Sweden redpills Pope: don't take what you can't assimilate

Pope Francis has urged countries not to take in more migrants than they can 'assimilate' saying it could lead to ghettoization.

The Pontiff had been had been on a visit to Sweden, which has welcomed 245,000 refugees in 2015, to mark the 500th anniversary of the Protestant Reformation.

He told reporters: 'Governments must be open to receive them, but also do the calculations regarding their reception (capabilities), because one must not only receive a refugee but also integrate them.

Later Francis also warned of the dangers of migrants not integrating saying it could pose a 'dangerous' situation.

He added: 'What is the danger when a refugee or migrant is not integrated? He is ghettoized, that is, he enters a ghetto. And a culture that does not develop in relation with another culture, that is dangerous.'

http:// www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3901762/The-Pope-urges-countries-not-migrants-assimilate-warns-dangers-ghettoization.html

When is the next redpill dropping? Assimilation is against Sharia so the "refugees" never will.

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Nice try chaim

And that's coming from the same christcuck that washed the feet of a bunch of niggers. Anyone who worships a kike needs to hang.

"Assimilation" is a retarded cuckolded myth. Putting aside the literal cuckoldry aspect to it, you are still working from the wholly false and delusional premise that we are all the same, biologically identical, and that various cultures just happen to exist in places with roughly contiguous bands of people sharing similar physical features because magic.

Europe is not America. We don't want "migrants", we don't want "refugees", we don't want any of them.

By the way, I thought they were "refugees"? Now they're just "migrants" (whatever the hell that means)? How very curious.

Fun fact: the overwhelming majority of domestic terrorism is carried out by the children of """assimilated""", secularised and successful first-generation immigrants. I wonder why?

no, Mr. Pope, YOU will be assimilated. Resistance is futile.

Fuck this fake Pope. He's a dicksucking kike satanist.

No, he's just a normal Catholic.

fool me once, shame on me

fool me twice, shame on you

pope is a fucking traitor, anybody with half a brain saw this coming

the conclusion of a belgian "think tank"


cliff notes

50000 refugees
+/-30000 have no high education
10000 can't read or write

They don't assimilate over here either, they simply take over and force whites out

A catholic Vietnamese ladyboy would probably be a better pope than this fucker.



Quite the coincidence that he's suddenly changing his tone. He's feeling where the wind is blowing and swapping the coat inside out. But we will remember.


You must be mad finding out that Hillary's pedo cult is fucking all your ripe kids, eh Catholics?

luckily, the catholics remembered to make a full backup of the old pope before updating to the new one.

Ahh, "turncoat". Perfect word for the zeitgeist.

Protestants are the goodest goyim ever
but why do most protestants in america support israel?

More like covering for himself because his job is done

Swedes really dropped the ball by not taking down the bishop of Rome for the glory of their Allah.

pff just distribute precious refugees evenly among the white population

every family must be required to house browns in their home, it is their moral duty

He muttered through a mouthful of nigger toes.

The same reason the catholics do. Their leadership has been subverted and the original guiding principles are dismissed as outdated nonsense.

The kikes love christians because you are such good goys and easy to control, you also worship one of their tribe. Kill yourself, christcuck.

Integration and assimiliation is certified genocide of us.

We shouldn't take in anyone. This is not particulary redpilled at all.

He is woefully uninformed in this matter.

Nothing more, nothing less. I pray that God will reveal the extent of the suffering being caused by such "migrants" and "refugees" to Pope Francis that he may know the truth of the matter.

And perhaps…

Make up your mind, Isaac.

Scofield study bible and the false prophet Darby
The kikes have infiltrated the church with their zionism and end times obsession.


If Jesus was born by a virgin, that means God custom created the DNA that grew to be Jesus, meaning he wasn't of any particular race.

Joseph was a cuck

You're aware that God made it clear he only created the European race, to be made in his image and his image alone.

And you are indeed aware the bible talks about other 'groups' not created by him wandering the earth around the time Adam and Eve were cast out, or the fact God even made it clear that he does NOT want his people tainting their blood, sadly dumb fucks today think he meant blood transfusions, but it's more than that.

What was meant was race mixing, that if one were to race mix, you are single handedly disowning God himself, mocking him and his creation by laying with beings not authorized, not created by, and certainly hated by him, Christ and everyone who isn't a fucking moron.

In Leviticus, they talk about a man being charged with the crime of sleeping with a beast, it goes on to talk about how said beasts can 'walk and talk', more specifically 'mirror the tongue of man and desperately demand the jobs of the people of the land'. They weren't just talking about goat-fuckers, they were talking about people fucking non-whites, and how God fucking doesn't not approve, nor NEVER will.

Same with homosexuality, race mixing and homosexuality are the two things God purely despises. So don't try and come here and say that "Jesus wasn't of any particular race" when God used the DNA of his mother alongside whatever he did on his end to help such a curiosity unfold. In the Medical world they would have dubbed Jesus a medical Chimera, for being composed of some, if not all of his Mother's DNA right down to the blood, bones, muscle tissue being 1:1, and such a thing happens to this day where some people are born with identical notches in their pelvises, born with the same thickness of their vertebrae, right down to the very same cross section of said bones, muscle tissue, even right down to the vein placement, mole placement, etc. This aslo includes any heredtiary diseases like Huntington's disease for example.

I'm getting tired of morons like you that try to co-opt Christianity and claim that, "Jesus wasn't of any particular race" when in the bible the straight up tell you his ethnic origins, and people again like you seem to not understand how fucking time works and assumes that Christ was walking the earth literally before the events of the black plague like morons not understanding how far back this shit goes, hell idiots like you assume Adam and Eve were shortly before the events of Christ's birth, or worse, thinking that the great flood takes place solely by the Mediterranean when judging by the description of Noah and his son's so called 'colorful clothing' and the over all trail path of where his ship ended up. Which we have physical proof Noah's ship ended up at the summit of Mount Ararat in Armenia which is fucking impressive to see how fucking high that water really was, and could be concluded that Noah was indeed from North America.

