyone/anything who doesn't necessarily have to be vetted or even tapped by "mass/media gatekeepers" = WELL NO SHIT PEOPLE CAN GET ALMOST INFINITELY MORE TYPES/VARITIES OF INFOTAINMENT FROM THE INTERNET COMPARED TO TV…. THE INTERNET IS UBIQUITOUS!

fortunately, the powers that be are quite cognizant of internet ubiquity theoretically giving "regular people" that kind of theoretical reach, so basically they got together with their friends at the CIA/NSA/MI6/etc and figured out that whole "inherently bidirectional" nature of internet ubiquity to turn datamining into not even an artform, but a way of life prolly 10-15yrs ago…. and by now they gotta be awesome at it since computerphones are so damn ubiquitous that ""they"" didn't have to go listen to kooky old rockefeller and chip everyone because modern smartphones can do the whole "mark of the beast" thing with way more info than a stupid implanted little microchip could ever dream of doing…. not to mention people will be willing to pay like $50-100+/month just to have one of these little devices on/with them at all times (cuz nowadays who the fuck leaves home without their cellphones…. what if something happened? you wouldn't be safe! nobody could get a hold of you!!! never leave home without it!!!

This tbh. I've noticed this a lot with Trump, all the "liberal humor" surrounding him is just idiotic superficial shit mocking the way he looks, speaks or some other inane bollocks:

None of it actually hits anything real, it's all just shit attacks masquerading as humour. They're so afraid of stepping on peoples toes that they never deal with stereotypes, unpleasant truths and the things deep down that can actually make people really laugh because you invariably run the risk of offending someone by dealing with all that. I remember noticing that a lot with GG back in the day with muh goobygoffers/but ethics/etc as well.

[part 2/2]

NO SHIT SHERLOCK! of course the internet inherently leveled the playing field to the point that the internet can theoretically have some nobody create a webpage/piece-of-media that can reach as many, if not even more people than a TV program can….. but of course the price of this "freedom" is of course the bidirectional stuff where, lol, we're mark-of-the beasted and thensome and uhhh yeah, it has nothing to do with speed…. it has to do with people fundamentally communicating with each other versus sitting there and getting "programmed" by a fucking TV show. of course that's finna change the game!

btw, i meant well when i started this post but it's like 330am and i'm coming down from being pretty hammered off of a sixer + jager + a touch of xanax so sorry i suck… i wanted to sound all profound and important and deeptthinking but instead i likely sounded "get a blog you fucking turboautist!" aka >My Bad Guys!

SUPER TLDR = the internet HAS changed the game for ppl who are willing to accept information/infotainment from people who aren't vetted/gatekept by the mass/media powers that be. still i'd guess 75-90% of people still inherently "trust" big media by virtue of them having been around forever since they were the only game in town…. but still, to us fringey ~10-25% out here (and the smaller sub-set of the ~!-2% of us that are on chans) if you're willing to accept the lies and falsehoods of bullshitters autists and trolls and remember that "the truth is above your paygrade" well then fuck yeah the internet has made things way more interesting………. at the price of selling out your perpetual info/data 24/7/365 to anyone who has a bug up their ass abotu paying attention to you, of course >=)


—– btw i love how my user ID communicates that i'm sitting here like "who is #1?" and a disembodied voice from the control room replies "you are #6!" =P ——

You haven't thought through your arguments, goyim. Trust the Judenpresse, when has it ever worked against your interest?

I like how this cunt talks as if he and his butt-buddies invented captioned images.

I don't like this Andrew Anglin (It's my opinion, sorry if have any good Holla Forums people who visit or like him but i remember some cvck shit inhis site) and i don't like half-chan that i hate and halfchan could die for me, have better mods, we don't need this andrew anglin and we don't need this half-chan anymore since we have places like this Holla Forums.

The horrible part of these groups always will be used by the American establishment since we have for normal people, Paul Joseph Watson, the breitbart, Molyneux, and many other websites who aren't related to them.

And this Daily Stormer Andrew Anglin is not alt-right bullshit, this Holla Forums on 8ch have much better mods and quality in comparison to the trash of half-chan

Look at this stupid animal trying to call leftards "tolerants" and "smart" when are leftards the most disgusting racist, race baiters, corrupt, liars, and they just want your submission and garbage

All the leftards websites don't talk about truth, is only propaganda for Hillary Clinton and demonization against trump, hell this was proved in the emails their connection, they are disgusting and are justing trying to create a history who other leftards would love to fantasize for themselves.

I think paul joseph watson, youtube, the denial of the own corrupt media about wikileaks, the denial of all the corruption in their media, videos, propaganda, with breitbart being a non-racist website who destroy leftists and their corruption, twitter, reddit and had much more importance than half-chan full of cancer and this other

Also, we need to create a meme and call the leftards regressives or alt-left, they wanted to create a bad relation with "alt-right" but this sounds better than being corrupt leftards and cynical about everything of corrupt made by them and proved by videos, emails and everything in this election. Leftist are so cynical, they will create a propaganda for themselves, strawman for themselves, movies for themselves, narrative for themselves, everything based in lies, manipulation, monopoly of media, corrupts, liars

bolsheviks or jews works for me.

into the trash

Janet Reno isded

This. The arrogance of the faggot is astounding.

Democracy doesn't need to be dismantled. It needs to be fixed.

Democracy is lie that empowers jews.
video related:
(The Truth of Democracy - Dr William Pierce)

So.. dismantled?

I think from now on we need social media to work with government orgs like Holla Forums does. That's a form of direct democracy.

This, the leftards and their corrupt media using every type of dirty strategy, race baiting, manipulation, lies, keep default narrative, they are disgusting.

In all world the people are turning right wing tired of the cynical, corrupt and liar disgusting behavior of leftist and their corrupt monopoly in the media, news and propaganda trying to lie for the people to keep their own narrative of brainwashing, guilt tripping, every dirty strategy to keep power in their corrupt political groups and corrupt websites and media.

The leftards are trying to create their own reality of lies to please the fantasies of their own ego in their news propaganda for themselves against the group who could be treat for their corrupt power.

This, leftards, you are the corrupt establishment, stop trying to sell lies and projecting yourselves in others.

Holla Forums mentioned that Uni press is already demonizing Trump, Hillary and Comey.
Because they're digging into the ring together it seems.

Democracy would work just fine if there were barriers put in place to prevent those not willing to work for the good of the people from becoming politically active (including voting). I linked to the book for a reason.


