Previous dox thread hit it's cap.
Some anons found out that Austyn Crites frequented a creepy ass house that used to be a daycare, owned by a pedophile.

Little stars on earth:

Pee wee's playhouse (yes really):

Thread #1: |

Austyn Crites - Co-founder and President, Rockzip Highballoons, Reno, Nv. 574-333-4544.

Other urls found in this thread:


Hmm, Little Stars on Earth is listed from 2000 to present despite that it seems to have been renamed to Pee Wee's Playhouse in 2005, have they actually been there in the last 10 years?

Forgot to link the previous thread:

Little Stars on Earth was the one owned by the pedophile, I'm guessing ownership was then transferred to her sister and she renamed it to Pee Wee's playhouse. We're still trying to figure out what this has to do with this crites faggot

I've probably driven right past that house before.

The pedoprison ones are sept 2013, the ones that look "normal" are from 2007


Found a link guys
Based in Michigan City

From the other thread.

David Brian Loutzenhiser owns the KB Electric truck
(219) 872-4639

What a fuckin weirdo

My best guess so far is that he bought this for his business (but why the fuck michigan city of all places), and he's going to design his balloons in a pedo child jail

Well, it's from 2013. He could have been trying to flip houses in the ghetto for a quick buck. If you'd turn on a home and garden channel back then, they had shows running 24/7 about that shit. Buy a home, paint the walls, and sell it to a dumb nig for double the price.

What are the odds that this Crites guy was diddled himself and then groomed to be a foot soldier for the global pedo ring?

Expired website


He still has it, it looks like. He bought it for $10k in 2013, and that's when it was last sold. Before then, it looks like it was sold a few times in 2012. Can't find much more info, creepy pedo house might be a deadend.



It used to be two different daycares. It doesn't make sense why that's painted on there though, since that wasn't there between the time of the daycares and when our favorite gunman bought the place

I think it's definitely worth investigating. Almost more than why what happened happened. Almost.

Crites might actually be a tie between Statfor

Geopolitical intelligence, economic, political, and military strategic forecasting

Following the logic of pizza/hot dog code theory they are engaging in some strange activity, or they waste a lot of tax payer money importing common foods from a city that isn't that far away.

-Stratfor seems to be staffed with crazy pedos and very jew laden
-Austyn Crites is listed in a Stratfor doc "paid domestic"
-Crites also appears to have a shady pedo business

More to this?

Am I just reaching?

So you guys are basically saying that this guy who attempted to assassinate Trump is probably some brainwashed foot soldier in league with the Satanic Pedo cult?

These theories get stranger by the day.

It hasn't even begun to get strange yet.

I mean…

I didn't say anything about a cult but pedo yeah prob



A small group that operates in secrecy and will shame/kill anyone who goes against them or tries to leave, also with proven evidence of strange ritual behaviour. I think a "cult" is definitely what we are dealing with.

I have a question, did you guys managed to found if he uses a black jeep or he's related to one ? This is really important.

This shit for grammar tells me you're either retarded, or trying to derail this thread, friend.

Nobody talks of the Little St James island anymore? What were the conclusions about this one?


they're still doing that shit, anons.

the real kicker is that niggers are the ones doing it to themselves now in Detroit and the Metro

That's genuinly preferable to the homes being rigged up with pennies to get electricity and being used as rape/crack houses. Although I suppose they still get used that way just somewhat classier.

It's a moot point because those hoods get closed demolished and sold to the chinese wholesale when the water/elec grid becomes too much to maintain.

So who is the guy with the red truck. is there any significance / connection?

I mean Section 8 stuff is below shit-tier and never looks classy. I don't know if you ever go around there, but, almost all the section 8 houses that are done by niggers? It is absolutely awful.

