Other urls found in this thread:*
getty* summer benefit


A loli that fine deserves better company than Podesta's Pizzeria.

The kids are likely NPCs anyway.

redheaded loli.
wonder if theyre raping aryan kids specifically…

Fuck you jew

Looks like I picked the wrong weekend to no fap.

Are you suggesting the children will get Eskimo kisses too?


Stop shilling that satan bullshit, CTR.
They are edgy performance artists, nothing else.




That's Jeffrey Epstein.

its like you shills arent even trying any more…



Filter me this, Filterer

Fuckoff back to cuckchan with that cuckchan tier OP. If you want to start a thread here, you have to put a little more effort in than just spamming the pointless shit you're all excited about.

I'll agree that no child should be anywhere near whatever the fuck that is, but where is your evidence that any of it is specifically satanic? The woman who does this shit is a jew.

My evidence that this is Satanic is that the woman that does this shit is a Jew.

Jews have a long history with Satanism, uneducated shill. Even Jesus was accused of being in league with Beelzebub. In fact the largest, most well funded and most violent Satanic cult in existence today is based on Jewish mysticism.

Wholesome family fun goyim!

Jews are satanists

What a cutie. That's a damn shame.

All I fee is rage.

I hope a pack of your favorite minority rapes you into a coma.

"Hillary = Devil worship" is a CTR tactic to drive off independent voters.

Accusing Hillary of Satanism makes Trump supporters look crazy.

look how afraid it is

You stink of desperation. You fucking reek of it.

Gonna get rekt, son.

shill harder

That down syndrome ginger nut has seen some shit. Not even redheads deserve this.

This greeting seems to be some type of "third eye connection." So far I haven't found any evidence of esotericism in it besides it being common in Buddhist circles.

That's not Epstein, you've got autism and face blindness.

Its literally 2 days before Nov. 8th. Think about being an indecisive independent voter walking to the polls, with "Hillary literally worships the devil" as their first pro-Trump argument.

Think about it, please. I'm not trying to deny this shit is happening, but just be aware of this.

I'm an uneducated shill who asks for evidence, higher OP quality, and would rather focus on the jewish aspects of this disgusting blood ritual or whatever, rather than just screaming SATANIST? Makes sense.

Protip: shills don't usually direct you to focus on the jew.

Then just call it what it is. Judaism.

That will work on a ton of evangelicals, they at least know real evil exists in the world.

It is if you want your child to get raped by old jewish men.


Oh god fucking damnit, not Hugh!

Is everyone in hollywood absolutely fucked in the head?

Trump already has the evangelical vote, no doubt about it. Anybody who goes to church who has doubted Trump ~2-3 months in the past, has definitely dedicated their vote to Trump by now.

But this is my point: focus your points on the corruption and the Clinton Foundation. The Clinton Foundation is everything.

Satanism is real-life topic sliding. Focus on the FBI investigations and the Clinton Foundation. Persuade people to realize she will be indicted.

Normally this wouldn't work your right, but there is proof in the form of pictures and video, you dont even have to say satanism, just show them the pictures of writing creepy shit on the wall with blood and they will connect the dots.

If naming the jew is derailing, then you're blatantly defending a jewess, who you would rather call a satanist? And I'm a shill.

This thread is disinfo shit.

Oh yeah? Well how about "Hillary Clinton is tied to an international child sex trafficking ring", does that have a more exoteric, normie friendly pitch to it, you cum guzzling pig larvae pozload shill faggot?

These guys sure do like "art" of scantily clad kids.

Judaism is Satanism is Judaism is Satanism. Calling it like it is can easily be calling it either, but tactically calling it Satanism to reap the benefits of kike programming in the heads of normies who balk at naming the Jew but love that White Jesus is currently useful.

Podesta really should consider being the ritual sacrifice to Moloch/Satan/Yahweh instead of just forcing some child to be, assuming he loves sadistic occultism so fucking much.

there I fixed it for you. literally.

indictment charges will win the intelligent vote.
exposing devil worshiping pedophiles will win the emotional vote.

consider your record corrected.

it only gets worse from here

Only decent argument for calling it satanism I've seen in days, but we know better here, so just say jewish blood ritual. They've been doing it for centuries, it's definitely not a stretch.

Besides, this whole scandal is a perfect point to redpill normies on "blood libel" since the chick is so obviously jewish.


That is exactly what should be included in your persuasive statements. The Clinton cash machine, the contents of the email, the child sex trafficking ring, all of it.

But if you mention that she belongs to a cult, it hurts your general credibility and hurts your other points, because its too hard to perceive that claim to be true.

Normies would find the satanism connections "too fantastical" to believe even with their own eyes. They have been trained to hate organized religion for decades, and occultism has no persuasive effect on them. You could try, though, but dont pass it off as truth immediately.

Satanic Blood Ritual

Who doesn't?

Not always. Folks attending a house tour in the Lake Barcroft neighborhood in Falls Church earlier this year got an eyeful when they walked into a bedroom at the Podesta residence hung with multiple color pictures by Katy Grannan, a photographer known for documentary-style pictures of naked teenagers in their parents' suburban homes.

Until the entire world realizes at once that secret left hand path cults are actually a real threat and not just some shit you see in clive barker novels, sure.

Now is not the time for ancient memes.


All I'm saying is, you don't have to bring this up to normies unless they are Christians who are on the fence. If you encounter Christians, then by all means send this out. But don't try to expose this indiscriminately.

I just want Holla Forums to be careful about the target demographic: largely uninformed, undecided voters. Think DUDEWEEDBRO voters who hate organized religion and are on the fence.

This kind of discussion makes you look crazy to the majority of normies, eroding their trust in the overall credibility of your claims. If you try to explain Hillary's presence in an evil blood cult, you are playing right into CTR's hands.

These satanic rituals are an organised religion.

I could actually listen to this song all day.
I wish normies understood real music

The world isn't ready to accept that just yet. It wont be believable until the MSM finally reports on the 8 Goddesses running all of South Korea. When the news finally comes out with proof of shadow governments, it will be the right time to strike.

They aren't insightful enough to realize that.

I meant to reply to

Fuck that I don't care how i am perceived I'm not going to try to package this into anything digestible for common folk. I had to see these "art" photos, others can see them as well and come to their own conclusion


I literally just said they are the same thing moments ago. Thank you for demonstrating that you are both an illiterate retard and that my attempt to bait you into doing so was successful.