It's pretty hilarious that the Right is this much better at memes than the Left. Honestly this gives me hope for the future, because this engagement has shown a PROFOUND imbalance in capability between the two political wings.

It's called open social media.


Turns out Deus Ex called it back in 2000

Well deus ex can go fuck itself.

You made me physically gag with that sentence.
China is fucked beyond belief, they strip mine entire regions just for the rare earth metals, they use gutter oil, shit in the streets, and are overall one of the most wholly degenerate "civilized" nations on earth, outside of some chucklefuck goat shitters in the middle east or India, but I wouldn't really consider them civilized.
They get their test scores largely through cheating, and have heavily enforced communist doctrines. The fuck man, are you a Maoist?

It propably also predicts that it will take a few more decades for leftists to catch on that they are being used by the globalists. Real memesters would have aligned with NFS from the get-go.

The Chinese model makes sense if you have so little hope for the future that your only actual goal is to race to the bottom better than the other guy.

It's the answer for nonwhite civilizations. We need to be better.

Or directly inspired….

Where does it do that?

I haven't played the game in years, just started a play-through.

You're right, and we start with jew. Into the chamber.

I meant that in comparison to what deus ex said we were like.
They were insisting that we don't really believe in freedom. When clearly child abuse promoted by (((them))) is not freedom. Those kids are trapped and conditioned.

Are you stupid? The picture is from a propaganda piece in the game, made by a UN organization.

Crippling autism.

Rewriting history with lies and hypotheticals as usual. The idea that he can compare us and other free thinking individuals to pravda and the orwellian ministry of information while being part of the establishment defending msm is completely absurd and unabashedly narcissistic.

I actually know a guy called Darryl, but ironically he's a SJW.

Freedom, as "freedom" we live in now, is obedience. Try to do something outsides "freedoms" that goverment allow you, and they will hammer you.

Where the hell does anyone in the game talk about child abuse?

Some people in GamerGate had been in similar situations with the (((media))) and knew how to operate. Also, "gaming journalism" isn't the fucking Rothschild-owned Economist, so it was like breaking into someone's summer cottage in February.

They can't be ironic and cynical about themselves and their most cherished ideological dollies though. And as the old saying goes snark is wit's obese sister.

That and in 2007 iPhones and Normiebook became popular.

Do as the romans did user, you rally the mob and throw the sucker into jail, which for the romans meant leaving him to waste away in a dark dank cell with no food or water.

Going to repost this again.

(((George Burns))) started shilling his 100th birthday back when he was in his 70s, first as a joke, but by golly the man made it to 100.

JFK with the "put a man on the moon within the decade" thing.

Bane Ruth calling his home run.

Even MAGA is a form of meme magic.

This guy actually thinks Obama is right wing?

Used to be called morality.

Are you saying that WH40K meme'd Trump as God Emperor before we even knew him ?

Fifteen years ago Vancouver was filled to the brim with SJWs, so you can just imagine what it is like these days. Seriously, if I had stayed there I would be in jail for murder. Currently trying to get someone I care about out of that shithole.

February 14, 1990.

Le Dilbert Man knew.

You're right, not all.

Adbusters was MAD Magazine for leftists.

They had some cutting edge satire, though. Probably because there are tons of artist in Lotusland.

Jesus Christ, this fuckhead cites Debord and doesn't get that people respond to "sophistries and doublespeak" in most media. This fuckhead did say he worked at Adbusters, correct?

t. related to Tony Wilson

I was just thinking "where would he find that?" Then I remembered he probably has thousands of these things DM'd to his twitter inbox every single day.

.. really user?
I'm a mad madchester/ joy division fan

Can you please elaborate?

I was just a dumb teenager when it first came out, I thought I'd go through all the details and follow all the references.

Even the greeks knew this.

That reminds me. For all the anti-consumerist schtick, you never saw memes like these in Adbusters.

I've been obsessed with Factory Records for years and even used to WRITE to New Order (Hooky always responded to letters) and then a few years ago I did my genealogy.

There is something to epigenetics.

They have it backwards. The sjw and leftist fucks try to change reality from the physical to the mental, by segregation, protests, assaults, silence, minority quotas, dissolving originality in an ocean of mediocrity and mental passivity. We do it from the untangible, from the very realm of ideas that spread and become part of people's paradigms and then are transmitted ad infinitum. A witty and clever candy wrap with an eye catchy format that contains an idea and truth wholesome and easy to digest.

They're swimming against the current while we do it in circles around them because our approach is infinitely easier. They hopelessly try to divert the tides while we make them go where we want from the start.

One more thing, remixing and miming things used to be called "culture jamming."

Another example would be Josh McIntosh's Glenn Beck Duck thing. (This is why I was so suspicious of the Sarkpuppet.)

But how does it tie in with the game?

There's a lot I need to catch up with, for instance reading Chesterton's The Man Who Was Thursday, which seems to be about the infiltration of such a movement. But I have only so much time to spend on this.

The reason why throughout ages all ideologies used symbols and why all powers that be tried to supress these symbols is because they were memes.

Memes are distilled ideas, pure in form and unburdened by top-heavy message - they are but bitesize nugests of truth that you have no option but to laugh at, as humor is most often a way to deal with grim reality in a way that does not drive you into depression.

Memes contain truths that are impossible to obscure as they are given in picture form - "an image describes a thousand words," and given the strength of imagery that mutates over time to acquire new meanings or improve itself.

A continuation of the political cartoon of the yesterday, the memes change minds through the humor, as it weakens the preconceived notions and allows for entertainment of the proposed perspective, without outright destruction of the programming, but paves way for further meme injection that makes the subject more open to alternative sources of information.

In the end, memes are but a beginning, an enzyme neccesary to break down the shell of indoctrination to allow for objective information to access the mind of a person. Those with nothing in their minds but an empty shell will obviously suffer, as their identity (which is pure vacuum) is being assailed.

I love how he tries to smear our memes with a Soviet propaganda flair.

They don't even hide it anymore.

The meme we need to smash is the one that says ideas have their own will and forcibly take hold of minds. It's the weapon they're going to use when they come to take our free speech.

One of the best ways to open a normie's eyes about them being controlled by memes is to mention body language. Everyone has been influenced by this at some point without even knowing it. It is a collection of very effective and subtle memetic materials that form meme capsids for bypassing the mind's defenses, "persuading" (infecting via brief memetic immunosuppression) another mind.