If you're getting a house or working on one in section 8; you basically are going to get a shit house with more problems then you asked to have. There's also the fact niggers don't clean up after themselves whether it is work or not. Worst workers you could ever hire unless it involves moving/picking up shit. (kek)

You also have to deal w/ the fact that if you're gonna try to own any of these houses. Anyone you get them from who is foreign or a nigger? They usually haven't paid property taxes on them for awhile.

Pretty much was just mentioning the fact that some hoods are being sold off in large tracts. It usually starts (beyond the decay) with notice that police enforcement will end there. And is made more obvious with busted water mains all over. The remaining residents get resettled into section 8 elsewhere (places white like Monroe County)

These are facts that are evidence pointing in that direction.

The guy went from being a blood harvester to being a child care provider, and suddenly he has a barbeque joint. "Bloodiest beef in the Reach…"

It's not who you are underneath. It's what you do that defines you. (Bane achievement unlocked.) We are collecting evidence about what this guy does; speculating about the motivations, Satanic or otherwise, can be helpful for pattern recognition if evidence continues to support it.

He may not be a Satanic pedo, but maybe just a stopping point on the left's perverted version of the Underground Railroad. That wold explain the childcare business - it would remove suspicion about different children coming and going, possibly being picked up and dropped off by different people.

If he has experience in phlebotomy, then he could be collecting young blood (transfusions temporarily reverse aging - it was published recently in scientific literature) for (((elites))) in their modern-day version of blood libel.

Also note that he had a bbq joint as well. Easy way to dispose of carcasses.

Which of the bad guys came out unscathed at the end of Breaking Bad again? Oh yeah, Jesse the cuck, Skylar the womyn, and (((Saul Goodman))) the friends-with-everyone lawyer that gained our trust soooo much that he gets his own spinoff show! Watch the end game on this whole thing laddies to see who scurries where!

The fucking memes… Please no one watch violent jack.

I remember this.

Creepy as fuck.

Requesting this literature/source.

The worst part about niggers man other than the rape and noise is that they think maintainence is below them, and that pussy comes above everything possible.
Hell, one nigger had a fridge full all the way to the back of different kinds of bottled drink to impress the vaginas coming over to his place, an expensive entertainment system with two consoles to distract their pussay's niglets while he creates more and the funniest thing about his setup was how much he went out of his way to tempt fatties with an entire closet/freezer of junkfood all paid for by section 8 cheap rent and welfare bennies that whitey slaves for.
Here's his video of his setup and explanation:

Peewee Herman was portrayed by Paul Rubens who was both a sex offender and a jew (both pretty rare! now that's what I like to call a coincidence). Just like Jared Fogle, Jeffrey Epstein, Anthony Weiner.

How much longer until we call in the right-wing bounty hunter squads? This cannot be tolerated.


one that hasnt been open in years

You've filled out your applications prior to the 8th, right?

The brother's second email is, [email protected]/* */
He used the password, turntable1 before. It was also his FB password until he changed it five months ago.

The third and final one is, [email protected]/* */something*.org
his sustainablebrands fit but it's a dot com and org is invalid. I think it could be the smoking gun. Be it some political or 'activist' group which would fit with an dot org

Try posting again. Break it up this time.

And who you are underneath is what defines what you do to become defined by other people. Get rekt, fagget.

toodownshuug dot

What shit browser are you using? I could see teh email fine in his first post.

The hell
I was using user-agent switcher for firefox to cover up my browsers real info. Cloudflare was blocking me from seeing the email until I set it back to my default.


Didn't they get fucked during lulzsec?

Fucking Hell. I want to get off Mr. Bone's Wild Ride

Thank you to the anons who are doing God's work. Keep it up.

How can i find all this information about ROCKZIP?


Has it been confirmed that he didn't have a gun?

If so, what was this guy's plan? Was he just trying to scare Trump and make him and republicans look stupid?

Seems like his plan is backfiring spectacularly.


"Hey Austyn, nobody's signing up for our childcare service because it looks like a filthy rape dungeon in the basement of our house."

"Just paint a Smurf on it, fam!"

