
Watch it now.

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20 seconds in and the canadian meta-autism strikes! But no matter what, Jason still ownes any anarkiddie.

Most anarchists are poorly educated, sadly.

If you want a good insight to Unruhe's outright lack of intellect, I suggest watching this. Notice how during the entire thing (I'm currently at the 20 minute mark) he constantly tries to catch the anarchist off-guard right as the anarchist is in the middle of explaining his position, to which the anarchist has to start all over and debate an entirely new point.

most seriouse anarchists dont bother with larpers and e-activism. ;^)

Yeah, nah. I have better things to do with my time lol.

Because they're too preoccupied with being actual LARPers and e-"activists". {*|:^)

Wow, there sure is a lot of solidarity in this thread. Capitalism doesn't stand a chance.

Jason doesn't know the arguments he's making against anarchokid could easily be applied to his Maoism.

dont you smoke weed lmao?

27:50ish - this sounds wayyyy more like Third World nationalism than Marxism. The national bourgeoisie cuts First World companies off from their cheap labor. And what about Third World capitalists?

Third Worldism = class collaborationism


I was talking about the people basically agreeing with the man, but whatever.

Less than a minute in and the autism starts.
Jason Unruhe is an obnoxious douchebag and his opponent is a literal assburger.
Fuck you.

If you want cancer you could just save some time and smoke a few packs m8

This guy is a troll to support Holla Forums's memeing of The Left, like Ahuviya…right?

What? Like masturbate?
post more

Unroo or the other guy?
because i would believe both

I wish.

Jason getting real Unruly on the poor little anarkiddie, I think this might actually be the end of anarchism as a relevant ideology.

here we go

The Roo Man strikes again.


because they dont exist

I've never seen a tankie in my whole life. And I was in anarchist, leninist, marxian organizations.

I even meet a Integralist. But not a single Tankie.

Really makes you think tbh.

really makes you think




Actuall existing socialism!

Juche is literally Marxian theorization 2.0

Tankies are revisionists.

if youre such a serious anarchist, shouldnt you be conducting "propaganda of the deed" or whatever the fuck that shit is? why not join your precious rojava (which allied with israel)?

the rest arent even arguments
lol ok faggot


I'm not an anarchist.

I just despise tankies tbh. Keep up the good work in North Korea. Maybe they can survive the next year, if China doesn't decide to nuke them to hell!


literally arguing like a Holla Forumsfag kek

Where is your evidence that there are no serious anarchists, first?

And I really doubt I need to even say that Nationalization of any kind of means of production is equal to socialization of the means of production. But you really believe that the workers own the means of production in those countries, so who cares tbh



please tell me where exactly in the world right now does an anarchist society exist? are there even any anarchist communes?
most "direct action" done by anarchists are like webm related, filled with liberals who like anarchist aesthetics, and lack any purpose or results.
noam chomsky, who's supposed to be the an-synds' biggest intellectual turned out to be a fucking neoliberal

this isnt an argument. how is democratically controlling the means of production through the state not socialist?
you literally cant do shit but spout generic anti-tankie arguments made by liberals.

The bastard child of Post-Stalin Ideals called Marxist Leninism should be purged of its existance. Only Hoxha was right.

Replace the context of your post with anything else, muslims is a good one, and it's straight out of Holla Forums. Take a good hard look at yourself.

I don't really care about anarchism. You're just trash.

The Chinese workers of Nike own the means of production, because LOL STATE!

Chinese worker are paid some of the lowest wages, but they democratically control the means of production through the state.

Liberals are for the socialization of the means of production, now?

Are you american? If yes, then it makes sense.

how the fuck is that an anecdotal evidence? marxist-leninists organize and managed to industrialize feudal countries in less than a century, and managed to defend themselves against imperialists, what has anarchists ever done for the world?
why does this sound a tiny bit similar to the horseshoe theory?
oh right, youre a fucking liberal

right, what have any anarchist ever in the world done anything worthwhile other than chant some bullshit for a few weeks and them get their movement stolen by idpol liberals?
as mentioned above, marxist-leninists managed to organize and contribute to the working class, did anarchists ever do anything but conduct shitty useless assassinations that totally didnt inspire the population?

heres where you fucked up. china has to do what they have to do to survive and resist western imperialism. thinking they can just abolish the state immediately is moronic.

the real world requires real solutions, your perfect socialist society cant exist yet, thinking so is retarded

Makhno's gangs were pretty effective.

But then he was funded by kulaks, while hardcore Anarchists eventually left him saying "It's better to be in Bolshevik prison, then here".

it's time to stop posting, for all of our sakes


So are they capitalistic or not? Do the Chinese workers own the means of production or not? This is not an utopian question, socialism is not utopianism you're presenting literally a liberal counter argument.

If no, then it's not socialism.

Communism is not socialism. You're literally saying that SOCIALISM = COMMUNISM. My god

And North Korea and China are showing us "real solutions" to real problems? Do you really believe this?


also I am endlessly amused at how quickly tankies are to take up Holla Forums memes

birds of a feather

china conducted capitalist reforms in order to survive, otherwise they would have collapsed, they needed to in order to develop, thinking you can just abolish the state and build socialism overnight without having to deal with foreign imperialism is retarded. the chinese government and laws are biased against private owned enterprises and for state owned ones.

frankly the word lost its meaning now, thanks to snowflakes constantly claiming their version of socialism is the best and dismiss any efforts made by past socialist movements.

theyre resisting western imperialism, theyre doing what they have to do.

non-ML Holla Forums users use this meme all the fucking time, stop trying to act like you "exposed" someone.

So they are not Socialist, nor are they communist.

Who said about abolishing anything overnight? Project more, tankie. "The Chinese Goverment is building Communism, brick by brick! If you don't believe it you're just a liberal" Kek.

I guess everyone, from Marx to Engels, from Lenin to anyone else, are just "snowflakes" trying to "subvert" your glorious understanding. Go read a book, or dont: reading is for revisionists. :^)

China is resisting western imperialism by welcoming literally every single transnational to its backyard? Literally communism

b-but i love the poorly educated

Maoist Third Worldist…..it's like putting out a dumpsterfire with a flamethrower

Mahkno was great

Fast for anarcho communism became infected by identity politics and now it's just pretty much the oppression Olympics

I'm sorry, but what is your definition of Socialism?

100% moneyless, classless society filled with strictly independent co-ops?

Look, Stalin poster, you're trying to continue the same argument we had in the thread about market socialism and numerous others about how "socialism is literally state ownership of the means of production".

Just for you to ignore everything and leave. Not following for the bait.

Makhno = based

I actually like the fact that the dude had secret police.

You mean like you do with anarchists?

Autism much? It's anonymous board and you don't have a trip, id, or even icon to discern you.

Btw, there is more than one Stalin-poster.

Anyone think the roo man would look good if he lost weight?

He's 300lbs, so yes.

Why doesn't Jason EVER make videos on actual struggles in the Third World, like the ones in India, Afghanistan, the Philippines, Latin America, Africa, and so on?

Like this:

Nearly half the videos he's made in the last six months are attacking SJWs under a vague guise that their liberalism is caused by a "First World attitude" (notice how he never talks about how neoliberalism and the commodification of identities is at the root of this), and not surprisingly, his channel is attracting alt-righters.


He always looks like a fat gerbil.

Huh, I've debated this guy before (without recording) and I thought I had managed to convert him from anarchism. At the very least he said I gave him a lot to think about at the end of the convo.

every time

You ableist sinner, what's your problem with autistic people? It's not their fault they lack empathy. People without empathy have feelings too. Check your muh privilege