Riddle Me This

Hey /pol I have a puzzle for you that literately millions of people can't solve. I've heard that you have the best and brightest minds. Reddit told me. They also can't figure this puzzle out. The thing is, there are only three pieces in the whole puzzle, but no one can put them together properly? I've drawn it out for you /pol, maybe it helps if it's written down. I don't know. I can't solve this riddle, like everyone else I've shown it to. People don't seem to be able to hear it, but maybe they can see it.

Other urls found in this thread:



Is this something? Is this being slid?

Link the Wikileaks emails.

Dubs and dubs. Kek is watching, these connections tie in with the pedo revelations here: 8ch.net/pol/res/8085651.html

What the fuck. Purge the degenerate scum.

Holy fuck.
I dont know if pedos use the hankerchief codes but for faggots white means wanking (not sure but thats what jewgle suggests)

Fuck fuck fuck. Kitchen island
Kitchen is where you eat pizza island is pedo island


kitchen island = counter top on kitchen

or code

Is this child porn, or a child prostitution ring? I may have been on imageboard too long, though, and am just seeing things.

A kitchen island is a piece of furniture, it's like a countertop that's unconnected to the rest of the counter. Found commonly in expensive houses. Do a search if you think I'm bullshitting.

Yes i know what it means in normal language.
I'm just thinking maybe the whole message is in code not just the words higlighted.
Realtor is also suspect, dont know if it used as code for something in pedo circles faggot circles or any other circles but what does a realtor do? Procure and sell property.

The color coding thing is old. Fags use the internet to hook up, not color coded hankies. It's like saying everyone with white laces on their boots is a neonazi just because it was the style in the 70s. This thread is Alex Jewns tier.

Ok chaim
These people were probably the faggots using hankerchief codes in their youth. (It was in the 70s)

How many times have we been over this?
there is no definitive proof, but lots of anons seem to think that the handkerchief is either a condom or just a regular handkerchief, map implies dna/sperm, and pizza refers to imageboard culture where cheese pizza = child pornography. Some anons think that the obsession with food in the Podesta emails are in fact code for widespread child-trafficking activities. The child trafficking rings in Dutroux, and Franklin and the UK (part of the pedowood investigation) which implicated government officials being involved in child sex trafficking, yet nobody was never charged, have lent fuel to the fire.

The connections with Bill Clinton and convicted billionaire pedophile Jeffrey Epstein have led some to speculate that the Clintons were involved in diddling kids, along with dozens of top government, business and military officials. Epstein's black book, stolen by his butler, detailed the Bill Clinton flew on the "Lolita Express" 26 times, though Bill claimed that he never flew with minors (though photos which have just surfaced of a Rachel Chalmers and Bill Clinton are re-opening cuckchan's interest).

The connections of the Clinton Foundation to Haiti, the expansion of the United States embassy before and after the 2010 earthquake, the Clinton mismanagement of the rebuilding of Haiti, and the Hillary Clinton getting Laura Silsby off of child trafficking charges have fuelled rumours that the Clinton Foundation has some part in procuring kids from parts of the world with little protection for their citizens.

The pizza-child trafficking connection is further fuelled by the fact that the Clinton campaign hosts a lot of events at Comet Ping Pong, a pizza and ping pong restaurant with links to Correct the Record through James Alefantis, David Brock (the head of CTR)'s gay boyfriend. Videos shot in the basement of Comet Ping Pong for the birthday of somebody named "Sasha Lord" were especially bizarre, with the master of ceremonies asking if attendees had had a pizza by the name of "the hottie".

And all of these child sex trafficking ring allegations are again reinforced by emails coming out of the Podesta leaks which have senior Clinton campaign members going to "Spirit Cooking" events hosted by Marina Abramovic, supposed performance art pieces that draw on Crowley-esque occultist imagery from the early 20th century. Interestingly, Abramovic hosted a reddit AMA, where she specifically mentioned that the location determines whether or not occultist practices are art or actually spiritualist events, saying that if a performance piece is done in public, or in a gallery, it is art, but when a spirit cooking is done in private, it is magick.