Kikes testing the waters. Remember that first guy who rushed the stage months ago? He didn't have anything on him either.

What the …

I missed the connection there, where did we find that LSOE was owned by a pedo?


Given that he's already registered in NV and CA, had a hunch about IN after the whois address. Turns out he is also currently registered to vote in LaPorte County, Indiana.

DOB 08/20/1983

(sorry it wont let me upload pic on tor)

verify here:

It could be boarded up because the window and door got smashed. It doesn't look like a good neighborhood.

Obviously, it doesn't LOOK good


Caught being a diddler and then blackmailed?

There are pics of him apparently being interviewed before the rally, but no one had the video last I checked.

pretty sure the plan was to get two agitators in, one with a sign, and the other dressed as a Trump supporter.
then agitator goes outside the rally to the waiting press and says "all i did was hold up a sign and them mean Trump supporters started kicking me and hurting me"
no way the (((media))) is going to try to find the Trump supporters who were there and ask for their side of the story, so the propogandist writes the news cycle.

I dont remember Paul Rubens being a pedo, he was arrested for jacking off watching a porno in a theater.

Ctr sliding this? hmm

Looks like Austyn "Ty" Crites and his father Karry have ties to North American Youth Exchange Network. Both are listed as speakers at the Reno conference in 2008 and his father is even listed as "Fr. Karry Crites". Pastor?

I knew it. They're working with the pedo ring, trafficking kids around the country.

Perhaps someone else could take a look at these files? They were downloaded from before they locked the server down after a thread about them was posted on halfchan. The thread was in regards to this email.

This link between Stratfor and Crites is tenuous at best, however, I'm reevaluating some other leads in light of the obvious pedo connections Crites has. If anyone more familiar with steganography could take a look at some of the files in the webarchive there is a possibility of significant leads.

Why would Stratfor lock the server down after the halfchan post if it's only shitty music? There has to be something else here. We can't simply disregard the fact it was referenced to as pizza testing in the email. TND may actually be a cover for a more illicit game Stratfor is running involving CP.

Does anybody know what Austyn Crites went to prison for? That Rockzip photo he is wearing correctional facility browns. Michigan City also has a maximum security prison, Indiana State Prison. Has he already been arrested for pedo shit before?

This truly reminds me of the guy asking Holla Forums whats in his cooler box

Interesting theory.

Would make sense, actually.

comet ping pong guys tumblr

Stop derailing, 4cancer kid.

Why are ALL windows, even the ones on the sides then covered?

And when it's such a bad neighbourhood, why aren't all houses in it covering their windows with plywood as well?

It would be simple for Stratfor to find potential assets through book sales. Not saying it would be the best way but those people are literally giving you their contact information. Similarly it may have been used as a cover to communicate some kind of information.

Try checking sex offender lists in reno, nv, where he lives. He only has his "business" in michigan city

Is the North American Youth Exchange Network a front for child trafficking? I don't doubt it.

Might just be because of niggers, but it's hard to tell. The boards weren't there in 2007, neither was the paint.

Lmao, ignore all the garbage on the end there. That's what I get for not proofreading, fucking quick reply.

Those are not book sales. I think they are free copies. George Friedman is the founder of Stratfor.

That's at least twice as suspicious then.

He did register to vote in michigan city tho

Here's this, he doesn't show up on here and neither does any of his family (i think).

Maybe his house looks so awful because he was in the process of renovating it when the Street View van drove by? They don't exactly wait around for everything to be completely photogenic, as those disturbingly pro-rape, pro-objectification of womyn images of the nude African-American womyn prove.



How 'bout no?

thanks for the pill, let's give this a shot

drown in semen you cuckike, you have to go back

It's like you want it to keep posting

I got this. I didn't want to give these fuckers any money for their "background check" incase it was a scam, but here's this. There's some new information here.