Real, tangible examples in "What Every Body Is Saying" by Joe Navarro, former FBI agent.

Once you become aware of body language, you become immune to it.

The arrogance and conceited loathing for the public writ large - "you are too dumb to figure things out for yourself, goy, leave it to us."

When Clinton said they will be hanging from the nooses, this was not an exaggeration, she knows what is coming and is scrambling to save her skin.

Just wanted to say that most BC people are cancerous faggots. In many way Victoria and surrounding regions was the First NA city to call to foreigners (asians in this case) and hipster faggots.

Praising the Three Fold Trips

It's not even drumpf that's a lie in itself. The actual name was TRUMPF not drumpf. Trump is a direct translation of the german word trumpf

Big bang theory and the whole "I'm such a nerd xDD" fad began in 2007

Correct if you assume that the dynamics and topology of the memetic lymphatic system persist in the form that we see them today.

You can imagine various failure modes that would produce the opposite outcome. If not, think deeply about that and realize that your life mission must be to counteract those forces (tastefully, using your meme magic as a guide).

The first amendment (which is really the freedom to meme) does not do any good if the dispersal of the memes is engineered (Facebook, ICANN, …) or exploited (mass media = memeweapons), the freedom to meme is subverted (censorship such as the shit we see among leftists), or the memes go through a neutering middle man (only journalists get to tell the truth…after the Editor in Chief approves).

So much good stuff happening in here lads. One of the best threads on Holla Forums.

The antidote to this, I think, is the Memetic Hygiene Hypothesis. Just like a kid has to crawl around outside in the dirt and put dog shit in its mouth to develop a healthy immune system, minds must be exposed to pathogenic memes in order to maintain healthy memetic immune systems. That in turn maintains mental health because people become truly free to beat down bullshit memes rather than the passive demoralizing bombardment of today that results in anger, depression, NEETism, and ultimately failure to procreate. It also allows us to acknowledge that "culture" really IS a culture of ideas in ones mind just like a bacterial culture (more like a microbiome, but the analogy still works). Obviously different bacterial cultures are not compatible (see C. Difficile infections and how they are cured via a "shit transplant" - not joking), and obviously different kinds of people are sometimes not compatible memetically. Minds are habitats for ideas and are amenable or resistant to different kinds of memes just based on their structures alone. The liberal poop soup endgame is naive and will never work because of that.

Which one? The one with the incompetent emperors and the various warlords fighting their endless civil war, or the ant-people communist bullshit that destroyed most Chinese culture, builds ghost-towns and gets year to year deeper into debt spiral?

I think leftists memes are so shit, because of the implications of a mind.
You can't have some double, or even triple meaning since it requires the brain to process shit, which in turns allows it to work on its own.

Look at the popular TV-shows, especially sit-coms. They are not funny in the slightest. There are no clever jokes, no implied humor. Only straight out shallow jokes with cartoony humor.
And there are 30 year olds sitting there giggling like a toddler at a guy saying hello in a funny voice.
Which is also why the whole Drumpf-shtick was popular I guess. It's easy to say, it sounds "funny" to an American (due to the language) and it pushes Trump into the "them"-category.

Like the "meme" earlier, with Trump's mouth taped shut as a way to make America great. It implies America is not great because Trump is allowed to speak. As if saying that Hannibal is coming, is the reason Hannibal is coming - not the other way.

Another reason why leftists memes sucks so hard, is they need validation and permissions to make them. It's more important to be the creator of a picture with 200 likes, then the unknown creator of something with 2 000 000 likes. You can't "cash in" anonymity. But when you are personally responsible, you must also limit yourself, you can't put out some of those drawings that float around, take credit for spending the hours it took and keep your social status.

Also, body language is conveniently transmitted through visual mass media such as TV and movies. There are all sorts of memetic tricks that those media use as well - look up the "alpha state" videos on YouTube to see how they massage your mind into a receptive state (mild hypnosis) before newscasts, and even the 3-second-max cuts that are ubiquitous in reality television to constantly fix your attention on what would otherwise be an extremely shitty show. Fnords ho!



The battle for meme's is eternal

It is eternal, but in the last 100 years or so it has been massively asymmetric. Balance is being restored.

Holla Forums was never leftist, it was libertarian and degenerate, as in "anyone who says I can fuck my dog, while watching CP and shooting meth dressed up as Asuka is statist scum".
Also Holla Forums hated all kind of politics and niggers above everything.

Potemkin memes.

Erry time I lose my sides. I might as well just start buying sides in bulk

Holla Forums used to be anarchist. But them, and every board around turned to tribalism.

Deus Ex predicted everything, including 9/11, FEMA camps, PRISM and nationalist terorism.

the commenters on breitbart are the prime example of this kind of people, they will defend Israel till they fucking die

they see all these jews fucking up their beloved USA and still love them, the ultimate good goyim

the funny thing is chomsky actually agrees with us on many issues, he seems oblivious to this though, or simply unwilling to accept it.

Thank you TRS!

Another important attack vector that I failed to mention is that Google, Facebook, and other centralized entities operating under the guise of "we're just collecting information for advertising purposes" but are really building very detailed models of your mind. The purpose is so that they can better infect it with their memes, or in lieu of that, stamp you as an undesirable (deplorable?) and mark you for quarantine (shadowbanning or discretely locating you to an echo chamber), extra attack (demonization of the so-called "alt right"), special psyops (MGTOW) or removal (FEMA roundup for "spreading hate propaganda").

We are sheepdogs because our psychology gives us some degree of immunity to the bullshit. We have to protect the sheep from the wolves.

Hi statist scum

The whole article seeps with elitish contempt for us peasants. They really do see us as worthless goyim cattle don't they?

Gamergate was good but not quite.
What killed them was "muh PR" and instead of unravelling jewish control of the media they shifted goals to "exposing ethics in journalism".


Heh, just like that cap from /k/ where the "militia" was 100% LE.

Read Sun Tzu. All warfare is based on deception. Alinsky is just Sun Tzu for dummies, but it's normie-platable (which is why Alinisky and Shillary love it so much).

The holocaust didn't happen, faggot.


There used to be a great bullshit insulator called black and white television, but we're nearly at holograms. Maybe there should be a law about holograms.

Kikes know what it can do in the proper hands. They're scared now.

It's almost as if they don't like people generating their own thoughts and committing thought-crime.

It's official boys. Kek strikes heart into the fear of world Jewry.