Maybe a couple generations back, and hopefully in a couple generations forward. At the moment? Not something you will encounter much.

What's wrong with these people?

I really, really hope to god that I'm wrong and that you guys are right. My concern is the perceived realism of these claims to berniebros and undecided voters. If you want to present this stuff, then you have to approach it like a lawyer, with direct links and documentation to prove beyond a doubt that this shit happened.

I dont want anybody to end up not voting Trump because they think we're crazy. In any case, try your best to disguise yourself as non-partisan. This is all about presentation.



Preformance Modern Art with a bunch of degenerate Jews. Stop lying Alex

I know I sound like a concern troll, but it's still a point to consider. I think OMG ADELE normies are literally dumb enough to readily deny all that evidence if it proves something they would have never thought of occurring.

The reason why "omg racist" and "literally hitler" have persuaded Hillbots is because -isms are a simple and vague enough to waive any need for explanation. Mind control works best when it requires little thought; with Clinton's occult ties you'd have to spoonfeed it to them, and they are probably too lazy to realize all of the connections.

femanon please go back in the kitcheb before you hurt yourself

Tell you what all you have to do is show that pic of the guy outside his kiddie dungeon and that should be enough. So unsettling.

this is why Alex Jones is crying, Lady gaga eats kids.

Reminds me of the Rothchild party.

I can't endorse mass-spreading a message about Hillary belonging to a cult, because it makes Trump supporters look equally as bad as Hillbots who shriek "literally hitler". We need to look like the more intelligent and mature voter base to the normies.

Remember that Hillary's tactic in the past was to seem "more mature and self controlled". Make a contrast play by framing the landscape of a stable Trump audience vs. unhinged Hillbots.

Remember how all of those tweets from Hillbots appeared praising the disruption at Reno? They are all endorsing violence as the answer and appear unhinged. Stick to the corruption, lessen the occultism claims, and you can persuade that being on Trump's side is a safer position.

Oh shit is that Sean Penn on the right in the redish shirt???

We only have 3 days.

We are still on the ground level on this one.

Just remember (if your not a new fag) how we operated 911, Boston Bombings, and Sandy Hook.

No retreat, no surrender.


nice blog post.

Serious question:
Are you a satanist and/or a hipster faggot?
Anyone who isn't finds this freaky shit profoundly disturbing.
Especially golliwogs and wetbacks.

yes, yes they are

Well, OK, you guys have good points. Like an user said earlier… anti-corruption, anti-pedophilia gathers the intelligent vote. Exposure on the horrific occultism gathers the emotional vote and we only have 3 days.

Im really fearful and the thought of a world with Hillary as president makes me sick to me stomach, and has kept me up at night constantly. The tactics are probably only effective in the reality I perceive, so you're probably right. What a fucking year we live in.


We are working on memes over there. So far we only have one. Read the OP and get started! just in case i didn't link it properly above

Lady Gaga is an evil peodphile.

Should totally spam Hugh Jackman on twitter calling him a fucking pedophile. Any celebrity who hung out with this Satan Podesta chick should be tarred with that brush.

is everyone in hollywood jews?

of course she's evil. most musicians are.

If you want to make a difference head over to this thread and get to work!

We need meme creators and distributors. Operation #PedoFiles is a go!

Dump the rest? I love this kind of shit.

Liberals won't care about this

How do you know that's his favorite artist? You just post random shit you see on twitter, you fuck 4chan pleb?

the 2 bottom ones are weird but the top one is a regular maori (nz) greeting…eskimo kiss type shit.

we know from hillary's emails :^)

I'm so sick of this shit. Where did that cooked human body come from? You have a costume party for rich people, then Alex Jones' intern ads his little Jewish cropping into it.

What email? It said, "this is podesta's favorite artist…" ?

Maybe for a few black Christian people



Why are you fucks so triggered? It's just a party, lad. :^)

Pool's closed, democrat

not for alpha ken

is this related to Holla Forums's investigations or is this just degeneracy?

I knew /fringe/ and Smiley were pedophiles


is this the party podesta was talking about in this pic?

they look like they could be the right ages (7,9,11). this needs to be cross-referenced with the directions he gave to the party in his other e-mail and see if we can pull up any images of the house on google maps.

All Jews can be Satanists, but not all Satanists can be Jews. It's just that Jews infiltrate any and every powerful group they come across.

*They all have to be purged.*

No, you fucktard, and stop trying to spin people in random directions


So this is what Trump meant by drain the swamp?


…I never actually enlarged the picture when this first came out, only saw the thumbnail before. I just realized that's an actual fucking person bathing nude in the mixture of bodily fluids, I thought it was just a sculpture at a glance. Holy fucking shit, that's disgusting and I've seen my fair share of gore.

It's Rotschild, not Rothchild, their name comes from the German word for "red shield".

I'm not even surprised anymore. I'm not sure what I even feel any longer. But, that needs to spread like Hellfire.

Those guys who spent years talking about this and being endlessly mocked must feel a little good right now. Not much of a victory being right about these sick fucks, but at least they were right and are now vindicated.

We need the DOTR and we need it now.

pfff, my captcha when I reported you was literally goyim

and the captcha for this post was npc

thx kek

Is that a Masonic ring on the guy on the right?

Reported for not knowing? Didn't sage shit. Fuck off back infowars

That's a really dank Heqet in the top pic, user.

That's a little weird.

Anyone else sometimes have trouble saving images from Twitter? Very frustrating when a haute cuisine meme comes by and it can't be saved.

What a nice way to lump in every form of mysticism with pedophilia, chum.

It's just chocolate, Right? Right?

Wait, they fucking eat that shit? Oh god, what the fuck… what's wrong with these people? Even actual human sacrifice would be less shocking.

kill yourself pedokike.

Question is, whose blood is that? If they can afford to bring children to these types of events, could they not afford human blood as well?

I suspected the Jews were doing these things, only through a hanging will they stop. By their complete and utter destruction can we ever be free.

The kid's definitely drugged, seeing literal grooming is sickening to everything I value but they have been doing this for millennia, it's how they keep cohesion and become a dominate order within societies which allow them to freely operate.

Don't want to sound to autistic but I see they are siphoning the eternal powers of those in the white race, that's how their god seeks to dominate by absorbing all which can overcome him and thus becoming one without enemy.