All this tied together, and you have a whole lot of circumstantial evidence for an occultist child sex-trafficking ring implicating powerful members of government, but no hard evidence.

Fucking really?

We already solved this.

Handkerchief - Literal, a kind of note or request.
MAP = Minor Attracted Person
Pizza - CP or Child Play.

You also miss the context.
"I have" a handkerchief. As in they have received a request. It could be for CP or Child Play. They want Vanilla and S&M play [or pictures containing]

The mother of the faggot hanky codes explained.
This is where the rainbow fag flag originated from


Oh, you fucking liar.

Most of my life was spent with out the internet these are old ass MF's that predate the tubes.


Maybe if you make a better thread with some effort in it and come back we might try to decipher this shit.

But he basically leaves these things with people, and two women send him email about it.

Someone on cuckchan came up with Michael Aquino being the creepy old man with the 2 girls in between. Looks like him. Ex intel and related to the Lincoln child ring by rumor. Started a satanic church. He fits in wht we have seen so far. I wonder if there's a link to the artist from him. Still circumstantial but makes the clinton epstein link that much more solid.

I solve this a long time ago.

White / black is he wants a black bottom. The opposite means he wants a black top.

Start by posting the three links to the Wikileaks website. Do that or go back to 4chan.


Are you new and autistic? Can't be CTR because they got laid off.

Nigger you're using wikipedia as a source while calling me a Jew. Get fucked.

Oh yeah, I forgot about that email. Look, I sincerely think that the Clintons are involved in trafficking kids, but I'm just saying is that we have no hard proof. You can't exactly go before the Attorney General and say that pizza = loli porn, go arrest them. We need harder evidence.

Doesnt make it any less true, does it, chaim?

That's what these people are trying to do. To be honest, you wouldn't be able to press a case against the Clinton even if you had a video of him sodomizing kids unless you spread it around and forced their hand.

If the colors are a code they could be code for anything. So far all this angle has been good only for keeping idiots busy. I saw someone in another thread post that beanie babies were proof of something. Fucking retarded.

Yeah, it probably does, have fun filling Alex Jewns pockets with sheckles because that's all this is doing.

Here let me google this for you.

Black and white checked is "safe on top" or "safe on bottom".


waste of effort, shilling thread designed to distract us from revolution planning as well as the final memesurge to ensure God emperor his throne


Remember when there was that Holla Forums voice chat and the FBI fag come into it, wanting to trade child "pizza".

That aside, how I wish the earth turned into a ball of fire, if just to purge these fucks.
The world could be so beautiful if it weren't for all these parasites.

Slowest user in the history of the chans. I hope you had a concussion at some point or else you might be a negroid.

Handkerchief, or color can´t match with logic of code. You should reserve it sideways.

The code starts at the sender:

"After" work hours rushed email, probably common way of contacting each other but at the open (cc´ed). Sandlers Foundation is a just like any other "nonprofit philantropic" foundations created after fortunes were made in finance, proxy for self emplyment, esp Susan Sandler (nomname: susaner, which use means close 'friendly' relation with Podesta, also inside jokes and stories). Not implicit foul play.

Seems rushed (parenthesis, "yorus", maybe from phone), with the "motive" of giving back something left on a previous meeting, where they talked about pizzas (or talked before, because she recalls the map doing refs to pizza.

At the second piece, Kate reminds both Susan Sandler (Sandler Foundation) and Herbert Sandler(Sandler Foundation + Golden West Financial Corporation and World Savings Bank) that the meeting was at the Field House, which has a kitchen, where the "piece of cloth" was found, asking for an address to mail it (to Susan or Herb).

Means that Kate could had been at that meeting, where Susan, her father and Podesta was talking about pizza. Also means that Susan "is not sure" if the handkerchief is from John.

Kate also ask both parent and daughter about:

Pillows, and address.

I´ve read this somewhere else

Also previous msg:

Which means that they all were at that meeting, eating pizza and showing where they can find more.

Not sure if pedo talk there.