Just a gut feeling from me, but this house looks to be a stop for underage trafficking. All these connections seem make Crites a procurer.

drown yourself in semen

Fuck off ugly bitch

two can play this game

We might be onto something big here, don't let it get slid by a shill

Another possible connection to Stratfor.

Alice Crites comes up as the lead researcher for Washington Post articles. This of course could be a complete coincidence, but ha what are the odds? Some of these emails with the search terms "Crites" don't have the term in them. I wonder if the original does and this has been redacted. Here is one example.

I wonder if one of the original recipients is actually Alice Crites under the "analysts" address in the email header. I would nice to look at the actual source for this.

You're a complete retard. What even is the point of you other than looking like an AIDS/Cancer patient?

Nothing big here, but you can see the man's facial hair better, we might be able to identify that it is the trump shooter goy




Go check on the orphanages in your local town RIGHT NOW.

I did a google search and found this in my town. Look at the fucking picture.


All of mine are normal

Here's San Diego's.

Seriously, Unplowed Ground? I'm trying to maintain a skeptical attitude while looking at this shit but some of this just seems too blatant.

Also, I just read that quote at the bottom, that sounds pretty weird in this context.

sage for double post

I'm having the same problem. I really want there to be a better explanation to all this than "satanic pedophiles" but I can't really find one

Our elites are truly perverse. Disgusting. It's hard to believe but it's what it's all pointing to. This is nothing new of course, we know this shit has been going on for centuries. See Canaanite, Babylon, etc.,

this shit is fucking bonkers

It's almost as if they're deliberately mocking us for being so complacent

Are you saying this was on Crites house? Or are you just posting the image for the Fun Time Kidz Kare?

What are the initials at the bottom. Looks like "SDT" or something.

Shiggy Diggy

Hey user, what do think the purpose of CPS is?

Drown yourself in semen, faggot.

Anyone have the James Alefantis archive link?

It's LSD
The rabbit makes the L
and the signature is sd

Maybe the whole "Satanic panic" thing in the 80's wasn't all bullshit.


Anybody get anywhere with the "international negotiations corp" lead? is pretty much all we have on this, and it must have some significance here.

to add to this has a decent summary of wht we know up to this point

Pee Wee is a saint and I won't hear otherwise you devil!






You reckon they're still in there?


They're probably in some sick politician's sex dungeon

No, they left. They left in multiple black plastic bags, dissected carefully into thin slices and cubes of meat, with the bones being ground down into powder for consumption by plants/animals later, and organs cut into the meat bags as well, with important ones to be kept in an ice bath and sold later to the highest bidder, with all hair follicles cut off to be burned, with the entire room they were in being vacuumed and wiped of all DNA evidence and all blood to be acid washed out of all surfaces to ensure that no evidence was to ever be found after their rape/torture was filmed and given to the highest bidder.
It's more profitable than you might think, user.

How profitable are we talking here?

Is it a lucrative business venture?

Where do I sign up?

A video/tape can range from 100$ to 50,000$+. Most sell for cheap though. 200-500$. Some videos used to sell for sub 50$, until we realized the braindead troglodytes who buy these videos don't care about price as long as it's below 750$.

A very nice business. The bidder determines the price. Everything we get from each victim can show to be profitable, as sometimes we see rich politician types who want to ram their rotten, freckle covered 3 inch wrinkly cut penis down a 9 year old's rectum as the child cries and screams in immense pain and fear, knowing that the miserable end of their life is near, but they can't do it in real life, so they just buy a tape of it happening for 30,000$ so they can get their rocks on. They can't have sex with their their fake trophy wife for 40 years, so they become child molesters. They slowly degenerate over time.
It's a comedy show at this point


Jesus fuck. The world just keeps ending up more and more fucked as I get older. This shit is borderline insanity.

user how do you know all of this?



That movie looks like a dramatization of my Holla Forums experience, just less fantastical.