That's why Yahweh's (10th letter in Hebrew) symbol is that of the hand and why the Jews want all the world leaders to place their hand upon the western wall so that he will absorb their essence and then they cannot become an enemy to him.

Ugh… heart just sank, OP. Sigh…

I guess some people don't know that, 'Lady Gaga' is a tranny? There's some GOOD photos of it performing during concerts and there's a weird penis and shriveled balls hanging out. They tried to make it out that she's a hermaphrodite at one point but no, that's a male.

God fucking damn it i am sick of you fucking newfags. The jews worship moloch, the kike diety of money and war who demands human sacrifices. "Satanism" is an intentional misnomer because it is a redherring.

Pretty sure it's chocolate syrup. Blood would coagulate very quickly. It would dry up into clots on her body in a hurry too.

I wonder if theirs pictures of lady gaga with a scar on her middle finger

It isn't a red herring. There is satanic symbolism here. The clinton campaign is neck deep in all this weird 'art'

You're either a triggered fedora or larpagan.

You misunderstand you dummy "satanism" incorporates moloch worship. The reason being "omg satanism thank god we pray to g-d". It is a defacto red herring because they are not worshipping the "adversary; evil underworld opposite of god" They are worshipping the kike god himself; i.e. the god of the old testament is fucking moloch. But in having it labeled satanism most morons, like all you fucking newfags, will see this as being "wierd creepy voodoo kinda edgy goth shit" and not literally the kikes simply holding to their very oldest traditions; being evil as fuck.

It's a low argument, everyone in the mainstream is too used to making this sign, they aren't as experienced, it's obvious most of the people who support trump have been learned just the basics, but enough to not be directly with evil, this is nothing special, there's a lot of unsophisticated people who call themselfs awake as well,

Oh so you're a gnostic faggot.

Also, most voters have a family and a job, and other distractions, I don't, and I skipped university because I knew it was a sham, I don't waste time with spending money to get brainwashed girls so I don't have any need to feed any mouths.

So I had a lot more time to do research and study what actually matters, I don't watch movies, listen to music, there's a lot of time that goes to waste with most people, they don't live strategically, they don't have the understanding necessary to know what to do and where to look, their life relies on if they happen to come across the information that is spread out and intended for them, but most of that information isn't meant for deep research, it's meant just to get them to start thinking and start seeing things on the surface, too hardcore get's them immediately blockaded (defence mechanism), but many people don't do their own research even if they know stuff, even if they focus on a topic deeply they lack awareness in other topics, so they always get half or only a bit of the story.

Who are these people? What is this shitty OP? Can someone tell me who the fuck are these people and what are their ties to clinton? I don't know the faces of podesta, weiner or whatever, someone explain, what shit op.

It probably has some hidden ritualistic significance to it, such as "two cultists acknowledge that their minds are aligned".

Remember what the Jewess shaman said? About how a ritual performed in an art gallery is about art, and elsewhere makes it not about art?

In buddhism that may be a common greeting, in Satanism/mollusk worshipping it may be something else entirely different.

Children being brainwashed/initiated into this cult means that this is growing.

Remember how /hebe/+friends screamed that talking shit like "how to groom children" was exercising their freedom of speech? Same mental gymnastics.

That doesn't really matter. What's important is the effects on someone's mind (specially a kid's) and the ritualistic value.

It's as if we used a GET for a decisive Trump victory.

The fact that they do nothing but speak in code words is an indication that these emails aren't forged. Tell someone that they can't stop speaking of $65000 pizzas, pool parties and beings children aged 7, 9, 11; then show the emails in question and a switch on them will come on.

Just google "rothschild ball"

If the FBI does not act on this, after this has gotten blown open, then the Nation will become literally lawless. If that's the case, then people have no reason to follow any of the Nation's laws anymore, except in following our own decency. Theft, murder, kidnapping and rape, bribery, etc. are all within America's purview, and this because the police refuse to act when the powerful are caught doing all of these things. We stand on the cusp of a society about to fall into chaos.


All jews worship Moloch. What christians consider Satan. And vile semitic volcano demon whom lives off the blood of child sacrifices.

Any time jews are involved, you are virtually guaranteed shady evil shit is afoot. Add in some non jew white children and there IS blood in the water. goyim blood.

Emails were found where Podesta Gors to some weird cult woman's 'private' spirit cooking events. She's apparently a friend of Hillary and Huma's as well.

Spirit cooking is mixing shit, piss, blood, and semen and painting with it (and possibly consuming it) as part of satanic larping. She also has messages such as 'cut your middle finger and eat the pain' written in blood and posed with a goat's skull. Hillary's campaign people are neck deep with this weirdo.

She also made a cake of a naked woman with red velvet innards that they consumed, such that it looked as corpse-like as possible.

OP is about the fact that the brought kids to these things, and one of this woman's displays was a nude woman in blood-like syrup that the kids were near.

So it's pretty kike-y and confirms a lot of what Holla Forums has said. This is satanism and pedophilia.

Cops are still going to be cops, except they won't follow king nigger. Your unemployed neighbor isn't going to whip out his dick for harambe and go rape your dog.

It's a given that niggers are going to chimp out.

A post collapse government would most likely have military officers not talking about kike generals at the top, as some sort of nobility given that they have the knowledge and guns; and of course their military rank and whatever medals they earned won't just disappear the minute

Notice the tiled bathroom walls. Easier to clean the blood that way.

And remember this. If you have children, after they come for you, your children become this to them. Nobody went out searching for these lost children to save them, and nobody is going to go out hunting for yours either. You have to win, or your direct line is forfeit.



Is it ironic when someone accused of being a concern troll straight up says he is concerned about something none of us are?


Nobody asked for your endorsement, faggot. Shut up and sit down.


He's not fooling anyone.

Cops won't be cops if their enforcement is being stifled. The unemployed neighbor may not whip out his dick to fuck my dog, but he might want to fuck my wife and daughter at gunpoint. And why the Hell not? The cops don't care about anything but maintaining a society of the powerful, and their covering their own backsides in the process. Yea, this is literally the end of civilized society. It won't happen overnight, of course, but the Hillary Campaign is leaving an indelibly destructive signal that laws are meaningless in our society, a signal which will only grow in prominence, not diminish, until the people of our society either finally to do what the police cannot and with this shit in a violent purge, or the entirety of America succumbs to evil and dissolves. If the FBI don't act, when everyone can see this shit taking place, most likely both of these scenarios will come to pass.
The media will tell us nothing is happening.