But that's also a good thing user, depends on how you frame it. Leftists with their (((critical theory))) will seek to analyze faults when there are none, and the right will tear this nightmare asunder and create a reality worth living.


I think successful memes do need that tungsten core of truth in the center of it all. Remember how you got redpilled? You noticed that you were being lied to.

It's not even the worst thought out thing the anti-Trump cucks have tried.

Well, it's true that memes can sometimes disrupt rational discussions. They're just a new kind of rallying banner, not something actually constructive.

Jews really think they invented everything.

Normies =/= Leftists

obligatory pompeii graffiti post




Most normies accept cultural-Marxist ideas.

Are you doing an impression of a leftist memester? If so, it's fantastic. Straight pop culture references are the lowest form of wit. Literally Family Guy tier.

If you actually think that is funny or clever though, Kek have mercy on your soul.

It doesn't even say child abuse in that you retard. That data file is UNATCO propaganda.



The Rapture in the bible is memelords shitposting with such high energy that they cause a tear in space time allowing them to enter a timeline in the multiverse that they most desire.


That doesn't really make them leftists in a traditional way. I mean, they base their political ideas on not being "mean", they can't be taken seriously.

Haha, with a Benny G original. Benny has been codified in normie textbooks.

Propaganda is meme mastery.

Even if they don't understand their ideology they still carry out actions based on it.

Know what else Deus Ex called? Tay.AI et al..

I am not scared of "toxic ideas." I don't need you assholes to "protect me." Fuck you. I will never read time magazine again nor watch any of those fucks on (((comedy central))). You've lost me completely..

Didn't british nobility practice Incest for fear of letting commoners in their ranks?

There is absolutely nothing about Rapture in the bible. Rapture is just some horse shit made up during America's "Great Awakening" that was used to spread copies of Jewish funded Scofield translation of the bible, creating an entire nation of Evangelical retards ready to send their sons off to die in the name of protecting Israel?

British nobility from William the Conqueror onwards were Normans, and considered themselves culturally and racially separate from the Anglo-Saxons they ruled.

Up to and including Longshanks, they viewed themselves as lords of their French holdings first, kings of England second. England was primarily a revenue generator for their wars on the continent. King Richard the Lionheart may not have even spoken English and spent very little of his life in the country.

Harold Godwinson did literally nothing wrong and should have been king. Fuck William the Bastard and his usurper descendants.

Carlos can stay, my nig. Do you really think an illegal could meme his way into that classroom? If he was an alien he'd be spending far too much time in ESL (English as a Second Language) classes to participate in any off campus adventures.

Did you forget halfway through the game nsf are revealed as fighting an evil system?

Haha, if you look into it closely, even our founding fathers had no faith in "democracy." They wanted a constitutional republic. However, the system quickly changed into a chaotic, democratic one, and because of this it is said that the fathers were in fact very disappointed in the USA by around 20 years in.

What the USA needed was a king to maintain order and act as guardian of the constitution/bill of rights.

This article made me smug and angry as fuck at the same time.

There was this screencap laying around somewhere where some user was saying how Carl Jung basically spelled it out that memes were indeed the DNA of the soul, because he defined the soul as a complex organism made of image thought forms. Anyone have it?


At least not ones who call themselves such.

Instead ask yourself this, what is easier to fix, a bad dictator or a corrupt democracy?

Drumpf….. I have no fucking idea what they even mean by this.
Butt rump……am I missing something? They put "but" in front of Trump. Are they 5 (small children think the word butt is really funny)? What's next Trump is a "stupid head"?

Should be an Israeli flag instead.

Unfortunately, I predict a form of censorship/meme-control being implemented. Either through force of law (doubtful) or CaaS (Censorship-as-a-Service, likely).

memes can not be censored

That's probably the most hilarious part too. I used to send people that essay when they needed their heads extracted from their ass.

kek, it's the modern crystal-mustard-gas equivalent.

This stuff is great because it actually makes folk actually think about things instead of blindly accepting them. (Else darwin will claim them; and nothing of value was lost.)

Many of the Russian nobility knew little Russian too.

Those bloody frogs.

The author of this article is using proven manipulation tactics.

Not really. was a useless piece of garbage. A novelty, like Morpheus, except not even capable of that, just parroting whatever people tweeted at it. Just another Eliza clone.

What has happened, though, since the game came out, is the popularisation of computing for normies, through smartphones, tablets and social media. AI (as portrayed in popular culture, at least) turned out to be a dead end already back in the 80s. What's instead happening is conditioning people to become dumb and predictable enough for computers to easily analyse using plain old statistics. The singularity won't be when computers are as smart as us, it will be when we are as dumb as computers.

its owned by the scott trust. run by estimed board members, such as

Why am i not surprised that once beaten to a punch a leftist piece of shit will, with no shame, claim that it was him pulling the strings all along and not the stupid goyim.

You mean Canaanites. The Israelites describe the white man. They adopted it much later.

Habbo Hotel

That's a whole lot of words to say "it's okay when we do it."

This excerpt is my favorite. Even after namedropping Chomskyv's "Manufacturing Consent", he acts like the media is some arbiter of truth that keeps all the rayciss badthink away. There's a simultaneous reverence and hatred of the media, like he's conveniently forgetting that the media is a capitalist endeavor when it attacks Trump. But that's the left for you.

Gotta wonder what goes on in a mind like his, that seriously believes it's got the single absolute truth that is out there, beyond any doubt. That there is only his side that is 100% correct and noble.

Spot on, also consider your dubs checked.

You are a colossal major stupid faggot retard. I hope you die in a fire that burns you just as much as you are stupid. Go get fucked by a cactus you retard.

Quit being a whiny little bitch. Democracy is shit. If you're not a fascist at this point, then you don't really belong here.

I explained the Hillary/Podesta/Abramovic pedophilia thing to my mom, and she was thoroughly horrified, up until the point where I mentioned it was Jews practicing forms of Satanic/Molechian blood libel. She didn't call me tinfoil for the satanic part, what she got angry about was that I was implicating the Jews in it, because I would "make God mad at me," and that I shouldn't "go against Israel, because they're God's chosen people." This is fucking after she brought up the Synagogue of Satan-tier stuff, fully aware of Soros, the Rothschilds, and that lot.
Fucking Zionist "Christians."
Bezmenov was right, some people will abhor the truth until it shoots them in the head and throws them in a pit.

