Prove that using intel AES acceleration doesn't steal your key and store in special CPU memory, which is then read by CIA and israel.
Prove that using intel AES acceleration doesn't steal your key and store in special CPU memory...
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I use Chacha20. Checkmate :^)
Prove that CIA and israel didn't use thier mind control satellites to force you to make that post to try to scare people away from ecnryption
cool, bro, but I am speaking about AES hardware acceleration, which is commonly used, even by Holla Forums
This post is not to scare people from encryption, but to scare them from using Hardware accelerated AES. or from AES at all
and there are no mind control satellites
That's a fine thesis to start with, but you then need to buttress it with facts and arguments instead of asking people to prove a negative. Otherwise, I can tell you to prove that mind control satellites don't exist.
I use blowfish tho
I cannot. Intel says, "Just trust us goy!" and I'm left without any other option.
Look here.
Basically, software that uses AES-NI talks with INTEL cpu like this:
software: "Hi Intel CPU, I want you to encrypt data 389535893853893589289 with encryption key MYPASSWORDSUPERHOLOCAUST"
intel cpu: "Yes my friend, it is fully secure (tm), here is your encrypted data: 896489439247972478424"
so basically fucking intel cpu can save your key in special memory, then send your key to israel by network (using INTEL ME botnet), or just wait until police takes your PC so they can read the key using special instruction.
How can people be so dumb to trust Intel jews when it goes to encryption?
the US government is requiring all encryption software to have backdoors
Do you really think, they wouldn't require intel hardware to have backdoor in hardware encryption instructions?
AES-NI sounds like wet dream of feds and jews, whatever encryption software you use, if it uses AES-NI, they will get your key (password)
Intel or any hardware/software related thing is a technical matter.
If you want to prove it then you need the blueprints and the software of the said hardware with possible reproducibility.
It's provable but only on the condition that Intel and other releases their hardware.
For mind control satellites (should be renamed influential behavior satellites) except if you can go and verify them yourself in space it can't be proven.
So idk.
But there's shit tons of patents on subliminal bs see for example:
Even if they release their official blueprints, you still cannot prove that your device has not been tampered with. The only saving grace is that if the glow in the dark agencies wouldn't use this against you in court, because it'd blow the lid on their operation. At best, they would have to resort to 'parallel construction'.
go back to /killcen/
It's like you all want to be cucked by CIA glowing in the dark niggers, right anons?
Start using based Russian cryptography now.
Two things:
1) Software should give you the option not to use AES acceleration. If it doesn't, boycott it.
2) Is Intel ME the Clipper Chip v2.0? If it is, boycott it. Unless you get it for free, it means you're buying it, which means you have the choice, to not fucking buy it.
Are you retarded? Just blacklist the module in kernel
Why would it support AES acceleration at all? What's the point of encryption when your keys are being sent to CIA niggers and israel niggers?
Also, people are too dumb to use options, they use default ones.
Why do you believe that encryption keys are sent anywhere? Does anybody have documented proof that this happens? Or is this all academic theory, "I don't know how it works but I know it's happening because my gut feels it".
They try to log everything and encryption keys are very small, so why not. It wouldn't be anything very shocking. And it probably wouldn't get sent to Israel or other place that sticks out, but rather a very commonly accessed host/net, like Cloudflare or Google for example. Wouldn't be hard at all for the Intel ME to slip in key data into whatever other data you're transfering to their honeypots already.
aes acceleration is the nigger encryption layer. might as well use it for that because it's free, save the cpu cycles for something else on top of it.
It’s not just Intel that can’t be trusted, it’s every CPU new enough to have this technology. Thankfully unless you’re into gaymes and 4K rips a 10 year old computer is likely to be enough.
If you're installing proprietary games and Microsoft Windows, you might as well use Intel ME. If you want freedom, then you must not install Windows and you must install your proprietary games.
It depends entirely on what kind of games you're into. Playing NES or C64, etc. games isn't a big security problem. At best someone could try to modify the roms, but we have checksums of every game, and there are many different emulators so an exploit that works on one will probably fail elsewhere. And those games aren't even very popular to begin with. A lot of work for very little payoff.
Like what? Don't they only make CPUs for their own military?
Since I'm not russian that's preferable. KGBnegroes share no info with my country, CIAniggers do.
How much could be stored in the key memory?
What if millions and millions of keys are feed to the accelerated AES?
How to they store them? Will they overwrite keys as memory overflow?
Will they priorities to store keys that are used multiple times?
Feed millions and millions of keys multiple times.
What if a program feeds the accelerator with this fuckton of keys nonstop, all the time the computer is powered on. Will that fuck them over?
If keys are sent out, it should be possible to sniff that.
wow that was hard OP
AES at all is unsafe as it's a known quantity. Implementations likely all compile down to a very similar set of instructions with modern compilers which is a pattern that hardware could be listening for and leaking data from.
you retard. use pen and paper.
Sadly, on the top level the glow in the dark niggers of the US and Russia are the same and the cold war was a ruse. Read Sutton's books about how the same people payrolled both the federalization of the US and the federalization of Russia. And seeing how the Russian revolution payrolled the Chinese revolution, even their glow in the dark niggers are probably the same in the upper echelons.
The problem isn't the threat of large inter-nationstate war anymore, the problem is that we're pretty much at global imperium level already. It just haven't been announced to the plebs.
When it comes to encryption, be very skeptical of whatever is being parroted by university drones as "safe." Just assume that whatever is memed to peasants as the go-to thing is compromised at some level.
You forgot dice. Human brain is a damn bad random number generator.
it is not. your key must go through your processor whether you like it or not, or it could be retrieved from memory. it's just a matter of identifying when something is a key
Of course, all I have to do is look into the memory and search for "sekrit key". That's the first part of hacking that everybody knows.
Putin is a jew puppet, the united states is an israeli puppet state.
They do share information, all the time.
And wikileaks already showed to us that there's a worldwide international digital spying organization spying every country in all continents situated in the major power of every one of the continents with the united states in charge. In the americas the one in charge of spying is united states in big part of asia and europe it's russia.
Well AMD FX-8370e which clocks to 5Ghz does not have ME equivalant (so no PSP), get a non uefi Gigabite board ga-990 *** range low revision and you are good to go. This has AES-NI but no way to give it to someone ey m8.
It's easy. There are several leaked documents showing that both the CIA and the NSA rely on software and OS-level exploits to recover their shit. There are several persons in jail because they refused to give decryption keys to their drives.
If the Intel Management Engine was a "le botnet le backdoor XDDDD" they wouldn't have to rely on exploits and would, instead, use said backdoor.
Hang yourself tbqh famalam.
They don't need your encryption if they want you in jail. They can make up a case and put you in jail because they want you there.
If you really have some secret valuable information, then they'll use their backdoors, but won't disclose it, and still put you in jail, or make you suicide by 3 gunshots.