What further solidifies this for me, is that the original inhabitants of North AND South America were indeed STONE AGE EUROPEANS. coinciding with most of the clues and hints left int he bible, which would explain why Noah's son was able to have such colorful tapestry and clothing due to the materials that would be present within such a region compared to the contemporary thought that this all occurred in a fucking desert.

You're trying real hard there bro, but the truth is coming out.

(cont. cause you need to be put in your place)

Again, for Christ, he was born to that of an ethnic 'Jew', which no longer exists in today's world by any shape or form, and God made sure of that himself, but back then around that time peroid, said 'ethnic jews' were more close to that of Scythian or Khazars, making them apart of the European race, thus denoting them as their own, if not small European ethnicity, but was ultimately out-bred/mixed to hell and back after and if not during the time Christ was walking the earth. Further going along side the whole Leviticus situation, and all other allusions of how God created the European race, and ONLY the European race.

Ethnic Europeans were made to be in God's image, as was Adam and Eve being apart of that group. Not only that God apparently only created by hand two things, not counting 'everything else' Christ before he was then born as a human, cause apparently he created him by hand, and the European race he created by his own hand starting with Adam and Eve.

There's a reason why kikes try so hard to try and claim Jesus wasn't apart of any particular race, or how God loves 'everybody' when he makes it clear that he doesn't, when he makes obvious, clear cut rules that he stated, and reinforced time and time again. But no, Kikes nowadays like you man try to force as many shit-skinned morons as you can to start following and therefore tainting Christianity trying to claim it's a 'cuck' religion when you're the only ones MAKING it a cuck religion. Christianity was founded and created by Armenians whom are Ethnic Europeans, it is literally no different than many of the other Pagan European religions due to all the so called head gods, trees representing the apparent cosmos/universe as we know it, tales of serpents being evil and binding our progress, etc.

Sadly, just like Christianity, all those other pagan religions were also co-opted, so no one truly knows what was truth, what was half-truths, or what was lies created by kikes to blind people into thinking one European religion is now 'better' than the other, when people should be looking for the patters that they all share, and how Ethnic Europeans should open their eyes to see that all non-whites worship serpents, they worship everything in our pagan religions told us to stay the fuck away from.

People like you make a bad name for Christians that don't go by the 'American' standard and know better to read the bible for themselves, cause even though it was tarnished by kikes likr how they tried Erasing God's true name, all it takes is a clever mind to read between the lines to see that the kikes were too fucking stupid to truly erase the truth God was trying to have those men over multiple periods of time write what they had the write in hopes in the future it'd come as a warning or cautionary tale, or sadly in the case I'm sure none of them wanted, as a means to help people understand how the world is now tainted by the kikes and their so called synagogue of satan, and how the European race is the primary target, and that all non-whites are merely pawns of the kikes, and their devil-worshiping ways.

I mean after all, what's the best way to get back at someone, like in God's case whom is a Father, By killing off his creations first, his children, all of which were made in his image, and with that being said is one of those most ruthless and cowardice way to show defiance

You kikes aren't going to win, and you know you won't. But like the devil, you keep trying. How pathetic. I cannot wait for the day you kikes and your shit-skinned brethren are finally dealt with once and for all.


He thought she did cheat on him. An angel appeared and convinced him otherwise.

He's an Argentine.

But he's not saying they just shouldn't come in either. OP is a faggot. This is what the Roman Catholic Church gets for inventing leadership ranks that are nowhere in the Bible. The Church has someone who directly speaks to God? You better believe the kikes always want in on that! The irreversible pozzing of the Church was inevitable from the beginning. It's just too large of a target to ignore, and it's the Church's own fault.

Can we stop using "LE REDPILL LMAOOOO XD" for everything? You fucks have the vocabulary of a fucking mouthbreathing nigglet.

It always leads to ghettos you fucking socialist goy.

>He told reporters: 'Governments must be open to receive them,
Says who?

see above

Giving them welfare and giving them textbooks on how to fuck western women isn't enough?

It's not a refugee, it's an invader.

Well the ghetto is full of people he's familiar with as they have the same customs and language, plus they follow the same pedo prophet; and there's an Imam that will most likely give them (((diversity vests)))

Literally a buzzword. See the first sentence in my post

just a friendly neighborhood jesuit, brah.
and by jesuit I mean a crypto-jew

Anyone else remember when Cher called out Kaine for being a Jesuit?

What a hypocrite, not long ago he was shilling for the exact opposite.

The pope uses the same guy that writes speeches for Trudeau, doesn't he?

He looks like a fusion between a kike and a spic.

He has plenty of beaner features, the weird 'light bulb' shaped head, the fucked up chimpanzee ears, the weird stubby and yet almost flat fingers. That autistic looking sloped head in unison with the flubber on his fucking chink and his faggot little neck.

Now he certainly has a kike's nose, I doubt he has any Italian ancestry, on top of the fact his nose is more reminiscent of a beaner's nose, where it has more nigger like features ie the flatness and flared nostrils. On top of the fact he goes against everything that has been established by the bible as 'wrong', like Homosexuality, being a shit-skin, race mixing, etc.

Those are all things that are clearly stated in the bible that God doesn't want his people to do, and even says he didn't create non-whites, and this is alluded to multiple times, sadly nowadays Kikes are trying to alter the bible, when I say nowadays I mean within the modern age, or churches going the route of saying to people to ignore such 'ignorant' thinking from the bible cause God loves 'everybody'.