Robert Heinlein did not anticipate the extent to which a military could be cucked. Sure his book had women serving, but he did not anticipate the full poz that is now ongoing.

That's not what blood libel means, you idiot.

evangelical/protestant family, I assume?

Man, I don't understand you guys' obsession with israel. I don't see how someone who believes the teaches of Jesus can possibly think of the Jews as God's chosen people when the gospel makes it clear that God's chosen people is now anyone who accepts Jesus, and that Jews are no longer chosen because they reject God.

It's pure cognitive dissonance to believe that Jew's are still God's special people and at the same time be Christian.

Thank fucking god Catholicism hasn't been inundated with this Israeli cuckold bullshit. Although we got plenty of our own problems to deal with. Pope Marx I chief among them.

user, are you fucking kidding? Catholicism was heresy centuries ago and is 100% owned by Israel. Vatican II proved that.

Sorry, not getting much sleep after digging into that bizarre shit. You know what I meant.

IDK fam. That sounds pretty fitting to what (((Abramovic))) was doing. Or are you only considering it blood libel if it's put in their matzo meal?

The kikes have ruined everything, yes. But catholics don't worship israel the way these baptists do.

Are you saying Abramovic was accusing Jews of using the blood of Christians in religious rituals?

We're reaching levels of autism that shouldn't even be possible.

It's not blood libel if it's true.

True, but the name sticks.

Also, redpill me on blood libel. Isn't blood non-kosher?

Yes, Steinlight predicted this back in 2001, that (((they))) would be able to hang on to their disproportionate political power for a maximum of two decades:

The Jewish Stake in America's Changing Demography: Reconsidering a Misguided Immigration Policy

Facing Up to the Gradual Demise of Jewish Political Power

Not that it is the case that our disproportionate political power (pound for pound the greatest of any ethnic/cultural group in America) will erode all at once, or even quickly. We will be able to hang on to it for perhaps a decade or two longer.

I've heard this a few times and often ponder about it. What's your source?

Their claim that blood is non-kosher is meant to deflect from the truth. The truth that they ritualistically sacrifice christian children.

Come on, saying "blood libel" is explicitly saying that the Jews dindu nuffin and it was all made up by the bad goyim to defame them. It's a distinction worth making.

I'm sure made an honest mistake, but I find bizarre that you seem so relaxed with adopting and internalising this doublespeak.

Also it refers to the accusation and not the ritual. We are the ones making a blood accusation when we say Abramovic performs blood rituals. But as you say, it's not blood libel because we can plainly see what goes on the tape.

So is schlepping your shit outside your courtyard during shabbos. The solution? Declare the entire city "your courtyard" with an eruv!

Rabbinic Judaism is a legalistic system, so they can always find some way to trick their god out of any of the rules and regulations. None of that shit would have flown during Old Testament times, you'd have been stoned for trying to pull something like an eruv.

fair enough, but everyone commonly just calls it blood libel anyway. What term should we use to specifically refer to the ritual of jews exsanguinating christian children?

How about just "blood ritual"?


Attorney General Janet Reno, holding a gas mask, testifies on the 1993 raid on the Branch Davidian compound near Waco, Texas, during House hearings on the raid August 1, 1995.

First female US attorney general Janet Reno dies aged 78

Former US Attorney General Janet Reno has died aged 78.

Reno was renowned for several controversial decisions during her eight-year tenure under former President Bill Clinton, including the order that led to the Waco massacre.

The evil and horrible butcher of Waco Janet Reno is finally dead.

For those who don’t remember, she was responsible for ordering a raid on the Branch Davidian’s in Waco, Texas during her time as Bill Clinton’s Attorney General. The raid resulted in the deaths of 80 people.

There was absolutely no reason for her to kill those people. If capturing the Branch Davidian leader David Koresh was so important, they could have handled the situation in a hundred different ways. Koresh may have been an eccentric figure, but it in no way justified this use of force against him and his followers.

I truly hope that Reno is rotting in hell somewhere.

From Fox News:

Janet Reno, the first woman to serve as U.S. attorney general and the epicenter of several political storms during the Clinton administration, has died. She was 78.

Reno died early Monday from complications of Parkinson’s disease, her goddaughter Gabrielle D’Alemberte said. D’Alemberte said Reno spent her final days at home in Miami surrounded by family and friends.

Reno, a former Miami prosecutor who famously told reporters “I don’t do spin,” served nearly eight years as attorney general under President Bill Clinton, the longest stint in a century.

One of the administration’s most recognizable and polarizing figures, Reno faced criticism early in her tenure for the deadly raid on the Branch Davidian compound at Waco, Texas, where sect leader David Koresh and some 80 followers perished.

She was known for deliberating slowly, publicly and in a typically blunt manner. Reno frequently told the public “the buck stops with me,” borrowing the mantra from President Harry S. Truman.

After Waco, Reno figured into some of the controversies and scandals that marked the Clinton administration, including Whitewater, Filegate, bungling at the FBI laboratory, Monica Lewinsky, alleged Chinese nuclear spying and questionable campaign financing in the 1996 Clinton-Gore re-election.

In the spring of 2000, Reno enraged her hometown’s Cuban-American community when she authorized the armed seizure of 5-year-old Elian. The boy was taken from the Little Havana home of his Miami relatives so he could be returned to his father in Cuba.

Their entire belief system is hinged on that "Jews first, then the Gentiles" language that Paul uses in Galatians I think it was, even though the Jew-loving morons that use that verse conveniently ignore that the syntax used during King James' translation was considerably different from the syntax used now. And while the NIV and related translations are heresy-tier, it's one of the issues that can arise when using a 400-year old translated manuscript, that people can finagle their way around the language use of the time to make it say what they want it to. Typical kike pseudo-legalism.

I always find this shit hilarious. The kikes make a billion different inane and complicated rules to live by, and then spend all their time trying to cheat their own rules. Literally jewing god, for fucks sake.

I am a Yuropoor, explain how it is not already set who wins please.

nice book however the fact is Whites and all others have waken up to the fact that jews been selling them down the road and playing them for fools and this is nothing new it has happened many times throughout history …the jig is up kike even your mudslaves hate you now and see the White race is the only way to prosperity with Natsoc respect for all.

Because not everyone votes for the same party every year, and Hillary is one of the most disliked candidates the democrats could have nominated.
There is no voter enthusiasm for Hillary. Nobody actually wants to vote for Hillary. Most of the democrats are just voting against trump at this point.
Trump, on the other hand, everyone who likes Trump loves him.

contradicting much. piece of trash

Yes but the system doesn't work like that, the voters don't decide who wins in the end!