Any militarily enforced organization may come later on, once chaos has spread.
The media will tell us nothing is happening.

And to top it off, Hillary wants to start WW3 with Russia. Now that we all know that she's a fucking satanist, how's that gonna go down?
The media will tell us nothing is happening.

also reminder that the person is menstruating

I hope you all pedos get behind bars

I can't even imagine the pain those children ,and the ones we will never know, are being subjected.
I feel like vomiting

helpers and supporters are also going to burn

are you afraid little man?
we will not grant you a quick death

What the fuck, Hugh.
Anyone pestered his twitter about it yet?

CNN is basically a propaganda machine for the rest of the world.

They won't forget their training entirely and stop behaving like people doesn't apply to female cops

Only if he's a nigger or a turk, and even then, he could do it right fucking now, nothing's stopping him as the punishment isn't even death as we have cuck laws and you aren't going to shoot him because if he gets to the point of being able to fuck your wife+daughter at gunpoint you never really had any guns of your own, it's just jail time.

Well, they are getting paid to enforce these things called laws.

A cop isn't the head of the FBI.

Hillary+CNN+King nigger.

You're forgetting that Trump exists as the Half-Life: Opposing Force™ to them.

Local cops are going to join in against Hillary or accept the cucking, they aren't some extremely loyal and genetically engineered ZOGbots yet

I fail to see a reason why PMCs or other military organizations won't rush to secure key assets (right-leaning population centers, farms, resources such as oil, factories) before chaos fucks them up and there's nothing left to pick.

Wait a couple more days.

MSM is going to tell you how Clinton got all 666 voter-bux before anyone even uploads the results.

Why are you so concerned about the media, a propaganda machine, that only works on Venezuela-tier foreigners? CNN's approval ratings are even lowers than my chances to grab someone by the pussy.

Could be worse.

They may as well be using all those missing children/women cases to make more children just for (((pizza parties))) for the whole family.

The only thing you can do with the children that have been initiated into this shit is kill them.

I don't think there's anything you can do to delete the satan-worshipping programming from their minds. Same thing as kids that suffered sexual abuse turning out to be pedos.


Nothin' wrong with children and Satanic parties…
… as long as sex and blood a part of the party.


It is known in esoteric circles as the "Soul's Kiss" or the "Communion of Souls." It's basically the inverse "Namaste."

Namaste refers to the phrase "The light in me honors the light in you." However, they do this as a mockery to mean "The darkness in me honors the darkness in you." They do this greeting, not out love or friendship, but as a tongue-in-cheek nod at the "stupidity" of people who are unaware of their actual spiritual beliefs and associated degeneracy.

I just read that Pedophile Joe Biden's daughter (

and got really depressed.


Hell is other people

If you open the image as a pop-out window you can't right click them, just close the window then do it.

Also might wanna grab an image extractor, I use Image Picker for FF:

not exactly looking like the porno there. powdered tyrone

Looks more like a pool


A Huge Jacked Man?

Is that little Asuka? Geez no wonder she was cray-cray…

pls post screenshots

Spread it with direct links in the line. Make sure evidence is there at all times. Spam it with the evidence everywhere. And I mean everywhere. Twitter, facebook, instagram, snapchat, omegle, what the fuck ever. if it exists it must be saturated with images of what these people do and also with links and evidence describing the more illegal elements to show of what they do.

What the fuck is happening Holla Forums ? this is way to deep for me. ;_;

They're shockingly legit

this user gets it

Is that Hugh Jackman with the glasses on his shirt?

That looks like MacGuyver in the white shirt

You have a good point.

Guys spread the project veritas video. Hillarys campaign dressing homeless people up as bernie sanders supporters to provoke violence at trump rallies will likely have more of an effect than occult rituals unless you can prove they commited sacrifices / rape.

Most people are so degenerated they wouldn't see anything wrong with it either way. If they have no problem with miley cyrus a child star wearing a strap-on at her concerts they will have no problem with naked blood covered people for the sake of ""art"".

The jokes on you Chaim, I redpilled my mother last night because of Spirit Cooking videos and convinced her to not vote for Hillary.

If they don't care about this they won't care about that either…

So has anyone pictured in this party given an official explanation? Just - what could they possibly say, how the fuck do you spin something like this?

Holy shit I love these Alex Jones clips

For some weird reason, they're some of the most motivating things I've come across


Auto-da-fé now not tomorrow.

Well… yeah, I thought it was obvious.

Aggressive / Disruptive Behavior -Its Asuka

Excessively Active - Its Asuka

Cruelty to Others / Cruelty to Pets - Its Asuka

Recurring nightmares; Disturbed sleep patterns, Fear of the dark - Disturbed sleep, getting in bed next to Shinji during that twin angel episode

Unusual interest in and/or knowledge of sexual matters - Interested in Kaji for damn sure

Expressing affection in ways that are inappropriate for a child of that age - Exposing her breasts to Kaji on the Over the Rainbow as shown by the Aeriel episode

Inappropriately exposing their Body / Genitals at home and/or in public - See above

Sexual Acting Out / Inappropriate Sexual Play - Same as above, plus the kiss with Shinji

Overly Compliant Behavior - With all her bluster, she always follows orders. Which is unusual for a teenage girl.

False Maturity / Mature Appearance and/or Behavior, inappropriate for their age (Acting or Dressing Older) / Heightened Sense of Responsibility / Devotion to Duty - Attempts to woo Kaji, attempting to be an "elite" Eva pilot

Difficulty learning in school / Inability to Concentrate / Short Attention Span / May appear to have a learning disorder / Appears to be hyperactive (may even be diagnosed as ADD / ADHD) - Her grades in a Tokyo-3 middle school even after receiving a college diploma. (Granted, its in Kanji, so maybe not this one.)

Extreme and/or unexplained Anger - Its Asuka

Running Away - The first thing she does when she thinks she's useless

Low Self Worth - She believes she's only useful as a pilot. Her worth is an occupation that's only going to last a year at most.

Self Destructive Behavior / Self-Harm / Self-Mutilation (Cutting, Burning) - Bathtub scene

Seductive Behavior / Promiscuous Behavior - Over the Rainbow scene again, occasional attempts to get Shinji's attention

Low Self-Esteem vs. Something to Prove - Its Asuka

Mood Swings - Its Asuka

Sudden change in school performance & behavior - That college degree, 13 year olds don't suddenly get college degrees. What changed?