This pope is just a kike/beaner light bulb headed clown doing what he was raised to do, cuck shit up. The beaners eat up whatever he says too, which seems to be the Catholic churchs only purpose is to entertain and 'educate' beaners to do shit they shouldn't be doing.

Then again, you got beaners worshiping demons and shit and saying its cool cause it's 'catholic', when again, they're fucking moronic, don't know what it means to be 'catholic', they break every rule that a catholic has to abide to, and when you call them out on that, they just go they're 'christian', which makes no fucking sense. That shit needs to be stopped, and that includes this pope bullshit and the catholic church. No man on this earth is the 'message of God's will', specially not this fucking beaner faggot.





I can understand Pope discontent, but calling to end the Institution that sponsored the Inqusition, right after Spirit Cooking comes up, doesn't appear too correct…



He's one of those argentine italians, his family fled to argentina during the Mussolini regime



yeh, sweden took too many too fast and now the government realizes it was better to take them slower, so whites cause less backlash against their extinction

I think he means 'has'.

Clearly your countries want them becasue you have 'em.

based pope. Crusade to uncuck sweden soon.

read assimilate as indoctrinate

The Catholics are no longer what they stood for when the 'Inquisition' occurred same with the Crusades.

You fail to understand that over time, the kikes took over the Catholic church, hence why they wear their little yamacas, and the like when again, no man is the messenger of God's word, and the bible makes it clear that any, and I mean ANY man on this earth claiming to be the messenger of God, or talking in his place certainly has no ties with God and that whatever institution he's in, is in bed with the devil.

Nothing more, nothing less. Maybe you grew up with the Catholic church, but again, Catholicism has been littered with pedophilia rumors, necrophilia, and other disgusting shit that you Catholics seem to ignore, along side the fact that the so called 'majority' of Catholics nowadays are mexicans and shit, whom worship demons and the like, all in the name of the Catholic church.

Christianity will not dissipate if the Catholic church is exposed for it's crimes against God. If anything people will learn that the people claiming to be catholic, ie the spics, or the non-whites, that they are not apart of God's plan, and never were.

Case in point here, Non-whites constantly beg for God, beg for Jesus for this and that, but once they're financially sound, once they get what they want, they don't even give two shits about said religion, and literally tote it around like it's a fashion statement. They only consume, never produce, and the Catholic church encourages these idiotic spics to consume, consume and consume, as the do themselves.

For fuck sakes, They tote around the cross like it's praising Christ, when in reality the bible makes it clear, JESUS himself makes it clear to not worship ANY IDOL, NO MATTER WHAT OR WHO IT IS. Yet you have dumb spics wearing crosses left and right, depicting Christ in his moment of vulnerability, of pain, of embarrassment, literally mocking the fact he died, and I don't care how anyone will spin that it's not what that means, when that's what the kikes want you to believe, and when I see a man suffering on a stake like that, I shouldn't be praying to that, I shouldn't be proud to sit there and be okay with seeing a man greater than any man on this earth be violated and thus that image, that symbolism being pushed everywhere by shitskins and whites alike being oblivious to how disrespectful it truly is.

He looks like a spic, I honestly don't care if his family fled during the mussolini regime, his family may have fled, but they certainly race-mixed and it shows.

Argentina is a shithole to begin with, people keep trying to say how they're all 'white', this and that, when every picture I've seen, every one I've seen posting their picture, they look like your average dumb, mouth breathing, nigger nosed mexican, looking devoid of intelligence and devoid of any real 'european' ancestry when they're all like 4'11 and look like they smell extremely bad.

when you FaceTime your wife, do you speak to a soulless LCD panel or to your wife? same thing here.

Reminder that kikes teach their children that Mary was a prostitute whoring herself out and that Jesus did not resurrect but is in fact boiling in a ocean of piss, shit and jizz for all eternity.

What you're trying to pull here with the, 'When you FaceTime your wife, do you speak to a soulless LCD panel, or to your wife?' bullshit, you're trying to get other dumb faggot kids to side with you with such an autistic attempt at justifying idolatry.

Wearing a cross/crux is idolatry alongside mocking Christ in his time of vulnerability. Christ himself said that to worship no idol, no matter if it's connected to him, or God, or people say it is, because it's NOT. It's merely an idol, for you to understand, you are not 'talking to Christ' when you wear or look at a cross you stupid fuck, same with using your phone to talk to your wife, you are talking to an inanimate object, that otherwise IS NOT YOU FUCKING WIFE, due to the fact using a phone is radio transmission, not actually looking into the eyes of your significant other and talking to them.

Just because you can talk to them and see them on the phone, it doesn't magically justify the idol worship you're conducting like a complete and utter fucking moron whom claims to be Catholic, but seemingly has never read a fucking bible before cause if you did, you'd know how stupid you sound by using facetime, of all things to justify wearing a cross/keeping one in your home, etc.

Fucking kike. Idol worship is Idol worship, that's it.

proties confirmed for crypto mudslimes

What do you call a Christian that rejects the Catholic church but is disgusted by the Evangelical scene in the West?

Seriously, I want to know.

Was going to agree with you until you thought it was cute to make autism an insult. Well fuck your retarded ass. You don't know what your "messiah" said because your bible is nothing but a translation of a long line of translations of books the Roman Empire made up to create a one world religion.

Until 325CE Jesus wasn't even divine in Christian Sects. He was revered as a teacher like Buddha is. That's if you want to believe he existed at all, because and here's the kicker there is no archaeological evidence he EVER DID! In fact most historians that are even willing to agree he did, all place his birth in 10CE.

So let's TLDR this, your whole source of believe in your god comes from a piece of propaganda from the Roman Empire that is likely created by fucking Kikes. The only reason your kind is worth keeping around is because you held the Muslims at bay, but now that you fuckers can't even do that you should just be exterminated along with the Jews and Mudslimes.

