Old CS vs. New CS

Why is this? Should we just accept our new shitskin cs overlords now?

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The former are topics with a high priority on the communist agenda, the latter are not.

You didn't specify what level these courses are at. Obviously shitskins are attracted to buzzword courses, and undergraduate AI classes are going to be rather undemanding. In graduate studies, where you need to know some advanced mathematics, you'll see Pajeet and half the chinks disappear.

None of that is old or new. All of that is simply computer science.

These courses are all for junior/senior undergrads or are hybrid undergrad grad courses,

Pajeet doesn't care about these, he already knows he'll use Windows, C#/Java and only needs to know HTTP and on a rare occasion no lower than TCP. Machine learning is en vogue, so that helps him pad out his resume to get "utmost excellent 100% career position in maximal satisfaction top ranked enterprise leading pioneer of premium industry recognition". The chinks are there on secret missions from the hive mind to absorb all of the white mans secrets, in preparation for the great war.

Actually, they want to escape the war by turning chink slave cash into investments in western countries, but this only spreads Asian warmongering culture.

wait shit i forgot this isn't about tech, whoops
white people have parents in the field so that adds nepotism to it as well.

yeah, okay

Sorry, but it still looks pretty hWHite to me... I'm assuming you might be Asian yourself though:

Asians are prolific cheaters, and while family pressure and hardwork are usually enough for them to flood into undergraduate programs, you'll notice that each year, your classes get whiter and whiter.

Wow someone's upset. Did an asian kid bully you at school?

MUH SYSTEMIC RACISM!!!! White people in white countries have an advantage!!! It's not fair if you're brown like me!!!!

Daily reminder: Any time you admit that whites have "privilege", you are conceding that they are genetically superior. Don't cry to us that your forefathers were too stupid to secure an existence for your in your homelands.

By your logic you certainly aren't White.

Pretty hard for Asians to participate in bullying when they're 5ft 6.

How is helping your progeny discrimination? Also, why are you being so ungrateful Pajeet? Colonialism is the best thing that ever happened to you, I think some day, you'll even learn how to use a toilet! Others here don't believe in you, but I do. I think that one day you'll have sewage systems, and fresh drinking water. Never mind that Romans were building aqueducts 2000 years ago, I think it's never too late for your people to join the modern era.

Keep going, you're hilarious.

Pajeet or Hwang left. Did I hit too hard?

No no go back to sperging, this isn't nearly as fun just pathetic.

literally reddit


Underrated post

Networking is full of pajeets and dunecoons, but most of them study in their own countries. There's a huge networking boom in the middle east at the moment.


when did tech become /r/the_donald

More like when did you leftist faggots come to polchan.

/r/the_donald literally says you can't post racism or anti-semitism right in the rules and I don't see any cultist trump worship in this thread.

Or 4chan 6 years ago

2011 was also the same year the reddit invasion began on 4chan.

Before the mods were "shaken up" the_donald called out the Jew. But like anything on reddit, it was forcefully kosherized.

I never disagreed, I didn't even mention it, you oversensitive marshmallow yankee-doodle ratbag. There was no crying involved. Stop reddit spacing and return to your hideout. You have to go back.

Coulda been a good thread. We can never get anywhere when Holla Forums Holla Forums /antifapol/ /natsoc/ etc are around.