Arriving at School Early / Staying Late - Possibly how she got that degree

Difficulty forming relationships / Poor Peer Relationships / Avoidance of Relationships - Its Evangelion

Signs of PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder) - Its Evangelion

Suicide Thoughts / Attempts and/or Suicide - Bathtub scene

I think that after her mother "committed suicide" (I actually think she was murdered, because what hospital allows a mental patient have anything they can hand themselves with?) she got fostered or adopted by an elite SEELE couple, couple in the upper echelons German government or finance, or highly placed at NERV/GEHRIN and got sexually abused by them/ their friends/ other elites. ("Come fuck the little girl who's going to save the world!" Would be something delectable for the decadent sort.) As an escape from the abuse, she turned to her education, school likely being the one place she wasn't getting abused. (Too many witnesses, plus her adopted parents may have put value on their little Eva pilot getting an elite-level education).

Agent Kaji inadvertently saved her from that without his knowledge, hence why Asuka likes him so… However, the only way she knows how to thank him is to offer her body, because "All men are perverts."

jay-z is such a disgusting coon

Source? Where do these photos come from and when were they taken? Can we identify who these people are?

you've been busy this weekend haven't you?

Podesta brother:
“I am so looking forward to the Spirit Cooking dinner at my place. Do you think you will be able to let me know if your brother is joining?”The act of spirit cooking involves Abramović using pig’s blood as a way of connecting with the spiritual world, to cook up thoughts rather than food. A video of the practice shows her writing various statements with the blood, such as “with a sharp knife cut deeply into your middle finger eat the pain”.

Now What is Spirit Cooking?
That's why we're scrutinizing Marina's works of (((art))).

is that Anthony Bourdain in the red shirt on the far right?

nevermind, definitely isn't him unless he had cosmetic ear surgery.

you see the guy in the middle with the white shirt? Look directly behind him. Looks like usher

well your first problem is that you're a fucking idiot and don't you ever associate filthy redheaded shits with aryans you motherfucker.
I'll stab you in the mouth.

nah that's probably Kanye :^)

I get what you're saying though. I'm dying to know who these other people are though. Like that guy in the top hat, the woman between Hugh Jackman and red-shirt guy, and the woman on the far left in the blue.

That goes for all redheads are shit and should be treated as such. Don't you ever fucking call them aryan again. AND STOP GIVING A FUCK ABOUT WHAT HAPPENS TO THEM.
It's for the best that they die.

Do you see the red guy on the roof? I wonder wtf that's all about

nigger these people wouldn't be here if they weren't SOMEBODIES in either Hollywood or with some serious connections. All these cultists need ousting.

What? Source on underage=chickens or I call bullshit
We also ran with map=semen with no fucking source whatsoever. The FBI symbology page for pedo logos is fantastic, and we should aim for that type of source before we accept as fact these weak claims coming from a single user

No wonder Rei is so superior

uhhh can confirm
cannot unsee
also I'm v& fuck


Can somebody click and explain what's going on ? I'm afraid if I do the cops will arrest me.

I always knew the largest Ackman was a faggot.

guy who owns comet ping pong pizza place has an instagram and he took a photo at a museum of a painting of young girl vaginal penetration + asshole spreading.

fuckin' wew

So is it art or is it pedo ?

Fucking creepy and weird. The rabbit hole never fucking ends.


…Jesus Christ, that's horrifying and disgusting. Send that fucker a one-way ticket to the 10th circle of hell!


Modern art was a mistake

chocolate sauce and menstrual blood

Is it a well done painting or some lena dunham's dad tier painting ?

it's a very realistic painting, i thought it was a photo at first. I can't unsee it though. Kill me please;

Ok, I clicked. There's no way it's not real.


Is this a fake corpse btw?

I clicked too.

…I am fucking disgusted, horrified and outraged. We need to execute these motherfuckers and their families.

Good god. Please tell me your joking.

user, read the other replies. Do you think we're joking? This isn't some sort of joke where the link is actually some dumb shock site like walkthedinosaur or something.

Save your own mind and don't listen to your morbid curiosity. It looks like an actual close up photo. I can feel the vomit rising in my throat.

Don't click user. Save yourself.

I dont want to click it, but i have the feeling were being fucked with.

jesus, these people are sick

Is that meant to be Baphomet?
Doesn't Baphomet have a penis instead of a vag? Futa is literally Satanic.

Brothers. I take some backhanded pride in knowing this election will be won thanks to a few more unscrupulous pedophiles.

2nd pic like (((Balthus))) sans the talent.

delete your life


These fucking comments. Jesus, artfags. How about somebody whips up a quick sketch of some Zyklon B for you fuckers.

maybe hugh jackman was only there to do some classic ozzy IRL trolling?

wolverine, why?


Same 'artist' from Pizzaguy's Instagram also did nudie pix of Lady Gaga.

That whole fucking tag has been a showstopper. It's the main reason we are getting shilled this hard. We found pay dirt.

You're wrong, goyim. We know art, and we know the difference between good art and bad art. You're probably just not sophisticated enough to appreciate the transgressive deconstruction of normative relational interrogatory gestalts the way (((we))) are. You're no better than that clownish buffoon you worship. I mean, who would want to go back to this maudlin tripe, when you could have pictures of bored schwartzes next to child rape? Now that's life-enhancing, goy!

So I was right, it's not a painting.

makes me rage

Can't say for sure. The artist, (((Jeff Koons))), does paintings, sculptures, and other media crap.

Now now, goy. Calm down. Here, let me show you some real art, okay? Let's enhance Western so-called Civilization with some actual culture. Maybe you and the other gentiles could learn a thing or two from this:



the plot thickens

Women really believe that they are masters of all because men want to stuff a cock in their holes, making the pussy a powerful and dominant entity.

A pussy is like a pizza or gyro to a drunk. It's "power" is mundane and fleeting at best.

Further, you can get their sort of pizza and gyro anywhere… it's half the population. What sort of beta is going to sacrifice everything for one pizza, when you can simply go out and get another?

or make your own.

Spineless faggots/ """real men""", that's who.


Fucking kidding me.

Holy shit. No wonder the Comet Ping Pong guy likes him so much.

probably referring to pic related in the link. It's not saying that a white handkerchief in your pockets is to signal you're a pedo, it's to say that if you actually put a KEWPIE DOLL in your pockets, that will identify you as someone who likes underage.

