Trump Gunman's Name Appears 7 Times in WikiLeaks Emamils

Okay, so this is a little strange. I did a search for "Austyn Crites", the alleged gunman who just caused a bunch of shit at Trump's rally in Reno, Nevada.

His name (Austyn Crites) comes up SEVEN TIMES on WikiLeaks as part of the "Global Intelligence Files" released in November 2013. crites

The emails titled "RE: Additional Order" contain an excel spreadsheet of hundreds of names of various people (for an unknown reason) and one of the names is Austyn Crites (line 55) with an address in —— you guessed it —— Reno, NV.

Pic related.

Other urls found in this thread:



interesting find, user. anyone have any info on the other people on this list?

Starting to think this gunman crap is pure distraction from the pedo and benghazi stuff.

inb4 ctr

List schmist your name is on a list goy

Makes no sense. The pedo and Benghazi stuff reflects poorly on Clinton. The Gunman also reflects poorly on Clinton. A better distraction would be a new accusation against Trump or a right-wing terrorist attack

There are different types of lists, dopey

OP here. Also of note, one of the CSV files he appears in is titled "17203_Paid Domestic 02252011.csv"

bump for interest

All I'm saying is it's relatively weak comparatively. We also don't know if we're going to find anything damning from him.

Nigger, shit the fuck up.

to be honest.. trump looks like he staged this

I've been a lifelong trump supporter ever since he went down those escalators, but he's looking desperate and doing whatever he can to gain attention. Very narcissistic. He lost me.

Nice copypasta shill. To the ovens with you.

user your comment would have been much better suited for:

Let me correct the rectum.






who's sliding what now?

WikiLeaks description on the "Global Intelligence Files" release of which this is a part states:

"On Monday February 27th, 2012, WikiLeaks began publishing The Global Intelligence Files, over five million e-mails from the Texas headquartered "global intelligence" company Stratfor. The e-mails date between July 2004 and late December 2011. They reveal the inner workings of a company that fronts as an intelligence publisher, but provides confidential intelligence services to large corporations, such as Bhopal's Dow Chemical Co., Lockheed Martin, Northrop Grumman, Raytheon and government agencies, including the US Department of Homeland Security, the US Marines and the US Defence Intelligence Agency. The emails show Stratfor's web of informers, pay-off structure, payment laundering techniques and psychological methods."

Kept getting errors when posting. Did not mean to post twice.

Why did you put a space before your words friend?

That's an interesting (((coincidence)))

Fuck off and die you piece of shit. Faggots like you ruined this board.


But calling it out ruins the board.
wew sonny

Thanks for Collapsing the Rectum

Faggots like you supporting multiple threads for the same topic are the problem. We need to stay focused (re: Autistic) now more than ever. Go back to the main thread.


Reported for being a faggot

Yeah,I fucked that up.

Mate I already said I didn't mean to post it twice. Fucking posting errors.

have you tried "Austin Crites" too?

What does it mean???

So these are all the names of sleeper agents, placed in various cities in North America in order to disrupt and provide info on certain groups and movements anywhere. Should look into all these names and see if they were participating in any political protest


You're the one who looks desperate.

Yes, 0 results when searching that as an exact search. 79 results come up when searching "austin crites" in non-exact match, 7 of which are the emails with Austyn Crites.


I know and I understand but that guy was a faggot.

When I search that name on wikileaks, he comes up as a recipient of a book called "the Next Decade".

Has anyone here read this?

and Austyn alone, without his last name?

Ah my bad, misunderstood your post. Carry on.


Same 7 emails + 1 that mentions someone named Marcin Austyn.

Do we know the name of his parents? Mr or Mrs Crites perhaps? if you search "Crites" what do you get?


I feel you are trying to correct me.

So what happens if we find out this man was hired directly by Hillary Clinton to Assassinate Trump? Cival war?


Exact same post at the other thread.

You are not very good at your job, CTR

no, line break kills it.

also this is taking away our manpower from spreading the spiritcooking and pedofiles stuff. Anyone with twitter accounts check out the new OC in the respective threads:


158 results. Give me a sec to focus my autism on searching through them.

Is the Clinton camp really this daft? This is so stupid that I almost can't believe it.

This is some really sloppy work.

tfw they're just copy pasting out of a shared file at CTR

There was a certain amount of planning that went into this, since he made an account yesterday. But it doesn't seem like much went into it, since he made an account yesterday. Facebook profiles are low hanging fruit though, so maybe that's what it's supposed to look like.

What confirmation do we have that this is his name, rather than an alias he grabbed out of the wikileaks files because it listed his address in Reno? Did the police release his name or was it the media?

They don't give a fuck anymore.

>>>Holla Forums1024294

I'm going to bump both of them. How does it feel kike?

Good point. Let's take a peak with a quick web search…

From ABC news

So they interviewed this guy and he told them his name. No interview comments from police.

Also this copy/paste article is being spread around online:
Austyn Crites: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know
Also no police comments.

I found a few things so far. Nothing stands out to me yet but maybe it will stand out to someone else. All listed below.

Clinton / Cheryl Mills email talking about swearing in a "Sarah Crites"

Travis Crites in Austin, TX from same Stratfor leaks, but different document titled "texasmembers"
Same Travis Crites in a document listing transaction IDs and amounts. He purchased a "renewal" for $370+
He is also mentioned in other "gift lists" like but not sure he is relevant at all to this.

Does anyone know the names of Austyn Crites' parents? I saw a dox thread on him but can't find it. Having their names (or the names of his other relatives) will help me narrow my search.