If she's aware of all that lot then you've done enough.
Naming these people and knowing what they do is not only most important but also the easiest thing to redpill normalfags.

good point. they're working on the premise of non-anonymous sites, where as many people are replying to the persona and reputation of the poster (and trying to bask in reflected popularity) rather than interact with the ideas in their posts.

uhh… MAD magazine was leftist period. It's a kike magazine.

your are right and very wrong the voters decide who lives or dies regardless of vote rigging …they will try to stop the shift of power yet that freight train will plow right threw them Trump is winning on all fronts massively the mock up they try will set every Trump person off which is a vast majority unlike clinton sht stains the remnants of sjw and dumb ppl that have no fucking clue why we are in the shitter until it hits them full force when they have nowhere to live because a fking took their house and left them on the streets then laughed about stupid white goy har har …wake up bitches they are not in power WE are and if it takes you losing your fking house you better catch up fools

Yeah, I know, it just gets my ass in a fucking knot that she gets mad at me bringing up the Jewish purposes behind the pedophilia and blood ritual when she already knows about all the kikes at the top.

Make not mistake jews are degenerate pedo pieces of shit thh I can't think of any way they aren't degenerate that isn't pretending to be white they claim all credit for our inventions when they actually no smarter than a sand nigger other than the half breeds with whites they converted to their lame bullshit Send em all to israel then nuke it end of story

I would say more like South Park libertarian, but that's leftist in all but name.

Thanks, good luck to you too user.

We can use billboards for loads of good shit.

Unless they censor the fuck outta everything? Which is already happening? How many places online can you freely post at?

Archive Link:



can you elaborate further on this?

God I hate this claim more than anything.

They feed you poison and tell it's medicine, while wearing a concerned look and looking you straight in the eye.

Psychopathic evil.

didnt find shit, link?

They jews time of gaslighting the Western World is coming to an end thanks to the internet.

Kvetch Mining

What the fuck is that first picture

This. It's 100% true. The Rapture ideology is a Jewish psyop on the Goyim.

The foundation is laid. The uprising can begin.

leftist language that may actually gain some traction…meme time goys

oy vey!!!


read The Book of the SubGenius (and the sequel The Bob Apocryphon), it makes it pretty clear.
The Church of the SubGenius is satire, but that doesn't make its points false.

Freudian slip

The Jews are so fucked. It's all coming out.

The next step is showing they are behind 9/11, Sandy Hook and a bunch of false flags.

They mean "reinvigorate".

Because this election has literally made people explore their philosophies again. Look around! God Kek is no longer a fallacy!
People are now looking at their universe and realizing just what it is, just what they are and what they're a part of.
And they've rediscovered lost knowledge and found the true solution to their problems.

Work as a team, or the team loses.
And there are some things unobtainable through individualism.

For what exactly?
It's like they know the elites control the world.


You take that back


I like this post reminds me why I am fucking here you fucking jew rats I hope you die and I am more than willing to dispatch you unlike these pussies around here huff and puff about NATSOC yet do nothing to protect my race and capitalize on us being victims when that is far from the case as cucked rats can't even defend youself by jew controlled gov that allows invaders to rape your women SERIOUSLY!!!!! YOU DESERVE DEATH~~~~

Had a kid with a awesome looking swed come out with green eyes like me tall and strong with glorious blond hair and IQ more than any mud rat or jew ….you throw that away for degenerate muds like obama or clinton wanting to further mud us up from her jew goldman sachs agenda …white out whites all societies turn to third world shit as muds are incapable of leading you dumb fucks



I agree. Carlos is an American-born meme. He can definitely stay. Those Planeteer faggots can GTFO though. Except for Linka.


the blonde hair was awesome but the green eyes not blue sealed the deal GOD taught him fire arms at young age how to hunt then survive in shtf times strong tall prepared Aryan muscular af and knows about not interbreding with fking jews I trained him

Now that I took the redpill, I realize that if Gaia wants the earth saved, only whites can do it. That's what these climate change fucks don't understand. Multicult is not going to save this planet, if its ecosystem is in danger. National Socialism could, though. By everyone caring for their own countries and their own natural resources, I can see greenhouse gas emissions dropping rapidly. The rainforests could be lush and full of life again. Our rivers and lakes could run over with pure, clean water. Endangered and Threatened Species could once again thrive. If Donald Trump becomes President, we won't just make America Great Again, we could Make Earth Great Again.

Not who you're talking to, but I can't help but imagine fascism in the modern west as having some component of democratic representation, albeit without universal franchise. It's not in the character of whites to blindly follow garbage leaders, and all it takes is a single breakdown in the line of succession for a monarchy or whatever to end up producing a shitty leader.

Democracy, when limited to the point where capable white men with an investment in society/skin in the game are the only people who can vote, works just fine.

In fact, if anyone is destroying the environment, it's kikes. I guarantee that if there were no whites, the whole planet would become an unlivable shithole. The Jews would burn every drop of oil, every speck of coal, rip up every forest and waste and poison every drop of clean water. the niggers would turn all of Africa into desert, and India would reek of so much shit.

Off topic but what is this picture from?

Great Work!

That's because normies think
meme = an image with text on it

Normally the same generic shit like "X people be like" or "when you X and she be like X"

It's so bad it's cringy.

Whites are the master race not mud fucked jews or shit skin its abundantly evident with how much we have done to further the human condition,all those that deny that FACT are living in a fking dream world separated from reality.Had whites been completely NATSOC from the get go all other races would still be chucking spears and that is the fucking truth you ain't white tough shit swallow the truth then after thats digested understand why the mut inbreed race wants us to fall …Jealousy and the simple fact (((they))) could never create anything great without us so instead warp media and steal and take credit for the white mans ideas and ride of into the sunset like the fucking liars you see today every jew invention or philosophy was made by a white man right or wrong LIARS!! TALK ABOUT SLAVERY AHAHAHA LOOK AT WHO OWNED THE TRADE WHEN it started idiots and who kept it going the entire time cuz I can assure you whites didn't need slaves or want them they earn their own shit by hard work not some jew rat bullshit yet the jews turn around and lie claiming their bullshit on someone else much like shillery claims her opponent does everything she dose LIKE SERIOUSLY when a person like that accuses just look at them and its all right there its classic bait and switch (I did this so I will accuse everyone else of it …Russia collusion China collusion everything this bitch has claimed others have done she it completely guilty of and b y design its how a sociopath operates to deflect their true self