The children are the party, user.

What a fucking coincidence.

Koons has also produced some fine wine-related commissions. In December 2012, Chateau Mouton Rothschild announced that Koons was the artist for their 2010 vintage label

from his wikipedia page

Those cohencidences piling up even when getting sidetracked… 'tis a fun ride.

That would explain the $40 million mega mansion in Manhattan then. He's got eight kids, too. One of them by Cicciolina, who took the child and absconded to Italy.

It's like you guys don't know how this works. The people in charge of protecting runaways and orphans are the ones in charge of trafficking them. How do you think such a huge network functions with virtually none of the big dogs ever getting nabbed?

What in the fuck is even going on anymore?
What is this election?
Someone please explain













RWDS NOW!!!!!!!!

Satanist kikes being exposed.

The thing that bothers me most about this idea is that we have no rally point. When RWDS happens, what do we do? Just run out into the streets and hope we meet an ally before an enemy?


Yeah. We should all decide on a location and meet up in public. Call it a trial run.
Nice try alphabet soup.

See, that's the problem. There's no opportunity for us to network safely.

OP wrote
my brain had read
oh my god, this thread is interesting but was way more, before I figured out what is really written

He is hermaphrodetic which is signified by the spiraling snakes.
And Baphomet is actually a bastardisation of Mahomet. The Templars brought this to Europe from the crusades by being in contact with Levantine mystery cults and orders, like the Assassiyun

So baphomet is a sand nigger ?

You dumb niggers that's his wife.

Jeff Koons - Ilona's Asshole - Made In Heaven

Get a look at this.



I know about that video and the Podesta e-mail, I asked: "Where do these photos come from and when were they taken?" OP posted photos, not a video. I want to know the source.

they just cant help themelves can they

youre fucking right unfortunately, college "liberal" types that have been inundated with outlandish claims and have never bothered to look into them(big thanks in part to seedman jones) will instantly dismiss this kind of stuff, unless theres a bonafide picture of hilary dressed up as a satanic priestess with a little girls tongue up her ass it wont have much of an effect im afraid.

Its still good that this shit is trending (i hope) but if you want to confront a berkeley broad on killary this is probably not the right path to take, better to go with something like Scott adams reasoning

it's real:

NEW YORK, NY 10001

If he's friends with James Alefantis then he knows his boyfriend David Brock.

"Koons is a member of the Board of Directors of the International Centre for Missing & Exploited Children (ICMEC), a global nonprofit organization that combats child sexual exploitation, child pornography, and child abduction."

Now that's interesting.

you're right it's not child porn, it's just porn

why are the polacks so based

try the mobile mode ( it makes saving pics/vids easier, esp when there's multiple images in one tweet.

Do you think that any of these fucks will get the punishment they deserve? Is there a realistic chance for that to happen?

Do you remember that old history lesson that told about when marie antionette said something about cake? You may be watching a repeat of that in real time.

If you open the image as a pop-out window you can't right click them, just close the window then do it.

Also might wanna grab an image extractor, I use Image Picker for FF:

Look at this insta by his friend, lots of really suspicious coincidences. Concentrate on everything yellow. (Yellow King?)

I think its a kind of map/declaration for the pedophilia network.

Guys this is retarded. The pedo shit is bad, but since when do we care for satanism? Does CTR think Holla Forums is some christian board? Also do you think normies will care if they go to some abstract modern art shit?

The point I'm trying to make is that this stuff doesn't hurt Hillary, it just makes us look like some Alex Jones tier shitters. Find something that actually hurts her, like the pedo thing. This satanist meme just suddenly turned up right when people looked into pedoshit, right? Seems like a nice destraction. And shills start to push people "meme it!". This isn't realy dirt. Noone will care other than evangelical christians who for the most part are GOP anyways. The swing voters (aka normie and libs) wont care about some artsy pseudo-occult stuff. They will care for child trafficing tho!

I am freaking out. There's a butterfly and a spiral shelled snail. Look at the yellow child-sized skull. Lots of skulls.

My hearty is pounding really fast, I feel sick. This account is a fucking brochure for buying children. Cheese menu. "Lunch" times are posted. Locations are posted by photos of premises.

You sound like freemason going damage control. Kill yourself.

"Satanism" is just what the mainstream normies call it.

Old/pol/ knows it by its real name. Sabbateanism, or Sabbatean-Frankism.

The Sabbatean-Frankist cult was made popular within Judaism by Mayer Amschel Rothschild and Jacob Frank in the 18th century.

Here's a Jew who served in the IDF, Barry Chamish, spilling the beans on the cult:

EVERYTIME the discussion shifts to calling out the obvious satanism in elite circles these faggots prop using with either one of these:

I believe their demons force them to respond to this shit instantly, they're not even shills, they're just a bunch of dumb faggots who got into the wrong circles and believed too many lies.

I like the whole good vs evil concept ,very simple and effective

I don't see those pictures. Archive everything and post links.

What's up with the red head's eyes?

Her mind is probably in another dimension. They keep the kids drugged all the time.


This pleases me.

I'm a thoroughbred /fringe/fag. I've been deep into occult studies since I was an underage b& and I'm about as far from a christcuck as you could possibly imagine. And believe me, the particular flavor of loosh these people are playing with is not the type of shit healthy people want anything to do with. This isn't a "Marylin Manson going on Phil Donahue in the 90s to shock a bunch of baby boomer soccer moms" brand of satanism were dealing with here.

As others have said, "satanism" is a misnomer for the banner these people rally under anyway.

Nigger you had best start believing in HP Lovecraft novels. You're in one.

even if no further explanation ever comes forward, I have already seen enough to know what needs to be done.

What ever happened to that long time pedophile, who is now a respected actor and family man or whatever. I remember it was supposed to be leaked a while back but nothing ever came of it and it was supposedly a big one.

Anyone else remember that? Seeing him in this picture at this even triggered my memory about that.


great post

They aren't racist, they rape kids of all races.

Miley would be exactly my type if it wasn't for the degeneracy.

Isn't Satanism just an even edgier version of athiesm?

Doesn't surprise me non-religious jews love to participate in this degenerate mockery of Christ.

You got it backwards. Atheism and new age is the timid version of satanism for normies.