Lucky for you, the choice is not in my hands.

I wonder if he's going to lick anymore nigger feet.

A Christian.

Hollow sentiment to deliberate spilled milk to try to lull Whites to a non response, fuck him, keep preparing to carry out RWDS.


Oh look, a tone-policing faggots who wants to take the Holla Forums out of Holla Forums.

Fuck off back to your hugbox if you can't handle being mocked for being mentally deficient.

Here you go, going on an emotional rampage because I hurt your 'feelings' I'm laughing my ass off kid, I don't really give a shit if you're going to cry because I called you autistic, and you might as well be autistic from how you're carrying yourself right now, and going out of your way to try and make me question 'my' religion, when you don't know what 'my' religion is.

So you actually think I believe the bible itself is the word of god, when it's not written by him, and was written BEFORE the romans came into the picture, and were written by multiple men, and were thus collected into one book, not really a religions book, but as a collection of thoughts, visions, and historical accounts and occurrences when the person in question was writing. Then you're idiotic enough to ignore how I said the kikes have tainted the bible long enough trying to erase God's name entirely, among other things, probably due to being autistic and illiterate, and you know, being one of those faggots who says shit like, "you thought it was cute to make X into Y" coming off as some underage shit-skin trying a little bit too hard to sound like he knows what he's talking about.

So not only am I going to screen-cap your sudden emotional outburst, I'm going to sit here and laugh at the act you were desperate enough to try and shit-talk what you presumed 'was' my religion, when all I had to do was just talk about how Idol worship is wrong, and it was always wrong and was never right to begin with, but here you are, being a typical little shitskin getting upset over your autism.

Seriously kiddo, what's your ethnicity and country of origin, I'd really like to know since you're trying to use nuSpeak lingo among other things, and the reddit stench from you is real strong.

Oh you mean ethnic Europeans, and what you're trying to say is that you, being a kike, are fearful of your mudslime brethren? Or are you some wannabe-white spic who's fearful of not being able to do as you please if we ethnic Europeans stopped 'doing our job'?

I'll wait to see what you have to say about your ethnicity and country of origin, should be a laugh and a half. Cause you sound like some stupid fuck fresh out of high school, acting as if you know better when you're not just underage, but some fuckwit that puts Buddhism in positive light and the 'whole',

So you're threatening me right little autistic boy? We can settle this if you'd like, but i don't think you'd be up to snuff considering your mental disability and all, cause we all know that the only people whom have autism are mongoloids, ie Beaners, chinks, indians, kikes, etc.

Exactly. Assimilation means they fuck the natives and stop looking like a foreigner after a few generations.

What's worse, people welcome the beaners, the indians and chinks. Purely for their women.

Like with the Mexicans for example, they cherrypick the women, spam their pics in hopes we'll 'like' them, rinse and repeat for the arab/indian/paki smelly street shitters, and again for the chinks.

It's all one big meme.

What i keep noticing all the time is that 'atheists' who consider themselves to be 'scientifically learned' will never, ever do their homework on religion before criticizing it.

I don't care if someone criticizes anything, but at least do your fucking homework so that you know what you're talking about and aren't wrong on everything all the time. That's really the only thing i hate about 'atheists'.

Dope Francis finally sees the light - too bad it isn't a nuke for all the cuckoldry he's performed.


Everybody says there is this RACE problem. Everybody says this RACE problem will be solved when the third world pours into EVERY white country and ONLY into white countries.

The Netherlands and Belgium are just as crowded as Japan or Taiwan, but nobody says Japan or Taiwan will solve this RACE problem by bringing in millions of third worlders and quote assimilating unquote with them.

Everybody says the final solution to this RACE problem is for EVERY white country and ONLY white countries to “assimilate,” i.e., intermarry, with all those non-whites.

What if I said there was this RACE problem and this RACE problem would be solved only if hundreds of millions of non-blacks were brought into EVERY black country and ONLY into black countries?

How long would it take anyone to realize I’m not talking about a RACE problem. I am talking about the final solution to the BLACK problem?

And how long would it take any sane black man to notice this and what kind of psycho black man wouldn’t object to this?

But if I tell that obvious truth about the ongoing program of genocide against my race, the white race, Liberals and respectable conservatives agree that I am a naziwhowantstokillsixmillionjews.

They say they are anti-racist. What they are is anti-white.

Anti-racist is a code word for anti-white.

Yeah he was.

Trinitarians had existed for centuries by then. The Nicene Creed established it as the canon. Do you think a bunch of Arians got together and said, 'hey, let's say Jesus was Divine?'

The Gospel of John - which has a prologue which is 100% trinitarian and references Christ as the being the Word through which thr world was created - was written around 100AD.

The Gregorians who constructed the calendar did a pretty good job, considering.

You fedora fuckers are insufferable. You barge in from reddit after your vidya games got fucked with in 2014 and cling to your dumb bluepill faggotry from 'based dawkins' or 'muh hitchens.'

The actual history is that christians are the Jews who lost the religious argument following the Roman obliteration of the Jewish temple. The Jews chose to follow the Talmud, so the Christians said fuck it, we're going to spread the religion to gentiles.

When Constantine became Emperor, he believed Christ was the god who aided his conquest (before the council of nicea, as further evidence your supposition is retarded), and he insisted on the council of Nicea to straighten out theological questions which had no governing rule.

All you need to look at is that this fucking false pope never volunteered to let immigrants into the Vatican City, did he? He's a kike owned whore. The current state of Catholicism is a farce.

But user, if they actually did their homework and didn't just rely on Internet memes, then they wouldn't be atheists.

t. Former atheist

Cause they're pig-headed know it alls, look how that dipshit fucking got enraged when I used autism as an insult.