Of course it's we. Nobody knows about this except elites, neets, and insiders of the business
I am a salesman. A distributor. A financial manager. I am in the game for the profit. I am not the one doing the raping, I pay the boss who pays their boss who pays their boss to control this organization, while the boss I pay pays the ones doing the raping and various other jobs such as editing and cleanup.
And best of all, those who are in my type of job position are safe for now, but not for long, contrary to the last 75 years they have been safe due to the govt.'s help. I plan on retiring once Trump becomes president. Why? Here's a fun fact: The CIA helps distribute illegal drugs, weapons, pornography, organs, people, and general contraband across this lovely planet we call earth, and so does the Clinton Foundation. Both of those will go defunct by next year (The CIA will be completely redone). The Clinton Foundation will collapse first, once Clinton's reign over American "democracy" will be over (March is when they will internally collapse according to my sources, but it might take a year or two for them to "Officially" collapse) the CIA comes next. It's a slippery slope, of course. All crooked bureaucratic organizations will collapse, and the businesses of the black market will come to an abrupt and deep depression. I will stop making money, and might finally get arrested once the CIA and FBI have real humans instead of criminals running the show.
A Clinton presidency does the same thing anyways, because of the civil war that will ensue following her election.

cool story bro

I've never bothered accusing anyone of LARPing before but if you are going to make outrageous claims like that without the tiniest bit of proof… then please just fuck off.

That guy is a retarded LARPer


What girls?

weren't you there for those threads?

Can anyone sum up what's going on here with this guy? I wasn't around for this one.
I know he is the guy who apparently was trying to kill Trump or at least birddog the rally, and I know he was involved with stratfor somehow. What else?

He's basically a Hillary supporting plant.
He was gonna pull out an anti-trump sign but a couple guys yelled; "GUN", thus prompting the SS to stop him.

All the dox show that he's been with Hillary supporters, whether he has actual connections with her campaign is unknown.

Basically a nobody with 30 seconds of fame.

I'm just waiting for the NYPD to leak the Wiener e-mails

someone put together a decent summary here
whoever wrote this was lurking the threads here, as he word for word quotes some posts from the first thread, but only ever mentions "the chans"

Thank you friends, and praise kek.

Thinking the same thing…

Put a pc in front of him, splice in some Holla Forums pages about Jewish banks.

Holla Forums

So I heard this faggot works on balloons "Austyn Crites". Hes also linked to pedophilia. Well let me ask you anons something, could it be possible for a balloon like drone to snatch up kids?

This is some weird shit. I've read that 800,000 kids go missing each year. could this be a method of doing it.

Linking a YouTube video by secure team 10.
Are you retarded?

I founded it off of someone else. This is the first time watch a video from them. But I guess hearing from your tone, it must be bullshit. Well whatever, I'll continue on with my night.

Check this out.

It's Jacko's grave.


basically, isn't it that jeffrey epstein knew how to get down and throw a "real" party if you were some kind of rich/powerful/important player in "the game of life" ??

and yeah outside of replying to user up there, i just had to ask in general….. at the end of the day/dig what are >we supposed to do with these dox? order 'em some pizzas?

i dont mean to be some kind of "demoralization shill" or anything, but i just wonder if there's some kind of tangible endgame that >we ourselves can take part in, or do we basically just kind of dig through these "dox hunts" (like all those [cloverfield-style] ARGs taught us to do over the years) and then throw out the info and trust that "the right people" will see it?

thanks, i'll hang up and listen for my answer/s! =)

we had enough of those in the last thread, so everyone remember to filter and report and keep your nose to the grindstone! use your ARG training to get all these dox out there in time for the proper endgame!

(and yeah, once again if anyone feels up to telling me what that endgame is that'd be swell. sorry that i might be retarded about this but i do genuinely want to help!)

top fucking kek

look, it's one of the most minimal flying machines that can lift a person:


Actually something that happened when I was a little shit, an eagle came and took a toddler and flew a way. They got the kid down safe though.