Fuck off christfag. We worship Kek here, not a dead kike on a stick.

I think it was a RadarOnline article and it was in September. Early September? We don't know who it is yet. He could be blackmailed by some magazines too so that's why his name hasn't been revealed. He's the one said to have sexually abused Corey Haim.

Both of you baiting faggots can fuck off derailing. This thread is about fucked up shit the elite do at their parties. Eating chocolate syrup and menstrual blood off some whore's body is fucked up regardless of whether it's satanic.

No, CTR. Satanism is Satanism, atheism is atheism. Atheists don't rape and sacrifice children or perform perverted rituals in hopes of gaining power, Satanists do. Regardless, we don't need someone "edgy" in the Whitehouse unless you want WW3.

Can't wait till this election's is over tbh, everyone on Holla Forums seems a bit antsy to accuse everyone else of being CTR or derailling when the reality is no one gives a rats ass about this place.


>Source? Where do these photos come from and when were they taken?

OP where are you? What's the source of these photos? You should have at least explained the context.

I just had to post this.
Sage for off-topic

have you seen lady gaga's twitter today? She's tweeting at trump saying he's a bully and how he's "dividing our country" with his "hate". Hasnt yet addressed eating chocolate menstral blood off of a woman though.

Rothschild. Old spelling of Rot is Roth, pronounced the same. Same reason Neaderthals are still spelt that why even though the Neander Valley is now spelt Tal not Thal.

that fourth image wasn't from the rothschild party, fool. It's a foam and latex sculpture

Seems legit. Now, why would someone make this?

What the fuck is spirit cooking even supposed to be? What's the point of it?

It's a not-so-subtle way of warning participants that they are going to Hell.

you need to tl;dr that

that doesn't seem legit at all. really looks like a cooked human meat

reminds me of….

This is all connected.

looks fake

That's Hugh Jackman.

Notice how many celebs are involved in this?

you know full well what that shit is

no one fucking knows it's a young girl

Stop jumping to unsubstantiated conclusions.

Great analysis! You get a gold star!

I'm not going to derail this thread with the "CERN sacrifice" stuff but CERN made a statement that it was basically a prank. We never found out who any of the people involved were, especially the one that was "stabbed". I can't say definitively what happened, but there was a ton of digging at the time that showed this to be, at the very least extremely suspicious. Red on the knife, super high security, non-public area that must've been under surveillance, breaking numerous hostel rules (even if it was a "prank"), etc. I'm going to leave it at that as to not derail.

Niggers, it literally has nothing to do with the Rothschild ball. I've seen that image many times before and have researched it. Everything I found said it was a piece of art.

Not Clint Eastwood last time I checked. Or Bruce Willis.

i don't wish to derail either but i think general concensus was that none of us could be totally certain either way. There was a ton of suspicious stuff that made it look like a hoax as well, like filming from a window with the light on behind you, knowing exactly when to start filming, etc.

from the couple threads i was in, we basically came to the conclusion that it might be fake, it might be real, none of us would be surprised which one it actually is.

Everybody is talking about Wolverine but no one is mentioning

You mean like the second post afterwards?

And yet hardly anyone is taking note of it.

(((everything)) said it was art

I bet next you'll be saying we shouldn't spread this because it "makes trump supporters look bad"



You are saging a sticky btw (I guess there are 10 stickies so the bump order matters a little bit… but I digress)

You can clearly see he was in a hood (he was "in on it" whatever that means) based on his reflection in the window. The point isn't whether it's real or fake, but that it happened at all, given the high security nature of the CERN compound. He was also filming from inside a building which has no photos of its interior (aka higher security building then the hostel in which the probable visiting students would have been staying in) My conclusion was that, whatever it was that happened, at the very least, the CERN security had to have been aware of it beforehand, as to not disrupt it. Also they built a deck over the gravel ground in that courtyard shortly thereafter, which can be seen from google maps.

Ok that's actually as far as I'm going to take this for now.

I would love to see someone assassinate Lady Gaga.

Like in those ISIS videos, where they have ultra slow motion.

This whole shit show has really drawn battle lines. We know day by day which celebrities need to be executed. Very few will be left alive when the day of reckoning comes.

Holy shit, you're fucking dumb. That picture has been posted on chans for years, and it's clearly not from the Rothschild ball. Some idiot decided to add it to the infographic to poison the well. When I first saw it years ago I thought it was real, but after reverse-searching the image and doing some reasearch, everything said it was a piece of art. No one's stopping you from doing the same thing, you mental reject.

Open the browser console and click the "Network" tab.
Whenever a page loads an image, a link to the image URL will show up in there.

Browser console key shortcut = F12.

the go to /fringe/ or /x/
This doesnt HELP in the fucking elections. No normie will care how you call it or what it is. Even if it's true no normie will CARE or change his vote over this. Child trafficing is what makes people worried, especially people with children or siblings. You're being the involunteerily shilly shills here by distracting from things that actually could help Trump get more votes.

People should be caring about both. Demon worship and child trafficking are both huge deals.

demon worship after the electiosn sure. But it wont help before. Good look going around telling people to vote for trump because hillary is a satanist. You will just look like a crazy alex jones supporter who goes on about the NWO nazi lizards or something. Normies don't care

Did I ever say I thought it was from the Rothschild ball series? You should question authority a little more.

It's having a huge effect with the American and Hispanic populations you pitiful fucking shill. Do you think people don't see your concern trolling for what it is CTR?

I don't know, the same you justify embed related?
Parties like that are stories of the week, did you even remember the tunnel ceremony half a year later?

You mean jesus warriors in the bible belt states who are the only ones who give a fuck?`Give me a break you idot. This whole satanism shit is only making Trump supporters look silly to battle ground state voters. People in these states always joke about the "crazyness" of right wing conspiracy theorists. And now just before the election when these ppl might not vote democrats for the first time in their lifes they see a bunch of posters around "Hillary is a satanist! Don't vote for the illuminaty". Blue states don't give a fuck for religious stuff.

Can we investigate the obvious child trafficing? It's the only thing that would sway blue states.

yeah i forgot this was a sticky, i think the mods have totally forgotten the purpose of a fucking sticky.

we do agree on one thing, that it happened at all was fucking retarded. I myself lean more to the hoax side of things, but if we someday find out it was actually real, I'm not going to blink a goddamn eye.