Godspeed Anons.
(there is a large dead section)
Anons, it's just going to happen one day. We're not prepared. The facade will slip slowly but when the jig is up, it's up. They're being increasingly and increasingly overt about what they are and want to do. It's really gonna be some crazy Deus Ex shit user. Fucking prepare yourself.

red pill

I'll bet you use terms like liberal fascism don't you

kys k thanks

Calling liberals fascists triggers them a whole lot more than calling them commies now days. Let it slide.

t. liberal fascist


Kek, it's an easy colloquialism. I mean, hypothetically they'd function the same way anyway. I don't see a problem with using the term. Your enemies having something proven to work is just common sense. Don't need to get your jimmies rustled, 14/88 all the way kamerad.

wrong liberals are idiots and they are all clinging to power because if GOD EMPEROR gets in their entire narrative is trash canned and ooo how I long for the days these rats come to reality.

Hello fellow Internet nazis, I too am a nazi.

Looks like Abramovic surrounded by a bunch of raw cow femurs.

Ohhh shiiidddd :D

So 6 died?
Is this a sneaky counter-jew meme?

I think it's better for the West to go down fighting as a civilization dominated by uncucked right-wing utopias.
It's too late to save it though

Let's stay focused on Trump. You'll overheat their attention gland otherwise.

The media is a social construct. Their legitimacy comes from our consent. We may take away this consent any day, as millions already have.

The media and the leftist try to create a "spiral of silence"

In my country they invented schools without party to remove leftist political party brainwashing of the schols this year but the leftist are trying to keep this and trying to invent excuses and saying that they are unbiased and don't have political party brainwashing in the schools even when have many people who recorded teachers trying to brainwash people for one political group and against other with lies and manipulation and the schools were invaded by violent leftists, but nobody voted for leftists in this election.

It's really hard to believe that American milenials are leftist, in my country only the old people are leftist because they only watch the old media, and a few arrogant people who think that being brainwashed is being "college educated(Brainwashed) who leftist call them this to please their ego and think that they are smart even being dumb to let the brainwashing of leftists try to force them to choose their own corrupt left parties and groups.

I think Americans are worse because the democrats create everything to race bait people for them and against others, or try to make them feel guilt with their corrupt brainwashing, and are easier to fraud votes in America since you aren't even forced to have ID to vote. And the American media is so much more corrupt for democrats like the whole Hollywood.

Maybe you could call some celebrities cowards and some paid youtubers losers to be boycotted forever

considering the title of this thread will give it absolutely nothing TRUMP is winning !!! that is a fucking fact you try to steal it you are about to get what you got in germany and every other country you been in WE KNOW YOU NOW JEW NO MORE HIDING !!! Trump already won don't fking play with us …It is Trump or you all are going to die understand rat!!!!!!!!!!


Seems that American Generation Z is not leftard, but it's hard to believe that milenials are leftards because in my country milenials hate leftards and the generation Z hate even more the leftards in my country, sometimes i think could be lie of the media but i don't live in America,

College educated is code word for college brainwashed kid by leftards and communists

In my country we are working to remove political party brainwashing within of the schools and try to make them unbiased and teach children really important things for their lives and jobs, but leftists invent excuses because the brainwashing in the schools is another strategy of power for them after the control of the media.

As far as I can tell Millennial seems to refer to a specific subset of Gen Y: the upper middle class.

Dude WHAT.

This is fucking rustling my tism.

The Chutzpah of this Kike.
Decades of leftist socialist realism, niggers in white coats, niggers carrying clipboards, nigger generals, nigger presidents, niggers saving humanity, niggers leading a gaggle of confused and scared White men out of a perilous situation, saving the day and the world and earning the lust of White women in the process – the left has been portraying reality in this fashion for decades, not reality as it is but a version they wish to see come to fruition through constant social reinforcement.

Decades of this leftist social proof and this Kike has the gall to point the finger and accuse the right.



The Kike outrage as exemplified by this article is simply explained.
It mirrors the drama surrounding the invention of the printing press by Gutenberg, prior to which, publication had been controlled by the Church.
The Internet is our Gutenberg press and the disaffected Church is replaced by the Kike, angry that its monopoly on "truth" has been "stolen" by those not belonging to their club.
You could also use the myth of prometheus, stealing fire to give to man; and the resulting rage of the Gods as another analogue.

tl;dr Kikes are angry that the ability to craft graphical propaganda is now available to everyman.


Meme warfare: how the power of mass replication has purified the US election


The significance of this fact cannot be overemphasized.

The Internet is our Gutenberg press
The Internet is our Gutenberg press
The Internet is our Gutenberg press
The Internet is our Gutenberg press

They have no morals or sense of shame, which allows them to have a Machiavellian outlook, participate in pedophilia and satanic rituals.
Everything they say is a lie. Normal people can't rape a child, even hardened criminals in prison can't do it. But these psychopaths can. That gives them incredible power.

His fear is delicious.

Oy vey, it's only democracy when you vote how we tell you!




The pope is a jew, lad.

try and cheat Trump hook nose will be your death KNOW THAT you fucking rat sooooooo want him or not he is the GOD Emperor you are a a filthy jew and its on weather your little hollywood bapf whores like it or not TRUMP IS WINNING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

will continue to win so brace yourself bitches its happening !!!

Meme's are the bridge between the expanding complexity of the (anti-)culture and the receding language skills of this generation.

And we certainly can't have that, can we?

They unmask themselves so brazenly in their desperation, now.

And we certainly can't have that, can we?

They unmask themselves so brazenly in their desperation, now.

Holy trips… That must mean something right?

Isnt that always the case?

A reminder that isreal and the regressive left are more like mccarthy than weever could hope to be.

Honestly, if they opened their stupid mouts to support her, even out of fear, fuck them and hope they end up worse off than mel gibson.

nothing news that always loose control because they are fucking liars soon as the WHITE man they demonize wakes up to their lie its game over for them as we put our foot on their head once again make em run like roaches

Trump wins!!!!!!!


They're ironic to avoid taking a position. The Right is ironic based on something, and to tell the truth.
One is nihilism, the other is shitposting. Shitposting is not nihilism, it is quality humour which embraces the tragic reality of life.