Clearly I must have hit a nerve, due to him being athiest AND autistic, he felt the need to 'agree' with me, until that is, I mocked his mental short-comings, and then he goes full blast trying to spew some autistic rhethoric tha doesn't really amount to any thing other than crying, 'YOUR RELIGION IS A LIE, YOU'RE RETARDED FOR WORSHIPPING A BIG SKY DADDY!', meanwhile all they want to really hear and have in life is for someone to constantly pat them on the back, congradulate them for doing perverted, autistic things all day long, as long as they feel good.

The reason most atheists are indeed 'atheists' is because they have authority issues at home, therefore they take it out ont he one thing that won't 'talk back'. They really don't learn, if anything I'd say athiest now is just a buzzword, that dumb shitskin kids say to feel edgy and cool because 'white' children of yesteryear were doing it, and now they're just playing monkey see, monkey do in hopes they can further exploit their autistic endeavors of pretending to be a pseudo-intellectual.

I honestly can't even say I pity this guy, or the people who think like him, because they can't handle the banter that comes to us daily, but as soon as you say one thing that makes them feel 'vulnerable', they start going apeshit and start threatening you with violence. I mean hey, you want to threaten me go ahead, but it's not going to end well for you.

Not like they'd learn, since you know, like you said, they ever do their fucking homework, so the chances of them understanding the probability of their ass getting beat is totally lost on them.

That's how it is with every Leftist and always has been.

Emotional no, I simply hate ignorant pieces of shit who defend absolute nonsense and feel the need to throw ridiculous insults around at people like: autism. Seriously you're usage was so poor you weren't even sticking to the typical definition. You're just using the word as you see fit without a single concern for its linguistic meaning. In short you're using it because it is a buzz word you feel has meaning to dismiss another persons argument or to characterize the person in a negative light to appeal to merits outside the quality of the information being presented. Likely as a result of the fact that you are an ignorant Christfag who doesn't know any better. If you think calling me a hypocrit for calling you Christ fag and moron is going to hurt my wittle feels it won't.

Litterally tell you its a piece of Roman Propaganda and you make this statement. What is this Reddit?

"Lost Translations" and constant revisions should tip you off to this not being an accurate statement.

Actually analysis of the word usage suggests whomever compiled the bible (Roman Empire) chop shopped various stories together and that there was no original version of these tails written by their supposed writers. For instance the Flood has 4 different writers.

I'm going to say this slowly: You're…God…is…a…fictional…invention…of…the…roman…Empire! Seriously wrapped your head around this, before Jews no one god, after Jews One god appears. This becomes really absurd when you consider there are ruins at the bottom of the ocean from 10,000 bc and archeologists have dug up artifacts from even longer ago. Off of Cuba there are ruins that are likely over 50,000 years old. So for 50k years no One God, Jews appear, one god appears and coincidentally doesn't show it's face after the destruction of Israel.

I've read on a college level since before the fifth grade. Autism doesn't make you stupid it makes you socially inept also obsessive about things.That's real autism btw not the self diagnosed bullshit that SJWs claim to have.

Here's the exact kind of idiotic name calling I'm referring too. First off you'd be better off accusing me of being a Kike, I'm not but it would work better for your argument. I'd also avoid attempting to dismiss someone by outright claiming they don't know what they're talking about without providing a single lick of substance to refute a single thing they said. Just a bit of tips if you're going to assaults someone's character it has to be done at the same time as you're building up your own while playing of a fundamental truth to rally the group around yourself and your position…which you'd know if you read books without pictures or Holla Forums's reading list.

Depends on how it is done. If you put the symbol of your intermediary above the actual thing you are worshiping then it is idolitry. If you are using it as a proxy to worship your god at an ordained location then it is just decorations to aid your process.

Do tell me how all white people are the same Holla Forums.

I'm ethnically German and Irish, but at least you're getting it ad hominem done properly now.

You mean cowtelling it to the kikes for the last 200 years after your ancestors kicked their ilk out of Europe triggering the Renaissance? You also seem to be mistaking great people's works for your own because you share something as benign as a skin color. You talk about white pride, but you don't even have a clue what made Whites great. It was our great leaders, Hitler, Napolean, Alexander, our great inventors Tesla, got to say drawing a blank here since Edison stole most of his shit like the fucking Kike he was. It was our adherance to advancement and greatness. Our competitive spirit that forced us to hone our capacity to wage war to such a degree all other nations fell before us when we turned our efforts against them. It was our ancestors who created mathmatical formula and philosophical thought great people like the Founding Fathers took and made the greatest nation on this Earth. Great movers are what made our combined race the greatest on this planet, not it's individuals who fought and resisted progress the entire way.

my ancestors ruled lands and were saints. Yet they allowed it all to slip away. I do not respect failure.

Ah you're so cultured, but that aside you are aware that one of the people that was Jesus actually studied in India right?

No I'm flat out saying I'd kill you. You're not even worth fixing genetically or producing a new body for. You see the problem with the white race today is we've let morons breed en mass. Before we weeded them out through poverty and wars, well the Jew used those to cull our numbers, but we reaped the benefit.

But no what I mean is it is my lords decision not mine. I'd wipe out a good chunk of the Earths population to reclaim it. It's way easier and efficient. It's not like outside the cultural and engineering classes humanity has much to offer.

That is an old tradition. Also Catholics don't stand for Christianity as a whole.

Here's the infograph.

Fugg the pope.

Best moment was watching an Atheist call the Satanic Bible that opens with:

You truly got to appreciate the irony of an Atheist openly calling his own belief structure bullshit.

Most Atheists are actually just self aggrandizing narcissists that use Atheism as a crutch because outside being an Atheist there is nothing to their character or being.

They're also predominately leftist and want a system that rejects any system of morality however scued it might be so they can act with impunity. Which brings me back to my previous point of Atheists calling the Anton Lavay Satanism Selfish Bullshit being the most delicious bit of irony I've ever had the joy of experiencing.