The original image was posted in that Rothschild ball infographic, you blithering moron. I responded to refute it, and then you popped in spewing your autism.
Why shouldn't I trust a bunch of separate sources all claiming that image is art when I searched it up a few years ago? It was never anything political.

Holy shit this concern defeatist shill is still going.

it's one of the bigger downsides of being a Holla Forumsack. our paranoia and hyper defensiveness has its place, but it oftentimes makes it difficult to have an actual, honest conversation about something, many times because you have retards screaming "shill" and "faggot" just to fit in and other, somewhat older morons doing the same thing because they don't actually get what you're saying and misinterpret your words.

Keep kvetching, faggot. Nobody fell for your shilling, and now we're all paranoid loons, huh? The "paranoia" or critical thinking as it should be called is our main strength. Remember the TRS shills in their private group bitching how we don't fall for their bullshit? You're basically doing the same thing right now.

dude, what? are you responding to the right guy? i wasn't talking to you and i haven't shilled for or against anything in this thread. I already claimed that our paranoia has its place, so you saying it's our strength is redundant. Instead you just proved the point of my previous post down to the word.

I'll give you the benefit of the doubt but check IDs next time. If you actually meant to respond to me, do me a favor and explain how exactly im a shill and what im shilling. The only thing i really talked about in this thread with another user was about that weird CERN "sacrifice" or whatever it was.

Yes he looks like him. That's why I asked two times and where do these photos come from, when were they taken and what's the context. Because OP is a massive useless faggot who can't even explain where he got the pictures.

It must have been at some kind of expo of modern shitty art or something. This isn't a secret satanic party.


Nigger, this photo is not child pornography. It's called "Ilona's asshole" and this woman Ilona was Jeff Koons' wife for a few years and she's was a porno actress at the time:*




“There are many pieces in Made in Heaven that I enjoy very much. I mean, Ilona’s Asshole is just a wonderful image — I feel it’s my version of Courbet’s The Origin of the World.”

Could this mean that another "transaction" might be coming?

say what oyu want but i want to dick the satanist lady in black

wait a second
that's a real person
bathing in a mix of shit and random fluids?

I'd like to see a recent ass shot of her to be sure it's her because now I doubt it

There is a theory about the victim, a missing woman. Not to derail but

I don't know how old she is on that particular photo or when it was taken but it was officially released in 1991

Jeff Koons
Ilona’s Asshole

Wikipedia isn't the most reliable place for information but she was married to Jeff Koons for a while. If you do a search with "Jeff Koons" + ilona you'll get results.

Here's another photo:


Now that is an actual child, a girl an actual paedophile would be attracted to, she's not a young adult. She looks about 6 or 7, not 12. Learn the difference people.

Why aren't we spreading this like cancer?
Soccer moms will flip!

fake, camera man overacted too much.
Fake fake fake fake fake.

that's lady gaga


Contrarian here, people like to call me a hipster. In my honest opinion, all this satanism, occultism, spirit cooking, etc; it's just pretentious faggotry. It's not even cool. Black metal in it's time was cool 'satanism' (despite no one in the scene being an actual satanist), they used the aesthetic to shock and deviate from the average commercial death metal band. That fact that this was behind closed doors bleeds pseudo-intellectualism; they thought this was actually intriguing, there's no irony here, they got to the top and this was the best they could do.

The illuminati is mediocre.


I don't believe that for a second. Trump may already have the white evangelical vote. Spics are already used to that sort of corruption. Besides that, they just want to take our soil just like the mudslimes do. This is the only thing that will keep those people home.

you are the faggest.


even if we disguised it as a "ping pong club", the alphabeth would be all over it and some blue pilled outsider might accidentally join it.

"FBI raid ping pong club, 14 year old asian boy confused as fuck when handcuffed"

She paints a pentagram on her stomach and summons demons you moron.

Yea, nah, it's fake faggot.

>Because OP is a massive useless faggot who can't even explain where he got the pictures.

It looks like this is the source: 21st Annual Watermill Summer Benefit

getty* summer benefit

Annual Watermill Center Summer Benefit & Auction

“This is arguably the art world’s party of the summer: a performance art extravaganza set on the wooded Hamptons property that surrounds Robert Wilson’s Watermill Center.”


"The Watermill Center, as we know it, opened to the public in 2006. It consists of a 20,000+ square foot building and eight-and-a-half acre grounds and sculpture gardens. In addition to the long-standing International Summer Program, expanded programming in the fall and spring include an Artist-in-Residence Program, workshops and classes, conferences and lectures, and a variety of local and international educational partnership programs."

Koons's wife at the time was a porn actress known as La Cicciolina. So it is not CP you dumb fuck

She even was a member of the Chamber of Deputies in Italy

Guys, i'm sorry to ressurect the thread, but i need this pic of naked Marina standing in a field for an article. Can't find it. Plz halp

This is an underrated post

All satanism/occult/blood ritual etc. stuff aside, this would make an excellent argument against the Clinton campaign.
Remember how Hillary made that ad about Trump saying lewd stuff and asking 'is this who you want influencing our little girls' or whatever?
Well look at this shit - nevermind *saying* possibly lewd stuff in private, Clinton is perfectly okay with children being brough to events like this!

It's 100% jewish. OT is chock full of this blood sprinkling sacrifice madness.

Let's not even get started discussing the central theme of the NT.

fuckin shame. Even if this occult ritual shit is all just show it matters not. This is all examples of their decadent extravagance. Throughout history when the elite get to arrogant about their vanity and decadence the end of their reign is usually coming.

>Clinton is perfectly okay with children being brough to events like this!

Moron, pay more attention next time. The event is this: the 21st Annual Watermill Summer Benefit. As far as we know it doesn't have anything to do with the Clintons, it's just some shitty modern art center named Watermill Center and socialites & celebrities attend their annual benefit.

Is it the same thing Podesta went to? If not it you're right, it might make that argument a bit too reaching.
Either way, I meant it more in the context of the leaders of the Clinton campaign in general, and the celebrities they support and who support them.

No, the Spirit Cooking thing mentioned in the Podesta e-mails is one of the brothers inviting the other one to a 'Spirit Cooking' performance by Marina Abramovic at his home. (I think it was Tony Podesta who invited John). It was a private performance. OP's photos are from a public event, the 21st Annual Watermill Summer Benefit of the Watermill Center , some modern art school/center. Marina Abramovic and Lady Gaga and other celebrities went to this public event and were photographed.