Be Holla Forums


How is this different from Holla Forums again?

see, this is the problem with allowing idpol discussion on the board.

Read Marx.

Kekking at that world filter!


yeah, sure. Pretty sure there are no moderators left.

Why do our mods allow so much shit posting?

Yup, this just seems like smarter Holla Forums. You've just won a new user.

I see literally nothing that indicates this board is left wing

It's called being politically incorrect. Also, lefty isn't nearly as spooked as you guys are. We also used to be one and the same, way back when.

Also: liberal =/= lefty.

We should purge all idpol if we have any chance of ever being somewhat relevant tbh.

all of that is either ironic, second degree or Holla Forumslution, notably the latter which you can confirm if you actually look at the replies to notably racist or ''socially''conservative posts. we also have rather lax moderation, which means only posts that are really just shit or have no even slightly amusing value whatsoever. that is if our fucking hotpocket crew is even there because most of our moderation vanished or is imcompetent/inactive.

enjoy your stay.


I take that back actually, there seems to discussions about the Soviets

Yeah basically this

We want to destroy hierarchy

You want to create it

I could care less about hierarchy. I just blacks and muzzies out or dead

can't really blame you for forgetting/not knowing what leftism is when the furthest existent and relevant thing "left" we have nowadays is social neoliberalism tbh. i'll have to tell you to read a book tho.

The bait isn't so torture chambery.

I'll need the source of this webm

What you pollacks need to learn is kicking out the browns and the blacks won't save western civilization.

This is how we are different.

Also, you have fallen for Ze Joose fairy tale, when everything is done by the Irish.

Here, this seemed like an opportune time to make this.

Eyyy! I made that screen cap,

now I know your trolling :^)

we allow people to post what they want regardless of political views (as long as it isn't spam)

the opposite of Holla Forums




This is the one Holla Forums subcommunity that isn't racist in general.

wheres communism in that graph you twats

This tbh.

It's right there under anarchism.

Trust a tanky not to find Communism.

And here I have been polite to them all this time, calling them Holla Forumslacks, even when I hated them. From now on I will call them Holla Forumsluters. If they really were opposed to political correctness, they wouldn't embrace Hitler.

Holy fucking shit are these people are braindead.

What? You watch goyim goddess? I found that on Holla Forums

This is incredibly pathetic.

As far as I can tell it's different because nobody is getting banned for questioning conspiracy theories and every thread doesn't devolve into LE JOOS AND NIGGERS

mostly just pol shills, unless you think calling people niggers is a racist meme
Read the basics of communism you fucking american retard


I'd corrupt her genetic linage if ya kno what I mean.