2007 confirmed worst year of all time

Haha! AN immigrant changed his name at Ellis Island, let's mock his descendants. You called someone Bruce Jenner? You monster.

It's a good try, but the Left doesn't understand that in order for your bants not to look like hypocrisy, you have to be able to take them too. Otherwise you come off like a hysterical faggot who people have to walk on eggshells around, which annoys them more. Plenty of the right wing vote probably derives from sheer annoyance at being called Hitler for jokes that veer further right than Trotsky.

Dr. Umpf, I'm legacy media.

Even liberals don't like Israel, a large portion of the time. I remember a few years ago some jewess freshman made a clickbait article because she joined a bunch of leftist organizations and they all took a shit on Israel.

It's important to remember is the REALITY of Israel is fundamentally the opposite of what a traditional leftist wants. Central military with societal importance. Race wars to remove kebab. A right wing government that fundamentally believes in an ethnostate.

If they actually do any research into Israel besides saying "oh, that's nice" it's probably the biggest red pill of all. Because you then need to ask what makes it ok for them but nobody else.


I loved how Kenshiro fucked with that hack.

This shit is full out (((ministry of truth))). Too bad for them, their control of the narrative is fading away.

Truly a weapon to rival metal gear.

They can not win unless and we can not lose, the only victory that can be had in virtue, truth and honor.

LONG LIVE Holla Forums

Once again, normies and leftists can't into mimetics except as brute force control or distraction, requiring top down control to spread.

I had been meaning to read that, thanks for the reminder.

I can't believe none of the old-timers ever took her down. Thanks for the news.

Dubs confirm

Israel is one of the first big redpills if you're on the left. If you know what goes on there and you follow the media coverage that immediately takes you to some hard truths about the media. When you start questioning what exactly America gets out of our alliance with them that takes you to some even more hard truths.

Red Pill of the day:

Male depression stems from low testosterone.
De-masculating males is a longterm plan of the leftist feminist agenda.

Females cutting themselves are with 99% certainty unmarried and on low estrogen.

Males who have taken anabolic steroids are more likely to be employed, married, commit less crimes and less likely to be depressed.

The unmarried people without children are the most financially troubled group in society.

Degenerate faggots who had sex-change surgery are 20 times more likely to commit suicide. (Due to un-natural hormone levels)

Holy shit, this has been lying right there for years and lefties haven't touched it. They're really terrible at this, arent they?

That was the idea, yes, user. Good job you got it.

No we don't you fucking faggot.

America was great because we stood for personal liberty, if you want a monarchy go to fucking bongistan and make sure you have your ID so you can buy plastic cutlery

I wish someone would have told me this during my adolescence, I wanted to fucking kill myself and didn't know constant masturbation was the problem.

Thank god I found out right after I turned 18.

May I have more red pills?

I agree.


Fuck that shit, you can boost testosterone naturally by lifting.

I know! Feels great man.
I wonder how much steroids help though.

They don't really. One of my friends got involved in that shit and he ended up having his left arm freakishly oversized from injection and going to prison for beating up his family in roid rage incident. Presumably it is possible to use low dose testosterone and avoid adverse effects but simple exercise is always superior. If you are an old fuck like 40+ having problems with low test and lifting doesn't help test may help you, there are medical facilities for this kind of thing, pic related cures nu males but I would only recommend it if you are an oldfag and other test-boosting habits start having diminishing returns or stop working.

Y'know, it's funny, Holla Forums. I'm always the happiest here. Learning so much. I'm glad to be in your arms, friends.


You know something? Me too! I love it here, Holla Forums is a bitter hateful place, but they don't choose to be this way. The (((world))) has just fucked them over this way, and they have enough backbone to fight back.

Thanks for the input. I'm still very young, so I won't do it. I'll keep it in mind for years to come.

Checked hard thank you.

Must be careful to not overdose. Don't become addicted to paranoia or cynicism.

= = = = = = Red pills of the Day: = = = = = = =

LSD is more likely to cure depression than ECT.

"Mineral water" is tap water on a bottle.

Cousin marriage creates deaf children. (See paki deaf children epidemic in UK).

Jews are the most dominant group in investment-banking.

Most edible fish in the world is poisoned with heavy metals.

There is not enough scientific evidence to prove that helmets help against head injury when riding bicycle.

The male brain changes physically when having children (Increase in volume of grey matter).

There is no such thing as "personality". The mind is observant to all facts that are logically possible to deduce. 2deep4u.

I always enjoy the thrill of learning something new, finding creative ways to put my knowledge together, musing on outcomes, strateging with the wisdom, and seeing it all grow & evolve into a ever higher refined state of being.

chans are the only place such a thing happens, from that came a cosmic awakening of what I, consciousness, God, the universe really is, and for that, I am eternally grateful

Upon this great alter of truth comes the fountain of wisdom & virtue.

Gamergate was a necessary loss. (((They))) got lost in their own bravado and kicked a hornets nest they didn't need to. Gaming is much worse then before it happened from what I see posted here and there, but Holla Forums knew what was going to happen, told them what was going to happen and it happened.

Gaymergoy was the dry run before the great meme war; Holla Forums knew every trick they were going to use, because they did it to gamergate. Holla Forums also saw what NOT to do when up against ZOG. So thanks to Zoe Quinn and her unquenchable lust for dicks, we're going to build a wall.


this is WE WUZ KANGS tier shit

The Jews Fear The Memer Guy

Males that own a high hat live a lot longer than the ones without, and that have been true for over 100 years.

I'm just imagining pepe's "creator" watching how much we cucked him.
.I mean, that pic is so accurate that makes me have no doubt pepe is ours now.

Shit, I sure hope thread won't sink the moment I post this. This cap deserves recognition since Holla Forums really matured in the sphere of neo-existentialism

Progressives have been memeing themselves into power by controlling the media for decades. Films, television, music, magazines, etc–all have been disseminating leftist memes into the culture for years.

They only now see it as a problem because they can no longer effectively control which memes are dominant.

Holla Forums is nothing special. It's just substitutes what was provided by compulsory military service in the past. Holla Forums and war makes men of the boys and shows them what the world is really like.

Your right because military service sought to free white people from jewish control and taught them about history and kikery like [email protected]/* */ Oh wait…….

Full version

Vangcouverite here, it's full to the brim with chinks and streetshitters. I've noticed that whenever I take the sky train, I'm seeing more and more Somalis in addition to our asian enrichment.