Why are you so autsitic? Why are you NOW trying to label me as Holla Forums? The fuck?

You're now labeling me as Holla Forums when you, being an athiest, are from there, when the way you're acting right now, RIGHT NOW getting upset over 'name-calling' and constantly crying how I'm 'being idiotic and ignorant' like some troubled homosexual whom just stepped out of his hugbox faggot containment chamber for the first time and is now in utter shock when he's bombarded with 'insults' for being a blubbering mouth-breathing moron.

I find it hilarious that you think in your little kike mind, if you start flinging out 'Holla Forums' and thus try to label me as if I come from there, trying to use libel in hopes that other anons will either attack me due to not reading your entire post except the tail end, and thus you'll 'be rid of me'.

Or you're actually waiting till other shit-skins and 'atheists' come to the rescue, perhaps even using your shit attempt as screaming that I'm not from a board I've never been to, to try and call them here in this thread right now, which honestly, you're probably trying to do both.

What an autistic little weakling you are. Then It seems as if you either took the time to google info about the bible to 'correct' yourself and prove that you indeed 'did your homework', but that kinda backfires since again every user can see what you're trying to do, and it's just pitiful as it is amusing.

Your insults are grade-school tier as well, saying shit like, 'if you read books without pictures'

Oh my fucking god, this kid actually is still screaming and shitting his diaper, and he's claiming he's now 'Ethincally German and Irish'.

Those are Nationalities, I don't think you understand what I asked you when I asked for you ethnicity. You should know about the different ethnic identities of both Germany and Ireland if you weren't lying piece of shit right now.

I'm screen-capping this entire autistic endeavor, this went from pity to me putting you in your place. You have to be underage, and it's clear you're not from around here, and I'm going to enjoy putting you back where you belong kike boy, you're so emotional I cannot help but just laugh at the fact that you actually put so much effort in whining and fucking crying.

I didn't think someone would be so triggered over being called autistic, on top of just telling the truth when it comes to Christianity.


Nice projection there, buddy. Most of the atheists in my area are so simply because we weren't raised with religion.

Another ridiculous assertion. What makes you think this at all? I'll agree there are some outspoken retards who make it part of their character but most atheists I know are merely uninterested in God or religion. They don't ever bring it up either, you need to coax it out of them.
Polite sage because the pope represents neither Christians nor Catholics at this point and his words are blog-tier.

*tips menorah

Based Pope.


On further inspection of your posts, there's a lot of typos occurring that seem to be from you being emotionally riled up, to the point where you're just blindly hammering down your fat stubby little fingers on your mac book, in hopes that you'll be able to silence me with your autistic flurry, your autistic barrage if you will, so that you can try and show the rest of this thread that you're indeed a 'big boy'.

Starts whining about his ancestors ruled land and were saints, but at the same time doesn't even know his proper ethnicity, just lists two nationalities and thinks that suffices. Is retarded enough to cry about how he 'doesn't respect failure' when he himself by that point of view is indeed a descendant of a bunch of fuck-ups and failures.

So what you're telling me is that you do not respect yourself, that's good to know seeing how you got ever so emotional when I used autism as an insult, you know, for you being autistic. You start ranging about great leaders and mention Hitler, when everyone here knows hthat Hitler was a fuck up purely for the fact instead of unifying Europe in terms of being the bigger man and rather than waging war amongst his own allies, rather, go the more practical route of maintain the connections that Europe had long before WWI or WWII occured, when one nation could call upon another incase something was coming that needed the help and the man-power of their neighbouring brothers in arms.

You seem to misunderstand that no one here worships hitler, for he was controlled by the kikes and allowed himself to get subverted from his original cause, due to being co-opted and ultimately thrown away, or if he did escape that's good for him, but who knows at this point.

He was indeed on the right track on be-ridding of the kikes, but alas made the mistake of allowing Turks into Germany, allowing Niggers among his ranks in the Afrikan campaign, over all was too dim to see what his actions would fall into once the future came rolling by, instead he thought selfishly of what was happening in his 'present' rather than fighting for the future of not just Germany, but for all ethnic Europeans.

So it's good to know I caught you like a hunter catches his prey after staking you out, watching your patterns and blow your fucking heart out. On top of how you're listing Napolean, Alexander, and Tesla, when they aren't 'your' inventors, they all have their own respective ethnicity that should be proud of them, not some autistic American kid who thinks he's both German and Irish, but starts listing off a fucking Croatian/Serb as his 'great inventor, starts listing off a Macedonian and a Frog as your 'great' leaders.

Further proving you don't know anything about the European race, when it comes to national heroes, when it comes to ethnicity, that's what makes European countries strong, the blood ties that keep the nation together, not faggots like you whom don't even know your own damned ethnicity and instead start clinging to anything you can while being retarded enough to use 'White' instead of ethnic European.

Where I said NOTHING about 'white pride', you just did, just now, in some strange attempt at trying to combat my comment of me calling you out for being a spic, when I'm still debating whether you're some anally aggravated spic, or just some dim half-wit kike trying a little too fucking hard and blowing your cover.

Cause when you start talking about irrelevant shit to try and subvert and change the subject from Religion, it's clear someone fucking gave you a good beating and told you to either start sliding, or you're going to go on a little 'slip n' slide' yourself.

You got caught, and again, you're incompetence and only be attributed to your autism, which can be attributed to you being an idiotic beaner whom has no idea who he's dealing with, on top of now 'switching sides' from crying about how the bible is fake, and how God's now real, to now pretending you're now 'not' an atheist.

Make up your mind kike, you go from mocking me for being a 'christfag' but now are whining and praising about how atheists say this and that as if you're now 'not' an atheist. Though again you are indeed an autist, so perhaps that's why you seem confused.

