On further inspection of your posts, there's a lot of typos occurring that seem to be from you being emotionally riled up, to the point where you're just blindly hammering down your fat stubby little fingers on your mac book, in hopes that you'll be able to silence me with your autistic flurry, your autistic barrage if you will, so that you can try and show the rest of this thread that you're indeed a 'big boy'.
Starts whining about his ancestors ruled land and were saints, but at the same time doesn't even know his proper ethnicity, just lists two nationalities and thinks that suffices. Is retarded enough to cry about how he 'doesn't respect failure' when he himself by that point of view is indeed a descendant of a bunch of fuck-ups and failures.
So what you're telling me is that you do not respect yourself, that's good to know seeing how you got ever so emotional when I used autism as an insult, you know, for you being autistic. You start ranging about great leaders and mention Hitler, when everyone here knows hthat Hitler was a fuck up purely for the fact instead of unifying Europe in terms of being the bigger man and rather than waging war amongst his own allies, rather, go the more practical route of maintain the connections that Europe had long before WWI or WWII occured, when one nation could call upon another incase something was coming that needed the help and the man-power of their neighbouring brothers in arms.
You seem to misunderstand that no one here worships hitler, for he was controlled by the kikes and allowed himself to get subverted from his original cause, due to being co-opted and ultimately thrown away, or if he did escape that's good for him, but who knows at this point.
He was indeed on the right track on be-ridding of the kikes, but alas made the mistake of allowing Turks into Germany, allowing Niggers among his ranks in the Afrikan campaign, over all was too dim to see what his actions would fall into once the future came rolling by, instead he thought selfishly of what was happening in his 'present' rather than fighting for the future of not just Germany, but for all ethnic Europeans.
So it's good to know I caught you like a hunter catches his prey after staking you out, watching your patterns and blow your fucking heart out. On top of how you're listing Napolean, Alexander, and Tesla, when they aren't 'your' inventors, they all have their own respective ethnicity that should be proud of them, not some autistic American kid who thinks he's both German and Irish, but starts listing off a fucking Croatian/Serb as his 'great inventor, starts listing off a Macedonian and a Frog as your 'great' leaders.
Further proving you don't know anything about the European race, when it comes to national heroes, when it comes to ethnicity, that's what makes European countries strong, the blood ties that keep the nation together, not faggots like you whom don't even know your own damned ethnicity and instead start clinging to anything you can while being retarded enough to use 'White' instead of ethnic European.
Where I said NOTHING about 'white pride', you just did, just now, in some strange attempt at trying to combat my comment of me calling you out for being a spic, when I'm still debating whether you're some anally aggravated spic, or just some dim half-wit kike trying a little too fucking hard and blowing your cover.
Cause when you start talking about irrelevant shit to try and subvert and change the subject from Religion, it's clear someone fucking gave you a good beating and told you to either start sliding, or you're going to go on a little 'slip n' slide' yourself.
You got caught, and again, you're incompetence and only be attributed to your autism, which can be attributed to you being an idiotic beaner whom has no idea who he's dealing with, on top of now 'switching sides' from crying about how the bible is fake, and how God's now real, to now pretending you're now 'not' an atheist.
Make up your mind kike, you go from mocking me for being a 'christfag' but now are whining and praising about how atheists say this and that as if you're now 'not' an atheist. Though again you are indeed an autist, so perhaps that's why you seem confused.