Looks like is the full Austyn Crites thread. There's way more discussion over there, including the wikileaks finds so I'm going to take my efforts over there and see what's been found.
George Friedman is a one-man argument against Ashkenazi intelligence.

I was looking around that file. Did you notice the problem addresses? Look at pic related
what was moots name again?

>[email protected]/* */
This is a list of orders for George Friedman's book. Crites isn't some kind of agent, he's a leftist who thought reading Friedman's work on geopolitics would be a good way to educate himself.

America was founded by Anglos.

So the elites have resorted to attempting to kill him.

Nevermind. Found a picture of him at UNR. If it's an alias, it's in long use. Class of '05, allegedly, though the publication itself is from 2014.

Seems to be who he says he is. Apologies for not investigating it more thoroughly myself before posting.


Also, where is Sunnyvale/Sun Valley and why do they have so many there?


Sunnyvale and Sun Valley are unrelated towns in California and Idaho, respectively, which house tech spergs and very rich people, respectively, both groups who want to think they're super smart. So both towns have lots of residents who would order books about geopolitics.

Christopher Poole

It's in the Bay Area; the heart of commiefornia,

I would know because I live there

So sorry




the distributed network of independent researchers, and the people the spread the word, is making all the difference, and the (((fuckers))) don't know how to counter it.

Good work

i've seen the same post in a couple other threads on here

How do you search thorough a .csv file?

Im trying to find his name so i can add it to something I'm going to spam twitter with




How deep is this going to go?

It's a fucking book order list. Crites's name shows up in the Stratfor emails because he bought a shitty book by the guy who founded Stratfor.

So what about this?

This list is showing people as retired. Why would that info be needed for a book?

I also found a nameless entry. interesting.

coupon code, possibly

The email is right there why not ask? :^)


What book?

check this out anons


crites that's a horrible name…

how many total names are there?

Thanks for this I'm #withhim now! :^)

user i just searched the file
Is not in it.

I think this whole thing is bullshit
but you have to spell it like a nigger
Austyn Crites

I see that now. My want to believe has me rush into things but i don't start spreading until its confirmed

to sum everything up:

why is this even allowed senpaitachi

image source


ITT retards getting trolled by CTR

How do we know that it is the same guy and not another guy with the same name?

Kek shall confirm

Maybe some fine anons in Reno should take some initiative and form the first RWDS in the US mainland.

technically it isnt.. technically it is inciting a riot or yelling fire in a crowded room etc.

The better question though isnt "why is this allowed".. It is why do they keep doing this when they have been getting exposed every single time. And with memetic convergence being as strong as it is lately we should have proof of exactly what happens by tomorrow morning the latest.

they've gotten even sloppier since Creamer and the other faggots were exposed. Team Shillary must be dredging the bottom of the swamp for these retards.


Reminder that these people are all socialized in the 80's and early 90's, and about as expert as an average Facebook mom.

poor kids

These aren't Clinton's emails, they're the Stratfor ones released in 2013. Kinda understandable that they didn't check.

They're fucking degenerates. Sloppy is their way of life.

ok, this just got fucking weirder yet again.


How many friends were caught up in this bullshit as children?

That can't be a coincidence.

we're gonna give em the silverchair lads

You are just like a home schooled christian kid that believed in his parents

You need to re-listen to the lyrics.
And watch Nirvana's last few music videos.

They fucking knew.
Also 2 bands started that shit - Janes Addiction and the Beastie Boyz.
Both led by jews who were probably well in this ring.
They knew what they were doing too.

No I had similar circumstances if I am correct.. but fortunately wasn't in the ring.
I know how they think user.

It's not helping Hillary because Trump didn't freak out, and the SS did their jobs like the professionals they are. But since Hillary's paid twitter mob were all regurgitating the same talking points yesterday about "hah, Trump had to go change his diaper", it may actually have been a planned attempt to create a "Trump is a coward" narrative.

But if it was, it backfired horribly, because God hates Hillary.

Christopher Poole
Holy fuck

Not sure what this file is listing, but I do know whenever I contributed to Trump, they ask for Occupation (said they have to ask occupation for donations). So basically, name, occupation and email were all asked for as in the file.
Maybe it's a donors list? Idk. A good majority of the list didn't put occupation, but the column appears to be for that purpose.

The list is completely unrelated to Democrat operations. It's from an email with the subject "RE: Additional order" sent from Stratfor to a customer service account at Barnes and Noble. It's a list of people who've ordered George Friedman's (the founder of Stratfor) book. This thread is a waste of time.

…I admit I am ALMOST torn.

My rage for them makes me laugh, and yet this poor shit is 14 hours in and forced to shitpost.

…Well fuck it. They made their beds.. in the office. Those anons should have let them sleep in them.

If I bump this, will you die?


I agree with this user, as important as this is, and as brazen and outright evil. The spirit cooking is the most sensitive subject, if all us goy knew they fucked children and probably make sacrifices on a daily basis to moloch and the wikileaks emails can prove such abhorred behavior then we need to focus on it, they will always make up some new bullshit problem to incite a different reaction from us. But no HUMAN in their right mind could condone such acts of pure evil. Any cuck can attempt to assasinate, but it takes a deep engrained psychosis to take part in child molestation.

That's the beauty of that pic. The CTR shill samefagged and namefagged the "I'm with Herp" just so she could show her boss for good-goy points. Rather pathetic.

Ahh, ok. Thought the list came from a Podesta batch. Too many Happenings as of late.

Kill yourself kike.

Seriously? It's very simple. Even in your obscure meme program, that binocular icon that very likely has a CTRL+F shortcut is a search.

Updates coming?