You're being quite the hot-head, getting all emotional, putting so much effort that you end up making typos rather than actually coming off as coherent, you know on top of just talking about irrelevant shit like about Tesla, Napoleon and Hitler, when we're talking about the fucking bible, and how Catholics are fucking kikes, and how the majority of Christians today aren't actually 'Christians' due to their worship of idols on top of being ethnically non-European, therefore they're not going to be 'saved' anyway, no matter how much they worship.

Though I love how you come to jump and defend your atheist autism by saying shit like, 'most of the atheists in my area are so simply because 'we' weren't raised with religion

IE you and your two autistic butt-buddies got your ass beat for either not going to church, or saying something you shouldn't have been saying, or merely got your fucking toys taken away because you didn't want to leave teh house for a fucking hour and then you grew to hate and scorn religion because 'muh toys'.

Seriously, I hardly doubt you're ethnically European, you have to be a shit-skin, the way you carry yourself and how you try all these last ditch efforts, blowing your load a little too early trying ever tactic under the sun in hopes you'll get things back under 'control'.

When Malmo declares itself part of Islamic State, will the Swedes expect the Danes to send their army or will they handle it themselves?

Again you that, but you really don't seem to understand you can't just use Autism and a blanket insult to be filled in with whatever meaning you intend in that instance. When you use it like that it looses all meaning and becomes inert.

Starting to think you have difficulties reading simple English. Projecting much? You seem rather nervous did I hit a nerve there comrade?

Didn't you go on a nice little tangent a couple times about not assuming and me not knowing your religion.

Nah I'm just enjoying watching you make an ass of yourself. I mean dude, do you really think it bothers me that much? Comeon user, it's just a good excuse to have a discussion with the other person acting like a redditer.

When we hit 88 ad hominems in a single sentence we're going to see some serious shit.

me thinks you project too much.

It's not libel if its true comrade user, and gee for someone that likes using ad hominems you certainly don't like your own medicine.

It's Holla Forums if telling someone to fuck off worked we wouldn't have CFR and lefties coming out of the walls.

Nah I'm doing just fine. Also I side with Christians over Atheists. Christians are a blight, but they're tolerable. Atheists are not.

I actually have books on the subject. You know some people actually read for fun.

knock you off your high horse and get you to sperg? Yeah they're really going to hate me for that.

I've never claimed anything to the contrary.

You didn't ask. Nice revisionism comrade.

Irish on my mothers side, German on my fathers.

You know user at first I just kind of suspected you are a dipshit, but now I seriously suspect your from Lefty Pol.

Holla Forums tier meme, would not kek.


Outside observation and experience you mean? The fact Atheism+ began after an influx of Leftists who do exactly as I described into the atheist community.

The fact that Atheists typically cannot shut up about being Atheists and love to mock other religions. That a core tenant of modern atheism is literal hostility towards other religions while the adherents to Atheism go nuts when you point out that Atheism is a religion itself.

I have met only 1 person like that. That's also Agnosticism, which a atheists are, but merely call themselves Atheists for the company.

Pope is the perfect example of Christian weakness in inability to act.

Nah, I'm just tired. Been up for nearly 20 some hours working on a project that I thought would be adorable to put off til the last minute. This is just me procrastinating some more.

They were still teaching Anno Domini in the most liberal Commifornia public schools in the late 1990s
Shit didn't change until the 21st century after 9/11 to satisfy the sandniggers and their Jew masters

Not even once.

STFU we are white

All christcucks must go.

Countdown to reeeeeee-ing in 3…2…1

What does any of that have to do with pointing out that it's strange to go on about how all kikes must die while using a Jewish calendar system?

Not even once.

Back to Something Awful you go.

AD= Kike Invention
CE= Kike Invention

CE is more accurate than AD so why should I care and thought police myself because the origins of something is from Jews? By that logic we should abandon the internet because it is built by Jewish companies. We shouldn't eat food from stores because Jewish companies. So again what's your point? It's not like we were going to keep AD around after getting rid of the Kikes anyway.

Frankly I'd like to see a more organic calendar that moves away from the whole Judaic religions and accurately maps human epochs into ages or some other division instead.

The only ones screaming like banshees are 'atheist' kids.

And the only cucks here are 'atheists' siding with degenerate AIDS vectors.


Not even once.

Yep, it's definitely time for you to leave this place.

Have fun with your AD and CE somewhere else.

Took longer than 5 seconds but it did happen.


I didn't 'reeee'.

I showed you an example of the common 'atheist' and now it upsets you :^)


Have to stop the pepe train to address that you don't even know who's actually going after us here, but you fuck up and say "CFR" making it fucking obvious you're some shit-stain trying to keep this board underwraps to ensure your little crypto-kike queen gets into office huh?

Wew, that's a fucking hoot, Starts crying about how now you side with Chrsitians after insulting them 10 fold earlier when I mocked you for being autistic, and then thinking any Christian, and i mean any legitimate Christian, not the Americanized sect would welcome you with open arms, and would rather cave your faggot face in and cripple you and let you roll your ass back home, you know before one of them gets carried away and you end up being lynched.

What's funny, you have still yet to answer my question and took what I said to warp it.

I will ask you again, What is your ethnicity?

German and Irish are Nationalities, not Ethnicity, if you were truly ethnically European, you'd know damn well what ethnic group you hail from both nations. Alas you try a bit too hard when I ASKED more than once, and now trying to cry that I didn't ask, when that's the first thing I fucking asked beforehand, and you answered with 'German and Irish' like a complete fucking moron.

Then you do this.

you first faggot.

I suspected you of being a kike, or some other type of ethnically non-european, but then when you started saying CFR instead CTR and then putting words in mouth, ignoring shit that I said that was 'too difficult' for you to bullshit about, and ultimately thinking you've successfully slide when I'm merely doing my job and you on the other hand, have failed.

Hands down, caught you read handed, and I'm laughing so fucking hard that I had to link the damn thread to my buds cause they don't believe someone would be that fucking stupid to not just beat around the bush when it comes to asking for you ethnicity, but for the fact you went on a fucking temper tantrum over me calling you autistic.

Then you go, 'nah'. Like a little bitch saying you're now tired and that you've been working on your little grade school project that you thought would be fucking 'adorable'?

I have to pause to point out how fucking autistic you sound, I cannot wait till autistic traitors such as yourself are dealt with once and for all.

Look in the mirror, you mexi-shits aren't 'white', and never will be.

When you're sporting a hook-nose crossed between a nigger nose and you got beady little autistic eyes, around 4'11, are brown varying from straight up feces, to smeared feces on toilet paper, you're not 'White', and never will be even close to being accepted as such.

So you can come here and try your best to try and fit in here, but again, we don't want you here, and never will, considering the damage done to 4cuck, I don't think anyone wants to deal with you autistic wannabe niggers anymore.

Keep telling yourself that, dude. We as white as snow.

Yeah no, Not only do I doubt that, since you're going 'we'.

Post a picture of yourself Paco, we'll see how 'white' you are, cause I just find it ever so amusing when some dumb mexican kid comes on Holla Forums literally hell-bent on assuming he's 'white'. That's a fucking meme.

I'm not mexican


You're avoiding what I'm telling you to do.

I don't care if you're not mexican, cause they all look the same, Care to enlighten me and tell me our ethnicity? Along side posting a picture of your hands, cause that's a great way of identifying you being a shit-skin.

Let's be real here, all beaners look exactly the same, outside of those Dominican niggers cause they actually have nigger blood more than the average beaner.

Let's Meme!

good job spotting the manipulative language. maybe they think if they find vague enough words, people will forget who they're talking about.

Motherfucker is afraid people will revolt and remove shitskins.
He is desperate they "assimilate"(racemix) the shitskins instead

daddy issues? bible predicting everything? retard, maybe you should check out what the forer effect is.

whatever, enjoy your fetishism

This would have been timely and useful information 18 months ago. Useless fucking Argie.

What's based about him? He want to refugees to still be a part of the swedish country. He actually want them to become "swedish".


you missed two parentheses m8

Shitskin detected.

You're definately harbouring some kike genetics too, from the fact your fingers look all squat and stubby, but at the same itme your palm resembles that of those spics whom have the inner palm slightly lighter than the top.

So you thought showing the palm would fool me when usually people show the tops of their hands, which I'm sure you don't want to do, cause I see some shit smears showing from the side.

I'm guessing you're some retarded beaner from argentina actually believing those memes of /int/ that you're white, when you're literally no different than the rest of them.

I enjoy weeding out shit-skins like you, I don't think that constitutes as a fetish, I like to use the word fetish to it's original origin, rather than what your little kikes like to denote when someone is obsessed with something sexually. like you pretending to be white and going as far as to showing the palm instead of the top like a little spic bitch


You are so wrong m8, but enjoy being so delusional

You don't say, differing cultures living near one another become violent towards one another.

Is he an imbecile or complicit?

quads confirm both

Jesuits were subverted
They were originally priest soldiers in charge of colonize and control areas, and if met with resistance, were capable of pulling tactics
Ironically they were known for being quite peaceful in their iterations, there's still native americans in the southwest due to their skilled tactics that converted them, made them work and avoided any niggers form reaching the place (at least until the 20th century)
They were basque/spaniards, americans got the chinese-made copycat bad ones, that's why they are still butthurt about it
Argies had them too but were highly subverted, you see Argentina is one of the biggest jew countries out there, even when they were a haven for axis refugees. They got their shit pushed in



And if that doesn't redpills you on Cucktholicism i don't know what will.

Redpill my ass. He's merely backpedaling so that he doesn't look like a complete shill for immigration. He still wants you to take them in. He even tells you to give them more gibs to "assimilate" them (as if they ever planned on it) instead of leaving them to their own devices. I hope he does turn out to be Petrus Romanus; I don't want to see a worse pope and I'd love to see the whole mess of the church find its Christian roots again.

Capped for the record. Did a much more concise job of it than I ever could have. Good work.

"Stop boiling the pot too quickly" is all I'm reading here. Fucking sage, christcuck.

it's just that goyim are starting getting uppity.

somebody has understood that if you pull the rope too much it breaks. that's all.

not to mention that a pope sucking lutheran cock is truly a shameful thing.


This is the God of the Jews, you fucking moron.

The Jesuits in Argentina and Brazil were pretty good too. They protected the natives from being hunted, taught them and put them to work. They had cutting edge tech for the time too, as it was the Jesuits who built the first iron foundry in Latin America. Of course, in the end they lost and what they built was destroyed.
Jesuits also didn't allow people with Jewish heritage into the order until the 20th century.

Fuck off, cuck. Unless they exterminated the non-white natives, then they were not "good"

Good job reading the full post there buddy. sage to keep this from clogging relevant election material.

Loyola, the founder of the Jesuits was a Jew. The Jesuits on paper were founded to counter the reformation, but in secret they worked on eroding the power of the Vatican from the inside, and dismantling the aristocratic political structures of Europe.

Loyola considered himself to be "Illuminated" and before founding the Jesuits, was a member of a Spanish group called the Alumbrados. A group with similar beliefs to the Cathars and Gnostics.

It took a while before the Vatican and European leaders realized the treacherous goal of these people and groups and re purposed the Jesuits and cleaned house

I've always believed that the Vatican was Whore of Babylon. I've seen nothing to convince me otherwise.